The Players BestFriend

By ShaynaRWheeler

647K 17K 2.5K

" I can't believe you cheated on me!" I yelled, causing more people to stare. "You should have seen it comi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Authors note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Authors Note
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Authors Note
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Go Follow My Twitter Account!
I need your help!!
Hey Guys!
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

Chapter 22

13.4K 351 39
By ShaynaRWheeler

"Awww! That is so sweet!! I need a man like that. Hey if you and Ezra don't work out...." Brooklyn smirked, bumping my hip with hers.

The following morning after my amazing date, Brooklyn called and said she was coming over. She wanted to know every detail of our date, and by every detail I mean every.single.detail. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed reliving our date, but I want to keep some things private. They are just too personal to tell. Like the unforgettable kiss we shared.

"If we don't work out, he's all yours. Besides, I don't think we'll last." I replied.

"And why not?"

"I think he's still trying to get over his ex, Loren. I don't just wanna be a rebound. I'm done with being used and then tossed to the side like I'm some piece of trash. If I'm gonna be in a relationship, it's gonna be for the long run; Not just for a few weeks." I replied.

I know Ezra is being really sweet and romantic but things are just too intense when him and Loren are next to each other. They seem to have some unfinished business to take care of and I'm not gonna be Ezra's girlfriend unless he's completely done with her.

"Kylie, you can't keep running away from potential relationships because you're terrified of being cheated on again. Not every guy is like Austen. You can't keep living in the past. You need to move on to the present. It's pretty nice if you ask me." She advised, getting a drink of her diet coke.

I hate diet coke. It's disgusting. I don't see how she drinks it all the time.

"Thanks Brooklyn but I'm not running away. I'm just.... protecting myself from being heartbroken and embarrassed again."

"Well stop. Live a little. Take risks and enjoy your youth while you can. You're in highschool. You have your whole life ahead of you. Don't start acting like an adult now." She said, flipping her long hair over her shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah." I stated, walking towards my room to get ready for school.

Brooklyn walked to my house and left Cody at home with her over protective parents. She's been trying to avoid them so she doesn't get in any trouble.

I started to do my hair and makeup when Brooklyn walks in.

"You're letting me do your hair. I want to try this new hairstyle I saw on Instagram." She said, picking up my brush.

"Before you go anywhere near my head, tell me what you're doing." I demanded.

"Well it's not really new, but I saw it on a fashion page. It's a waterfall braid on both sides pinned up in the back and the hair that is remaining down is curled softly."

"Okay.....Just be careful. My hair is one of my best features." I warned.

"C'mon. When have I not been gentle while doing your hair?" She asked.

"Hmmm......How about that sleepover we had back in 10th grade? Or before the dance in 11th grade? Or for my first date with Austen last year?" I asked, tapping my index finger on my chin like I was thinking.

"Okay, Okay. You proved a point but I've gotten better. Just let me do this please?" She asked with her puppy dog eyes knowing I couldn't deny that adorable look.

"I love you way too much!" I said, causing her to squeal with joy.

20 minutes later

My hair doesn't look like a trolls after all. It surprisingly looks like it was professionally done. I examined it in awe.

"Wow Brooklyn! This looks...... Amazing!" I exclaimed, still looking in the mirror.

"Thanks." She replied trying to hide her heated cheeks.

"No problem." I smiled. "I'm gonna finish getting ready now. You can go and get ready in my dads bathroom. I would let you in mine, but you know how small it is."

"Yep." she said, popping the P, walking towards my dad's bathroom.

I started applying my neutral makeup: Just nude base, a little mascara to enhance my bottom and top eyelashes, and light brown eye shadow with a hint of sparkle. I looked at my reflection and once I was satisfied, I went to my closet to find today's outfit. I always try to find something that will bring out the color of my eyes that day. My eye color tends to change due to the weather.

I chose a pair of dark blue jean shorts with a few cuts on the pockets in the front and back, a gray Hollister shirt that was low cut with a red Hollister logo, a black spring scarf with red flowers on it, and a pair of red sandals with a diamond flower on the intersection of the two straps. I didn't wear any jewelry because I figured the scarf was enough accessory for this outfit. Where my hair is pinned in the back, Brooklyn added a red bow with black polka dots. As you can tell, my eyes are a dark brown color so wearing a bright red will bring out the dull color.

"Babe, you look hot!" Brooklyn stated, whistling at me.

"Thanks boo." I giggled, picking up my cell phone and purse.

"Ezra is gonna be following you around all day like a lost puppy. Heck, all the guys will."

"Pff... Whatever." I replied, not believing her.

"You need some more self confidence." She stated matter-of-factly.

"And you need to finish getting ready." I said, looking her up and down. "You haven't even put any pants on. Hurry up! I don't want to be late!" I shouted, a little bossy.

"Whatever you say Ms. Kylie." she said, walking away.

I skipped down to the kitchen to grab a small, late breakfast which in my case is a quick bowl of cereal. I grabbed a bowl, spoon, milk, and coco pebbles and set them on the table.

I devoured the yummy-to-my-tummy cereal in like 5 minutes. Brooklyn still hasn't came down and I'm starting to lose my patience. We still have go pick up Cody.

"Brooklyn!! Get your a** down here right now!!!!!" I exclaimed at the bottom of the stairs. 

"I'm trying to French braid my hair but it's not going too swell!" she yelled back.

Ugh! I have to do everything for her like she's a 5 year old.

"You really need to start getting ready earlier." I said, french braiding her nappy hair.

"I already know this."

"Then do it."

"I will, starting tomorrow."

"Yeah right." I whispered to myself.

"What was that?"

"Oh nothing." I replied.

"Yeah that's what I thought." She said, causing me to roll my eyes.

We finally finished and are now on our way to school. Brooklyn and I are both turning in our projects today so we decided to just skip the morning break and go straight to Mr. Jimmy's class. Ezra text me when I arrived at school and told me that I looked beautiful today even though he hasn't even seen me. He says he doesn't need to see me to know I'm beautiful; it's a given. I thought it was sweet and so did Brooklyn. She started squealing like a little girl when she read the message. A few people laughed at her but you know her; she doesn't care about what anyone thinks.

Cody seemed a little distant this morning. He didn't say Hi to me this morning like he normally does. I found it strange but Brooklyn just shrugged her shoulders like it was normal. I asked what was wrong but he just pretended like he didn't know what I meant when he clearly did. I made a note to myself to ask him again at lunch. No matter how annoying I'm gonna be, I'm gonna find out what's wrong with that boy.

We stepped into Mr. Jimmy's class but he was speaking with someone. I couldn't tell for sure who it was but her hair looks awfully familiar.

Wait.... I know that hair.....

"Ms. Kylie. I'm glad you're here. This is Loren. She's a new student here. I want you to be her tour guide for the day. Show her the ropes, get to know her, maybe even become best friends." He smiled, introducing me to the girl I already know as Ezra's ex-girlfriend.

"Umm.....Yeah. We've actually met before. It's nice to see you again Loren." I faked a smile.

"Yeah it is nice to see you again. I'm glad I at least know a few people here." She giggled.

"Well I'm gonna let you be. Now Kylie, I expect you to be kind to Loren. Don't leave her behind or just throw her off to another student to handle. She is your responsibility." Mr. Jimmy demanded, looking at me with his eyebrows arched.

"I will be the best tour guide this world has ever seen." I smiled genuinely.

"I hope so. Do you have your projects ready to turn in?" He asked.

"Oh yeah. I tried really hard on this. Maybe you can give me all of my points....." Brooklyn suggested, handing him her and her partners essay and interviews with me doing the same thing.

"We'll see. I know you've tried very hard on this. I saw you at the library last night working your butt off. I expect it to be the best paper yet."

"I don't know about that......" Brooklyn said, putting her hands in her pockets.

"Well I'm going to get a cup of coffee and a small waffle. I will see you girls in class, ready to learn." He said, walking off towards the teachers lounge.

"Well Loren, I'm gonna start off by saying this school is far from perfect. The lunch is horrible, we don't get enough breaks, we get tons of homework, and we can't miss more then 7 days or we won't graduate so I suggest you come to school every day that you can and when you can't, bring an excuse." I said.

"Got it. Oh by the way, Mason wants you to come over tomorrow. Adrienne tried to talk him out of it, but she lost. Mason seems to like you which is very rare. It took forever to convince him to like me." She laughed.

"Yeah Ezra and I were already planning on coming over tomorrow."

"Good. I could use a friend that isn't a slut." She giggled. "Hey, where are the restrooms? I've really gotta go." She stated, hopping on one leg.

"Go all the way down the hall and it will be on your left. It has a huge picture of a stick figure in a dress. You won't miss it." I replied, pointing down the hall.

"Got it. Thanks." She said, practically running down the hall.

"So... That's the Loren.....Ezra's...."

"Yeah, that's her. I can't believe she goes here now. I hope she doesn't try to win Ezra back because I can't compete with her. She will win every time. Her and Ezra have history and love we don't have."

"You will be fine. She has a boyfriend and her and Ezra are just friends. He asked you on a date for a reason. He likes you. Don't worry about her."

"I'll try, but I can't make any promises."

She just had to come here out of all the schools. And I just so happen to get chosen as her tour guide. This is gonna be one long day.

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