The Detroiter (gxg) Book 1 (C...

By BunnyWalker1985

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**supernatural book** "Have you ever heard the quote by Aristotle that says, "Learning is not child's play;... More

Chapter one: My Nightmare
Chapter Two: Ailsa Willihem
Chapter Three: A Fresh Start
Chapter Four: Strange Fruit
Chapter Five: On the Run
Chapter Six: The Beautiful Stranger. pt 1
Chapter Seven: The Beautiful Stranger pt. 2
Chapter Eight: Exclusive Interview pt 1
Chapter Nine: Exclusive Interview pt 2
Chapter Ten: Threats
Chapter Eleven: Shauna du Plesiss
Chapter Twelve: Mind Fuck
Chapter Thirteen: Double Cross
Chapter Fourteen: Family Ties
Chapter Sixteen: Engagement
Thank You
Important Note

Chapter Fifthteen: Battle in Highgate

292 26 0
By BunnyWalker1985

                       Shauna pov

Once I'm back on my feet, I notice Ailsa on the phone and she is the one now pacing. Sitting on the edge of the car seat, I try to collect my thoughts and also try to figure out what in fuck just happened. I see injured werewolves, being taken care of. I also see some dead werewolves and vampires everywhere."What in the fuck is going on? Hell, what just happened to me?", I have to ask myself. I lean back on the seat in utter confusion.

I see Ailsa rush over to Author and Angel to find out out what just happened. I listen in from afar. "We have some problems, we captured Mike, but Nicki and Logan escaped the cemetery." "Sean is dead.", Ailsa says. "How did he die?", Angel ask Ailsa. "Shauna did it.", Ailsa says.

They both look at me, then look back at Ailsa. "But, how?", Author ask, looking confused. "Technically it was, my mum.", Ailsa replies. Both look at me even more confused. "I'll explain later, we have way bigger problems.", Ailsa says. "I didn't know about Nicki, but I knew about Logan. But do you guys know why EJ left with Logan?", Ailsa ask.

That's when I chime in, "EJ? EJ, my brother? Where is my brother? Why was he even here?", now I have the confused look , but also I'm pissed as well. I turn towards my girlfriend and she has a guilty look on her face.

"I'm sorry, he was insistent on coming too and I didn't have time to argue. Your father said to go quickly. He was in the car with us, you don't remember? He tried different spells to keep you alive.", she tries to explain.

"MY FATHER IS HERE TOO????", I yell.

"I'm sorry, baby, I didn't know what else to do to get you back.", Ailsa tried to explain.

"Shauna, if I may, we all were desperate. We didn't know how else to get you back.", Dixon interjects. "Ailsa is our Alpha and was already like a sister. Our brother also saw you as a sister. If he loved you and she loves you, then we love you too. You are just as important to us, as Ailsa is, you are our family now, too .", he adds.

I sigh, "Ok, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. I appreciate what everyone has done and I really am sorry, Ailsa. I'm just confused and now worried about my brother. What can I do to to help?", I try to explain with guilt.

"We have to find out what's going on with EJ and find him."Author says.

"Well I guess it's time to talk to Mike.", Ailsa says looking mad as fuck.

Ailsa probably didn't want me to, but I follow everyone into the cemetery anyways. Dead vampires and werewolves are also on the ground throughout the graveyard.

Mike is tied up and wasn't able to break free because he's surrounded by warriors. The first thing Ailsa does is punch the shit out of him, then does it again with the opposite fist.

Mike, spits out blood and ask, "Are you done yet?"

"No, but feel free to provide commentary in between me kicking your arse.", Ailsa asserts.

"Your Alphahood, both you and her(he nudges his head in my direction)dying and money.", he quickly explains.

"What?", Ailsa questions.

"I'm telling you why everything is happening.", Mike explains.

"Why are you telling us so easily?", I ask squinting my eyes in disbelief(needless to say I'm extremely skeptical of him).

"Because the buggers left me, even though they know you guys are going to kill me.", Mike explains angrily. I'm beyond, brassed.", he adds.

"Ailsa just met Shauna a few months ago why is she wanted dead?", Luke skeptically ask.

"She was added into the equation once people found out her bloodline and abilities. It would only be a matter of time before she'd become a problem too.", Mike explains.

"Plus, once Kristoff found out about her, he and Logan went searching close to home for info on and for possible enemies of hers to help. Enemies almost always want to help. He hit the jackpot with EJ.", he says. Once he says EJ, I interrupt. "Wait, EJ?", I question deeply hurt and confused.

"He really, really hates you and add in money and your death and he was all in, very little questions asked."

I walk away and Ailsa follows after me. "Talk to me.", she says to me.

"I don't get it, what have I done to him to make him hate me.", I look at her and wonder aloud.

Mike overhears me and yells, "I can answer that too."

I turn back, now, I'm pissed as fuck(he seems like he's enjoying my pain too much). But I still want to know. "I'm listening.", I say.

"Logan didn't tell you everything.", he says. Then stops and smiles.

I'm about to run towards him and Ailsa grabs me with two arms by my hips. "Stop playing fucking games and just tell us.", Ailsa says with a growl.

"Well from what Logan told us, EJ said you were always treated like you were the special child by everyone.", he says. He continued,"You were the one everyone bragged about and showed interest in, because you were so smart and went to college but also because there was one more thing different and special about you.", Mike started off.

EJ told Logan the reason, you were even more special and why he really hated you, though. It was because of the fact you could do more damage than your brother, father and grandfather all put together and Logan found that interesting. More importantly Kristoff, found it interesting and possibly useful.", he explains.

Now every single thing, Logan told you about yourself was true. He needed to give you something. But he purposely left out one part, Hoodoo. Hoodoo is more powerful than sorcery and vodou combined, it's basically like witchcraft."

"Ok and?", I ask unimpressed.

"You're the only one in the family who has been given the gift to do all three.",explained.

"I call bullshit. Logan said witchcraft here and there.", I dispute.

"Did he ever say hoodoo?", Mike ask.

"No.", Ailsa replies.

"Then, he didn't tell you everything. I said, BASICALLY LIKE not exactly like.", he says.

I look at Ailsa she looks extremely irritated. Mike must've noticed too, because he continued. "Vodou is a religion, sorcery is a form of magic but along the lines of wizardry and Hoodoo is black magic. Some swear by Hoodoo so much, it's often confused for a religion, but it's not. That's the difference between Hoodoo and witchcraft. Witchcraft, depending on who you ask, is part of a religion or is a religion. There is no argument Hoodoo is definitely not a religion.They are both full of spells. Hoodoo spells can be used as part of a religion, but it stands alone.", he explains.

"Black magic is nothing but evil ones. Really, really powerful evil ones. Some have been known to make some spells using hoodoo and use it for good by flipping it, but even the word Hoodoo means evil and destructive magic. So it exist to do damage not good.", Mike further explains.

I was about to read his mind to find out if he was telling the truth, when Ailsa tackles me and Mike's body then goes limp. As Ailsa is tackling me I see blood dripping from the side of Mike's face. As I'm down on the ground I see a bright blue light followed by a boom.

Bloody pieces of flesh rain down around and on top of Ailsa and I. She picks me up but stays low and places behind a headstone and says,

"Stay and hide behind here. I'll be back.", she kisses me on my forehead and says, "I love you so much.".

Then she was off. I want to tell her, "Don't go.", but she moves so fast.

Ailsa jumps from the tops of headstones with so much ease and fluidity, it seemed as if she were just following a predesigned pattern, she'd followed a million times before.

She jumps into a tree for protection  and to obviously plan out her next move. I couldn't help but peek up a little to try to see what's going on  and to continue to watch Ailsa. She thinks capture Kristoff and EJ, but kill Logan and Nicki if any of them are here.

We all then hear, "AILSA!!!", I recognize the voice. It's the mystery man from the night I got kidnapped.

I hear Ailsa think, "Kristoff."

"Holy shit. THAT was Kristoff.", I think.


I peek from around the headstone. Ailsa and the rest of pack stays quiet.
I see Ailsa looking back at me and she mom used to give me that look as to say "what did I tell just you." As she catches me taking a peek.

I slide back down. Ailsa looks at me wide eyed and expectant. "Why can't she read my thoughts?", I ask myself. I look back at her wide eyed too and shrug. I keep an angle where she can see my face and I close my eyes and concentrate hard on Ailsa. It may be dumb, but I need her to be able to hear my thoughts too.

"Shauna open your eyes", it's Ailsa, I'm hearing her thoughts.

"No.", I think.

"Come on open your eyes, Shauna.", she sounds as if she is begging and also trying to will my eyes open.

I say, "No." again.

Finally I hear what I want. "Yes, unless you have a...wait, I heard her."

"Ailsa?", I think.

"Yes, now Shauna open you bloody eyes!!!!" I open my eyes to find her staring at me. "Are you bonkers?" I see her mouth.

"EJ. Might  our way out of this... but think they're gonna try to kill him.", I think. "Good.", she said and even her thought voice was full of anger.

I look down. "He's still my brother.", I say to her through my thoughts. Just as I think that, hear blood curdling screams of terror and pain from a woman. I look back to the up to the tree and she was gone. She had gotten out the tree and obviously out the cemetery. I see some werewolves now standing not far from me. I peak up from around the headstone only see the cemetery now full of werewolves and most of them surrounding me. I hear a howl. "Where's Ailsa?", I ask as I stand and dust myself off. I get no response. One werewolf then shifts, it's Dixon.

Luke then shifts "She went to get Logan, she just killed Nicki, but Kristoff got away.", Luke says.

Is she ok? Where's my brother? Where's EJ?", I ask with deep concern. I look around and everyone is looking down those who have shifted and those who have. "ONCE AGAIN, IS SHE OK AND WHERE'S MY BROTHER?", I raise my voice this time. "Luna, if I may, maybe it's best to wait to speak to Alpha.", Dani says. "Luna?", I ask. "Sorry if I'm being presumptuous." Dani hurries to correct herself.

"Thanks, Dani that will be all.", I now hear Ailsa dictate. I turn to see her dragging Logan into the cemetery and by herself. No EJ. She is bloodied, cut up and naked. "I figured you may want to ask some of questions of your own, Shauna.", she yells after looking over my way. My eyes get as large as saucers not expecting to hear my name. "Um, ok.", was the best thing I could muster up after being put on the spot by my girlfriend. She picks him up off the ground as easily as if she were picking up a piece of dirty clothing off the floor, then throws him back to the ground as if throwing it into the dirty clothes bin. I walk over. "Where's my brother?", I ask with my voice overflowing with anger and loathing. Logan actually appears to be scared of me. "I...I...don't know. We went in different directions, while we were trying to get away.", he's looks desperate and in pain. "Please believe me,". "Why is he so scared?", even the voice in my head is full of curiosity and disbelief. What has he seen or heard to make him have his "tail between his legs" and trembling so much, it feels like he might straight up piss his pants soon? Ailsa chimes in "That's all?", she questions with a dismissive and skeptical look on her face. But something also seems off with her too. "Shauna, do you have anymore questions?" "Why does she seem in such a hurry to end my asking him questions?", I wonder but I decide to block out her thoughts whatever it is I want her to tell me.

I won't invade her mind. Superpowers or not we are both now in this relationship, together and I want there to be trust, honesty and openness just like everyone else in a relationship wants. Using my powers of being able to hear vampires (still unbelievable) thoughts, in my opinion, would be a betrayal of all three.

"No.", I respond in a cold manner. "Feel free to kill him now.", I say even more coldly. I turn my back to him and everyone else, I didn't forget all the things he did to betray us. I hear him begin to talk only to be cut off by the sound of much deserved demise.

With Logan's killing being over I feel free to turn around, I couldn't watch that, I had seen enough of that today. In fact, I had performed the act of murderess today, so I certainly didn't want to have the image of my girlfriend being one. Her standing even more bloodied over his now lifeless body was all the imagery I needed to cap off this night of horrors.

But now I have two new missions. I have to find out where my brother is and I have to coax out of Ailsa what she's hiding(I said I wouldn't listen to her thoughts or ask about it, I never I wouldn't try to use other powers speed up the process). I'm  getting it out of her one way or another and I'm willing to do it by any means necessary.

So the entire ride back to the apartment was an awkward mix of me just enjoying knowing I'm back with her and her finally telling me she loves along with the frustration of knowing she's hiding something and not knowing where my brother is. "Fuck."

I hope you're enjoying the book. If you like what you just read please feel free to comment and/or vote.

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