pretty much imagines & prefre...

By AlreadyDead5678

391K 5.4K 1.3K

imagines of your favorite guys in pretty much ! read and see what's in store!! More

1st annoucement
how you guys met
Brandon imagine y/n
your first date
Edwin imagine y/n
where you guys eat alot
Austin imagine y/n
when he made it official
Nick imagine y/n
cute things he does
Zion imagine (requested)
Brandon imagine requested
Your name in his phone
Brandon (requested)
His name in your phone
Brandon (requested)
What you guys sing together
Edwin (requested )
your picture of him as your wallpaper
Austin Requested imagine
your best friend on pretty much
Austin requested imagine
your favorite picture of him
austin requested
Dating brandon would include
Austin requested
dating edwin will include
nick requested
Dating Austin would include
nick request
I Need Help
nick requested
Good news guys!
dating nick will include
zion requested
your soulmate based of of horoscope
zion requested
dating Zions would include
who said I love you first
austin requested
jealousy scale
edwin requested
their ringtone for you
couple costumes
zion requested imagine
old disney show you two watchtogether
Brandon requested
old nickelodeon shows you two watch together
Brandon requested
youtubers you guys watch together
what your parents think of him
how you guys hug
your first kiss
who secretly likes you
Vines you watch together
how you guys sleep
im gonna need malu to back up
show you guys bingewatch
malu pt.2
cheesy pick up lines
what kindve couple you guys are
their favoriye color on you
your celebrity crush their jealous of
when they first met you
confessing their love to you
what he does that annoys you
break up
pretty much in a heist
prettymuch in a horror movie
prettymuch as teachers
Omg why people coming at Brandon?
prettymuch as dads
prettymuch as you husbands
Am I deleting my account?
prettymuch as mafia leaders
I'm baaacckkkk!!
Hey guys
Pretty much as things ive said
Pretty much
You filrt with them
Sad news
Prettymuch as classmates

break up pt.2 (make up?)

4.2K 55 68
By AlreadyDead5678

Hey guys! So this prefrence/imagine thingy is slightly different. I know people have different reaction to situations or how they feel about something. Some people would get back together with then and other would probably  be completely done . So this one I want you to choose the answer will you or will you say yes to getting back together with them? Comment I want to see what you guys think

Brandon : 3 months later just when you thought you were over brandon. You walked into a little coffee shop. You order your drink and wait patiently. Smelling the coffee beans in the air it was so warm and cozy in there. You typed away on your phone telling your friend how cute this place was and how she should come along with you sometime when you heard  a familiar voice in the distance. "No you mixed my order sir this isnt what I ordered" looking up to see the oh so familiar face. His glasses sat all the way on his face and his hair was a little messy. He looked just as cute as you remembered. All your feeling came ruahing back and it was as if you were seeing him for the first time all over again. You didn't realize you were staring until the cashier snapped you out of your thoughts. "I'm sorry sir we must've mixed your drink with that young lady's over there. You mind handing it to her " he blond haired kid pointed to me. Brandon quickly turned around to see who the teen was referring to. "Y/n?" Was all he said "I-" you tried to speak but the words just wouldn't come out. You had forgotten English which was unfortunate  considering that it's you first language. Freaking out you ran out the cofee shop not even thinking about your cofee. "Y/n" he caught up to you quickly spinning you around . "Look" he started before you could say anything or shut him down. He needed to tell you how he felt and get this off his chest . "These last 3 months have been crap without you. That argument was stupid and honestly wasnt worth loosing our relationship. I was so stupid to let you go, but I love you and I will continue to love you until my last breath. Y/n.. Please give me another chance I promise not to mess it up again"
(Answer is up to you.. what will you choose?)

Edwin: message after message and voice mail after voicemal. The man wouldn't stop blowing you up. "Hey it's edwin. Look I was an idiot we really need to talk about this. Hit me up when you can." "Hey it's me again... I know I've messed up. Please just call me back" "y/n I love you  so much. In honestly falling apart without you. Call me back so that we can clear this up" you sighed listening to the last text message of the day because you still had so much more to go through. He sent at least 12 messages a day and 10 voicemails and it's been 2 and a half weeks so..  You do the math. You finally decided to text him back because you knew he wouldn't leave you alone if you didnt. Ignoring him simply was not the answer. Plus is was wrong to leave him high and dry. So you decided to meet up at a nearby park. He looked so differenthe had bags under his eyes and you could tell he's been beating himself up. "Hey" he says oh so softly but just enough for you to hear him. "Hey" you almost copied. "I" you both say at the same time. "You go first" you say tucking a strand of hair behind your hair. Edwin sighed before finally speaking "look what I did was  terrible. I never should of accused you and should be of just trusted you. The truth is as cliche and stupid as it sounds I was terrified of losing you. I've noticed my feeling for you were growing stronger. Stronger then I ever felt before and came to the realization that it was inevitable. It scared me and I guess when I say you with him , looking so happy I just freaked. I need you I've never needed someone as much as I need you. Can we try this again?"  You stare at him in shock before replying...
(What would you say to him?)

You couldn't get over the fact that you wanted to break up with him and yet he did it first. You needed to know what made him do it and when he started to feel as if the relationship was slipping through your fingers. You walked and walked not even bothering to drive because for some reason walking normally helped you think. But today it didnt really work. Next thing you knew you were in front of austin's house. Taking a deep breath you stepped on the blonde haired kid's porch. Just as you were about to ring the door bell you stopped. Not being able to bring yourself to actually do it. The thought of facing him again truly frightened you. What if he hated you? What if this turned into a huge arguement. Chickening on you turned away to walk off when you heard the door open behind you. "Y/n?" You heard the familiar voice behind you which caused you to stop in your tracks.  "The truth is he was just going go over to your house. "Crap..." was the first thing that came out your mouth. "A-austin" you stutered after turing around to see the confused boy scratching his head. "Uhh what are you doing here?" He questioned but you completely ignored him wanting to just cut to the chase. "Why did you do it Austin?" You wanted to save the explanation for later because you really needed to know. He stood there a moment not answering and you took that as a sign to leave. "Right. I knew this was a stupid idea" you said under your breath" beginning to walk off again but Austin stopped you. "I wasn't good enough" he ran circling around so that he was now in front of you. "Why would you think that austin?" He shrugs "I guess it was because I couldn't truly be there for you like I wanted. My career started taking off and my schedule has been filled up. I thought you deserved someone that could give you the attention you need. No one deserves to be in a relationship and have to wait for the other person. I felt I was being selfish. Maybe even that because I've been gone for so long that you wouldn' me anymore" Austin was now looking at the ground. "It was stupid really. Now I'm going insane wondering if the decision I made was the right choice because you're the only one I ever picture a future with. A wedding, kids, grandkids, the whole nine yards. Would it be a stretch to ask for another chance?"
(Would you give this adorable kid another chance?)

At school was the worst. Nick was either totally ignoring you or making snarky comments towards you. Safe the say that thing weren't the same. You decided maybe talking to him would help the situation but didn't know when to do it. After school while he was walking to his car  you saw this as the perfect opportunity so you refused to miss it. "Nick! Nick!" You chased after him but it only made him walk faster. He got to his car and unlocked it. Opening the door micl thought he was home free. Until you shut the door before he could even put his foot and honestly this was the fastest you've probably moved in your life. "What could YOU possibly want?" He spat out and adding emphasis on you. "Look Nick can we talk?" You really hopped that he would because you missed him so much. "Why would you? I mean you hate me, right?" Nick seemed truly hurt by the comment you had made last month and you didn't blame him. "I could never hate you nick! You gotta believe me" you took his hands holding him. Which not only caused his face to soften but his tone as well. "Then why did you say it? I love you y/n so much it hurts. Why would you say that to me?" He was holding back the tears that was begging to come out. "Because you hurt me Nick. The things you said truly hurt and as childish as it sounds I wanted to say something that gutted you back but it was stupid and I'm sorry for that" Nick soon regained th loving eyes you so desperately wanted to seeing just once more. You almost forgot what it looked like. "No. I was stupid. I would say I hate me to if I were you because what I said was unforgivable. I should be the true one apologizing because honestly I don't know I how much longer I can go without holding you again. Will you take me back?" His eyes pleaded

(Will you take him back?)

Hearing a knock on the door you instantly ran down to get it. Thinking it was you're mom because she has went out for groceries early she usually knocked on the doorwith her foot when her hands were full so you could open the door. You were shocked when you saw Mandy and Zion standing on your front porch. "Y/n! Hi!" She gives you a pleading yet welcoming smile. "Hey guys. Please, come in!" You moved to the side so that they could step inside but she quickly declined your offer. "No need honey this will only be a second" she says still holding the same smile she has as before. "See it's seems I've made a mistake the other day and I've came to apoligize" she looks at Zion for a moment and he nods at her as if telling her to continue. "See I've never really gave you a chance. I really liked Natalie for my own personal reasons and invited her hoping to reignite a fire between them but I seem to have been blind to the fact that there was never truly a fire. I thought that she was best for him not knowing that she wasn't and disregarding lion's feelings. He would constantly tell me how much was in love with you and I didn't really pay attention. Until that night he came back after you had broken it off with him. I've never seen so much pain in his eyes and it hurt me to see my son the way was. Day in and day out he was like a zombie and it was getting unhealthy for him. He wasnt himself. Correction he isn't himself anymore. I apologize to both of you two for my actions but I'm and here to fix and since Caleb live you so much so do I. I can assure you y/n that it will never happen again " Mandy says not knowing what else to say at this point. You smiled at her and nodded in a way letting her know you accepted her apology and soon you found yourself being embraced in her hug. You looked over at Zion who gave you a weak smile. "Soo..." He scratched his neck as his mother realised you from the hug. "Sooo..." You smiled "what do you say? You wanna try again? If not I totally understand but consider the situation and my feelings and let me down getntley if you do so my heart doesn't shatter even more if that's even humanly possible "
(Are you taking him back?)

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