I never thought I would retur...

By BrokenAngelsMind

65K 2.3K 1K

I can't get the image of a beaten Tetsuya out of my mind. Could he be bullied? No it can't be, he's practical... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Listen up!
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 24.5
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (TAGGED)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
The Master List

Chapter 12

1.5K 60 47
By BrokenAngelsMind

Akashi seemed content though for some reason.
"Why are you making that creepy smile, Akashi?" I asked when we were walking home.
"Hm, oh I just got some information I needed that's all, Shintarou." He answered.
"Information?" The mood turned serious for some reason.
"Yes. There was something… suspicious- no, merely, a weird relavation I found out in Tetsuya's home." I did not miss how his eyes sharpened at the 'weird relavation' or the pressure put on the word 'home'. "I told someone to do a little background research and I got all the information I wanted. Plus, Tetsuya's outbursts helped today."

"How is that, nanodayo? And I assume you'll let us in on this little relavation of yours?"
A chuckle was my reply.
"Patience Shintarou, I'll tell you once I get to the bottom of this."


Please don't, Akashi-kun.

Akashi's P.O.V

This is interesting…
Kuroko Tetsuya…
Doesn't exist?

As soon as I returned home from school, I immidietly went to my room to check on the information I requested.
What I found was rather stunning.

Kuroko Tetsuya doesn't exist.

But after that was another name; Kuroko Reji.
Someone powerful as well.
It kind of irks me.

Has Tetsuya lied to me about his identity?
No… it can't be. The only times I've detected lying from him was when this deal with Haizaki started and when I asked him about his father.
So what's really going on now?

"Let's make some research on Reji then."
I take my laptop and type the name to find many websites that have written on it.
According to these, Kuroko Reji owns a lot of companies and buildings in and outside of Japan. He's almost as powerful as my father.
"Hm. Almost as powerful as Akashi Masaomi huh? Weird to say that when I've never even heard of him." Weird indeed. "Oh…"

"What could this be?"
Beside all the other webpages is a link with the name: Kuroko Reji, not the trustworthy person the public nows.
I click on it a few times, only to recieve a table saying the page is 'unresponsive'. How annoying!
I tap a few buttons and try to hack in to it but a knock on the door interrupts me.
"Seijuro-sama, your father requests your presence." Came the unwanted voice.
A sigh escapes my lips as I already feel a headache coming.
"Of course, I'll be right there. Tell him."

As the footsteps echoed away, I lazily closed my laptop and hid my documents on the case.
Tetsuya, what are you hiding?
I get out of my room and close then lock the door behind me.
Something tells me this will be a long meeting.
Whatever my father wants, it's not good.

While I take long strides towards my father's office, my mind replays the earlier GOM's meeting.

"Kuroko-chi, you should eat something."
"Arigatou, Kise-kun, but I'm not hungry. I really want to finish this quickly so I can get back to reading."
"Fine then, how long has this been going on?"
"For about 20 minutes if I recall right Midorima-kun, 15 exluding the time it took you to get me here."
"Why you-"
"Phaahahahahah!! You rock Tetsu!"
"Be quiet Daiki, this is serious. Tetsuya, how long has Haizaki bullied you?"
"I refuse to answer that."
"You will answer."

Father's office door came into view, cutting my train of thought in the middle.
I knock twice then, after recieving approval, walked in.
"You wanted to see me, otou-san?" Annoying question, I wouldn't be here if he didn't.
"Yes I did. I have some questions for you, Seijuro." I raise a brow. Questions?
"What is it, otou-san?" I let myself take a seat across from him as he stares at me with cold eyes.
"I'll get straight to the point. Who did you seek information on, Seijuro?"  He asked, meaning: either someone told him, or he just noticed. Either way, I'll be needing a new informant.
"Why would you ask, otou-san? Am I not allowed to ask information on people?"
"Answer me Seijuro!"

"On Kuroko Tetsuya, otou-san." For whatever the reason, his calm and cold composure dropped for a moment, replaced by shock, worry and… longing?
Does he know him?
"Where have you heard that name?!" He interrupts me, confusing me even more. Father was always cold, but he would always listen to what I had to say.
"So you do know him?"
"Answer me!" Whatever patience he had left, flew out of the window as his anger took the best of him.
"How do you know him?"
"What's he to you?" He shook like a leaf as he stood from his chair and slammed his hands on his desk.
"WHAT WAS HE TO OKAA-SAN?" My patience ran out as well as I copied his movements, rage filled my eyes as I looked at the pale face of my father.

"Twin…" He finally muttered, an action not fitting of an Akashi, yet, an action that managed to shatter my world in a million pieces.
"What…?" An action I couldn't help but to make at that moment.
"He's your younger twin brother." My father said, whispering softly as he stood up straight, looking at me as if waiting for an answer.

"You abandoned him!?" My eyes widen in horror as it struck me harder than lightning.
It's a good thing he's not the one in charge right now, he would surely break down at the news.
"No! Heavens, no, Seijuro!" He quickly denied. "Tetsuya was taken."

"At first we thought it was for ransom, but the one who took him was my rival. Kuroko Reji. He wanted… he…"
"He what, otou-san?" I can't even listen to him right now, all I want to do is find Tetsuya and make sure he is safe and secure.
"He…" He hesitated before saying: "he loved your mother. That's why, he took Tetsuya, claiming he'd kill him if your mother didn't agree to his… conditions."
"Conditions?" My father nodded his head and heavied a sigh as he sat down, motioning for me to do the same.
"He said he wanted 'at least a chance to win your mother's heart' so he sent dates and times on when and where they would met."
"And you put up with that?" I questioned as I took my previous seat. A shake of his head was my answer.
"I would never. I attacked him whenever I could, until Tetsuya got cought up in it and injured himself. He was about three months old at the time so he was lucky to have survived."
"So why have I never heard of this before?" I will never forgive you if you kept this from me because-

"I thought he was dead." All color drained from my face at that moment.
"After your mother died," His eyes turned murderous. "He came to me and said:
'I have no use of the child anymore, I'm killing him now.'
Apparently, he threw him in the streets."

"Then, if you'll excuse me," I stood from my seat and walked away. "I'm leaving. I'll have to tell Tetsuya everything. I'm going to have to be careful about this." As I was going to close the door behind me, my father's voice stopped me from leaving.
"Seijuro, where did you meet Tetsuya?"
"He's a… very valuable teammate of mine in basketball."


Just what's going on here, Akashi?!

Whoo! And done.

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