Of Mobsters and Men

By TehPeaceMaker

1.7M 62.5K 41.8K

Stefano Vanzetti. You'd have to be living under a rock if you grew up in northern Boston and didn't know who... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Its been awhile: For new readers
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Of Mobsters and Men out now!
Must Read: Sequel
Split in Two
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Chapter 12

43.5K 1.7K 1K
By TehPeaceMaker


"Shit, shit!" I banged the side of my fist against the wall before turning my burning gaze to Adriano who was just as conflicted. "And I bet the fucking police is already involved." I cursed.

"They are. The Russians threw torches into nearby shops and vehicles and the casualties are fatal."

Before I could answer, my phone began ringing and I quickly answered seeing it was the consigliere. Adriano looked at me expectantly. He knew his father was calling no doubt to ask for permission to order an attack on the Russians.

"I assume the news has already gotten to you. What am I to do?"

"I've gotten word that the cops are involved. We are going to lay low for now and attack the Russians when it's least expected. Are there any updates?" I needed time to outline and focus a plan.

There was a moment of silence before he spoke. "We have one of the Russians."

I hung up the phone. That was all I needed to hear.

"Boss," I heard Sacco say as he made himself visible, walking towards us.

"Bring the car around, party's over."


I didn't realize I fell asleep during my ride home until I jolted against my seatbelt and I heard my uber driver curse. "Shit!"

I rapidly blinked my eyes and turned towards my window seeing numerous police cars and firemen running down the streets. My head was starting to pound by the amount of noise I was taking in. How did I sleep through this?

More importantly, what is going on?

I took out my phone and saw I had numerous missed calls from my mother and several text messages from Vincent and Gigi.

Be Careful on your way home baby, some assholes just ran through our neighborhood 

Rae!!!! Are you home yet?!! It's crazy outside I hope you get home safe!

I bit my lip after reading their texts and I looked at my window again. "Oh God..." l whispered, my heart thudding against my chest in fear. A few of the cars on our street were burning and the firemen were putting them out with hoses.

Some policemen were helping unlucky victims on stretchers and the same applied to the small shops on the street. I didn't realize I was crying until I felt a drop of water on my arm. The car began to move and I noticed we were slowly turning the corner to the street where the raturaunt I worked at is.

Or should I say, used to work at. The windows were cracked, chairs were flipped over, and ashes were everywhere.

What happened?

"Uh, kiddo...is this your stop?" My uber driver looked at me through the rearview mirror. I didn't realize I had stopped right in front of my building. I slowly nodded my head and got out of the vehicle, thanking him. I was also thankful it seemed nothing much had gone on at my street.

I was immediately engulfed in a hug when I opened the door. "Mother, i'm okay. I heard what happened." I said, pulling away from her. She nodded her head as she examined my face tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. "It's getting too dangerous for you to be coming home late these days." She said finally pulling away from me and smoothing down her nightgown.

I ignored her comment as I took off my heels. "Where's Father?" I asked, realizing he wasn't home. He didn't even call me to see if I was okay. I watched her visibly tense at my question which made me slightly squint my eyes. "He's doing work, Rae. Anyway, how was the event? Was Stefano there?" She asked, her mood all of a sudden elevated.

I almost rolled my eyes all the way back into my head at the mention of this name. "It was great, Stefano was also there..." I said dreading the question I knew she was about to ask afterwards.

She would sometimes go on and on about how big and powerful he is and how he's in every girl's dream, how I'm so lucky to have caught his eyes...she'd go on and on about how she doesn't understand why I was being stubborn and resilient. 

"Did you two get to talk?" She asked eager.

I bit my lip before speaking. "A little, if you could call what we discussed, talking. He insisted on giving me a ride home and I simply declined." I told her, not hiding my distaste of the scene. Her smile faltered and she gave me a narrowed look.

"You declined an offer from your soon to be husband?" She asked me incredulously.

I didn't answer her, I simply looked down. "Raelyn, sooner or later it's going to register in your head that you will have to be doing what's expected of you." She said as she followed me into my room. She sat on my bed as I took off my earrings. I stared at myself in the mirror, noticing my saddened face. "It's not like I really had a choice anyway..." I muttered.

"Careful, Raelyn..."

I so badly wanted to just scream my head off.


The Russian man spit out blood and one of his teeth from the impact of my blow. "Fuck you." He spat, giving me deadly glare.  "You're not getting anything out of me."

My lips quirked before I gave him a wicked white grin. "Oh, is that so?" I eyed Alessio who was leaning against the wall in the corner of the room. He tossed me a gun and I caught it in the air with ease.

The blonde man scoffed. "I've seen guys with guns wet the bed more than anybody."

"Oh this thing? I don't need it. Killing you with my bare hands is the last thing you want. But since you insist on being petulant..." I pulled the trigger and his eyes widened just as the bullet grazed the side of his face.

"Gahhhh!" The scream of anguish met my ears as well as the cry for help.

It only takes a little fear to make a paper man crumble.

As he suffered with a major gash on his head, I felt a sensation that matched high serotonin levels. I remembered why I did what I did.

"Nothing sounds better than the desperate voice of anguish." I said aloud, aiming the gun to the side of his arm to cause another grazing. I smirked as he yelled again from the pulling of my trigger.

"You still have more in the tank?" I mocked him.

He strained against the tight ropes that bound him to a chair, wheezing and cringing in excruciating pain.

My smirk then faltered.

I clenched my jaw and quickly kicked his chair down, causing the chair to fall backwards as well as his body, his head smacking the cold dirty ground. "Agh!"

I lowered my face to his bloody head, and gripped His hair to make his head lift. "You listen you worthless piece of shit! time is money, and you're not going to waste my time. Tell me what I want to know or I will kill you right here and right now." I dropped him.

The bottom of my shoes was mashed into his face, and I applied enough force to make him gasp for air.

"Go to hell you fucking Italian."

Without thought I took out my knife from my back pocket and dug it into his side. A loud sound of agony echoed in the basement. "You really thought we wouldn't catch you spying in our territory?" I whispered in his ear.

"I was out for a stroll." He managed to smirk.

I eyed him from head to toe in disgust before chuckling. "Look at your belly. You don't look like the strolling type."

With that, I cleanly slit his throat, causing his eyes to roll to the back of his head and him choking on his own blood. The splatter landed on my white shirt, my face, and my arms and I pursued my lips in irritance.

If there was anything I hated, it was the wasting of my time.

I spit on him before walking away from his lifeless body. "Get rid of him and afterwards, drop him off at any Russian hotspot. I want a reaction out of those bastards."

Perhaps I could have gotten something out of him if I waited a little longer, but my patience was running thin.

"Your death will balance the scale." I sneered.



In the midst of all the chaos that happened last night, I was surprised of how packed the church service was this sunday morning. I mean, everyone was here. Even Stefano and his goons were sitting in the back per usual.

I was still in the dark about everything. Although I managed to hear some conversations about "dirty Russians" infiltrating into our community and causing trouble, I felt like there was more to the story.

There had to be. Father didn't even come home last night.

I listened as it was time for mother Maria to give her testimony. I was very interested in listening to this one. If she was telling this testimony, that means she had to be in the restaurant when it was being attacked.

I felt bad for her even though she wasn't the nicest woman to me. I'm even relieved she escaped. There were a couple funerals being planned now and it's just horrible.

What had happened last night was a disgraceful situation.

Mother Maria talked about how the Russians were throwing rocks at her windows, shattering them and scaring the customers. She said it was like a free for all when the customers started running out of the restaurant. She said there was a burning torch thrown in through the windows and she thanked god hoe she was blue to escape before the fire got big.

From the corner of my eye I saw the men sitting around Stefano visibly tense. Their jaws were screwed tight but stefano just looked straight ahead in disinterest as if he was staring at a rock.

I felt my father tense up beside me as well.

Just when mother Maria's testimony ended, the big number of men in dark suits rose and exited the church.

My father left as well.


After church I met up with Gigi and vincent at the local park. We chose the table that was shaded by trees to sit at.

"Rae!" Gigi said engulfing me in a hug. I hugged her tight and we both kissed each other's cheeks. When we pulled away,Vincent gave me a warm smile before pulling me into his body. He leaned in and we kissed each other passionately.

It's been awhile since we've had alone time together and I knew he was dying to kiss me or even touch me. If I noticed anything, Vincent is very affectionate and handsy. It wasn't something I was used to but I got accustomed to his behavior very quickly.

Vincent took my hand and sat down, pulling me down on his lap. I chuckled and wrapped my arm behind his neck. "Awww reunited at last." Gigi teased us with a playful grin. "I miss you, baby." Vincent muttered, resting his head on my chest.

I ran my fingers through his hair and frowned. I didn't want our relationship to end.

"Rae, my father is starting to ask me updates concerning you. Not only is this annoying, but I'm telling you now because Stefano is definitely going full force with his eyes set on you." Gigi said breaking me out of my trance.

I heard Vincent sigh. "Raelyn...you're not worried about him, are you?" He asked me.

"I'm not, Vincent." I told him as confident as I could. He took my hand and kissed the back of it. "You two might really have to start laying low."

Vincent just ignored her, but I took Gigi's words in. She's right.

"He needs to fuck off." Vincent said shaking his head in protest.

"No offense Vincent, but I'm pretty sure Stefano will kick your ass if you don't keep your distance." Gigi told him, raising an eyebrow.

Vincent smirked before opening his mouth to say something. He then glanced at me and shut his mouth. I knew he was going to bite back at Gigi.

"He can choke on a cock for all I care." He then said.

"Vincent..." I muttered resting my head on his. He had a way with words when he was angry. Gigi snorted.

We spent a couple hours at the park before going out somewhere to eat lunch. I thought lunch with Gigi and Vincent would calm my nerves but it only heightened them.

While we were eating, an older woman came to our table, her hands on her hips. I recognized her. She was that one mean looking woman that sat at the back of the bus the day I sat with Vincent.

"Son, you don't know any Italian girls?" She asked looking intently at him. I knew she wasn't his mother, but all the Italians in my community were like family.

Vincent ignored her and clenched his jaw. Gigi rolled her eyes.

People were beginning to look at our table.

"She is not one of us, this is how the trouble starts." She said and gave and a dirty look, sizing me up. I felt my heart slowly sinking into my gut. I turned away and looked through the glass window. "We already heave that damned Russians and now you're getting involved with an outsider-"

I felt Vincent's hand squeeze my knee. "Oh get outta here!" Vincent raised his voice.

Maybe I wouldn't cry if I pretended I wasn't here.

"Does your mother know you're doing this?" She then asked.

"Get your foot outta my ass and mind your fucking business." Vincent told her. I couldn't contain the smile that was stretching on my lips. I heard Gigi laugh too.

No one ever sticked up for me like that besides Gigi.

The woman huffed and when I felt her presence leave the table, I felt Vincent lean into me. "Hey, she's gone." He whispered softly.

I turned and saw Gigi's comforting smile. I rested my head on Vincent's shoulder and he wrapped a protective arm around me. "I'm sorry about that." He said gently.
"It's not your fault."

I knew people would be giving Vincent crap for being with me but I didn't know it could be like this. It was so embarrassing.

"Don't worry Rae, she just doesn't have anything better to do." Gigi said clearly annoyed as well.

"Let's finish eating and get outta here." Vincent said putting a French fry in his mouth. Vincent glanced at me and gave me an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, baby."

I just leaned into him and kissed him.


I made up the table as mother started bringing our dinner to it. The delicious aroma of the Italian cuisine filled my nostrils and I just couldn't wait to eat and get full.

"Will father be joining us for dinner?" I She's her. He usually didn't get home until late these days. "Yes." She answered simply. Just then the main door opened and father came through wearing a suit. He's been wearing suits a lot lately.

Mother kissed him and I hugged and kissed him on the cheek. Once he got all settled we began to eat.

Mother and father were exchanging reluctant looks which made me annoyed. I knew they were going to bring up Stefano or something that would make me unhappy.

My father cleared his throat before wiping his hands with a napkin.

"Stefano has invited us over for dinner next Friday. We will be going." He said finally meeting my eyes. "I don't want to go." I blurted. I would've covered my mouth but I didn't want them to think I didn't mean what I said.

"What do you mean, you don't want to go? You're going." My mother replied to me with concerned eyebrows. "I...I don't want to go. I don't feel comfortable and I barely know him." I struggled to say.

"He's your soon to be husband." My father said.

"That doesn't change the fact I don't know him and I feel uncomfortable." I said back. I bit my lip.

"Well that's why it's a good idea that we go to the dinner then, right?" Mother tilted her head to the side as she held my stare. I shook my head, wanting to cry. "I don't-I don't want to marry him!"

"Don't raise your voice at us, Rae. You know better."

"I just want to live like the other teenagers in our community. I'm not ready for marriage. I'm not ready to live that kind of life you're pushing me into." I let out, an audible strain in my voice.

I just wanted to go to my room. My whole appetite and evening is ruined

"We understand that, but it's not like I can go back on my agreement. What's done is done and you will marry Stefano Vanzetti."

Before I could open my mouth, my mother interjected.

"You should feel honored that he of all people has chosen you to be his wife."

"Being a wife is not all I want in life." I bit back.

So, dinner at stefano's 😉 sounds nice. Any tips for our homegirl Rae?

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