Soulmate | Jasper Hale [1]

By _dragongirl_96

162K 3.2K 283

Danielle and Isabella Swan are twin sisters. Although they do not look or act alike, they always do everythin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 2

16.2K 310 22
By _dragongirl_96

Danielle and Bella sat at the table eating their breakfast, as Charlie came down the stairs.

"Good morning, Dani." he said giving the girl a kiss on her cheek "Good morning, Bells." he said doing the same to the darker haired brunette.

"Good morning, Dad." they both said at the same time, but in a different tone.

"Shall we go?" Danielle asked Bella as she put their dirty dishes in the sink.

"Sure." Bella sighed, making Danielle chuckle.

They both took their backpacks and stepped into the car. Danielle started the engine and drove in the directio of their new school. She parked near the entrance. As they got out of the truck, everybody stared at the two new faces in school. Bella looked at the ground uncomfortably. Some dude insulted their truck as he passed them. Danielle was about to say something back but she decided that it will only make it worse for Bella. She walked to her younger sister and swung an arm around her, giving her a wild grin.

"Looks, like they've never seen such beauties around here." Danielle joked and Bella laughed softly.

"Or they never get new students."

"Oh, come on. Don't ruin my mood. At least let me think I'm beautiful." they both chuckled at what Danielle said and walked inside the school building.

"I guess Jake was right, saying it's not big." Bella said to her sister as the latter nodded.

Then they both went to pick up their schedules and locker's passwords. The lady in the office told the girls where their lockers were. Danielle looked at her sister's schedule and scanned her own at the same time.

"I guess we have to split. Our lockers are far from each other and we don't have any classes together." Danielle sighed.

"I guess so." Bella agreed nervously.

"Hey!" Danielle yelled seeing her little sister struggle to pick up the courage "Let's go and kick some ass!" she said smiling and stretching out her fist.

Bella looked hesitantly but then smiled, and fist-bumped her sister, as they split. They both turned around giving each other one last smile and waving their hands. Danielle looked around for her locker, and when she looked around for it, she bumped into someone and dropped her books on the floor.

"I'm sorry." she apologized, quickly gathering her books.

As she stood up she saw that the guy she bumped into was still there. He looked very handsome. Beautiful golden eyes and his bright blonde curly hair made a perfect combination. She stopped staring at the guy realising that he was also staring at her.

"Hi, I'm Danielle. Are you alright?" she asked worried what seemed to snap the boy out of his trance.

"I'm Jasper. Yes, I'm fine ma'am." the boy said and hurried away from her, as she stood still a little surprised at his odd way of talking.

She looked as he turned the corner. She didn't know what it was but she couldn't take her eyes off of him earlier. She shook her head slightly, as if coming to her senses. She finally found her locker and put some of her books in it. Then she went to her History class. The teacher smiled at her as she entered the classroom. He gave her a book and told to take a seat in the back. She turned her head to her appointed seat, and there sat the boy she bumped into earlier. She walked towards him, and gave him a smile as she sat in her chair. The lesson was about Civil War. Danielle listened very interested taking notes. Sometimes she glanced at Jasper, and he was staring at the board the whole time, not taking notes. He looked tense and immediately got up as the bell rang, leaving the confused brunette behind. Nobody spoke to Danielle during the lessons. She felt a little left out so she was glad when the bell rang, and she headed to get lunch. As she entered the room, she felt everybody stare. Nonetheless the girl picked a tray and some food, looking for her sister as she was done. Then she spotted Bella at a table with two girls and three guys. She hesitated if she should sit with them, and Bella then turned around waving her hand at Danielle signalling for her to come over. The older sister smiled and sat beside Bella.

"This is my sister, Danielle." Bella introduced her.

"Just Dani or Dan." she smiled softly.

"This is Jessica, Angela, Mike, Taylor and Eric." Bella introduced her other friends.

"Nice to meet you."

"We wanted to feature you both in the school newspaper but Bella declined." Eric said giving me a sulking look.

"It seems like she did us both a favor." I said and we all chuckled.

Then a group entered the cafeteria. A blonde girl holding a masculine boy's hand. Behind them walked a short girl with short black hair. They all looked very pale. Paler then most people from Forks.

"Who are they?" me and Bella said together.

"They are the Cullens. Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's Foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska, like a few years ago." Jessica explained.

"They kind of keep to themselves." Angela added.

" Yeah, 'cause they are together. Like together together. At least Rosalie and Emmett. Look the blonde girl is Rosalie and the guy beside her is Emmett. The girl with short hair is Alice, and the one that looks like he's in pain beside her is Jasper. The last one is Edward." Jessica told me and Bella "Apparently nobody here's good enough for them." she said a little annoyed "Seriously, like, don't waste your time."

"Not planning on it." Bella said.

"Me neither." Danielle agreed.

She looked at Bella and found her staring behind her. She looked in the direction and saw Edward staring back at Bella. As she was about to turn around, her eyes met Jasper's. Danielle looked at him until she was nudged by Mike. The girl turned around and they started a small conversation. The rest of the day went by peacefully, not counting the stares she got, but that was to be expected. Danielle waited outside the car on Bella, while playing on her phone. When she looked up, Bella was heading in her direction, obviously pissed off.

"Hey, Bells. What's wrong?"

"Edward." she answered and they got into the car as Danielle started the engine.

"What's with him?" she asked.

"I don't know. I sat beside him in Biology class and he acted strange the whole time. As if I stank." she said annoyed.

Danielle sniffed her but didn't smell anything weird.

"You don't smell. There's something wrong with him." Danielle sighed "So what ya gonna do? Switch seats?" she raised her eyebrow.

"No, I think I'll just ask what his problem is." Bella said determined.

"That's my girl!" Danielle smiled at her sister and got a small smile in return.

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