The Baker Street Baby

By ageplayfandomwriter

63.5K 1.6K 759

What will happen when Sherlock Holmes goes to sleep as his normal mature 6 foot self and wakes up back as a 2... More

Chapter 1: The Prologue
Chapter 2: This Can't Be Real
Chatper 3: A Woman's Touch
Chapter 4: The War Begins
Chapter 5: The Uninvited Guest
Chapter 6: The Sleepless Night
Chapter 7: The Crazy Morning
Chapter 8: Paging Dr.Watson
Chapter 9: The Day That Couldn't Get Any Worse
Chapter 10: The Discovery
Chapter 11: The Day Has Finally Come
Chapter 12: Your New Home
Chapter 13: The Mad Man And His Box
Chapter 14: The Rescue
Chapter 16: Christmas Day!
Chapter 17: The Cure
Chapter 18: Another Trip To The Hospital
Chapter 19: A Doctor Needed
Chapter 20: The Doctor Is In
Chapter 21: The Babysitter
Chapter 22: A Rainy Indoors Day
Chapter 23: Roadtrip
Chapter 24: A Heart-Breaking Goodbye
Chapter 25: Where's John
Chapter 26: A Second Doctor's Opinion

Chapter 15: Christmas Eve

1.7K 47 14
By ageplayfandomwriter

It had been weeks later after the kidnapping and things are were running more smoothly. After what seemed like thousands of nights spent awake comforting a crying Sherlock, there was peace brought back to the home.

But sadly Sherlock was glued to John, never wanting to be away from him. If John left him for a second Sherlock would cry and cry until he came back. There was something about being away from John for so long that beyond bothered Sherlock.

But it was getting closer and closer to Christmas and John knew Sherlock would be excited for Santa's arrival. Usually the holidays never meant anything to Sherlock and he would just disregard it. But being that he was a little infant, the joy of the holidays were brought back to him.

John woke up to a very cold morning. He yawned sitting up in his bed looking at the window to see it covered in ice. He smiled realizing that it had snow while he was sleeping. He got out of bed to see Sherlock still asleep in a cold ball. John grabbed an extra blanket placing it on him before he walked out to get some breakfast.

Ms. Hudson as usual was already up making tea for her and John. "Good morning dear. Did you see the weather? Sherlock is going to love it!" She said happily setting his cup down. John smiled. "I'm going to take him to the store with me today to pick out a tree for Christmas. I think it would be good for him to get his mind off of everything that happen with the holidays, plus Santa's coming soon."

Ms. Hudson smiled "I hope he's been a good boy this year." She laughed joining John at the table with her cup of tea. "As for the tree I have some old ornaments you two can use. I'm sure you'll have fun dear." She said before sipping her tea.

Sherlock soon opened his little eyes. The whole night he was cold as could be, tossing and turning to find warmth. He sat up a bit in his crib. He automatically looked at the big bed to find John missing, which made his heart sank.

As much as he told himself to act big he simply couldn't. That terrible man making him so afraid. Who knows where he could be or could pop up. Sherlock couldn't help but start to cry for John. He hate himself for it but after everything he didn't want to be away from his John.

John rushed into the room picking up the very upset Sherlock. "It's okay I'm here. No need to worry." He said bouncing him a bit while Sherlock rested his head on John's shoulder. John started to turn a bit while still holding Sherlock. Sherlock's tears soon stopped when his eyes hit the window.

Instantly he gasped, his little side kicking in. His heart started to warm him up as he got this energy inside him. The excitement pushed throughout his body as he saw that it had snowed out again. "SNOW!!!" Sherlock started to kick and jump in John's arms looking outside. John turned his head to see what Sherlock was looking at.

"Oh does someone want to play in the snow?" Sherlock nodded, his face was like a kid in a candy store. All he wanted to do was go outside now. So with little to no resistance getting changed and eating baby food Sherlock was ready to go outside!

But John's first battle was to get Sherlock to wear his snow coat. The jacket was bulky to wear and Sherlock would rather just wear his long sleeve pirate shirt but it was way too cold for just a shirt. Sherlock sat in his black chair with his arms crossed at John. "No! I go out now!" He said stubborn.

"Sherlock it is vey cold outside. You have to wear your jacket if you want to go out. Otherwise no snow for you today." John said back sternly. Sherlock instantly looked up at John worried "No I want to go out!!" He said frustrated. He couldn't decide what to do. He looked at the coat rack and saw his black overcoat he wore all most every day when he was big.

"I wear that!" He pointed to the black coat. John turned around and signed "Sherlock that jacket is way too big for you." He looked at the coat, missing Sherlock wearing it. He looked back at the upset Sherlock. "Here, I have an idea." He picked up his little blue bulky jacket, bring it over to him. "You wear this jacket and I'll let you wear your old blue scarf with it. Deal?"

That's all Sherlock needed to hear. He nodded his head smiling. He missed his old jackets but he really missed the scarf as well. John helped Sherlock put on the blue jacket then went back over to the coat rack to get Sherlock's scarf. He quickly took it from John wrapping it around himself in a crazy way. John laughed and helped him put it on the right way.

Before they left John grabbed his bag with extra diapers, supplies, a pacifier and other things Sherlock or himself might need. He threw his coat on and a winter hat with a big pompom before grabbing the bag and throwing it over his shoulder. He left Sherlock for a second in the living room and grabbed red beard from their bed room, walking back over and handing it to him. Last time they went out without the stuffie it ended badly.

John picked up Sherlock and carried him down the stairs to the front door. Sherlock jumped happily in his arms as he opened the door and the cold from the outside started to hit his little cheeks. A smile spread on his face and excitement filled his body as John put him down on the ground.

The moment his little feet hit the ground he ran to the closest pile of snow and jumped in. He laid in the snow giggling making a snow angel. Red beard laid in the snow next to Sherlock turning from a ginger stuffie to a white stuffie. John smiled seeing Sherlock's joy. This is what he wanted for him. Just to relax and enjoy the opportunity of being so small.

Sherlock ran over to another pill of snow, jumping into it and throwing it into the air. John smiled again watching him. He turned around and went to the first pile of snow to grab red beard who had been left behind. He bent down grabbing the dog then straighten up and was hit in the head by some snow.

He turned around and looked at Sherlock who was trying to home back his laughs. "Sherlock did you hit me with a snow ball?" John asked playful manner. "No...." Sherlock answers back with a face that was obviously guilty.

"Really? Because you know what happens to boys who lie to there daddies?" John said playfully as he walked closer and closer to Sherlock. "What?" Sherlock said backing up a bit in the snow. "They get the tickle monster!" John said grabbing Sherlock and tickling him in the snow. Sherlock giggled uncontrollably. He had never known how ticklish he was until now.

Finally John stopped and laid in the snow with Sherlock. He enjoying his time with Sherlock next to him when someone stood right at his feet. John sat up to see Mycroft looking a bit mad as usual. "Doctor Watson a word if you may." John nodded standing up. He handed Sherlock red beard and told him to play without him while he talked with Mycroft.

Mycroft looked over at Sherlock who stuck his tongue at him before going back to playing. "What's the matter Mycroft?" John asked. "What the matter? My brother is still a two year old that's what's the matter! You disappeared with a crazy unknown man and magical get Sherlock back. Who is this man and what does he want?" He said with sass.

John rolled his eyes "Mycroft its Christmas Eve. Go home and celebrate! Sherlock is fine for now. In fact I've never seen him more happy in his life. As for the unknown man he's fine. I'll explain more another day but for now go home and take the day." John said trying to reason with him.

Mycroft rolled his eye "I'm telling you Watson I think-." Mycroft was interrupted by getting a snow ball to the face. He stopped and looked at Sherlock pissed. "John aren't you going to say something to him?" But John shook his head. "Didn't see it, didn't happen." He said simply.

Mycroft shook his head and stormed off. "Merry Christmas Mycroft!" John shouted sarcastically before returning to Sherlock. He picked him and red beard up out of the snow and toward the street. Sherlock whined wanting to go back and play in the snow. "I know, I know, you want to play some more but we have to pick out our Christmas tree before Santa comes!" John said excitedly.

Sherlock forgot about Santa and hearing that he was coming boosted his excitement again. "Santa!" He said to John as called a taxi over. "Yup and I'm sure he has an amazing gift for you!" John said as the entered the taxi. John told the man the address and the two were off to the tree lot.

John put Sherlock down and held his hand as they walked around looking for the best tree. There were a couple that were okay but nothing too amazing until they found the one! "That one that one!!" Sherlock said jumping up and down pulling John's arm over. John smiled and nodded "That is the perfect tree. We'll take it." He said to Sherlock.

The two went to the men selling the trees and paid for it. "We will have it delivered to your flat in two hours." The man said giving John his change. He nodded looking down at Sherlock. "Okay now that we have our tree we need get a special ornament for the two of us." He said picking him up. Sherlock nodded wrapping one arm around his neck and the other firmly around red beard.

The two walked down the street until they went into a big shopping store. The place was huge! Multiple different floors and everything you could ever need! John took cart that was more of a stroller/cart for Sherlock to sit in. Sherlock fidgeted a bit not wanting to be put into a stroller. "I walk!" He said as John placed him inside. "No no, the store is too big and crowded. It's safe for you in here." He said then buckled him in the seat belt.

Sherlock tired to unlock the buckle but John quickly stopped him. "Hey! If you unbuckle yourself and get out you don't get to pick out an ornament. Understand?" He said sternly to him. Sherlock quickly nodded relaxing more into the stroller as John started to push it through the store. Sherlock held Red beard tightly as they went through the store. He worried someone might recognize him.

But the more they went through the store Sherlock realized no one was looking at him at all. Finally John made it to the ornament section. He unbuckled Sherlock and picked him up out of the stroller. "Okay point to which you want and I'll get it for you." Sherlock looked at the large wall of ornaments. There had to be over 100 different types! All of them looked amazing!

Finally one caught Sherlock's eye, a green and red pirate ship with Santa at the wheel of the ship. "That one! That one!" Sherlock pointed excitedly! John leaned forward grabbing it off the hook and placing it into the cart. He grabbed a army dog ornament with a Christmas hat and placed it into the cart as well. He put Sherlock back in the stroller and did some more shopping, picking up food and ingredients for tonight and tomorrow's dinner.

Sherlock sat back in the stroller. He hates to admit it but the stroller was so relaxing...almost too relaxing. He wrapped his arms around red beard as he slowly felt his eye lids start to sink. Soon he drifted asleep in the stroller as John finished up his shopping.


Sherlock woke up in John's lap in a taxi on the way home. Sherlock now had a pacifier in his mouth and a damp diaper. He lifted his head to see what was going on. "Good morning sleepy head. Did you have a nice nap?" John said sitting him up in his lap. Sherlock nodded rubbing his eyes and looking outside. It was now lightly snowing outside, which made him excited again.

The taxi soon arrived at BakerStreet. Sherlock jumped out first spinning around as the snow drifted down onto his curly black hair. John got out of the taxi next with all of the bags. He smiled seeing Sherlock playing again with the snow. "Come on Sherlock I bet our tree is upstairs!" Sherlock stopped and looked at John shocked.

John and Sherlock walked in the door and were greeted by Ms. Hudson. "Sherlock! John! What a wonderful tree you picked out! I had the boys from the café set it up stair for you." Sherlock smiled and ran over to the stair. He was about to climb them when John stopped him. "Sherlock wait for me. It's dangerous to climb the stair without me. I have to give ms. Hudson some of the bags so she can start cooking."

John walked into the door way of Ms. Hudson apartment and started to hand her the bags of ingredients for their dinner. But Sherlock couldn't wait! His tree was upstairs!! Plus he could climb the stairs! He was big enough to do that at least! He walked up to the stairs the stairs and began climbing. He had red beard in one hand as he climbed the first step then the second step. He was pretty good at it, see John was wrong! He was about up to the 7th step when he climbed up and lost his balance.

John quickly caught him just in time before he fell. Sherlock's heart raced in his arms having almost feel down the stairs. "Sherlock what part of don't climb the stairs didn't you understand? Being naughty before Christmas too? What would Santa think?" Sherlock gasped at the last sentence. Tears filled his eyes as he smushed his face in John shoulder.

John rubbed his back as he went upstairs to the flats door. He put Sherlock down, kneeling infront of him. "Listen I worry about you. What if you fell and I wasn't there? Just say your sorry and I'll but in a good word to Santa." He said soft yet stern. "Sorry." Sherlock said with a tear going down his cheek.

John whipped his tear away and kissed his head. He pulled out the special ornament Sherlock picked out earlier. "Now I want you to pick the best spot on the tree for that ornament." John said smiling. He opened the door to the flat and both Sherlock and himself were in awe of that beautiful tree. Sherlock ran to the front of it standing on his tippy toes and placing his Santa pirate ship on one of the branches.

John took his ornament out and placed it right next to Sherlock's. He quickly changed Sherlock out of his heavy jacket and damp diaper and into his long sleeve shirt and fresh diaper. Soon Ms. Hudson came up the stairs with a box filled with ornaments. For the rest of the night the three placed ornament all around the tree. When they were finished John picked Sherlock up as high as the tree to put the star on the top, finishing the tree!

After a enormous feast (Thanks to Ms. Hudson) John sat in his chair with Sherlock on his lap reading Christmas stories. Ms. Hudson started to clean the dishes and put the left overs away. When she was finished she was going to say goodnight to the two but found them both asleep. She smiled kissing John and Sherlock head. She grabbed a throw blanket and wrapped it around the two before she left.

As the door closed to the flat all was quiet and peaceful. There was soon a red light outside followed by some bells which could only mean one thing...

Santa had arrived!

Merry Christmas Eve everyone! I hope you all are having an amazing holiday! Stay tuned for tomorrow for the Christmas Chapter! If you like this chapter star it! Check out my other book for the Avengers Christmas Eve special! Comment below any suggestions or complements! Thank you all for reading, I hope Santa gets you everything you want tomorrow and I will see you all in the next chapter!❤️💚❤️💚

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