The Alpha's Hidden Prophecy ✅

Nianni_m által

464K 18.2K 2.1K

Damon Alamander. He's not just an alpha, he is THE ALPHA. Every pack knows his name, every woman wants to... Több

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60(the end)

Chapter 22

8.1K 306 11
Nianni_m által

Damon walked in demanding to know what was happening.

" Well when you saved me yesterday, there was this glimpse of something like a memory. " I answered

" You saw it too? " he asked surprised

" Yeah, Sam if you know anything about it you have to tell us. " I said and he sighed

" Well since you already know about it, here's the story. "


Lianna was excited, she had just shifted into her wolf form yesterday and she was going to take a run like that despite her mother's incessant warning to never leave her room or the pack. She was running excitedly feeling the soft breeze and the feel of her paws on the ground. She caught a very pleasant scent and was walking in the direction of it. She was ecstatic, was she going to meet her mate? Didn't they realise that till age fifteen and she was just fourteen, well it wouldn't kill if she met him now.

She stopped when several arrows were shot her way, she managed to dodge some but one was stuck on her wolf leg and she couldn't move. The people showed their face each beaming with smiles that she was stuck and they've got her.

" We go hunting and we find a white wolf, how great is our goddess. " a man spoke up. His tone was scary and rough and so was is look. Lianna didn't like the way she was now, vulnerable.

She howled hoping someone would hear her but they pushed her , her head hitting a tree behind her. Now she realised why her mother didn't want her to go anywhere especially after she shifted and regretted it. She knew she should have obeyed her mother but she also knew that if she got another chance to go out, she'd take it. She didn't know what to do at that time.

Suddenly a medium sized black wolf appeared out of nowhere and stood in front of her protectively and with the way her wolf was itching to be near him and his scent taking over she realised she just found her mate, she just found her mate a year early.

" That explains it, that means we found each other early." Damon said .

" So you mean I'm a white wolf? " I asked. The white wolves were hunted down during a period and they were taken by strong alphas who captured them and used them to make pups because they wanted to make their line stronger and more powerful. The white wolves were known to be powerful and bring out stronger pups. If I was one that meant either my mother was or my great grandmother and Loranda was probably one too. This just got tougher,if I shifted and people found out, I'd be hunted down meaning I'd have more people against me. This just wasn't good.

" Continue the story Sam. " I urged

" No can do, you have to remember something before I tell you anything. " he said

" You wiped our memory Sam, you have to fill it back." I said

" Well he obviously saved you and took you home, end of story. " he said

" Tell me the whole story Sam, the full story. " I said using my powers to compel him. I had never done it before on him and I felt guilty for doing it but I needed answers.

" Well he obviously saved you and you guys talked. "

" I'm Axel Ramon and you are ? "
" Lianna Redwoods. " she answered

" So do you think we can meet some time again? "

" I don't know, I don't think my mom would like me coming outside."

" But I can at least get your phone number? " he asked

" Sure. " she replied giving it to him

Over the week, they chatted getting to know each other better and she found herself liking him. The week after he was persuading her to come out to where they met but Lianna didn't want to take the chance remembering what happened before but she knew she would eventually give in she also wanted to see him badly too.

On the day they were supposed to meet, she was both anxious and excited to see. She sneaked out of her room through her window then managed to get out of the pack house which was always full with people and security. She was not surprised that no one noticed her but she still had to be careful though. Once she was successfully out she ran to the woods excited to meet him. A big smile appeared on both their faces when they met. He pulled her into a hug holding her tight.

" I'm so glad you came, you have no idea how happy you've made me. "

" Well I can imagine if the smile on your face is anything to go by. " she said smiling and his smile widened. There was something about seeing her smile that made him want to smile too.

" There's somewhere I want to show you. " he said.

He took her hand and led the way, he liked the way his hands fit with hers like the spaces within her fingers were meant to be filled with his and the warmth and spark that erupted while their hands were intertwined. He was going to show her his special place, not many people knew of it. He didn't even think anyone did and now it was going to be their special place where they could come to anytime they meet which he hoped would be more often than not.

"We're here. " he announced showing her his special place. Lianna thought that the place was beautiful, somewhat magical. The grasses and trees were greener and if you looked closely you could think it twinkled or was filled with glitter. " It's beautiful. " she answered awe struck.

" I doubt it's anything compared to you. " he said and pulled her closer. They were inches apart from each other and she anticipated what was going to happen next. He tucked a strand of her hair back in place not taking his eyes off her and she seemed to like staring into his green eyes. When she thought he was going to make a move he just smiled at her and took her hand. She was disappointed, she thought he was going to kiss her damn she was sure he would but why did he stop then. She let her mind ponder on the question. They walked along the pathway that seemed to have golden brown leaves scattered around although there wasn't any sign of that anywhere amidst the leaves but it was no doubt beautiful. What she saw next caused her to let out a small squeal looking at the place with complete awe. It was a waterfall, it was high and the water was so pure and there were rocks that was scattered with red leaves on them, the place was simply breathtaking.

" It's awesome. " she squealed with a bright smile.

" I'm glad you like it. " he said returning the smile.

" How on earth did you find this place? " she asked with glee

"I have no idea but I'm glad I found it and found you." he said covering the distance between them.

" I swear if you do what you just did and not kiss me I'd ..." he didn't let her complete her sentence and covered her mouth with his pulling her into a kiss. It wasn't like the ones he had had, this was special. She was so happy that he her first kiss, she could literally feel butterflies in her stomach, she liked the way he kissed her, so slow as if he didn't want the moment to end, at that moment she was glad that she had let her mate be her first kiss and it was in such a beautiful place.

After the kiss they spent the entire afternoon together getting to know each other. She learnt that he was the next alpha, he had a sister who acted like a spoilt brat but still charming. His likes and dislikes, best colour, food and all. He had also learnt that her parents were over protective and she was the only child. He could say that he already knew almost everything about her.

" I think I should get going now, they must have known I'm missing by now. "

" I wish you could come with me, I don't want to have to leave you but I guess I have to. "

" Yeah, it was nice to get to know you and for you showing me your special place. "

" Well you are special to me and this place just got more special having you here. " he said, his words causing her to smile widely.

" Take care of yourself Lee Lee. " he said then she laughed at the nickname.

" Lee Lee, if you call me that I can get to call you Axie. " she said smiling

" I think I'd rather you make it sexy. " he said and she laughed more.

" I really have to go now Axie, it was nice spending time with you. "

" Same here, we'd see later? " he asked hoping to see her again, he wished she was in his pack and could see her 24/7

" I don't know but I'd love to. " the answer was enough to make him smile and raise his hope, there could surely be a next time.

When she got home she knew she was in trouble if her mother's expression was anything to go by.

" And where have you been young lady? " that was the question that was thrown at her as she entered her room through her window.

" Outside in the garden looking around. " I answered

" That explains the red and brown leaves on your hair? I'm going to ask you again and you better not lie to me. Where have you been Lianna? " her mom asked sternly, sometimes she thought her mom was more difficult than her dad.

" I was outside " I answered and she looked at me urging me to continue.

" I went out for a walk. "

" How many times do I have to tell you to always, always stay inside and if you want to go out you go with some guards why do you have to always disobey me? "she shouted

" Mom.. I... "

" Do you have any idea what could happen to you , there are a lot of dangers out there and no one would be able to protect you if you are alone. Let this not repeat itself again. " she said sternly and I nodded. " Am I clear? "

" Yes mom. " I answered

" Good. Sam? " she called and he came walking in. " I want you to keep a close eye on Lianna, make sure she doesn't go anywhere and if she does under your watch your head his at stake. " she said then walked out.

" I actually tried stopping her from finding out but she did, I don't think you can continue meeting him. "

" But I want to." I said sadly.

" So how did it go? "he asked.

" Lovely, he took me to this special place and we got to know each other, we even kissed. " I said smiling remembering it.

" don't you think you guys are rushing things, I think I'm going to agree with your mum on you not going anywhere there are things that are happening now that are dangerous. It would be best if you obeyed your mum but if you want to meet with him tell me so I can escort you. " he said and she nodded. She liked talking to him about anything and he always listened although he was older.

She continued chatting with him and learning things about him and she was really itching to be with him. Now she understood why mates were so all over each other, the need to be with him was driving her crazy and for him it was crazier because he was a male. This time she really wanted to meet him and told him. She told Sam about it and he agreed to use his powers to transport her there after much convincing.

She rushed into his arms when they got there breathing in his scent.

" I'm so glad that I get to see you again. I missed you so much " he said stroking her hair.

" Same here. " she said and he pulled her into a kiss.

" Let's play hide and seek. " he suggested. She'd have called it lame but when mates played the game they used it to get familiar with each other's scent trying to find them no matter where they are or how they masked their scent.

"okay, let's play. " she said and she was the first to hide

They continued playing the game with them finding each other easily and Lianna thought it was too easy and there was no fun so when next it was her turn she ventured farther and farther into the forest wondering how he'd find her easily, unknown to her she was walking into the devil's lair.

She wondered how long it'd take him to find her now. She was in a forest sitting on a rock waiting patiently for him to come find her but instead of him coming to find her someone else did.

" We meet again white wolf. " she heard a voice say and looked up to see the men who had attacked her previously and this time they were many.

" What do you want for me? " she asked trying to sound bold despite how scared she was.

" Children. " he answered and before she even had time to think or act she was hit with a log.

She woke up in a dark cell, there was no window so there was no chance of her jumping through a window to escape. She was tied to a chair and it was so tight her legs and hand was hurting and a bruise was forming. She started devising a plan to escape, she had been trained in loosing knots like this, then she had found it useless but was hoping it'd be useful now. She twisted and turned around in different ways hoping for the rope to come loose but it didn't. There was a rope in her left shoe but she had no idea how to reach it.

" I see you're awake. " the man said walking in

He seemed to be the alpha due to his strong aura, he had a scar on the left part of his face that made him look ghastly and he looked no more than forty, she wondered what he wants with her, she didn't even want to find out.

" Let me out of here this instance. " she commanded and he laughed.

"You are never leaving here princess, you're mine now. " he said and it was her turn to laugh.

" I'm not yours, you don't own me. I don't belong to you and would never belong to you. " she said and it earned her a slap on her face.

" You are not to talk back at me ever again or you'd be severely punished, if you behave yourself you'd be treated like a queen but if not you'd be treated worse than a slave. You are not to speak even if you are spoken to, your purpose here is to bear my pups. " he said sternly

" Your pups, do I look like a baby machine? I don't want to have anything to do with you no I would not have anything to do with you. " she said and he pushed her chair off with her landing on her face.

" I didn't tell you to talk now or did I? " he shouted coldly " You would very much be a baby machine when I'm done with you and you'd have everything to do with me. " he said then straightened her chair giving her another slap on the face.

" I'd have to show you what I'm capable of doing tonight. " he said then called one of his men

" By six take her to Ellie and have her dress nicely, at exactly 7pm bring her to my room. " he ordered and the guard bowed as he left.

The guard glanced at her before leaving. She remembered her mother's warning and regretted being disobedient for once, if she had obeyed her mother none of this would be happening. She wondered what the time was, probably 4 or 5 so she had either one or two hours to try getting out. She didn't want to wait to see what will happen by seven. After trying for two hours without succeeding she got tired and just then the guard walked in with a lady who she presumed to be Ellie.

The guard untied the rope and she felt free, she stood up as the guard dragged her up taking her to a room. The guard waited at the door while she walked in with Ellie. She began to device a plan, at " You have to wear this, the alpha is waiting for you. " she said. Her voice was soft and sad, she looked beautiful but her face had a lot of bruises and marks .

" Are you the Luna? " Lianna asked ¹

" I wouldn't say that now. " she said with a sad laughter

" He abuses you doesn't he, why are you still with him? " she asked frustrated

" I can't leave but you can. " she said and then gave me a knife that she took from under a pillow.

" You can go through the back door, just keep on going straight. " she said and I thanked her. Just as I was about to jump through the window the guard walked in and before I could jump out he took me by my hand and gave me a slap.

The next thing I realized when I woke up was that I was in a dark room and I could make out a dark figure in it. I tried moving but I couldn't, I was handcuffed to the bed and I couldn't get out of it.

" Don't waste your time, you won't be able to get out of here ever. " he said and I sobbed

" Please let me go, I'm still a child what do you want with me?"

" I want children from you and I'm going to get them tonight. " he said taking his clothes off.

" No please, let me go please. " I begged crying . He had taken his clothes off and I was closing my eyes not wanting to see anything.

" Open your eyes. " he ordered coldly but I still didn't want to ,he came towards me and gave me a sounding slap on the face making me to open my eyes

He tore my clothes away from me and was about laying on top of me and I shouted for him to stop, he looked at me angrily.

" It will be better if I please you first, why don't you take off my handcuff and let me treat you right. "I said sweetly trying not to gag thinking of what was going to happen.

" Now that sounds like a good thing. " he said then took it off.

" Come closer so I can feel you. "I said and when he did I quickly got out my knife and stabbed him in the groin causing a loud scream and alerting the guards outside. I quickly stabbed him on the stomach and jumped through the window.

I was running and they were chasing me telling me to stop and go back but I didn't listen and so they started shooting but stopped when someone shouted that they had to bring me back alive. I was running not looking at where I was going to having no sense of direction as long as I left here when I bumped into someone and I started panicking, I didn't want to go back there.

" Thank goodness you're safe. "I looked up to see Dexter and a big smile appeared on my face as he hugged me .

" You're going to be safe. " he said pulling me behind him.

The guards came running towards our direction and they started a shooting spree. It's not that I doubt Dexter's shooting skill but only him couldn't take all of them, I had to do something, we would be better two than one. When a man fell down I went and took his gun then helped in taking them down.

" I didn't know you shoot. " he said and I turned to look at him. " I was hoping I'd never have a reason to. "

Soon enough they started shifting into their wolf form and things were becoming heated.

" We can't do this, we need back up or we get out of here. " I said and he smiled.

" Your mum's here. " Dexter said pointing to a brown wolf.

" Oh, I'm so going to be in a lot of trouble after this. " I said

Sam walked in also burning people and houses down, they probably want to destroy the pack. There were a lot of people from our pack that were also fighting, when things got too intense Axel took me away from there cause they wanted to use me as a leverage.

When everything was over, the pack was destroyed and we were back home I was prepared for my parents rant.

" Haven't we told you to never go out of the pack? " my dad asked shouting and when I refused to talk he let out a loud 'answer me' causing me to shudder

" Yes you have. " I answered.

" Then why do you go ahead doing the opposite, do you know what would have happened to you if we hadn't arrived. You would have been raped for godsake, do you know how..."

" I'm sorry okay, I shouldn't have left here now I know why you never let me leave. I don't plan on leaving here anytime soon. "

" Anytime soon?" my mother questioned.

" Okay never, but how am I supposed to be with Axel ?. "

" We'd take care of that." my parents said leaving and then Axel walked in.

" Hey, you're good? " he asked embracing me

" No. My parents don't want me to leave home again. " I said sadly

" Don't worry we'd figure something out. " he said then we kissed but was interrupted by Sam.

"I'm sorry to do this but it's for the best. "

Back to present day.

" You shouldn't have compelled the truth out of me. " Sam said angrily

" Yeah, you shouldn't have. " Damon spoke up angrily that's if is name was really Damon

I was done with people lying to me and wouldn't take it from Sam nor my mate who even lied about his name

" Don't get me started with you, Damon, Axel or whatever bloody thing you call yourself. "

I'd be going on a long break and wouldn't update for a month or two. Please bear with me.

Thanks for reading this chapter, please feel free to comment your thoughts and opinion about it and don't forget to vote too. Thanks a lot guys 😘

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