Comfortable Silence || Luke H...

By Kissmebiteme

17.4K 462 454

They meet at a Laundromat, at first Luke's an ass, and Yenessa the 'hot topic of the popular dicks' according... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three

Chapter Thirty-Five

234 6 11
By Kissmebiteme

Chapter Thirty-Five

It's been four months. This year has flown by quickly, nothing has really changed except for the fact Luke and I's relationship is serious, when I say that I don't mean that we aren't play tackling and that, what I mean is, is that. . .Luke and I have been together for around five months, the 'I love you's' mean a heap more then they did before, we are just more intimate, and more careful with our words, and actions.

It's one of those serious relationships that an argument over something silly couldn't break, I guess that's what I mean, also. . .I mean that, we've spoken about 'it'. I mean being in such a serious relationship now, talking about sex doesn't really matter, like I don't go all 'Ew, can we not.' about it. We've spoken about it, around a month ago, Luke said 'Whenever your ready.' He's ready for that stuff, but I guess most guys are, I'm still thinking about it. When the time comes, I'll know.

Mum and Lavigne went to Perth yesterday, and will be staying there for a few weeks to catch up with some family, Mum would have taken me, but I have school. Yeah, it's sorta near the end but we have our exams near the end of the year, and the last few months we're revising and learning some of the things that are on the end of the year exams. 

So, yeah. I have the whole house to myself, don't expect me to throw some party or something cause I won't. I'll have Ashton, Calum, Michael and Luke come over and that's it. I love parties and stuff, but I don't want to be the one to throw one because that means I need to clean the mess, and I'm sure everyone knows how messy house parties get. 

It's Saturday today, it's around nine pm. I'm planning to stuff my face with ice cream, and watch a bunch of movies, Warm Bodies is an amazing movie, and I'm in the mood to watch it after that maybe Zombieland. Wow, I'm in a major zombie mood.

I went to this factory down town, turns out it's an ice cream outlet, so there's a bunch of ice cream for such a cheap price. I bought that much that. . .let's just say the whole entire freezer in the garage is full. It's a pretty big freezer, I have enough ice cream to last me a year or two, no joke.

So, here I am. In my 'movie' clothes, sweats, messy bun and fluffy socks, grabbing a bunch of ice cream out of the freezer in the garage, making my way inside to have a nice lonely night. I hate being alone at home, especially at night, but I don't want to seem clingy or anything, and call Luke over. He's always here, this is practically like his second h-it is pretty much, Mum said he doesn't have to knock and that he can come straight in, when he does he says 'Honey, I'm home.' He makes Mum chuckle every time he does though, he uses different accents each time, last week he used an indian one. He's really good at accents, I thought he was some indian guy, it was creepy but he said 'Honey, I'm home.' so I knew it was Luke.

I shut the sliding door with my hip, pressing my chin harder on the top of the tub of ice cream, I have like six large tubs of ice cream, so I'm going to feel like I ate a whale at the end of the night.

I carry the ice cream over to the kitchen island, placing down on the counter. I leave one out and put the rest in the freezer inside, and walk around to the cutlery draw, pulling out my 'special' ice cream spoon. I bought this spoon, and actual ice cream scoop, with a blue handle. I love it, it's perfect.

I grab the tub of ice cream, and walk back into the lounge. I'm watching movie down stairs, with a baseball bat by my side. I've seen all those horror films, the girls upstairs watching a horror film, then hears a noise down stairs, and- no, just no. So, I'm watching a movie down stairs, and the baseball bat is one that I bought yesterday before Mum and Lavigne left, in case some one comes in my home, and tries to kill me, I have a weapon. 

I jump onto the couch, landing on my back, with the tub of ice cream sitting on my stomach, and my spoon still in my hand. I shuffle about on the couch, making myself comfortable. I had already put the movie in the DVD player, it's currently on the main menu, waiting for me to press play. I didn't hire Warm Bodies, or Zombieland. I bought them, they were on Foxtel Free on Demand, I watched them both like three times on Demand, and decided to buy them. I'm watching Warm Bodies first, cause it's amazing.

I grab the sleek remote, and jab the play button, pointing the remote at the DVD player. I crack open my tub of ice cream, and stab the ice cream scoop into the creamy goodness. I put the spoon full of ice cream into my mouth, it's bad because I moaned, it's just, this ice cream is the best ice cream ever, it's better then McDonalds ice cream.

I hear the door knob jiggle, and freeze. I poke the pause button on the remote, and sit the ice cream on the coffee table with the scoop. I grab the baseball bat, and wipe my mouth with the side of my hand. I stand on the back of the couch, ready to pounce.

The door clicks, and I hear it open, and foot steps on the floorboards. The door clicks shut, and the footsteps continue. They come closer.


I jump off of the back of the couch, and jump on top of the person. I land on the stomach, my legs on either side of them. I then realize that it's just Luke, I wasted all that energy for nothing, ugh. Jokes. 

"Your not going to hit me with that? Are you?" He says, smiling while motioning to the bat in my hand that's hovering above his head. I drop the bat onto the floor boards, and smile back down at my boyfriend. I place my hand on his cheek, and he places his on my waist.

"Yeah, I would of."

I place my lips onto of his, and he smiles during the kiss. He moves his hands down onto my hips, his thumb brushes against some bare skin on my hip, and butterflies flip in my stomach. I place my other hand on his chest, and move my hand on his cheek, onto his neck.

His tongue swipes against my lip, asking for entrance. I accept it, and our short kiss becomes deeper. His hands move down onto my covered legs, I place my hand that's on his chest, onto his neck, the opposite side of my other hand. It sounds like I'm going to choke him, I'm not even though some days I do, we both have those days where we want to pull out a shot gun, but it's usually because we've pranked one another, the boys and Luke are getting there 'pay back' for the sleep over where I pranked them all. The permanent marker that I had put on Ashton's face was still perfectly fine when he got out of the pool, even after he rubbed his face with a towel, it still stayed. He went to the shops, and everything with that marker on his face.

Luke pulls away, his lips slightly swollen from us kissing.He smiles at me, and places a kiss on my cheek, his kiss makes my cheek tingle. He then starts squirming underneath me, I then begin to get off but then I pull on my evil smile. I have him pinned, except for his legs, but he can't go anywhere if I'm sitting on his stomach can he? He tries lifting me off of him, but I end up pulling his hands off of my waist and hold them by his sides. I giggle, and he sighs.

He then flips us over, and he ends up being on top of me. He loosens my grip on his hands, and lays my legs straight on the floor. His hands sit on the floor beside each side of my head, and he over's above me. I never really noticed how uncomfortable this damn floor was until now, when I'm pressed onto it.

He smiles, before climbing off of me, and stands up. He yanks his pants, and runs a hand through his hair. I stand up after him, and walk a step, so I'm about an inch closer to him, so closer that I can hear his heart beat from where I am. I wrap my arms around him, pulling him into a hug, he places his hands onto my waist and spins me around, making me squeal.

He places me back down onto the floor, and kisses my cheek. Luke told me a few weeks ago the reason why he kisses my cheeks so much. His Mum use to tell him that when he got a girlfriend he should kiss her cheek, because it's cute, his Mum told him all these things he should do when has one, it bored him at the time, but it still managed to sink into his head, he said. He said that he likes kissing me on the cheek because my lips aren't the only thing he has to kiss, he said that I have cheeks to kiss too, and he pulled one of his sweet smiles. I think that's cute, how he likes kissing my cheek, but it makes my cheeks go red when he does.

"So, what movie?" He says, motioning to the TV.

"Warm Bodies."

He bends down to my level, and he grabs my wrists gently, and wraps my arms around his neck. I stand on my tippy toe because when he bends down to kiss me, our lips are still an inch away from each other because I'm so short and he's so tall, so I have to go on my tippy toes. I run my hand through the hair on the nape of his neck, and he smiles at me.

"I love it when you do that, it's weirdly relaxing." He says, chuckling. I chuckle too, and he places his hands onto my waist.

"I'm happy you do." I say, smiling. I begin closing my eyes, and he places his lips on mine. He pulls me closer to him, wrapping his arms around my waist, for a second I thought he was going to spin me around again, but he doesn't. He just lifts me off of the ground. All of sudden, I swear the room has gotten four times hotter. Kissing is good exercise, I think because while kissing, if the kiss gets deep enough you actually break out a sweat. Which is what's probably happening at this current moment.

I mean the last time Luke and I saw each other was on Tuesday, I've been busy with work, his been busy practicing for the tour with One Direction for next year, and for the gigs at the pub the boys and him have scored, so we haven't had much time to see other a lot over these past four months, things are getting a lithe hectic. So, now we've finally seen each other for the first time in four days, I mean when your in a relationship and you don't see your partner for even a day, you miss them. Plus, Luke and I don't kiss at school like this, clearly, that would be some bad PDA. Tuesday, Mum and Lavigne were home, so we didn't kiss like this, we haven't kissed like this in two weeks, so it's nice.

I wrap my legs around his waist, he moves his lips on my neck and I get a butterfly overload, butterflies are doing summersaults and freaking backflips in my stomach, they are going crazy at the moment, those butterflies. Luke sucks at the skin at my neck, and then I realize that I will most defiantly have a hickey tomorrow. 

Is it bad that the intimacy we are having at the moment, is giving me thoughts about whether I'm sure I'm ready to do it with him or not? I don't think it is, I mean it's usually super heated make outs that turn into that, and this 'make out' is getting quite heated. I mean, I love Luke, and I think I might be ready for that stuff, he is, and I trust him and stuff. I don't know, I'll think this over. But both of us are virgins, I don't even know what to do, if we do it. God, I feel like some girly girl from a cliche teen fiction at the moment. All I know is that, if the boys come over or something, cause they come over whenever, they just walk in, same thing with them. Mum lets them just walk right in, no knock. They also come over unplanned, and if they do they'll be seeing us make out. I over analyze things.

"Hey Luke." I whisper. I don't know why I am, but I just feel the need to, we're so close to each other and I feel that if I spoke normally it would feel like I was yelling, cause we're so close at the moment.

"Yeah." He murmurs, his lips still on the skin on my neck.

"Do you. . .um, wanna go in my room? The boys could come in at any minute and see, er. . .this. So-" I stutter. Luke's making me so nervous, and these butterflies aren't helping at all. He moves his head from the crook of my neck, and looks into my eyes. He thinks for a while, then nods.

"If you want." He says, I nod my head. I go to unwrap myself from around his neck, but Luke has a firm grip on them, I roll my eyes at him, and kiss his cheek. He likes giving me kisses on the cheeks, and he likes receiving kisses on the cheeks, I'm the same I love giving kisses on the cheeks, and I like receiving kisses on the cheeks. He walks through the kitchen area, and makes his way up the stairs. He turns into my room, and smiles at me. I press my foot on the door and kick it shut, just in case the guys come.

Luke carries me over to my bed, and lies me down onto my back. I lay my legs flat on the bed, and Luke hovers above me. His cheeks are red, and his lips are swollen. His hair is even a little messy. My arms are still wrapped around his neck, and his are still placed on my waist. My hands find their way into his hair again, and his lips find his way to my neck once more.

The hotness returns, and all of sudden, I feel the need to rip off my shirt. Luke's hands move down onto my hips, and he slides them underneath the fabric, he always does this cause he likes the softens on my skin, he said, and he feels it makes us closer when kissing.

The need to rip off my shirt from the heat gets stronger, and it's then that I drop my hands from around his neck, and grab the hem of this damn shirt. Luke pulls his head from the crook of my neck, and I pull my shirt off of me, completely. Leaving me in my singlet.

It all moves nicely, Luke's lips find their way back to mine, the kissing is getting deeper, the hotness is getting hotter by the minute, and articles of clothing are being thrown onto the floor, well three articles. My shirt, my singlet, and Luke's Nirvana shirt. I'm sitting here in my bra, and Luke's bare chest his pressed against mine, and it's now made my thoughts clear.

I'm ready.

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