Tell Me Why - Anthony Trujillo

Por team10foreva

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[Sequel to One Of A Kind [Rewritten] ] Raegan returns home from yet another tour but this time things have ch... Más

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Author's Note


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Por team10foreva



Late last night we were sent anonymusly a recording of what seems to be Erika Costell of Team 10 talking smack about fellow member and boss Raegan Jesson. Listen below to what she has to say..

I came out of a meeting to my phone blowing up with Twitter notifications. With furrowed eyebrows I went to check out what this was about. As I read the tweet I thought this would just be another fake. People loved to start drama and spread rumours.

I went to the car and sat in it. Then I started playing the recording to see if it was really Erika saying that.

"I literally hate Raegan. She's an attention whore. All she does is hoe around, trying to get everyone's man. Like she's a slut. I don't know what Anthony and Landon or even Neels saw in her. No wonder two of them cheated on her. I wouldn't want that either. Nobody needs a stupid fake bitch."

It really did sound like Erika. Like a lot. And other than her insult being pretty weak I was pissed.

I went to my texts and opened a conversation with Erika. I wanted to see if it really was her.
From: Raegan
To: Rik The Goat 🐐

Is it really you on that recording from Twitter. Pretty sure you already saw the tweet. No need to lie, I already know what you think of me..
From: Rik The Goat 🐐
To: Raegan

It's me. It wasn't meant to be published though..

I didn't need to hear more. I wanted to talk to her personally. What the hell was she thinking? I didn't get why she was suddenly saying all this. I thought we were good besides not being able to spend that much time together. Then she starts talking badly about me behind my back.

I drove home, ready to see some heads roll. I wouldn't just let her get away with that. I went and ignored it the first time but that was too much.


At the house I had to wait for Erika to come home from filming something for her Vlog. It didn't take long for her to come home though. I immediatly called her to the kitchen. She took her time but came to talk. She looked a little hesitant. She knew nobody liked to mess with the angry side of me.

"What the hell is up with you?" I asked after she sat down on the other side of the kitchen island. "Nothing is up with me." She shrugged. "Then why are you suddenly saying all of this stuff?" I questioned. "Like I did nothing to you. I treated you as my sister and loved you. Why do you go and talk smack about me?" I added. "You hurt Tessa." She was straight lying to my face. "You didn't even care about Tessa since Chance broke up with her!" I exclaimed. "You used their breakup for views! I mean what kind of a friend does that? Besides, Tessa and I made up." I told her. It was kind of all true. I hated admitting it but it was. "I was there for her! You can't talk because you were having a pity party in Ohio while it went down!" I raised my eyebrows. "A pity party? My niece died Erika! I was comforting my family!" I responded angrily. Both of our voices were raising with every new sentence.

"This is not what it's about anyway. I wanna know what the fuck your problem is! Why are you hating all of the sudden?!" I repeated my questions from earlier, pressing for an answer. "You have everyone wrapped around your little finger here! Like everyone is fucking whipped by you! I'm tired of it! You can shove that fake kindness up your ass!" I scoffed at the accusations. "I don't have everyone wrapped around my little finger! I just treat them as family, I treat them like they deserve to be treated! Maybe if you tried being less of a spoiled brat more people would like you!" I knew it wasn't nice and I'd regret it all later but I was just so pissed at her.

"I treated you with nothing but kindness too. I don't get why you're suddenly being a bitch!" I was getting frustrated. "Girls.." Tristan tried to break up our argument. "Shut up!" Erika and I snapped in sync at him before turning back to face each other.
"If that shit never got published then you wouldn't have even known!" Erika groaned. "I heard what you said to Tessa the last time and that was enough for me already!I let it slip though because I thought you said it to cheer her up or something but then I hear that stupid recording and have to realize that, that definitely wasn't your intention!" "I just want to have a damn answer as to what your problem is Erika! Is that so hard to do?!" I was tired of yelling at her. I just wanted an explanation so I could go. "I won't give you an answer to that. You don't deserve it." "Oh fuck you.." I groaned and stood up. I had enough. "Don't expect Jake to want you after this." I muttered as I passed her. "Vaffanculo!" Sometimes I forgot Erika was italian too so I was a little confused at first. But when I realized it was her I just showed her my middle finger and then turned around to leave.
"What did she just say?" I heard Tristan whisper to Chad and Tessa as I passed them. "She told me to fuck myself." I told them before grabbing Apollo and Shep, leaving the house and driving off. I needed to cool off. The best place for that was the beach.


Raegan Jesson

Why would you try and play me for a fool?

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