Kidnapped by Chance Sutton...

By Mattybsturniolo03

82K 1.1K 555

I'm kidnapped and then I'm thinking that I'm actually , like literally falling in love with one of my kidnapp... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 35

818 10 6
By Mattybsturniolo03

Rebecca's pov 

I open my eyes. I'm strapped down to a metal table. Shit!!! I look to my left and there is Chance who is also strapped down on a metal table. "Chance?" I say. I don't know if he is awake or not because his face is facing the other direction. 

I see him stir a little and he jolts. "What the hell?" he says. He is now awake. 

I can't believe this is actually happening. I start to struggle against the restraints. "Jake, you fucking psycho let us the fuck go now or you will regret even being born!!" I yell. Then the door opens to the room and Jake comes in. He is pissed. "Shut the hell up, you stupid pathetic slut." he then slaps me across the face. I scream on the top of my lungs. "Nobody can hear you,moron." Jake says. "Where the hell are we? Where is the rest of team 10?" I ask through gritted teeth. "Well, we are in a warehouse and the rest of team 10 are sleeping. I told you that already." Jake says and then walks over to Chance. "Dude, you have to let us go." Chance says. 

Jake punches Chance straight in the nose. "I told you already that I'm not letting you guys go." 

Jake leaves the room and then comes back with a tray of knifes and a single gun. He puts the tray in the middle of us. Jake removes the smallest knife on the tray and raises it into the air. He steps over to Chance and places it on his stomach. "You know dude. I hate with you sooooo much. Do you wanna know why?" Jake says. When Chance doesn't respond Jake just continues on talking. "Well, I hate you so much because you stole Rebecca from me." 

"I stole her?" Chance says confused. "Yeah, you stole her from me. You know I liked her and you stole her right from underneath me. I had no chance with her because you Chance took her and made her fall in love with you from the start and that is why I hate you. You could of had Tessa, but no you're selfish and don't care about anyone else but yourself and that is why I'm going to teach you a lesson." Jake explains. 

"Why would I ever love a psychopath." I tell him. He spins around and looks right at me and comes closer. He hangs the knife right above my face. "How could you not love me? I'm hot, rich and funny. Everyone loves me." Jake laughs. I spit right in his face. Jake laughs again while wiping the spit off this face. He removes the knife from above my face and he stabs me right in the leg. I scream on the top of my lungs. "Rebecca!!!" Chance yells. 

"I mean I would kill you both, but I'm not that cruel. I don't wanna go to prison for first degree murder and spend the rest of my life in prison like um no thanks." Jake says and he walks back over to Chance. I just noticed that Chance is shirtless and is wearing basketball shorts with no shoes or socks. I look down at my self and I'm only wearing a tank top with some booty shorts. No shoes or socks either. 

"Now, what should I do with you? I mean I'm going to make you suffer and everything, but how should I do it." 

"You should just let us go." Chance says. He isn't giving up. 

"Oh my gosh just shut the hell up. You're so annoying." Jake says and then cuts Chance right across the stomach. Chance screams in pain and then Jake stabs Chance in the leg as well. "Awww now you guys have matching wounds. Wait ugh that ruins the whole revenge thing.I don't want you guys being cute together."  Then Jake stabs Chance in the other leg and then his shoulder. 

Jake punches Chance in the face a couple of times. Jake then goes back over to the tray. He places down the knife and he goes back over to Chance and he unstraps him and helps him sit up. Chance can't do anything because he is too weak. He then comes over to me and unstraps me and helps me sit up. Jake then picks up the gun  "I want you to shoot Rebecca. Anywhere you would like doesn't matter to me. You can even shoot her between the eyes so I'm the not one being charged for murder. Now, if you don't shoot her I will you shoot you in the head" Jake says and he removes a gun from behind his shirt he points it at Chance. "I'm not going to shoot Rebecca anywhere." Chance says. 

"I knew you were going to say that." Jake hands the gun to Chance and then Jake places his own gun to the side of Chance's head. "Now you will shoot her or you will die yourself. You guys will be able to live if you just shoot her. I promise."

Chance just keeps the gun on his leg. He just looks down at the gun and not me. "Chance.. baby. Just do it. We will be safe and okay if you do it. " I say to him. 

"You ruined my life!!! Now I'm ruining yours. I hate your fucking guts!! I hope you rot in fucking hell for all I care!!!" Jake yells. "Shoot her!!!!" 

Chance lifts the gun and places his finger on the trigger and he aims and then shoots. That hit was so strong that I fall off the table and onto the ground. I look down and he hit me right in the side of my stomach. Pain rushes through my body. I'm laying on my back and I can see Jake and Chance. Jake lowers the gun to Chance's side and then shoots and Chance falls off the table. 

Jake leaves and he places a cellphone about 50 feet from us. We can't move because we are hurt. I then hear the door slam shut and we are now alone and we have to get to that cellphone before we die. 

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