Something Only We Know ✔️

By GoldenCalypso

11.5K 1.3K 943

||Completed|| Love is not an open door. Love is not a game. Love is not a fairytale. When the game of love le... More

Something Only We Know
Special Attention
sleep with me
hulk's daughter
chocolate on my lips
who are you?
keep your eyes on me
why do you have to sing?
the piano
life at risk
one last time
just a wind
his heart
secret for secret
sleeping beauty
something nice
a promise
that promise
thank you
me and you


545 55 52
By GoldenCalypso

Please note that this is the first draft of the story and it is not edited, formatted, modernized, compiled, maturized, vocabularized or proofread by anyone including myself.

I couldn't exactly remember who took me to hospital that night but I was quite sure that the person was too late. All I could remember before I passed out was pain and fire.

The time when my consciousness awoke me, I was lying in a hospital bed. No one was beside me except a doctor.

At one in the morning, my mother arrived with Peter. They looked shocked at seeing me. I still didn't know why I had been admitted to hospital.

No one knew that I was already awake.

I did not want to show.

I just couldn't open my eyes.

There was pain in my back, my legs hurt and I couldn't feel my lower abdomen.

"Her skin is completely burnt," I heard the doctor say to my mother. "And she has lost one kidney."

Oh my god. I heard my mother say.

The doctor was now looking at me.

"The sad part is," he began, "she has lost her virginity."

What? I heard my inner self yell at me.

Who did this?

Oh it's them.

Then I heard Peter say;
"She died now, Okay?"

"What? She is alive and she survived the accident. The medical reports confirm that she could live after a surgery," I heard the doctor say.

"We don't need your opinion, doc. Just forget that she is alive."

"What? Why?" It was the doctor's voice.

Then I heard Peter grumble in a warning edge to his tone;
"Yes, doctor. She died in the accident."

Yes, I am dead.

I didn't want to hear anymore.

Yes, I didn't survive the fire.

"Oh my little baby," I heard my mother humming to my ear, clearly hoping that I would hear, "it was all our fault. We should never have left you here."

"There's nothing we could do Gemma," I heard Peter say, "She died in the fire."

"But tomorrow is another day." Peter added.

And tomorrow I will wake up again.

Tomorrow I will begin a new life.

Tomorrow I will be someone new.

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