Happy Medium

By the_sassy_libran

1K 70 12

Destiny is what brought them together? Kind of, but add to that there is match making family, dramatic past... More

Chapter- 1
Chapter - 2
Chapter -3
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 10
Chapter - 11
Chapter - 12
Chapter -13
Chapter - 14
Chapter - 15

Chapter - 9

34 4 0
By the_sassy_libran

I started pacing as soon i reached my cabin. Scary thoughts started creeping in and i pushed it back. I had to believe in myself. I've done a lot for this company, but if they let me go, it would be a huge shame but their loss.

Then it striked. I was gaining confidence in my ability. Hallelujah. Finally.

2 decades later (just kidding!)
I was summoned in by the brass.

I sat folding my hands in my lap, chin high and erect back. Let's get over with this, I thought.

"So Ms. Ruhi, I might take the privilege to say you are an asset to this company, I've never seen anyone this dedicated in my 20 years of working and hours of work you put in this company not that we are complaining are truly appreciated" said Veda group s Human Resource Executive with a professional smile.

Uhoh! An asset well.. wait..those can be sold at a good market value. Damn it. I am doomed.

Suddenly someone cleared the throat and there was pindrop silence (literally!!)
Mr. Kapoor looked at me, with pure professionalism in his poker face.
And in his soothingly masculine voice.. (say what?!).. spoke, "I would completely agree with Mr. Rai, we have an offer for you (Uhoh!) or say choice (doomed!), you can go back to your same position but in this work-in-progress company or take the position at the head office as Marketing head of Veda groups!"

I widen my eyes and gasp!I am speechless.!
Holy mother of God. This is what you call one time opportunity.
Woah, if this is what i get for barging in to CEO's hotel room. Maybe I should do it more often, I snicker in my thoughts.
What is there to think. I am taking it except I need to form words to speak which is difficult at this time as Mr. Kapoor words are still ringing bells in my brains.

Then something clicks.

"Sir? You want me to join your team in India because that is where your head office is situated.!" I speak out.

"Yes, Ms. Mehta! Will there be a problem?," without waiting for my answer he continues "take some time, I need your answer by end of today". And that's my cue to leave the room.

Even before i come out of the room, my brain is having serious debate with my heart.
Is it really time to go home? Am i ready to face it all again? But opportunity is way to gigantic plus I've been given my dream in a silver platter with broccoli being going home.
Home means my family, my mates, also the society and those people.
But don't you think it's high time i face it head on? Come on, Ruhi, you can't be a coward.

And that's how i decided my path in 10 impulsive minutes.
India, here I come.

A/N - I edited a lot of things from previous chapters. This is a work in progress book. Hope you all enjoy.
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