monsters | riverdale

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"We're all on the edge of madness; deep down, darkness is within all of us and we're on guard constantly tryi... Mai multe

The River's Edge
A Touch of Evil
Body Double
The Last Picture Show
Heart of Darkness
Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill!
In a Lonely Place
The Outsiders
La Grande Illusion
The Lost Weekend
To Riverdale and Back Again
Anatomy of a Murderer
The Anatomy of a Murderer ii.
The Sweet Hereafter
A Kiss Before Dying
The Watcher in the Woods
The Town That Dreaded Sundown
When a Stranger Calls
Death Proof
Tales from the Darkside
Silent Night, Deadly Night
The Blackboard Jungle
The Wrestler
The Wicked and the Divine
The Tell-Tale Heart
The Hills Have Eyes
There Will Be Blood
Primary Colors
The Noose Tightens
A Night to Remember
Shadow of a Doubt
Judgement Night
Brave New World
Labor Day
Fortune and Men's Eyes
As Above, So Below
The Midnight Club
The Great Escape
The Man in Black
No Exit
The Stranger
The Red Dahlia
Requiem For A Welterweight
Fire Walk With Me
American Dreams
Big Fun
The Raid
Fear the Reaper
Prom Night
The Dark Secret of the Harvest House
Survive the Night
In Memoriam
Fast Times at Riverdale High
Dog Day Afternoon
Witness for Prosecution
The Ice Storm
In Treatment
Varsity Blues
Quiz Show
Men of Honor
The Ides of March
How to Get Away With Murder
To Die For
The Locked Room
Wicked Little Town
Killing Mr. Honey
The Preppy Murders
The Homecoming
Back to School
Fire in the Sky
Lock & Key
The Pincushion Man
Strange Bedfellows
Citizen Lodge
Reservoir Dogs
The Night Gallery
The Pussycats
Band of Brothers
Dance of Death
Next to Normal
Riverdale: RIP (?)
Death at a Funeral
The Town
The Serpent Queen's Gambit
Folk Heroes
Angels in America
The Fog
Things That Go Bump in the Night
Blue Collar
American Psychos
The Witches of Riverdale
Return to Riverdale
The Stand
Night of the Comet

House of the Devil

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"You look like you need a drink."

The friend group gather into the Blue & Gold's office because Jughead and Betty asked them to.

Archie is watching Mickey cautiously, like she's a fragile doll that will break into a million pieces. He really wants to talk about what happened when he found her hungover—or still a little drunk.

She subtly shakes her head when she notices him watching her. Then she turns her attention to Betty.

"So the reason we called you guys in here..." Betty looks at Jughead to finish. She's wearing this huge grin, like they just accomplished something major.

"My Dad's getting out of jail," Jughead gives a bashful smile.

Betty links their arms.

Archie and Veronica exchange weird looks. "Jug, that's-that's great," Archie stutters.

"Yeah," Veronica follows his lead. "What heralded this miracle?"

Mickey already knows why FP is getting out. The Serpent Charmer for FP a deal. Archie told her all about his adventure to Greendale. She still can't believe Archie and Jughead got roped into dealing drugs. She can't share that piece of information with Betty or Veronica though. They'd freak.

"Uh." Jughead lies, "Overcrowding at the jail. I guess the judge reviewed my Dad's case and after Cheryl's testimony, it was a perfect storm."

"Couldn't you have told us this at lunch?" Mickey wants to get straight to the point.

"Mickey means is there anything you need from us?" Veronica nudges her sister with her elbow.

"Both of us," Betty informs. "We have a new lead on the Black Hood case. And Jughead and I, we were wondering if you guys would follow up on it for us. We can give you all of the details, the articles." She places a stack of papers on the desk.

Jughead says, "It's just that I have to be there for my Dad to help with his re-entry, so..."

"Uh, yeah and I'm just I'm taking a break from the Black Hood."

Amusement sparks in Veronica's eyes. "Wait, so, you want us to be you guys?"

Jughead places his hand on Betty's shoulder and she holds it happily. "Essentially, yes," Jughead chuckles. "Why, is there a problem with that?" he questions when he notices their hesitation.

Veronica shakes her head. "Mick," she turns to her sister. "You're in, right?"

"I think you two can handle it on your own."

"Hey, are you okay?" Veronica asks when her and Mickey reach the front of their apartment door after school. "You're usually up for an adventure."

Mickey pushes her key into the lock and twists. She pushes the door open only to come face to face with Sheriff Keller, who is making his way out. "Sheriff?"

"Girls," he nods his head at his son's friends and leaves.

"I can't get that picture of him shirtless out of my head. Sheriff Keller is a DILF," Veronica whispers when she's in the clear.

Mickey snorts. "I'd like to see that. You know how much I love a man in uniform."

When they step into the dining room, Veronica asks their parents, "What was he doing here?"

"The shadow of the Black Hood has finally landed on our home."

Veronica's jaw drops.

"We received a letter," Hermione informs them.

"What? What did it say?"

"The usual," Hiram puts his cup of tea down. "That we'll be targeted and punished for our sinful ways."

"Well, don't let it ruin your day," Mickey mutters sarcastically.

Hermione continues, "According to Keller, apparently dozens of households received the exact same letter."

"Well, I don't know about those other people, but we're actually sinners," Mickey leans on the table.

"You most of all," Hiram says without a ripple in his tone. "The Pembrooke is a fortress and Andre is trained in the martial arts," he tries to assure them.

Veronica puts her hand on her hip, "What about when we go to school? Or shopping?"

"He'll drive you, and if he's not available, we'll hire a car service."

"Also, your father and I have talked and we wouldn't mind seeing more of Archie. He's brawny and devoted to you. He knows how close you and your sister are so he will no doubtingly protect both of you."

It hits Mickey how real the Black Hood threat is. Anyone can be his next target. This town is full of sin. Chuck Clayton is harassing and threatening Josie. Betty and Veronica lied to Kevin when they went for a sleepover and snooped on the Sheriff. That lead to them uncovering his affair with Mayor McCoy—and now, Mickey has to lie to Kevin's face. Like Hiram pointed out, Mickey isn't innocent either. She's hooking up with a guy and sleeping with Jughead, who is in a relationship. That and her drinking combined creates a big shot of karma coming her way sooner or later.

Mickey slides off of Jughead and lies beside him. The room is completely silent except their heavy breathing and the noise from the fan. She props herself on her elbows and looks over at him. "You need another fan. Every time we do this, it gets hotter and hotter. I mean, it's not a bad thing until it's over."

Jughead's body is glistening with sweat. He positions himself so that he's on top of her and begins kissing her neck, collarbone, and then her lips. "Stop complaining," he whispers.

She pushes him off and makes her way to the bathroom.

"Are you taking a shower?" Jughead calls out. The water turning on is his answer.

When Mickey returns from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her, she notices her clothes aren't where she dropped them when getting undressed. "Where are my clothes, Jug?"

He pulls the skirt from behind his back and chucks it at her.

She suppresses a smile. "Where's my shirt?"

"You can wear this," he throws his sweater at her.

She holds it up and then says, "If I go out in this, people will know that—" then she stops when she sees the massive grin playing on his face. "Instead of hiding my clothes, you should be trying to find a way to settle your debt with the snake charmer."

Jughead sighs, "I didn't even realize all the Serpents wanted to be on the right path. Tall Boy was dragging us down."

"You'll find a way. You like being in the Serpents and you want the best for everyone."

He tugs the end of her towel playfully. "Stay. Spend the night. We can watch a movie."

"I have to get home."

"We're gonna have to start doing this at your place soon now that my Dad's coming home."

She scoffs, "Not a chance. My parents are already up my ass." She pulls on his sweater. "How are you gonna get your Dad tomorrow?"

"Mrs. Cooper is going to let Betty and I use the car."

"Do you want me to come?"

Jughead scratches the back of his neck nervously. "Uh, I don't think that's a good idea. You, me, Betty...I mean, you don't want to do that."

"What if I do?" She notices his hesitation and retracts, "Don't worry about it. I don't want to be trapped in the car with Mama Cooper anyway."

Breakfast is quiet the next morning in the Lodge home.

Mickey's mood is already crappy so early because she woke up with the annoying urge to drink. Sitting with her family only makes it worse because there's so much hostility. Her parents won't even address her or look at her. Whenever her father does look at her, it's with dismay. She's the black sheep now.

"Slow down before you choke," Veronica touches Mickey's hand before she swallows another piece of toast too quickly.

Mickey slaps her hand away. "I'm hungry."

She gives Mickey a weird look before clearing her throat. "Something weird happened between Archie and I." Veronica's talking to the entire table.

Hiram puts down his paper. Both him and Hermione give her their attention.

"Well, to be honest, I'm not sure if it even really happened, but he may or may not have said the L word to me. Which, if he did, I think it's too soon, don't you guys agree?"

The corners of Hermione's mouth lift a little. "It doesn't matter what Archie said—"

"Or didn't say. That's my preference," Hiram adds.

"It's about whether or not you're ready to hear it," Hermione finishes.

Veronica looks at her sister, "Any advice?"

Mickey inhales sharply. "Don't say it just because he said it. Only say it if you mean it. People throw that word around too easily."

Mickey is switching out her books in between classes when Jughead approaches her in the hall.

He stands there for maybe a second before stating, "You're pissed."

She doesn't argue his point because he's right. Mickey can't stand secrets and being kept in the dark. "Do you ever go to your own school?"

"I get that you're mad and you have every right to be. We can talk about that after tonight."

"What's tonight?"

"My Dad's retirement party. It was Betty's idea. He wants to leave the Serpents and he's been sober. He even got a job at Pop's, where he has to deal with Cheryl's crap. I just want him to have a good night."

"Think about this, Jug," Mickey insists. "Is a party a good idea for a guy trying to leave a gang and stay sober?"

He sighs, "Just say you'll come."

"Fine. I'll be there."

"You got a hot date tonight?" Veronica enters Mickey's room. "You only bring out that dress for special occasions."

Mickey closes her lipstick and spins to showcase her outfit. "Nothing too special." Then she sees how dim her sister looks—mood wise. "How are things with Arch? It's not so often a guy says he loves you first. Or at all." The last part is personal to her.

"Well he did."

"Are you sleeping with him?"

Veronica gives her a duh look, "Why do you think I ask you not to come home sometimes? Anyways, I threw myself into Bughead's side project to avoid talking about what he said."

"You know this isn't as big of a deal as the two of you are making."

"How's that?"

"You care about Archie. You wouldn't do half the crazy things you do if you didn't. If he can't get over this, that's not your fault."

Veronica eyes her suspiciously. "How have you become so good with this stuff? You're the heartless one."

Mickey shrugs, "Experience."

"Speaking are you and Oliver?"

"We haven't spoken in a few days," she says nonchalantly. "It's kind of a weight off of my shoulders because it'd suck to have to cut him off."

"Was the sex that bad?"

Mickey gasps. "I didn't—we didn't."

"You're still holding out for someone special?" Veronica's shocked to learn this bit of information. She was sure Mickey and Oliver were sleeping together after she caught him in Mickey's room "I guess it's worth it. Better than giving it up to someone who doesn't deserve you."

"Lucky you, you have Archie now."

Veronica hands Mickey her jacket, "Are you ready to have a good time?"

"We are the good time," she nudges Veronica.

She reaches for Mickey's purse and sees the hidden candy bar sticking out. She throws it on the bed. "You need to stop. Your ass is getting huge."

As soon as the Lodge sisters arrive at the party, Veronica goes off with Archie. There goes their sisterly-bonding time.

Mickey searches the crowd for a familiar face and lands on Toni at the bar. She moves through the crowd that's filled with excited chatter.

"Want a drink?" Toni puts a shot in front of Mickey when she sits down on a stool. "On the house."

Mickey doesn't even try to fight it. She takes the shot down and asks, "Aren't you a little young to be a bartender?"

"Rules don't reach the Southside," Toni winks. "Can I say how well that dress fits you?"

Mickey grins at the pink-haired girl. "You're climbing up the wrong tree. If I was into girls though, you'd be the first one I'd call, Topaz."

"Damn, right!" Toni goes to pour someone else a drink.

"Jug!" Mickey grabs his leather jacket before he walks past her. "Come here."

Jughead leans into her and his lips brush against her ear. "You look great." He allows her to lead him to the bathroom and into a vacant stall. He strokes his nose against hers for a few seconds and exhales deeply. "You're not mad anymore?"

"Not even a little," she says in a hushed voice.

He pushes her against the wall and moves his nose against her cheek, loving the way she smells.

Mickey tilts her head up so that their lips can connect. She slips her hands behind his neck.

"We shouldn't do this," he mumbles against her lips. "Betty's right outside and if she catches us—"

"Don't you think it's time you chose?" She pushes his chest and his back hits the opposite wall lightly. "Why do I have to be the one to be compromised?"


She forces a hurtful laugh. "You get to eat your cake and have it too because I allow it. Betty is the sweet, girl-next-door who everyone loves and I'm the slut sleeping with her boyfriend. Do you love me, Jughead, or do you love her?"

"Don't give me an ultimatum."

"Too late. Choose. Right now."

"I can't!"

"Oh my god." Mickey rushes out of the stall and out of the bathroom. She halts outside of the bathroom when she sees Betty on stage half naked.

Jughead comes out behind her and touches her shoulder, "Can we talk about—" he stops when he sees Betty on stage too. He pushes through the crowd to be front and center.

The entire place is quiet when Betty finishes. FP gets on stage and gives Betty his jacket to cover herself with. He gives her a round of applause and the crowd follows.

Toni moves over to Mickey, who has taken a seat at the bar. "Quite the show, huh?"

"What the hell was that?"

"Betty wanted to be a Serpent to keep an eye on Jughead. You look like you need a drink."

Mickey takes the drink and downs the whole glass with three large gulps. She nods at Toni when her glass is refilled.

Sweet Pea, who is sitting a couple stools over, comments, "Sounds about right. She has no idea what kind of trouble he gets into on the Southside or in the bathrooms."

Mickey digs her elbow into his ribs. "Shut up." She has been acquainted with him a couple of times.

FP gets behind the mic. "You know what? I've been in and out of the Serpents since I was younger than my son," he points to Jughead. "And it's been a a wild ride. Good times, bad times, but through it all, the Serpents stuck by my side, while most other people turned their backs on me. My own family included. Now, the letter of the law says that I can't be here in the Serpent den. That I can't associate with my friends. My real family. My blood. But I've been thinking about that. And it'll be a cold day in hell before a snake lets a pig tell him what to do."

The crowd cheers FP on as he rants.

This isn't the FP Jughead described before. FP wanted to be straight and clean. Something changed his mind drastically.

"Northside wants me outta this gang? Well, they better bring a coffin because FP Jones isn't retiring! I am not going gently into the night! I'm here to stay! So, bring the fire!"

"Hail to the king!" Everyone cheers. "Shots, shots!"

"I'm leaving," Veronica appears beside Sweet Pea, Toni, and Mickey. "Are you coming?"

"I can give you a ride home later on," Sweet Pea offers.

"Go," Mickey tells Veronica. "I'll see you later."

She leaves and Archie goes rushing after her.

Mickey turns to Sweet Pea, "I don't know what you think you saw, but—"

"I don't care about about the details," he cuts her off. "It looks like you and Jones are on the outs. Ace looks cozy over there," he nods his head in the direction behind her.

Mickey glances over her shoulder to see Oliver making out with a brunette. Then she looks back at Sweet Pea.

"I'm a good time if you need."


"Think about it," he walks past her.

Mickey finishes off her second drink and then turns to Toni. "I'm a bad person, aren't I?"

"We all do bad things." She begins tending bar again.

From the corner of her eye, Mickey catches Betty leaving the Whyte Wyrm. She decides to go after her and follows her to the parking lot. "That was desperate, Betty."

"Excuse me?" Betty swivels around to look at Mickey. Her eyes are wide and weepy.

"What could you possibly do to protect Jughead? All you did was make yourself look clingy. You have any hobbies other than Jughead?"

Betty's glassy eyes turn into slits. "It's better than pining over someone else's boyfriend! Or hooking up with every guy in Riverdale who gives you the slightest bit of attention!"

Mickey's hand connects with Betty's cheek in a hard slap.

Betty puts one hand on her cheek and looks at Mickey with disbelief.

"Mickey!" Jughead appears between the two of them. "What the hell?"

His presence just fuels the fire Mickey's feeling inside, so she lets him have it. "You let your father fall back into the hole because you listened to Betty! Betty's just going to drag you down and I'm sick of playing bystander.!"

"Stop!" he screams at her. "You need to leave. Now."

Mickey's sitting in her bed late that night. She's just sitting in the darkness replaying the events from tonight.

Then her computer chimes and she opens it to see Jughead has sent her another excerpt from his writing.

That night, I realized it was like we'd been playing a game of Snakes and Ladders.
Me, Mickey, Betty, Archie, Veronica.
And in one fell swoop, we all slid off the board and into free fall and not just us, other people.
Maybe innocent, maybe not, had been dragged into our game, as old wounds reopened. And as feelings that had long been buried shook loose.

She closes her laptop, a tear sliding down her cheek. This isn't the way things are supposed to be. There's too much damage and she has no idea if they can repair it.

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