Tell Me Why - Anthony Trujillo

By team10foreva

36K 549 42

[Sequel to One Of A Kind [Rewritten] ] Raegan returns home from yet another tour but this time things have ch... More

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Author's Note


745 13 0
By team10foreva


A month later

Everything seemes to be going downhill once again.

Just a month ago we moved into our new beautiful house in Calabasis and everything seemed to be fine. Anthony and I were talking, having decided to stop playing with each other and just be best friends again. I was happy despite the fact of Erika and I still not making up.
I had another single released called 'Dead' that was kind of about Landon. It was so successful.

But then..about a week ago I started getting sick. Really sick. I just thought it was a cold because most of Team 10 had one but when I woke up not being able to breath while sleeping over at Tristan and Tessa's I realized it was more than a cold. I had a scan and was told that the cancer was back. I thought it couldn't be. I had been so healthy the past year, it seemed impossible. But it was possible. It was there. It was like it was everywhere. It spread to the lymph nodes in my chest and it started spreading to my brain. This time there was no chance of surgery and doctors said my chances of surviving weren't that great if chemotherapy didn't work or if it started spreading faster.

I hadn't told anyone. Tessa and Tristan thought that it was just me not being able to breath because of a cold. Everyone else was told the same. I didn't want to tell them. It meant they would started pitying me and treating me differently. It meant they would start thinking that they could lose me. I didn't want that.

Following the reveal of the cancer being back was the sudden reveal of the Martinez Twins leaving Team 10 a few days after they came back to LA because they felt bullied and disliked. It incredibly hurt me because they were my little brothers. I loved them and couldn't understand where it was coming from. The accusations were as far as I saw and knew false. It was confusing for everyone. It was especially hard for Nick, Chad,Jake and Thomas. They were the closest to them I'd say.
I was lost. I didn't have an explanation for it but I only wished the two the best because despite everything I love them and wanted them to keep doing them. I just wished they would've talked to us, explained their problems so we could resolve them instead of making a video about it.

After those events and several twitter wars over the last few days I had been invited to iHeart Media/ Radio for an interview. Not on that specific topic but I knew it would probably be brought up. I wasn't sure if I was ready for that.

"You have the interview today right?" Jake asked as he came into my room. I was adjusting my outfit;and retouching my lipstick before turning around to face him. "Yes." I responded. I knew it wasn't the best for my health to do things like this that were exhausting but I wanted to do some last things before I wasn't able to. 

"Do you want to grab food after. Just the two of us and Taco Bell?" I smiled at Jake and nodded. "I'd like that J." I told him. "Tell me when and I'll pick you up from there." He replied. "I should be done at like 2ish." I said. "I'll be there." He nodded. I smiled and kissed his cheek before leaving. I had an Uber drive me there.


"Right now. We're here with business woman, musician and influencer Raegan Jesson. Let's give it up." Big Boy,the interviewer introduced me. The people in the room clapped making me smile. "Hey guys!" I spoke into the mic in front of me.

"So. You're like multi-talented. I mean at age 21 you're co-owner of a company, have a full album and another single out, that are fire by the way, and you have around 12 million subscribers on Youtube." He said. "I mean nowadays everything is possible. Social media opens up so many opportunities for young people. I worked hard but I wouldn't have made it without my fans. I owe them everything." I told him.

"Tell me what it's like to live in a house filled with boys." He then questioned. I couldn't help but smile a little at the thought of my Team 10 boys. "It's not as bad as you'd think, at least not anymore. My boys know not to mess with me because my pranks will be worse than theirs. So often I'm just helping to prank instead of being pranked. But it's all good. I wouldn't want to live with someone else." I explained.

"Sounds fun." Big Boy commented. "It is." I chuckled. "But now that we're on the topic of the Team 10 boys. Recently the Martinez twins left your Team because of being bullied, assaulted and all that. What do you have to say about that? Like were you surprised or did you see it coming?" Until this moment I never talked about the topic because I didn't want to be involved into the drama. This would be my first statement and I wanted it to be my last. I didn't hate the twins. I hated the way they handled it.
"It's a tough topic. Nobody expected it at all and that is why it hit us so hard. Just two weeks before the video was released we were with them at an event and made plans to hang out and collab. We talked about them moving in and everything. It all seemed fine and everyone was happy they were back." I started off. "It's just..." I could feel myself getting emotional and felt the tears pooling into my eyes. "It just hurts." I admitted as a tear rolled down my cheek when I thought about the two. "I loved them. I still do. Everyone in Team 10 does. It hurts to be told that way and to be accused of stuff like this. They're my little brothers and I wish they would've came to us and talked about their problems." I wiped my tears away, a little embarrassed that I started crying. "It seems so unlike them but if that is their decision then I will respect that. I love them and I wish them the best. I hope one day we can talk it out and be friends." I sniffled. I was handed a tissue and thanked the girl who handed it to me. I quickly dried my face and wiped my runny nose. "Oh god, I'm sorry. This went from 0 to 100 real quick." I chuckled. "Don't be sorry. I can see it's really affecting you." Big Boy told me. I nodded.

"Let's talk about something happier yeah?" He then said making me smile a little. But I felt kind of better. It felt good to get that off my chest..


No hate to Ivan and Emilio. This is just for the sake of the story.

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