Our Destiny

By Itz_Aneesa

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DISCLAIMER: hi guys I'm going to be editing and rewriting this book completely so if you don't see the chapte... More

Author's note
Chapter 1- Nightmares (Edited)
Chapter 2 - Get To Know Me (Edited).
Chapter 3 - Shezard's Empires (Edited)
Chapter 4 - Amir Shezard (Edited)
Chapter 5 - Saving Amira (Edited)
Chapter 6 - Sleepovers (Edited)
Chapter 7- Confessions (Edited)
Chapter 8- Back To Work (Edited)
Chapter 9-She lives in a mansion!! (Edited)
Chapter 10-Family Dinner (Edited)
Chapter 12- Shock (Edited)
Chapter 13- Blood Donor (Edited)
Chapter 14-Wedding Preparations/Mendhi night (Edited)
Chapter 15- NIKAH!! (Edited)
Chapter 16- Wedding Night (Edited)
Chapter 17- Her Past (Edited)
Chapter 18- Office Fun (Edited)
Chapter 19 - Wedding Anniversary Part 1 (Edited)
Chapter 19-Wedding Anniversary Part 2 (Edited)
Chapter 20- Walima (Edited)
Chapter 21- Goodbyes and Movie Night (Edited)
Chapter 22- Hide And Seek & Stolen Kisses (Edited)
Chapter 23- Birthday Surprise and Sweet Mornings. (Edited)
Chapter 24 - Happy News (Edited)
Chapter 25- Midnight Fun(Edited)
Chapter 26-Planning?(Edited)
Chapter 27-Baby Shower/Baby Gender Reveal(Edited)
Chapter 28- All nighters and hidden truths. (Edited)
Chapter 29-Truth. (Edited)
Chapter 30-Secret Project and More Shock. (Edited)
Chapter 31- Chaotic Nights. (Edited)
Chapter 32- Ameena's Wedding. (Edited)
Chapter 33- False Alarm or Not False Alarm. (Edited)
Chapter 34 - Ariyan and Ariyah Shezard. (Edited)
Chapter 35- Family Bonding. (Edited)
Chapter 36- Hard To Stay Without My Babies. (Edited)
Chapter 37- Bringing Them Home! (Edited)
Chapter 38- Family. (Edited)
Chapter 39- Figuring it all out. (Edited)
Chapter 40-Fun Moments. (Edited)
Chapter 41-Birthday and surprises. (Edited)
Chapter 42- Secrets Always Unravel Themselves. (Edited)
Chapter 43- A Break. (Edited)
Chapter 44- Coming Clean. (Edited)
Chapter 45- Famous. (Edited)
Chapter 46- Family Matters. (Edited)
Prologue. (Edited)

Chapter 11- Surprises (Edited)

2.9K 165 38
By Itz_Aneesa

Aaliya's POV

It's been a few weeks since we went to Amir's house and I went to work as normal but lately, I have had this weird feeling in my heart every time I saw Amir and it really started to annoy me but I soon forgot about it.

My friendship with Safina and Simra and Subhan was going great and I loved spending time with his family.

My friends started coming round to my house more and more ever since my mom called for a meeting with all my friends and family but I wasn't allowed to be present and that made me suspicious as nobody will tell me what is going on.

We,as in me, Zaira, Dasha, Lucy, Sofia, Maryam, Amar, Aleena, Ameena, Amira, my mom and dad were currently sitting in the living room listening to my parents telling us that we have to get ready as we will be going out at 8 pm and currently it was 4 pm. Wondering where we will be going I asked my parents"What is this location that we are going to?".

"Just have patience Aaliya and all will be revealed about this secret location but all you need to know for now is that consider this a surprise," my lovely mother replied whilst all my siblings and friends just evilly smiled at me.

"Why do I get the feeling you guys all know about this surprise and just me and Amira don't know?" I asked everybody whilst looking at them warily.

"Maybe because we do mummy it's just you who don't know," my daughter Amira replied as I looked at her shocked.

"You can tell a two-year-old but not me, what even is so special about this surprise that I don't get told about it but everybody else does. I even bet you that Safina's family probably know what this surprise is as well even though they probably have nothing to do about it," I said as I crossed my arms over the chest as I gave the best death glare I could muster.

"Yeah about that they are also going to be present as they are the ones who thought of this surprise," my father replied whilst everybody smiled including Amira.

I just sat there not knowing what to do with this new information and ignored the feeling at the pit of my stomach and just spent two hours laughing, joking and teasing my friend Zaira as she has a crush on my brother Amar and he has a crush on her back and they both didn't know the other person's feeling towards each other. I also teased Maryam as she has finally found someone who she can settle down with but is yet to reveal the man who swept her of her feet as she said that the guy is coming around tomorrow and she expects me, Zaira, Lucy, Sofia and Dasha to be present there with her and we being the amazing friends we are agreed.

I knew I had to do something about Zaira and Amar soon as I knew from Zaira's sister Sidrah that she had a couple of good proposals come her way and denied all of them saying that she is not ready right now.


Amir's POV

My heart was racing as I remembered the conversation I had with my mother three weeks ago. My siblings all smiled at me as it was the day of the surprise and Aaliya knew nothing about it but I could tell she was suspicious of what was going on as she had asked her friends and family a good deal of times before.

Suddenly my phone started ringing and I smiled as I looked at the name that appeared on the screen Aaliya. Picking up the phone I was welcomed by her voice but what surprised me was that she asked, "What is the surprise that everybody is planning?"

"Wa alaikum mas salam to you to Aaliya and what surprise are you on about?" I asked as innocently as I could as I smiled at her eagerness about the 'surprise' that she even forgot to say her Salaam to me which is something she never forgets.

"Oh I am so sorry I forgot to give my salam to you but you do know about the surprise as the whole of my family does and so do my friends and my parents just told me that the whole of your family does too as your parents are the ones who planned it," Aaliya said as I knew my plan of me not knowing anything got busted.

"Okay I do know about the surprise but I am not telling you anything as you will find out once you reach the destination where the surprise will be held," I said back making her more suspicious than ever.

"Allah Hafiz Aaliya, hope you enjoy the surprise," I said quickly disconnecting the phone call and placing it on my bed as I took out my clothes that will be needed for the surprise as well as all the necessary props and food.

Soon it was time to leave and I wondered what Aaliya would be thinking and be feeling.


3rd person's POV

Aaliya was nervously pacing around her room as her friends sat on the bed watching her with amused expressions on their faces.

"Calm down Aaliya you are not getting married this evening, it's just a little surprise that may or may not change your life," Zaira said with a cheeky smile on her face.

Aaliya wanted all her friends to be with her when the surprise would happen as they all knew about it anyways, even though they can get a little annoying sometimes.

"Don't worry Aaliya we will be with you no matter what happens and if anyone does anything to you then they have us to go through first," said Lucy whilst hugging Aaliya as all her other friends nodded their heads whilst smiling at her.

"You guys are the best. I am so happy to have you guys as my friends and I hope all your life's get filled with happiness, joy and blessings and that God eases all your hardships. Ameen," Aaliya said as Zaira, Maryam, Lucy and Sofia replied with Ameen and Dasha replied with Amen.

Amir was pacing around in his room with his heart beating wildly as his friends looked at him with smiles on their faces as they knew the step he was about to take would change his life forever.

"Calm down Amir, leave it all in Allah's hand as he is the best of planners," said Shazeb who is Amir's best friend since childhood.

"I know that Shazeb but I am nervous as I don't know what is going to happen and if everything will go to plan and my wish will come true, but then what about all the responsibility that will come along with it and if I will fulfil my responsibility," Amir replied whilst sitting down and furiously running his hand through his hair again and again.

His friends all just smiled at him and started laughing at his condition and he too soon joined them but not before he warned them that when their times come he will do the same to them too.

Looking at the clock Amir realized it was time to go as he quickly got up and all his friends looked at him with confused eyes.

"It's time to go you, idiots. We can't be late for the surprise now can we?" Amir questioned as he and all his friends ran down the stairs as if they were being chased by dogs with torches that were on fire. They quickly piled into Amir's car and it was a squashed ride as there was one person extra Shazeb as Amir's brother Subhan was also in the same car as them as he wanted to go with the 'big boys' and not his sister and mother, along with Amir's three other friends Ismail, Mohammad and Shazeb and Mason will meet them at the venue along with Hamza who is Shazeb's older brother.

Aaliya was nervously sitting in the car when all of a sudden a piece of cloth was placed on her eyes making her surroundings go black.

"What are you guys doing to me? Are you trying to kidnap me?" a petrified Aaliya asked as she started to punch the air narrowly missing her brother and sister's faces.

"Relax Aaliya its part of the surprise and we are just blindfolding you and you are going in the same car as Zaira, Lucy, Maryam, Dasha and Sofia and as there is already six of you we will be taking Amira in our car with me, Aleena, Ameena, mom and dad which means we will only need to take two care with six people each instead of three cars as us Asians don't follow the rules and stuff as many people that will fit into our cars and also have big families,"Aaliya's brother Amar replied a bit annoyed but then gave a short laugh and placed a kiss on top of her forehead to assure her that nothing bad is going to happen and that he is with her no matter what.

"Okay," replied Aaliya, still unsure of what she was letting herself into.

Amir reached the destination 20 minutes earlier than the time Aaliya is supposed to arrive so he can set everything up and make it perfect as everybody put all the energy they had into making sure it was perfect as the people they may have feelings for will be attending as well as Aaliya and her family.

Nobody knew what the night had laid out for them and what Allah had in store for them leaving everybody happy and their wishes fulfilled with the people they love.

Everybody stood still and looked at what they have created in aw as they couldn't believe their best friend, brother, and son is growing up.

Aaliya reached her destination and got out of the car as she carefully with the help of Zaira holding her right arm and Maryam holding her left arm with Dasha who was holding Amira's hand in front of her with Lucy and Sofia walking behind them all with smiles on their faces.

Amir stood there shocked as he saw his Aaliya walk down the small paved path that led to the red carpet he rolled out for her.

Aaliyah felt a gush of cold wind hit her face as she untied her blindfold and what she saw made her eyes widen in shock and a gasp left her mouth with her jaw hanging wide open.

There in front of her was a beautiful path of pink and white flowers that had two big light pink pillars with pink and purple roses as a base for two big gold stands that that a beautiful bouquet of purple flowers at the entrance with small little gold pillars similar to the ones that stood on the two big pink pillars that guarded the entrance, on every side of the path with white chairs on each side of the pillars. Filling the space completely not leaving a single bit of sand visible. The path led to a beautiful stand made out of a light purple silk decorated with a boutique of pink and purple flowers along the top and in the middle of each of the four curtains. Tears formed in her eyes as she quickly wiped them away.

Aaliya looked around to find nobody but herself present, wondering where everybody is , she began to look around when a hand landed on her shoulder, she turned around and saw that it was her boss Amir who had a red rose in his hand and smiled at her and relaxed a bit before getting confused as to why he is here alone with her.

But her questions soon got answered when he got down on one knee and handed her the rose whilst taking a small red velvet box out of the pocket of his black suit, that he was wearing paired with a purple tie that was similar to the colour dress that Aaliya was wearing, and slowly opened whilst he spoke and what he said left tears in Aaliya's eyes.

"Aaliya Ahmed from the moment I first saw you I knew you were the one who I would spend my life with as I could never seem to get you out of my head because it was not your beauty that pulled me in, not saying that you are not beautiful because you are not you are stunning and I can't keep my eyes off you, but it was that beautiful personality of yours. They way you would help anyone without thinking about it twice, the way you put your family and friends first before yourself, the way your smile can light up anyone's day, the way you respect your parents and those who are around you, the way you respect your religion and never make contact with the other gender or try to get their attention and finally the way you take care of Amira and any child just makes my heart melt. I don't know what you have been through but I am determined to find out what that monster has done to you and I want to be the one to make you smile, to make you laugh, to pray with you by my side, and finally to be with you in Jannah in sha Allah. So will you Aaliya Ahmed agree to be by my side through all my happy and upsetting moments in life, like I promise to be with you all your life and love you with all my heart as I already do and marry me?" Amir asked Aaliya with hope in his eyes as he poured all his emotions into that speech praying to Allah to make his wish true.

Aaliya didn't try to wipe the tears that made their way down her face as she thanked Allah for making her wish come true and giving her the best surprise she could ever wish for. Shaking her head up and down she replied with "Yes I will marry you Amir Shezard, yes, yes, yes" as Amir slid the beautiful diamond heart-shaped ring onto her slender finger as more tears escaped down her face

They heard clapping and turned around and saw Aaliya's friends and family with Amir's friends and family all clapping with smiles on their faces and tears in their eyes as the siblings were recording this special moment that they can show them in the future.

Aaliya smiled as everybody shouted SURPRISE together and Aaliya's friends and family ran up to her and hugged her with excitement running through their veins and peace in their hearts as they finally saw Aaliya happy with a man who wasn't her brother or close cousins but it was Amir who is now her fiancé.

That same night Amar confessed his love for Zaira, Ismail confessed he was the one who is Maryam's husband to be, Shazeb confessed his love for Safina, Mason confessed his secret feelings for Dasha, Mohammad confessed his feelings for Sofia, Daniel confessed his love for Lucy, Reharn confessed his love for Ameena, Subhan told his feeling to Natasha, Hamza told his love for Aleena and finally Adam confessed his love to Simra.

Everybody was shocked at the outcome of the night as nobody knew what the boys had in plan not even Amir but they were happy as to what had happened as now Amir's and Aaliya's friends were going to become family and they knew they were about to have a lot of fun at not only their own wedding but the weddings of their siblings and friends. Aaliya was shocked at all the people telling their feelings for each other as the parents all knew each other so that made it easier. The parents all planned the Nikah dates for all the weddings but decided to do Aaliya and Amir's first as it is the most 'important' one.

Everybody knows that the years to come are going to be completely hectic years with all the Nikah's and weddings that will be taking place in sha Allah.

Everybody knew that this year was going to be chaotic and that they are going to spend little time with their lives and families but they knew it was all for a good reason.

Aaliya knew there was more to her friends and families love stories and is determined to find out but for now, she needs to focus on her own.

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