The Warrior's Bride [[SuFin O...

By Bunnyrulesyou

38.1K 835 401

Tino Vainomoinen has had no luck with love in his entire life and, unfortunately, being from a family with a... More

‡1‡ Of Omegas and Douchebags
‡2‡ Of World Travel and Herbal Tea
‡3‡ Of Beauties and Barbarians
‡4‡ Of Warlords and Captives
‡5‡ Of Lust and Trophies (Part 1)
‡6‡ Of Lust and Trophies (Part 2)
‡8‡ Of Dark Pasts and Trauma
‡9‡ Of Injury and Anxiety
‡10‡ Of Conquest and Reunions

‡7‡ Of Mates and Conflict

4.7K 81 19
By Bunnyrulesyou

Tino stared at the wall of the tent in a daze.

He’d been in this camp for five days now, and the only contact he had was with his new “mate”. Thoughts of the large blonde alpha also brought his mind to the subject he was trying to avoid: the fresh mating mark adorning the back of his neck.

He was mated.

The thought still left him dazed at the unrealness of it all. There was no courting, no dates, no conversation, no consent… but he was mated to a total stranger. There was also no sex as of yet, but Tino thanked his lucky stars for that.

Since the first time Tino showed his aversion during that first night, the blonde alpha had not forced himself on him. He did, however, unashamedly use Tino’s thighs thrice more, covering the him with his cum and rubbing it into his skin until the omega was saturated in his scent. He was marking him. Each time Tino could only hide his face in humiliation since the alpha always made sure to bring him to completion too, touching and kissing him all over.

During this time he’d not been graced with a stitch of clothing and therefore was forced to curl up on the bed of furs and cover himself with some of them to achieve some semblance of decency. He’d been allowed to bathe occasionally in a huge wooden tub filled with hot water that was placed in the tent, but he couldn’t even enjoy the feeling of getting clean as his captor turned mate would always watch him with feverish eyes, seemingly on the verge of jumping the omega any minute. Under such a hungry gaze, Tino could only quickly clean himself before the man made to grab him or something.

Tino wanted very much to just damn this man to hell with every fibre of his soul but… the mark.

This damned mating mark was doing something to him!

The first time he woke up after that terrifying night, he found himself snugly wrapped in the arms of the blonde alpha who was watching him so closely with that intense gaze of his that Tino could feel his warm breath ghosting across his face. Tino’s first response was yank himself away from the man’s arms, his entire face flushed as he replayed the memories of the night before. He froze in his futile attempt to put distance between himself and the alpha’s powerful grip when a twinge of pain from the back of his neck brought up the, arguably, most important memory from last night: The alpha marking him.

Surprisingly, the expected rush of pure, unadulterated anger, fury and embarrassment was trampled by a sudden inexplicable feel of fascination, joy and admiration that almost bowled him over. Tino was shocked silly by these emotions that seemed to come out of nowhere. His confusion didn’t last for long, as soon realized the source of these feelings to be the throbbing bite mark on the back of his neck.

Yes, these new emotions were coming from the link between him and his new “mate”. Despite the almost bloodthirsty glare that never seemed to leave the man’s face, the emotions seeping into Tino’s mind as the man watched him were incredibly tender. Foreign emotions, not his own were clashing and contradicting inside his head every time he was near the man.

It was driving Tino insane.

He wanted to hate the bastard that kidnapped him, almost raped him and forcefully mated him, but those foreign emotions from the bond left him at a loss. It was like a sinful voice in his ear telling him to give himself away wholly to the man. It promised happiness, protection, passion and so much more… from this man he knew nothing about.

He refused to be influenced by a biological reaction, damnit! It didn’t matter that he was now irrevocably chained to this bastard. It didn’t matter that he practically couldn’t resist anything the man chose to do to him physically at the moment; His own damned mind was a sanctuary he refused to relinquish, so he fought the urges from the bond and separated his own feelings from the ones leaking through it.

Although he was refusing to surrender himself to the mating bond, The types of emotion coming though the bond did give Tino pause.

From a forced bond, he expected domination, the urge to surrender and obey, yet… These feelings were tender… and disarming. He couldn’t resist taking a second look at the man, or rather, his actions so far. Aside from kidnapping him and nearly forcing himself on the omega the first night they met, the alpha had never really harmed him. He quite blatantly lusted after the Fin, yet he hadn’t raised a hand against him or even used his alpha presence to pressure the omega into submitting when he resisted. He hadn’t done more than kissing, caressing and thrusting between the omega’s thighs. He would hover whenever Tino ate and drank, making sure he ate a sufficient amount, all with that intense gaze of his and stony a silence.

He just couldn’t understand this man’s angle, but for the time being he didn’t seem to be too much of a threat… that didn’t mean Tino wasn’t waiting for the other shoe to drop.

It wasn’t like he had to spend all his time in captivity in the enclosed space with the large alpha though. In the past five days, three times the alpha donned his armor and strapped his sword at his waist. Each time he would stride over to the wary omega and press a bruising kiss to his soft lips despite the protests before leaving the tent. Each time, Tino would hear and feel the earth vibrating with hundreds of hoofbeats that got softer and softer in the distance. Each time the alpha would return after nightfall smelling of burnt wood, sweat and iron while there was the faint sound of screaming, and crying in the distance. Each time he would take his pleasure from the Tino’s thighs, rubbing his scent into the omega’s skin.

On these occasions, Tino would spend most of the day alone in the tent helplessly drifting in and out of fretful sleep or simply sitting among the furs worrying about his cousins, this mating and how they could possibly get out of it all. Much like he was doing at the moment.

He knew that Lukas and Emil had to be somewhere in the encampment as well. He’d seen Lukas get carried somewhere by a blonde alpha in a red tunic, much like he was, however, he was pretty sure that Lukas was supposed to be very close to his heat on the day of their capture. He would have definitely gone into heat somewhere in the time they were being held here, and if that were true then…

They couldn’t just run away while their captors were out because there was always a portion of men left in the camp. Not to mention the ones keeping guard outside the entrance to the tent he was in right that moment. As he’d guessed, his captor was a very important person in this army. Tino hadn’t heard a single person that didn’t defer to him yet. He seemed to strike fear into them as well. There were a couple men that came a little too close to catching a glimpse of Tino’s naked form when delivering some report in a hushed voice. Their wandering eyes earned them a positively vicious growl from the large alpha. Don’t even mention those men whom it was aimed at, even Tino paled and started to tremble after hearing it. The two soldiers wisely beat a hasty retreat and a wave of reassurance came rushing into tino’s mind from the perpetually stoic alpha.

If he should return and find that so much as a hair on Tino’s head was harmed then Tino could only imagine he would be far from pleased, so there were guards watching the tent from a distance the alpha approved at all times during his absence.

Even if Tino did somehow miraculously find a way to slip past all the soldiers outside with his cousins in tow, with him completely nude and all three of  them on foot, he imagined they wouldn’t get very far.

His still wanted desperately to know if they were okay though. What were the odds that they ended up in the hands of a seemingly considerate captor like his? Especially Lukas.

Worrying about it was driving him up a wall, and that was without mentioning Emil who Tino barely got a glimpse of on the journey here. It seemed he could only agonize over it endlessly, so he decided to try his luck with the blonde alpha. The man didn’t seem to mean him too much harm, though he was sure the man was perfectly capable of snapping him in half like a twig. Maybe the man would let him see his cousins?

So today he waited anxiously for the alpha’s return.

Night fell, and, as predicted, the sound of hoofbeats was heard in the distance getting louder and louder before petering off. Tino waited with bated breath, and soon a now familiar blonde head ducked past the tent flap and the blonde alpha’s large body instantly made the space feel smaller. He brought with him that same scent of irony tang that Tino was too scared to place. In his hand he held a cloth bundle that he tossed onto the single table before beginning to remove his armor. The alpha’s icy blue gaze immediately sought the omega’s figure and stayed there. His gaze was heated. It made Tino shudder and fidget nervously. He closed his eyes and tried to suppress his body’s natural reaction to the the scent of the alpha’s lust, telling himself that his nipples had peaked from the cold air.

Tino heard footsteps and took a peek to see the alpha in all his glory, stalking towards the bed of furs and the morsel on top of it. He didn’t seem to mind walking around completely nude either. Tino could see the way the man’s muscles bunched and flexed with every movement. He took a few more quick breaths to calm himself. He had to pretend to be docile. He just needed to get through this until the alpha finished...

This time Tino allowed himself to be pushed down on his back. He lied prone, trying to resist the urge to cover himself. The alpha paused for a moment, studying the omega before proceeding to engulf Tino’s frame with his large one.


Tino couldn’t help the catch in his breath as wet kisses were rained down on his neck and collarbone. He squirmed a little, but didn’t struggle like he did in the past. When the alpha’s lips captured his own and the man’s tongue slipped into his mouth, Tino let a soft sigh slip through. Tentatively he prodded the man’s tongue with his own.

The reaction was instantaneous. The alpha’s movements became more forward and the kiss became feverish. By the time Tino’s lips were released, he didn’t need a mirror to know that his lips were probably red and swollen. The alpha moved back to his neck where he bit and nipped at the flushed skin.

“Haa!” Tino arched his back off the furs when teeth tugged gently at one of his nipples. He clutched the fur with his fingers and thrashed his head to the side. The alpha’s feathery blonde fringe tickled his sensitive skin, causing him to squirm as the man teased and suckled at his chest.

So preoccupied was Tino in the new sensations the alpha was giving him that when a thick finger breached his entrance up to the first joint, he gave a startled yelp.

“No!” Tino hurriedly pushed the man away, shaking his head in refusal. The body above him stilled before the finger was pulled from inside him. Kisses were rained onto his lips as the alpha caressed his trembling form soothingly. He was suddenly assaulted by a sense of regret not his own. They stayed like this for a while until Tino calmed down from his small fright.

The alpha shifted himself between Tino’s thighs, fitting their bodies together perfectly. Tino could feel the larger man’s erection pressed against his own and the man’s muscled frame pressing down on him. Like that, the man began to thrust against him, grinding his hips sinfully slowly. Tino twitched every time his peaked nipples glided over the man’s muscled chest.

“Mmmh…” It pulled a low moan from the Fin who bit his already swollen lips to keep them in. He just needed the man to finish… slowly, hesitantly, he wrapped his legs around the tapered waist of the alpha and began to grind back.

The alpha gave a pleased rumble and picked up his pace. More pressure, more friction.

“Aaah!” Tino was the first to come.

Warm cum spurted between their tightly sandwiched bodies as he shuddered and twitched in the throes of his orgasm. Shortly after, a gush of warmth between them signified the alpha’s end as well. He pulled away slightly and allowed his release to spray all over the omega right up to his face. Tino gasped as for the fifth time he was covered in the other man’s cum.

Shuddering, Tino tried not to protest as the alpha started to rub the sticky concoction into his skin. Once he was covered in the alpha's scent from head to toe, the alpha stretched out on the bed of fur and gathered the little Fin in his arms, chest rumbling in satisfaction.

After a few minutes of afterglow in which Tino calmed his heart rate he gathered his courage to speak up to his intimidating bed partner.

“Um…” He started meekly, his voice a little rusty since he hadn’t really spoken much in the past several days, just… screamed... or shouted. He felt the chest below him shift and flex as the alpha turned to look at him. He couldn’t meet the man’s gaze though. “Erm… I was wondering if I could see my cousins… both blonde and look… look kind of like me… er… one of them has a hair clip shaped like a Nordic cross…” Realizing that the man might not know what he meant by cross, he tried to gesture but his voice petered out under the intense gaze of the silent alpha.


“Eh?” Tino was a bit surprised. The alpha spoke even less than he did in the past few days, but when he did, Tino couldn’t help being caught off guard by the rumbling, baritone voice. Especially pressed against the man’s chest as he was.

“W’ leave camp t’m’rrow. Ya c’n meet ‘em th’n…” The alpha paused for a moment before reaching out to cup Tino’s cheek in his rough palm. “Th’y’re safe.” Tino nodded mutely. This was the most the man had spoken in one sitting since they’d met.

“Thank you… I… uh--”


“Huh?” Tino’s chin was tugged so he had no choice but to look into that frost blue gaze.

“Berwald,” the alpha repeated, watching the omega intently as if waiting for something. It took the omega a minute to realize that he never really knew this man’s name.

“Uh… thank you… Berwald.” It was barely a whisper, but the alpha seemed pleased, as he captured the omega’s mouth in another heated kiss before pulling him closer and covering them both with the furs.

Ensconced in the alpha’s-- Berwald’s arms, Tino was left to consider what he was told just now.

They were finally leaving this encampment… but what was their destination? The uncertainty made him uncomfortable but he calmed himself down with the second piece of news: His cousins were safe. He could always take what his mysterious captor said worth a grain of salt, but… it was something.

Tino used this thought to comfort himself and drifted off into the first proper sleep he had in the days since his capture. Even if he was still uncertain about the overbearing presence beside him.


Lukas looked at the figure sleeping soundly in the bed of furs beside him. His sweating palms clenched the hilt of the stolen dagger. He grit his teeth and willed his hands to stop shaking. He glared at the completely relaxed alpha lying beside him naked under the furs, much like himself.

Just one stab and he could pay back a week of grievances.

Lukas couldn’t count how many times this man-- Mathias, had mounted and knotted him throughout his heat. He was so covered with hickeys and bite marks that he could easily claim to have been in a life or death battle. There was a constant stream of semen trickling from his swollen entrance and along his thighs; He felt sticky and violated from head to toe. There was also the mating mark that was now decorating his neck courtesy of this same bastard.

Once his heat had died down a bit and he remembered how wantonly it had caused him to act and how this bastard had no qualms against taking advantage of that, Lukas was filled with rage and humiliation. He was mated to this bastard? There was no way in hell he was going to remain this man’s fucktoy. He needed to find his brother and Tino so they could get the hell out of here somehow.

He’d seen the way they did things. When this bastard was present, the betas that guarded the tent were relieved of their duty. It was this man that was the only obstacle left. He dug through one of the saddlebags for a weapon, found this dagger and made a resolve for when his heat started to pass. He waited until the alpha had his fill of his body and fell asleep before retrieving the dagger from the folds of the bed.

If he didn’t immediately kill the bastard, he would at least incapacitate him enough to make a break for it, find the others and get the hell away from here all the while praying to any god that would listen that there wasn’t already a child growing in his womb…

He tried to will himself to plunge the dagger into the man’s chest…

“Can’t do it, kitten?”

“!?” Lukas gave a start when a large hand gripped his over the dagger. His eyes flew to the alpha’s face to see him wide awake with not a trace of sleep in his eyes and grinning at him. The dagger was easily plucked from his hands and tossed across the room. Mathias rolled on top of Lukas once more, pinned his wrist and crushed Lukas’ lips in a hungry kiss.

“Mmmh!” The omega beat furiously at the alpha’s back. Mathias pulled back with a loud pop to grin at Lukas with his eyes sparkling like sapphires in the dim lighting.

“By gods, if you aren’t the wildest one I’ve ever met!” He exclaimed, observing the omega with that infuriating grin of his. “What do you plan to do after stabbing me, kitten?” The omega only glared silently at him.

“Ah!” Lukas couldn’t help a small yelp when fingers prodded at his leaking entrance. The fingers retreated and Mathias lifted the guilty hand to show him the sticky white mess.

“You might already be pregnant with my child you know. Just what would you do without your mate?”

When Lukas continued to silently glare at him, the alpha merely chuckled in amusement. He smirked and reached his hand back down between the omega’s thighs. He circled the swollen puckered flesh before shoving two fingers in. Lukas gave a shuddering gasp, but otherwise remained silent, only leaking small sounds that were drowned out by an embarrassing squelching noise as Mathias worked his fingers inside the sticky passage.

Lukas turned his head away, tring to will his arousal to disappear. This gave Mathias the perfect chance to nip and kiss at the exposed column of his neck.

“Tell me what you’re unsatisfied with, kitten,” He murmured in the omega’s ear. “Now that you’re mine, you’ll never want for anything. I’ll definitely treat you right.” He paused to nibble at the tempting ear lobe. “I’m strong; there’s no doubt I’ll protect you. If it’s pleasure you want…” He smirked pressing on the omega’s sweet spot.


“I can definitely give that to you as well~” He smirked. Lukas glared at him with watery blue eyes.

“Go to hell!” he hissed.

Mathias merely laughed before pressing Lukas’ thighs further open to plunge his engorged member inside. The omega gave a cry and threw his head back when Mathias hit his prostate head on.

“Ah! … No… Ahh!”

“Don’t worry, kitten. You’ll fall in love with me in due time. After all, aren’t I charming?”

Lukas’ cursing was met with obnoxious laughter as the alpha’s thrusting picked up pace, and the entire space was filled with his moans, squelching from his abused entrance and the sound of skin connecting.




Gotta love Sweden! And Denmark will be Denmark.

Remember to vote and comment!

Till next chapter. ~★

-P.S. Bunny rules you

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