Heartmate | ✔️

By dawnoffcl

211K 10.9K 6.5K

❝What are we?❞ She asked. Fingers traced the outline of her lips. ❝Heart mates.❞ He answered. 〝♡〞 A bond s... More

| o p e n t h e p a n d o r a b o x ! |
| c h a r a c t e r a e s t h e t i c s |
| p l a y l i s t |
p r e f a c e
p r o l o g u e
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f o r t y t w o
f o r t y t h r e e
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f o r t y s i x
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f i f t y
f i f t y o n e
f i f t y t w o
f i f t y t h r e e
e p i l o g u e
b o n u s : r o y a l w e d d i n g p t. I
b o n u s : r o y a l w e d d i n g p t. II
b o n u s : c o r o n a t i o n
b o n u s : b a b y s t e p s p t. I
b o n u s : b a b y s t e p s p t. II
b o n u s : h a p p i l y e v e r a f t e r
b o n u s : c r a d l e s a n d g o o d b y e s p t. I
b o n u s : c r a d l e s a n d g o o d b y e s p t. II
| a n d i t 's a w r a p ! |

t h i r t y

2.4K 153 40
By dawnoffcl

The sounds of steel striking against steel hit me before the bulky forms of soldiers did. The two guards escorting me to their training room stopped once we reached the entrance where huge double doors stood wide open unguarded.

There were about fifty soldiers in the room, all of them involved in some sort of an exercise or combat. To my satisfaction and admiration, I spotted many women among the soldiers. I spotted Derek in one of the rope rings, sparring with somebody.

The air was thick and heavy and mainly stank of sweat. Most of the male soldiers were shirtless while the females wore fitting tanks or plain t-shirts. I shuffled on my feet feeling a tad bit nervous.

Derek stopped his training when he saw me. He sheathed his sword and caught a towel as he made his way to me. At once, everybody seemed to notice my presence. The sound of whispers and murmurs grew. I promptly ignored them and made my way to meet Derek halfway.

"You're on time." He said with a light smile.

He nodded for my escorts to leave us. He took in my loose tank top and black leggings. He nod his head and led me to the ring in which he just was in. Now that I was closer it looked bigger than the view I got from my the door.

I wrinkled my nose not yet used to the smell in the room. Derek noticed and smirked.

"You're going to have to get used to it if you want to prove your tough, Princess." He said.

I rolled my eyes. I gave the room full of curious faces another once over.

"Who am I sparring against?" I said completely ignoring his previous comment.

Derek turned to the group slowing forming around us. The chatter was growing louder by the second. He clapped his hands twice and whistled shrilly. That seemed to quieten and get everybody's attention at once.

"Listen up. We are going to have a little practice match today. But it will be done differently from our usual matches. Three of you will be sparring against Princess Elina." He paused when the murmurs got louder again.
He clapped his hands once more.

"Now I know everybody has heard the rumors of her return and I can assure most of it is true. But I also want to make sure that her identity or her whereabouts do not leave the walls of this palace. It is for her own safety on obvious reasons. Anybody disobeying these rules will find your yourselves without a tongue and several other limbs. I will know if any of you goes out of line. Whatever happens within these walls, stays within these walls. I'm sure every one of you is aware of the punishments we hold."

Derek was surprisingly quite frightening when he wanted to be. I saw many faces grow pale and some looking anywhere but me. I didn't like that he took all the control into his hands but I figured his words will be more effective than mine right now. But I could change that if I can prove myself in the fight.

Another man with a strong build and graying hair came to stand next to Derek. I recognized him as the one who was sparring with Derek earlier. Both of them nod at each other. The man scrutinized me for a couple of seconds and then nod his head, almost to himself. When he spoke, his voice was confident and composed.

"As His Highness said before, three of you will be fighting against Princess Elina. You may choose your own weapons. Usage of magic is not allowed as a strict rule. It will be one against one match. If one of you manages to pin the other down, they will be the victor. You will also get a promotion from your current position in the army. You may see your opponent not as a princess but as one of you. Remember, your object is to hurt and not maim." He finished.

In a few minutes, the floor was layered with rubber mats. I stretched my arms and legs, warming myself a bit. All the training I had was from the little time I spent at Lord Dimitri's. It wasn't much but if I could unlock the other side to me, I had a chance of surviving this. I scanned the room again, frowning when I didn't find Aiden.

"Looking for somebody?"

I jumped when I heard Hailey's voice. I turned around with a smile. It's been so long since we had a proper talk.

"Not really. I was just observing the crowd wondering if I could bribe some to cheer for me." I joked.

Hailey chuckled looking at the crowd.

"Leave that to us." She said.

Almost on cue Melissa, Stella and the boys made their way to us. I immediately reached to hug Jason. I missed him and his corny jokes. He laughed, twirling me around before putting me down. I gave Zach a light big before punching Jason's arm.

"Ow! What was that for woman?!" He grumbled rubbing the spot.

"No reason. I just felt like it." I chirped. He gave me an incredulous look.

Melissa lightly touched my arm.

"Be careful out there El. They're trained soldiers and you haven't had much training. Now I do believe in you and your abilities but they only work when you have access to the real you. Not that you aren't real now but you get my point." She said softly.

I loved Melissa's gentleness. Anything you put her through and she still will be the gentle, lovable soul that she is. A complete opposite from Hailey and I. I smiled and touched her cheek.

"I promise I will be careful for you Mel." I said. "Now you just stand here and cheer for me."

"These soldiers will not abandon the rules or go against their orders. But they will never let go an opportunity to get a better place in the Royal Army if it's handed to them. Take a few chances to observe their movements.
Their weak points, that's what you'll need to focus on." Zach said.

I nod thoughtfully. He was right. I will just have give everything I have in there. I will have to prove them that I'm capable of protecting them and being the ruler that they need.

"Just have fun Ellie. Don't stress yourself. Be aware of your surroundings and always stay alert. If you can jump from a four storey building and walk through fire to save me, you can win three petty fights." Stella piped in. She brought her hand up in a high five.

I couldn't help but laugh at that. I slapped my palm on her's. Behind us everybody starting cheering as somebody stepped into the ring.

"If I survive this thing, then you and I are going to have a talk." I said in a low voice. Stella hesitated but nod her head once.

"The match is about to begin, Your Highness." A soldier politely informed me.

"Yes, I'm coming." I said to him. Turning around, I bowed my head slightly.

"I'm really sorry that I have been so ignorant to all of you after we got here. I was so caught up in my own world that I even failed to thank each one of you for looking out for me all these years even though you didn't have to. I am forever grateful. Thank you." I smiled softly at them.

All of them looked quite taken aback. Jason was the first one to break the silence. He punched me gently on the arm and then bent slightly to look me in the eye.

"You don't have to thank us for anything. You are not a duty that we have to finish. We are a family and family don't thank each other for looking out for them. Even if you don't say it, we know how much we mean to you." He said in a serious tone. And then he smiled and straightened up. "Now stop all this mushy nonsense and go kick some ass!" He shoved me towards the ring.

The soldier who was patiently waiting for me to come, looked at our scene with slight alarm. I coughed to get his attention.

"Let's go."

The crowd parted as I walked to the ring. I entered the ring and observed my opponent. Her expression clearly said that she would have no problem throwing me around like a rag doll. She looked the part too. Her dark olive skin held scars of her past battles. Her sharp brown observed my every movement. Her dark hair was braided tightly from her scalp to her shoulders. We were about the same height. My own dark hair was in two French braids to keep it out of the way.

"Alright, Emelda and Elina take your positions. Emelda has chosen a sword so Elina will be using the same weapon. Remember whoever pins your opponent down first and holds for ten seconds, wins this round. You may begin when you hear the gong." The man from earlier said. From what I heard, he is the Chief Commander of the Royal Army.

I picked my sword, testing it's weight in my hand. I glanced at the double doors but there was nobody there. My mark sparked a wave of pain. I grit my teeth and gripped the sword tightly in hand. I found my friends standing right behind Derek, cheering loudly for me.

Prove them that you are more than what they're hoping for

The sound from the gong vibrated through the whole room. Emelda moved quickly not wasting a second. She missed my shoulder by a hair. For the next few attacks, my eyes danced around her movements. She was really good. I could barely make out her weak spots.

She surged forward to strike me again. I dodged but not before I got slashed on my bare shoulder. A wave of cheer ran through the crowd. I clenched my jaw. Emelda smirked at me. I was fast on my feet but she had better experience.

After two more slashes and almost losing a finger, I finally saw it. Her weakness. I guess I had her tired from the slight labored breathing she was trying to disguise. Because we mostly use both our hands to wield our swords, I hadn't really noticed which her dominant hand was. But now she was flexing fingers and shuffling her feet. I noticed how she favored her left over the right. Now that I think of all her strikes, she was always late in defending her right.

Gathering my strength, I sprang to her left. Her dominant side. Emelda smirked as if I was stupid. She jumped bringing her sword down on her left side. I dodged at the last moment and sliced her hip on the right side. Blood gushed out of the cut as the both of us fell on the mat. She hissed, pressing her hand on the wound.

I wiped the blood from my lip and got to my feet. Emelda was up but I was faster considering I didn't have a deep cut on my weak side. I went for the same way but she knew what I would do. I was hoping that she did. Just as she went for a stab on my abdomen, I quickly dodged, sword clanging against each other. In one swift movement, I stabbed her thigh making a flesh wound. My sword went in about an inch before I pulled it out to throw her sword off her now loose grip.

Emelda dodged me but not fast enough to avoid my ankles loop behind hers, cutting her off balance. She fell heavily on the rubber mat, her sword clattering beside her. I placed my right leg on her stomach, applying slight pressure to hold her down. My own sword was now pointed at her throat. The blade glinted dangerously in the light. I was breathing heavily, my shoulders heaving up and down. Blood trickled down my arm and the side of the head.

The sound of the gong through the air made me loosen my grip. I took a step back and reached my hand out for Emelda to take. She eyed it apprehensive. I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see two girls running towards us. One took away our swords while the other helped Emelda up. I retracted my hand feeling slightly dejected.

I really can't expect them to accept me so soon I guess

I saw Stella and Jason waving something in the air and cheering loudly. Hailey, Zach and Mel clapped loudly. Melissa made random signs with her hands that I never understood but I grinned at them anyway.

"With the end of the first match, we have Elina as the winner. Moving on, we have the next match between Ridian and Elina. It's going to be a hand combat. It will start after a five minute break." The Chief Commander said.

"You did well there, Princess. There are some points for improvement but that won't be a problem." Derek said. "Emelda is one of our best swordswoman."

I winced slightly when Melissa applied some sort of a salve on my shoulder. It burnt at the start and then quickly subsided to a much cooler state. Zach sat down on my other side with two rolls of white fabric clutched in his hands. He began to firmly bandage my palm for the hand to hand combat. His movements were precise almost robotic, like he'd done this more times than I could possibly count.

"Thank you." I said offering him a friendly smile. My bond mark sent a wave of pain again. I winced. Melissa stopped her work.

"I'm sorry. It will hurt a little." She apologized. I shook my head.

"No, it's alright. It's not your fault." I replied, glancing at the door.

Another wave of pain ripped my body. This is far more worse than the all the others that I've experienced. I clenched my jaw, shoulders tensing in pain.

Is Aiden alright? What if something is wrong with him?

Fear tugged at my heart strings. I looked at the door again.

Should I stop this and go look for him?

I breathed in sharply as I felt a blinding pain creep through my body. My amulet glowed and I felt a sort of anger grow within me.

What is going on?

"Ellie are you alright? Do u need a sit down?" Derek asked. He rubbed my back soothingly. But it only made the pain grow. I pulled away from him.

I was breathing heavily now. I shook my head slowly, rubbing the place where I had my mark.

"I'm okay. Just-I'm alright. I should go back. My five minutes are up. It's okay I must have some internal injury I don't know about." I said.

My voice sounded hoarse even to my ears. I saw Stella and Hailey giving me strange looks. Even Zach looked concerned when he examined the bandages on my hands. Nobody uttered a word as I walked back to the ring.

"Ridian. Elina. To your positions. You may start when the gong sounds." The Chief Commander's voice rang out.

'I'm late!' I thought as I maneuvered through the hallways and stairs. Paperwork that needed my attention were sent over from Avrael through a messenger since I have been absent for so long from the kingdom.

I heaved a sigh as I reached the large wooden double doors that lead to training area when a hand grabbed my arm. I winced at the pain that shot through my body from the bond mark and ripped my hand from her grip.

Isabella's expression morphed into hurt. I glared at the girl, wondering what I even saw in her before. Under a spell or not, I had been extremely stupid in her case and I'm reaping what I sowed.

"Can we talk?" She said. I opened my mouth to decline but she cut me off. "Please? I won't take long. I just want to clear up some things."

I regarded her for a moment and then nod my head for her to continue. Isabella glanced at the double doors and the guards. She shuffled on her feet and bit her lip.

"Not here. Come on."

"Let go of my hand this instant." I snap and rip my hand away from hers.

Isabella folded her arms and shot me an annoyed look. "Do you have to be this prissy? What, are you in love with her or something?"

"Do not drag Rora into this unnecessarily. Say what you have to say and get it done with. I have matters to attend." I said, keeping my tone frigid.

"Were we always like this, Aiden? Why are you acting like this. I still love you and I know you do too. Even if you're acting like you loathe me, I know you better than anybody else. You are my fiancé, for heaven's sake!" Isabella yelled.

I felt my annoyance peak. I remembered all those times when Stella warned me about her and clenched my jaw. I am angry at myself for not opening my eyes and actually looking. Looking at the mess I've made for myself. And Rora.

"I don't have any feelings left for you and I never had any to begin with. That was entirely your doing. You should be grateful, you're standing before me alive at this point." I said.

Before I can react, Isabella pushed my chest. I stumble on a sheet that covered most of the belongings in the room and fall onto the bed. A cloud of dust arises from the sheet making me cough. The witch climbed over my legs in an instant and roughly pressed her lips on mine. I felt her spell being placed and struggled to control it without losing control my powers. This was what she did all those times, she made me follow her around like a damn pup.

I push her away and sit up. My head spins and I feel the sparks of pain from the bond. My vision turns hazy when Isabella snapped her fingers. I felt her lips trace my neck and pause she reached the mark from the bond. She bit the skin and it was like somebody doused a bucket of cold water on me. I pushed her away roughly and stand up. It takes a few seconds to regain my composure and break her spell. But the pain helps me stay in reality.

"Do. Not. Touch. Me. Ever. Again." I seethe at her.

She narrows her eyes at me. "Is this because of that b!tch? First it's your brother and now you. You know what, I'm going in there right now and setting things straight." She said loudly.

"You will do no such thing. Leave the palace at once. That is an order." I grit out. My knuckles are white from holding my hands in tight fists for a long time.

"You are not the king here."

With that she storms out of the room, pausing at the door to look at me briefly.

"Everyone still thinks we're engaged. And as a matter of fact, we are. So act like it. Or your princess gets hurt. You can't be around all the time."

The sound from the gong vibrated across the room and our match officially began. Ridian looked menacing to say the least. He had a deep scar that ran on his chest. When his fiery orangish red eyes met mine, they promised me no mercy. His features would have been quite handsome if he wasn't snarling at me right now. His pierced elf ears twitched at my every movement.

We circled slowly, deliberately sizing each other out. Ridian charged first, swinging at my face. I ducked and punched his abdomen as hard as I possibly could. He breathed out sharply. My knuckles screamed in pain. I dodged a few more punches purely based on instinct but just as I about go dodge another one, searing pain ripped through my body.

In one flash, Ridian slammed me down on the mat. My vision clouded over for a second. I groaned and blinked my eyes just in time to see his fist flying into my face. My head snapped to the side and I felt a trickle of blood run down my nose. I prayed that all my teeth were still intact.

An 'ooh' ran through the crowd. I kicked his stomach rolled over before Ridian could punch me again. He 'oomphed' but gave me enough space and time to jab my elbow into his ribs and sneak in an uppercut. My knuckles were on fire but I couldn't stop now. I aimed for his face, driving in punch after punch. Ridian dodged most of them but I still managed to get in a few.

He swung at my ribs and took my breath away for a few seconds. Literally. I blocked his kicks but boy, was he made of stone. We were both bleeding now. Me more than him. I swung my foot at him but the annoying waves of pain decided that exact movement to make an entrance. I faltered and Ridian took it as an opportunity to slam me on the mat again. I groaned but managed to kick him away and get on my feet again. My head was throbing with pain. My eyes were begging to start watering.

The doors to the training room creaked open wider as two people walked in. All of a sudden, all the pain and anger welling up inside me turned tenfold. I gasped at the overwhelming feeling and tried to push it down. But it fought back, pushing harder against me each time.

My eyes connected with Aiden's and a moment of relief passed through me seeing him unhurt. His eyes widened when he took in my bloody body. He momentarily stopped in his tracks but then somebody tugged his arm. And then I saw the person accompanying him and raw anger blinded my eyes for a minute.

Isabella kept her eyes on me the whole time she and Aiden strutted down to where Derek and the rest of my friends stood watching. She smirked when our eyes connected. I glared at her. I saw Aiden rub his neck but then my eyes zeroed in something else on his neck and collarbone. Something that looked discoloured from where I stood. I frowned.

Did that witch hurt him? Where else is he hurt? Skies why am I so angry!

Ridian took that exact movement to punch me in the face and then in the stomach. I saw Isabella smile even wider and whisper something to Derek. She looped her arm through Aiden's when he came to stand next to her.

This time I dodged when Ridian came at me. Something stirred within me. I flung my fists into his face. Kicked his stomach. I was too quick for him to do anything but shield his body from my assaults. When I found Isabella kissing Aiden's cheek from my peripheral vision, that was it. Red flashed in front of my eyes. My amulet glowed from beneath my bloodied shirt. I wanted to claw out her eyeballs.

Ridian swung his leg in an attempt to kick me off balance. I snarled at him as I slammed him down on the mat. I got on top of him and swung my fists at his body using him as a punching bag. I saw his eyes roll to the back of his head. I was pretty sure half his face was broken but didn't stop. I couldn't stop.

The gong sounded through the air but I kept going until I felt a pair of arms pulling me away from the battered bloody body beneath me. I wasn't even sure if he was still breathing. Jason and Hailey dragged me back to the bench and sat me down on it.

"What was that about? You just went at him like a beast!" Hailey yelled in my face. She looked at me like she was looking at somebody completely different.

"That was the whole point wasn't it? I had to defeat him." I snapped. I was breathing heavily.

Melissa dabbing at my face didn't help either. I knew she was trying to help but at the moment I was too high on anger. I shut my eyes counting upto ten before opening them again.

"Why is she here?" I asked in a low voice. I was looking directly at Isabella.

Hailey frowned following my line of vision. She and Jason shared an odd look.

"Why do you care if she's here or not. You have to focus on proving them that you are a good ruler. A Queen. Not a cold blooded beast. Where did you even learn to fight like that?" She hissed.

I gave her a sharp glare. She recoiled instantly. Even though Aiden was nearby and in good condition, the pain didn't subside. In fact, it seemed to grow stronger. Everytime that witch touched him or brushed up against him it-

Wait a minute

I frowned at Isabella. I watched her touch Aiden's arm and the pain flared. It wasn't as bad as before but it was there. It sort of subsided when Aiden moved away from there.

What were they doing earlier for that level of pain then

I heard Melissa walk away and then Hailey sit in front of me. Jason kneeled down at my side. He and Hailey shared that odd look again.

"Ellie.." He began looking slightly uncomfortable. I looked at him even through my eyes kept wandering to where Aiden, Derek, Stella and Isabella were in a heated argument.

"Ellie, is Aiden your bonded mate?" He finished.

My head jerked to face him. My eyes widened. My body momentarily forgot the anger. Panic seeped through instead.

"N-No! Why would you even think that?" I stuttered.

Hailey cupped my face in her palms. She looked directly into my eyes.

"We won't tell anybody if that's what your afraid of. So it's true then?" She said softly.

"We can help you El bear. But you have to trust us." Jason whispered. He took my hands in his.

It was almost as if they were talking to a wounded animal

The anger flared but I pushed it down. They looked at me concerned. I glanced at Aiden and then back at my two friends. I sighed.

"Promise me you won't tell it to anybody. Not now atleast. Please." I whispered.

"Of course, sweetheart." Hailey smiled.

"Do you have a sort of mark or something? I heard you get one of those." Jason said.

"Aiden taught me a spell to hide it. I have it on my neck." I said touching the spot where I had the mark.

Jason reached out to examine but I flinched away.

"I'm sorry, it's been weirdly acting up today and I don't want to go through that pain again." I said.

"Right. Sorry. I wasn't thinking." He said with an apologetic smile.

I opened my mouth to ask how they guessed it but just then Stella came running in our direction.

"What's wrong?" I asked standing up.

"It's Isabella." She started.

I groaned. Of course it was Isabella who had a problem. Stella looked uncomfortable by now.

"She wants to fight with you as the third and final opponent."

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