Out Of The Ordinary

By ThatNerdyChickx

2.7K 238 172

(Sequel to "From Simple To Strange") She was gone, kidnapped for four months without knowing where she was a... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Question/Survey Thingy!
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Finale!)

Chapter 1

458 22 8
By ThatNerdyChickx

And we're back! Really excited to write this.. and by the way, if you haven't read the first book, From Simple To Strange, you might need to so go check it out! If you have, COMMENCE AND ENJOY! And yeah, most chapters probably aren't gonna be this long, I just couldn't stop at my normal place... :P

(Dedicated to the person above (I forget how to spell the username now...) because she made the covers for both FSTS and OOTO..... LOVE THEM!)

            My eyelids felt like they were on fire…. And I’m pretty sure that’s neither good nor normal. But then again, I’ve never been normal, have I? Nope, I’m just stuck in Crazyville.

            As soon as I opened my eyes, I was shocked with the brightness. It practically reflected off of everything I could see and I was amazed. Surrounded by complete wilderness, there was green everywhere, from the trees and grass to even the dark moss covering the rocks that lay littered around everywhere.

            Where the heck was I? Last I remember I was at Brad’s and the police had barged in… how did I get from laying on the floor unconscious to some freaky, insanely green place? Like seriously, it didn’t even look like Earth… unless it wasn’t.

            “Oh my gosh…” I mumbled as I glanced around. There was no way that someone would just pitch me here and leave. Unless I was teleported in…

            I was in the forth dimension. Alex and Luke talked about the dimensions once and I just had to take a peek in the library to find out what all the hustle and bustle was about.

I had learned a bit but it was mostly politics, who was one whose side, stuff like that. The only thing that had really interested me was the pictures. Each dimension was built for its occupants. Humans had… well, nothing of interest, Fearies had old timey stuff and things to train with, and the vampires had darkness. The werewolves? Well, they had green forests to romp around in. In fact, it looked quite a bit like the forest I was in right now.

I stood up and was surprised by the soft and cushion-like ground. It was like it had rain recently yet nothing was wet. Was it all supposed to be this weird? Maybe I could just go and ask the werewolf king if I could leave? Or was he called an Alpha?

The leaves and twigs snapped under the weight of my feet as I walked, being mindful of the branches overhead. Gosh, it was like a maze in here. A maze of green and I couldn’t even tell where I was going.

Looking up, the sun appeared to be almost directly above me. It was about twelve o’clock now, but how long would it take to get out if this mess? Gosh, I didn’t even know how I wasn’t dead.

            So I walked. And walked. And walked. I walked for what seemed like hours, the only sound in the almost dead forest being my feet on the ground and the occasional rustle of leaves in the wind.

            “Ok, that’s it!” I suddenly exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air to sit down. My mind was a whirlwind as I twisted my head in all directions, cursing as I got whiplash. Great, yet another thing to add to my fantastic victories of the day.

            The smell of pine was everywhere and it was beginning to give me a headache. Me being my boring self, I decided to see if my powers were back. Yeah, they were gone, but I was supposed to be dead and yet here I am, Isn’t that something?

            My face, to any onlooker, must’ve seemed absolutely crazy but I didn’t care as fire spread across my hand.

            “Yes!” My squeal of happiness resounded throughout the whole forest and I jumped up and down. I didn’t care what anybody thought at the moment because all I did care about was the fact that despite everything that had gone wrong in the past four months, something had finally gone my way and I was ecstatic.

            “Hey, you there!” Yep, there’s the catch.

            I stopped jumping and immediately ran to hide behind a big hulking rock. Stupid place to hide you say? Well, why don’t you come up with something better and then we’ll talk.

            Instead of leaving my safe haven, I decided to train my eyes to the figures entering the bit of land I had been standing in only moments ago. They looked to be werewolves, with the height and bulging muscles. I had to hold back a snicker when one of them almost tripped over a root that was in the path.

            “Would you try to be careful idiot,” the other muttered, not amused with his partner. I mean, who would be? He was an idiot. The idiot mumbled something under his breath but I was too far away to hear it.

            “Look, I coulda sworn I heard something…” the man trailed off. Staying still as a rock, I tried to ignore the burning pain in my ankles. For some reason, the pain had just sprung up and I hadn’t taken notice of it until now. Great timing, eh?

            But these guys didn’t seem all that bad. Maybe a bit stupid, but I could use that to my advantage. And c’mon, they’re idiots and I’ve been gone for four months, maybe I could get lucky and make them think I was a ghost.

So I stood up, looking at the men curiously. Their shocked faces met mine and recognition when through them. I held back a smirk; maybe I could use this to my advantage.

            They blubbered a bit and this time I did have to let out a smirk as I said, “What, cat got your tongue?” That seemed to get them and they just stared, while the idiot who had tripped over the root retorted back, quite stupidly, “You’re supposed to be dead.”

            I rolled my eyes at the obvious comment. “Well, I’m here and breathing, aren’t I?” That caused them to pause and look at each other for a minute while I assessed what I could do. Either these guys were really awesome fighters, which I seriously doubted, or they just came because they heard something in the woods. Even though I was hoping for the second option, the first kept creeping back into my mind and I couldn’t ignore it.

            “Look, we’re not here to hurt you, got it?” the man spoke, holding his pale hands up in surrender. But I didn’t believe them. There was no way that I, a feary who was in enemy territory with a couple of guys, wasn’t going to get hurt. Unless of course I was an amazing fighter. Which I am, but after a while of no practice, I tend to get a bit rusty around the edges.

            But giving them a small glare, I just walked towards them with caution. You never know when the bad guy’s gonna pull out a gun and start shooting. After all, what’s the saying? Shoot first, ask questions later. I’m pretty sure that would go for werewolves too.

            “Serious!” he exclaimed, his eyes wide with fear. In fact, fear and desperation for rescue practically rolled off of them but I still nodded warily.

            “Yeah? Well then, why are you here?”

            “The Alpha…” the man stuttered. “The Alpha wants to see you.”

            I smirked at his nervousness but nevertheless followed them through the forest. Holding back my laugh at the irony, I instead thought. First off, how did the ‘Alpha’ know I was here>? Gosh, I don’t even know how I got here because I thought I had died.

            After a while of walking we came to a clearing. It wasn’t too big, maybe the size of three or four football fields, but it was jam packed with people. I stared in wonder at everything, taking it all in like a blind man who had regained his sight.

            Children were running everywhere, most play fighting with fakes weapons and swords. The parents were paying no mind, like this happened every day. The smell of carnival food and others hit my nose and I was instantly drawn into the crowd.

            It was like I was swimming in people and I had no idea where I was going. But the two men both took hold of my arms and led me towards a fairly decent sized castle a few hundred feet from here.

            It was nothing like ours. That was the first thought that came into my head. What can I say, I’m proud of my kingdom and castle. Trotting along behind my two ‘guards’, I ignored the looks I got from the people in the castle. Glares, nervous looks, everything.

            It was clear no one knew who I was and after all, how could they? I didn’t even truly know of this place and besides, most people in my own dimension probably thought I was dead. I just need to get out of here and show them that I’m not.

            They brought me straight down through the castle, despite all the glares that headed in their direction. My feet clicked on the stone flooring and my eyes never strayed from my feet. I tried to not show I was nervous, but who I am kidding? My cool and somewhat ‘tough’ demeanor had changed into some petrified little girl.

            When we reached the door to what I assumed was the throne room, one of the men knocked and instantly the door opened, revealing yet another man. He looked curiously between me and my two ‘captors’. Before he could say anything, though, a voice boomed out, saying, “Who’s there?”

            The sound shook the whole hallway we were in and the metal plates of armor on the wall rattled against the stone bricks. I stayed still as the guards strode through the doors without a moment’s hesitation but quickly stopped once they realized I wasn’t there. I rolled my eyes and stepped forward. Men, always needing the women.

            “Kiera Jones,” was the first thing the Alpha said as he laid eyes on me. I smirked; well, at least someone knows.

            “That I am,” I commented sarcastically, bowing down. “Pleased to meet you, Alpha.” The man glared at me and I held his gaze, neither of us dropping it until one of the other men in the room spoke up.

            “Um, sir? Are you going to… do what you said you’d do?” I raised my eyebrow at this, now on full alert. The Alpha shot a dirty look in the other man’s direction. I could practically feel the tension in the air.

            A nervous laugh filled the room but I stayed silent, my gaze never leaving the throne where the werewolf sat. After another moment of this, I cleared my throat and began my speech. With the way this conversation was going, I’d better get what I want out now before something bad happened.

            “Umm, well it’s pretty obvious you know who I am so maybe you could help me. I need to get back to my own dimension… please,” I added at the end. There was no sense to get on his bad side and if I did, then there’d be no hope.

            The Alpha smiled but not in a good way. It sent shivers down my spine and I could’ve sworn the temperature of the air dropped instantly. Shifting from foot to foot casually, I looked him in the eye. From reading the books in the castle’s library, I knew not to drop eye contact.

            “Of course…” he said slowly and his eyes drifted from mine for a second to behind me. I stared straight ahead but urged him on, though he brought my attention to the ‘stealthy guards’ that were coming up behind me. What the heck was he doing and how stupid did he think I was?

            When they were about a foot and a half away, I swung my foot out, making contact with two of the men. The other three stared in shock as I raised my hands and brought out of burst of white hot fire. I didn’t hesitate as the screamed in agony because suddenly I was flooded.

            About twenty guards surrounded me in a circle, their guns raised and aimed. Yep, there was no way I gonna get out of this. Time to bring down the nice girl act.

            “What do you want?” I spat out in the direction of the Alpha, disgusted with his cocky smirk. Out of the corner of my eye one of the men jumped out of the circle and lunged at me with something in his hand but clearly they underestimate me; I myself lunged and kneed him in the gut. When he bent down in pain, I took the thing out of his hand, not stopping to see what it was. Reaching to his holster, I took the knife and stabbed him in his chest, effectively ending his life.

            The man slumped down as I grinned in success. The idiots can’t honestly think that I wasn’t going to protect myself? And here I was thinking that the vampires were the stupid ones…

            Glaring at the Alpha, I said, “You’re not gonna get me that easily. You know,” I remarked, circling around the room, or at least where they allowed. “Not to toot my own horn or anything but I am the most powerful feary.”

            “I am aware of that…” The Alpha was testing waters, trying to see what he could say and do before I snapped. It was pretty sad because everyone in this room including him had their minds wide open, giving me the prime opportunity to go through them.

            I found their weaknesses and let me tell you, it was nice to finally be the one with the advantage. My red brown hair flew everywhere as I jumped at the bulkiest guy in the circle.

            You’d think that he’d be the guy to beat, but nope. He was the one who stayed frozen as I attacked ruthlessly, using the knife to stab him in the throat. Is it bad that I was almost… cheerful as the man’s blood pooled out around him? Gosh, I’m turning into such a sadistic person.

            Then all of the men came at me, most of them filled with blind rage at the death of their comrade. White hot rage might have filled them but when people were filled with any sort of emotion when they fought, it was easy to take them out. Yet another great thing I had learned from training. Well, Alex’ll be glad those hours upon hours of training didn’t go to waste.

            After a minute though, more men swarmed in and four men went and grabbed me by my limbs, holding me in place while another brown haired man took the discarded object off of the floor. It was the thing that the first man had been holding when he came at me. Looking at it now, I saw that it was a needle. And quite a big one at that.

            The brown haired man walked toward me, an evil smirk on his face. I wasn’t prepared when suddenly he shoved the needle deep into my neck. The poison filled me and a burning sensation hit everywhere.

            I dropped but held up by the four men. Walking toward me, the Alpha smirked at my slumped figure. “Having a bit of trouble, are we?” He chuckled sadistically and I growled. Mock surprise flooded his face. “

            “Now, now, Fearies don’t growl.” He bent down to my level and suddenly felt somewhat paralyzed. I was forced to look up at his face. He smiled at me like I was some prize.

            “You’re going to stay here and no one will know otherwise.” Standing up, he gestured for all the guards who seemed just to be standing there. They left the room quietly and now only five guards surrounded me. The Alpha circled around the room while I was now on my knees in front of the throne. I felt disgusted with myself; why couldn’t I fight them off? What kind of poison was in that needle?

            “Turns out that everyone thinks you’re dead. Odd, right? It seems that when those ‘police’ came to help you, it went in a bad direction. So now you’re dead to the world when you’re really alive… well, not for long.” He stared at me, seeming happy with my helplessness. “The irony, eh?” Instead of a response, because I knew that I was too weak to talk, I instead spat in his face.

            This time it was me who grinned when he wiped his face. Gesturing to his guards, I was lifted up roughly and they brought me to a stone door which was screamed dungeon.

            “Fucking Fearies…” the Alpha muttered under his breath and I was able to crack a smile just before I closed my eyes and accepted my capture. Not that I wasn’t going to fight, of course, I just didn’t have much of a choice right now. No, the Alpha wouldn’t know what hit him and he sure didn’t know what I was capable of.


What'd you think? I like it... but I would also love some feedback! By the way, this one is going to go more into action and maybe a bit of love... ;) SO YEAH! Hope you all like it...

AND I edited prologue-chapter 14 of 'From Simple To Strange' and some stuff changed and new stuff was put in... 93% of it is the same so it's fine if you don't rush to read it if you already have...

So you know the drill...

-Comment! (Dedication!)

-Vote! (I'll love you!)

-Share! (I'll love you even more!)

-Follow me! (I follow back!)

Thanks for reading!

-Me x

(Btw, won't be many updates until June the 18th-ish cause I have two MASSIVE projects due and I am the master at procrastination... after that is the end of school and I am all yours!)

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