
By Haddassa

139K 3.6K 308

What would you do if the family you were adopted by was actually a family of werewolves, creatures you had be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chaper 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter 13

2.9K 66 2
By Haddassa

Hey hope you enjoy! oh and I also posted up a new story that u should check out.

Chapter 13

I had cried for what felt like hours but now I felt nothing. I tried to cry or at least stay angry or sad but nothing came. I was hollow. I was sitting on the floor staring at the drying dust at my knees. I should have probably moved to the cot, but I just couldn't. I spent maybe 10 minutes trying to move even my finger but it didn't work.

He called me weak, and pathetic. He said I was nothing to him. He also practically called me a vermin by calling me a human. That strange part of my mind that had convinced me to lie to Jace was trying to get me to feel something, but it wasn't working. I couldn't do a thing. I felt so drained and weak and pathetic just as he had told me.

A sudden bang from up above at the top of the stairs sent a small reaction through my body, my heart started to race, my mind started to perk up hoping it was him. After a moment I realized it wasn't not really me but my body realized it, that it wasn't him. There was no special draw to it. The steps creaked but no other sound came. A noise only created by grace that most werewolves have. The gray socks showed up first followed by washed out jeans and a plain gray long sleeve shirt. When his face appeared I recognized him as the nice boy who had made sure I wasn't too badly hurt.

The boy smiled at me but something in my expression made him frown.

"Alpha wants you to come talk to him," He said rubbing the back of his neck as though uncomfortable. "I think we will also check out your head. Its still bleeding." He sounded guilty when he said this.

He opened up the door for me to come on out. One part of my mind was just shut down while the other was actually listening to him. Still bleeding! That part of my mind was pissed, and I was glad for it, but sadly I think its the other part that controls my muscles. I really did try but I just couldn't make my legs work.

After a minute of trying to move the boy bent down and picked me up. The sudden touch jump started my brain a bit. I was out of his arms walking away from him. He let out a sigh and put cuffs on my wrists. As if I could run away. Again at the sudden contact between flesh I jumped. This time the jump had started a shaking in my hand I couldn't control. My knees were also shaking but not as badly as my hands. The boy reached out to try and control my hands. At the touch they started shaking even worse.

"Are you ok?" He asked truly worried.

I managed to nod my head but no words were coming out. He started to lead me away, but at the touch he had on my arm my entire body started to shake. I stated to panic. Why am I shaking? I was terrified of what was happening. He must have seen something in my face that tipped him off I was just as frightened of what was going on as he was.

He backed up a bit and tried to get me to walk with no success. Suddenly my knees buckled out from under me and I fell to the ground. The boy started panicking. He picked me up and carried me bridal style up the stairs like a bullet. I was thrashing in his arms. Everything made absolutely no sense. Why the hell am I shaking???

"Help somebody!" The boy cried out. This brought practically the whole house down as he carried me into the main house away from the dungeon underneath the shed. He was led into a bedroom where he was instructed to set me down.

"What happen?" Asked the Alpha.

"I don't know. I came downstairs to get her but she couldn't move. I went to go pick her up but then she jumped and started shaking when I put on the cuffs. Every time I touched her it just got worse," He tried to explain.

Once he was done everyone started to back away from me. Slowly after a while of discussion my body stopped shaking and I was only left with shaking hands and knees. Every time somebody looked at me they must have seen a petrified little girl. I could tell my eyes were wide with fear and my mouth was parted ready to scream for help, but no sound would come out. I looked around the room at maybe 6 different people in here along with another handful in the doorway.

My eyes locked with someone in the doorway that held pain, worry, and anger. I wasn't too sure how that all worked, but as soon as our eyes locked the head vanished and any sense of helplessness I had left vanished. I narrowed my eyes at the spot he had been, and closed my mouth into a grimace.

The change in my attitude alerted the room. Instantly everybody was starting to move around and talking loudly, now that they were not afraid of scarring me. They all started to beg me trying to understand what had happened. I refused to talk to anyone right now.

"Did somebody call the doctor yet?" The beta asked.

"Yeah she should be here in 5 minutes," Somebody else across the room answered.

After what felt like an hour a women with a small pinched face and a few wrinkles lining her face came in. She had beady brown eyes and salt and pepper hair pulled back into a bun.

"What happened?" she asked sitting on the edge of the bed I was laying on.

The nice boy replayed what happen to me, and the women nodded her head deep in thought. She then asked everyone who was not necessary for being in here to leave. That left only the Alpha the Beta and the nice boy in room with the doctor. The nice boy stayed after a look of panic started to cross my face when he started to move and the doctor asked him to stay.

"I'm Dr. Keller. How are you feeling hon?" She asked me.

I shook my head telling her not to well. She pulled out her bag and searched around for a while. She pulled out a needle and gave me a shot explaining it will help numb some of the pain I was in. She instructed the Beta to go out and get me some juice or water to replace some of the blood loss. I would have laughed at the fact she just ordered around the Beta, but I was still in shock. She started to stitch up my head, commenting that they should have probably come to her earlier. The cut in my head had bled out a lot.

"Do you have any clothes for her to change into?" The Dr. Keller asked the Alpha.

"I'll go see what we have. She might be able to wear one of my son's shirts as a nightgown for now." I growled at the mention of his son. I never wanted to see him again. How could he do that to me. He knew that I was already frail enough as it was. I didn't need him to yell at me over something I hadn't really done.

They all eyed me confused by the sound. Alpha Steffans gave one last glance at me and then vanished to go find a shirt.

"My dear could you go wash the blood off of your body." I nodded at the doctor and then was led to the bathroom by the nice boy. He grabbed for a towel and a bar of soap from the cabinets, and handed it over to me leaving me alone in the bathroom.

I slowly pulled off the blue dress and let it fall to the floor around my feet. I then pulled off all of my undergarments and walked into the tub. I turned on the shower not really caring what the temperature was, which right now was cold. I was sitting on the floor of the tub with the cold water pelting my arms and legs.

I was going to break down in the shower I knew it. I started to shake as I could feel a great sob start to wrack my body. The way it felt starting the pit of my stomach and making its way up was unbearable. It was like you knew it was coming and nothing you could do could stop it. It reached my throat and I was ready to open up my mouth to let the sob escape when I suddenly realized the reason for the sob.

I wasn't crying because of my family. I wasn't crying because of what I thought they would do to me. No, I was crying because of that bastard. That stupid moron that had left me. I swallowed the sob and stood up. I wasn't going to show any weakness. I was Eliana Jenner. Nobody should make me feel like this, let alone a boy. I had something new driving me now. I was going to show everyone they couldn't crack me, that I was strong and could do everything on my own without their help.

I stood up and realized the water was freezing, so I turned it up a bit. I began to wash my body with the washcloth and soap. I spent a long time on my back until the water ran clear. I then moved onto the hardest part, my hair. The blood had dried into my hair, and that with the dirt was really not a good combination. I grabbed one of the shampoos in the bath and started to wash out my hair out. Once again the water ran clear and I just let the warm water embrace me. It felt so good on my body. It revealed the pain in my aching muscles as I stretched out.

I finally turned off the water and wrapped the thick cotton towel around my sore body. I looked over my sore body in the mirror. I was completely shocked by the damage done. I had a big back and blue bruise on my ribs, and another just a bit under my rib cage close to my abdomen. I growled at the man who had done this to me. I found that the back of my head had a huge bump along with the stitches, which explained why it was so sore. I found bruises on my ankles too, along with a small healing cut on my right ankle from where the shackles cut me. I also saw a bruise along my jaw that I truly had no idea how it got there.

There was a shirt half stuffed under the door. I yanked on it until it came back in my hands. I unfolded it and put it on, finding it go down to about my thighs, but even though it was very baggy it still clung to a few of my curves. It was a plain gray shirt with a pizza place logo on it. I pulled on my old underwear and bra, because I had no other choice. I wrapped the towel around my hair trying to avoid pulling on my stitches.

After a couple of minutes of failing to dry my hair because it was so thick I started to search through the cabinets for a brush or something. I knew I wasn't supposed to be searching through their stuff and using it, but hey they kidnapped me. They had to deal with whatever I decided to throw at them. I found a small blue brush and began to brush out my long hair that came down to my waist. I threw it back in the drawer I found it in and walked out of the bathroom.

The nice boy was waiting for me out in the hall way. As soon as he saw me his eyes widened as he took in my appearance. My long hair still wet but starting to wave a bit, the baggy shirt reaching to my thighs and showing off my toned legs, and a few of my curves better than my dress even did.

"Alpha is ready to talk with you now," He said looking at his feet.

I followed after him down the hall and into a large room with a desk stacked up with papers and a few chairs in front of the desk along with a small leather love seat up against the wall. He motioned to me to sit down in the seat closest to the door. I sat down slowly and looked around the room. In the love seat was the Beta, and the nice boy stood by the door as if ready for me to run away.

"Since you are still a human we are not allowed to hurt you-" Alpha Steffans started.

"Hurt me, are you kidding me? I needed 11 F***ing stitches for my head, and you don't know how much damage that moron of yours did to my torso. Aren't allowed to hurt me," I scoffed. "Where was that attitude in the past." I growled out the last part.

He looked taken back by the anger I was now holding in me. Nothing could burn it out now. They all realized that the girl half an hour ago was no longer there. I was no longer a broken shell, but a girl who was willing to do anything to get away. I had snapped before but now I was coming back around.

The Alpha motioned to the nice boy to come over and put on my cuffs. He felt ashamed to come over and do this to me, but he had no choice and I respected him for that. His head was down, like he was expecting me to glare at him. When he finally looked up he saw that I wasn't pissed off at him. He gave me a small smile saying sorry, and I gave one back saying it fine. I then returned my attention to Alpha Steffans.

"As you can see, we will try to make your stay here most comfortable. You will get to sleep in one of the nicer rooms down in the um... dungeon. If you want anything just ask and we will try to get it to you. Any questions?"

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, it was an impulsive thing, and because of that the real feelings I was hiding deep down were shown. My voice was laced in hurt, but the Alpha looked pleased that that small girl was still there somewhere.

"Well you see, your family has been crossing some line. As werewolves they are not allowed to go onto another packs territory without permission, and your pack had done so. As the only daughter of the alpha you are the one who is punished. I really don't want to do this, but it seems to be the only thing I can do to get their attention," He said with a small smirk on his face, like he found everything funny. I glared at him trying to hold my body back from leaping over the desk and strangling him.

He must have seen that because the smirk slowly fell from his face and his glare met mine. We locked out eyes and nobody bothered us. After a minute of this him glaring at me and me glaring at him with all my might, he suddenly bumped up everything he was holding back seeing I was not easy to break. I managed to hold it for a few more moments before I had to look away.

"John, take Eliana back to her room."

I looked over at the nice boy, John, as he nodded and led me down out the back door and into the shed and down the stairs to where the dungeon was. He took me to a room that looked much nicer than my old one. It had a twin sized bed on a metal bed frame. There was a small table in the middle of the room with a actual closed in area for the bathroom. There was also a small window about 6 inches wide and a foot long. It was no doubt very thick glass to make sure no one escaped. The door that I had entered through was metal bars with a coat of silver to help contain the werewolves. The floors were still that same old cement that was everywhere else, but instead of being covered in an inch of dust and grime it only had a thin layer of dust about the room.

"If you need anything just push this," he said motioning to a small glowing yellow button on the wall.

I nodded and then he left me be, creaking up the old wooden steps. I looked at the bed with longing to sleep, because the morning sun was just starting to come up and the birds were starting to chirp. It had been about 24 hours since I last slept. I flopped on the bed, pulled up the small quilt. Eliana was back, and she was going to escape. I smirked before sleep pulled me under.

I am still looking for a new cover. Please comment and vote!!! I really do like to hear what people think. Thanks!!!

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