I Make My Own Decisions (NH)

Par YTDirectioner

547 11 2

"I believe you need to marry." "You're going to marry Liam, Kenzington." "What ever happened to 'you can choo... Plus

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Characters and warnings

Chapter 1

69 1 2
Par YTDirectioner



"Fuck! Oh fuck! Shit! Fuck me daddy! Harder!"
"Babygirl I'm nearly there..."
"Me too daddy. Fuck! Oh fuck! Faster daddy! Faster! Shit! Daddy I'm- I'm gonna-" I couldn't finish my sentence before I came, Niall following right after me.

He didn't pull out for a few moments. A few moments too long.
"Hey guys! Oh fuck no! nope. Not looking. Jesus Christ couldn't you have timed this better?" Harry just had to go and ruin the moment.

Niall pulled the covers over us. Then of course with Harry came Liam and Louis. They all came in and just had to ruin the moment.
"Oh shit. Should we leave you to it?" Liam asked politely.
"We just finished I'll have you know." I'm pissed. They ruined the moment.

"You both need to get dressed." I think we're fucking aware of that. Niall looks pissed as well now. I leaned up to his ear and whispered to him.
"Don't worry daddy, we'll finish this later." His breath hitched. The boys noticed.

"Can you two stop fucking stop it with your daddy kink!" They know. Oh well.
"Nope. Never gonna happen." I said outright. Loud and clear. Just to get the message across.
"Everyone knows you have a daddy kink anyway Nialler." I added onto the end just to tease him a little.

"You are going to get punished the next time I see you babygirl." It's my turn to blush.
"But that'll be in class. What're you gonna do... Daddy." I looked into his eyes as he continued to breathe heavily.

"Lads, leave. Now."
"No lads, stay. You do anything, they witness." He won't do anything in front of his friends. It made him go silent.
"That's what I thought. Now get off me so we can get dressed. Breakfast is in-" I picked up my phone to check. "20 minutes. I need to look presentable." He rolled his eyes and jumped off me, being careful with the placement of the duvet.

My name is Kensington Raynott. I'm 17 and head girl in the bitches hellhole for important (snobby) ladies. I'm in no way a lady. Far from it in fact. The only reason I managed to get head girl was because of my clean slate. I'm a good girl. Never in my life done anything wrong. Whilst in this school at least.

As soon as I turn 18 I stay until the end of term and then leave. Lucky for me that means I leave in December. They want me to choose who gets to be next head girl. I know exactly who that'll be. Charlotte Tomlinson. My best friend's sister/ my best friend at school.

I'm friends with 4 boys who go else- where. Of course they do, it's a girls school after all. Liam goes to the bitches husband's hellhole for boys. Harry and Louis are drop outs. Niall is kind of a drop out but he teaches at this school instead. Music is his subject. He was too good in school for them and they needed a music teacher here.

I met these four wonderful boys at the start of year dinner dance. It was my first year in this school. I was 6. I had absolutely no friends at all. When I was placed with the boys we all got along so well. It turned out my parents even knew Liam's. Lou's too.

"Kenzie get up. Get dressed. The boys won't look." I looked over to see them all turned facing the wall and covering their eyes. Niall is so bloody protective over me.
"Pass me some underwear." He gladly did so.

I put it on under the duvet just in case.
"You're okay to look now boys." They've seen me un underwear many times before.
"No you're not boys." Like I said, Niall's protective.

I got out of bed and quickly chucked my uniform on. Shirt, skirt, tie and blazer. Then of course I grabbed the knee high socks and put them on as well.
"Now you really can look boys. Without mr protective over here getting jealous of you." I gave Niall a glare.

"It's not my fault I'm protective. I just want you all for myself. No one else can see that gorgeous body of yours." He came over and wrapped his arms around me.
"Protective and possesive." I nudged him in the side so he knew I was joking.

"Don't even go there babygirl." He started placing small kisses across my neck.
"Nialler I need to do my hair and brush my teeth. You need to go before anyone exits their room. You know teachers need to be at breakfast 10 minutes before." He sighed.

"But I want to stay with you babygirl." He wrapped his arms around me ans wouldn't let go.
"A little help here... Harry? Louis? Liam?" Louis jumped up and tried to pull Niall away from me. He growled at him like a dog.

"He really is possesive." It's not the first time this has happened. Niall hates leaving me. He hates hiding our relationship. The only reason we have to hide it is because he's a teacher here. It's unfair considering he's our age. Well, 18. All 4 of them nearly are.

"Nialler let go baby. I need to brush my teeth... and from the smell of things so do you." He let go and looked offended by my comment. I used this as an opportunity to run into my en suite. I grabbed ny toothbrush and put water and toothpaste on it before I began brushing my teeth.

Niall then came into the bathroom and did the same. He's always kept a toothbrush in my room for times like these. When he stays in my room for the night and doesn't want to risk going back to his own room on the complete opposite side of this massive school!

The bell went off which signalled the teachers need to get to breakfast now. Another will go off in 5 minutes. The boys start and finish later than us so they still have an hour before breakfast. Everyone in the boys school is probably still asleep.

"Goodbye babygirl. I love you." Niall kissed me on the lips.
"I love you too Nialler." I kissed back. We hugged quickly before he left the room. He didn't even say bye to the boys.

"What have you got today Kenz?" Torture. Absolute torture. Until third.
"I've got science, chem, first. English is second. Music third-" the boys all made and oohh sound since they know Niall's my teacher. "Maths 4th." I love maths! It's my second favourite lesson. "Social studies 5th. Then finally drama last." The first 2 lessons are shit.

I started putting my hair into my signature pigtails. My hair is really long so it doesn't look childish at all. Some girls have really short hair and it doesn't help that they've still got a baby face. When their hair is in pigtails, when they try to copy me, they get laughed at because it looks ridiculous.

Another bell went off to signal for head girl. That would be me. I quickly said bye to the boys and shut my window once they left. Then I made my way down to the dining hall. It's very big so it's hard to miss.

"Good morning miss Kenzington."
"Good morning madam Batchon." Bitch.
"Take a seat Kenzington. You're seated next to miss Felicity today." I get to sit next to Fizzy, one of Louis' sisters. He's got so many!

I took my seat at the table and sat there with a straight back, arms crossed and a perfect view of my boyfriend. The teachers seem to be discussing something. He keeps sneaking little glances towards me.

I don't understand why every morning I have to be placed in a different seat. I don't have one set spot like everyone else. They change me around every time. I have to be sat right at the end of the table too.

The bell went off again and it wasn't long before all the students came filing in. They all took their places and stayed silent. Once it was obvious that everyone was in the room we all stood up.

"Good morning ladies." The teachers all chorused.
"Good morning madam Batchon, good morning teachers." We do this every single day. We always have to stand up too. Even if you're on crutches she still makes you stand.


Breakfast was good. Once everyone was finished and it was 8:00 the bell went off. All the teachers were let out first. Me second. I made my way slowly and carefully up to my room to grab my books for the first two lessons.

As I was making my way to chem the next bell went off. That signals everyone has 5 minutes to get to their lesson or else it's detention. Of course me being me and being head girl I arrived a few minutes before everyone else. I took my seat in the back of the classroom, where I like it best, and waited.

Lottie came in first and sat down right next to me. Malika came in just after her and sat the other side of me. These are the girls I trust most in this school. These girls are my best friends. The boys still come first though. The boys will always come first.


Chem and English flew by fast and break went pretty quick too. Before I knew it I was walking along to music. Most people have instruments. My voice is my instrument.

I of course arrived early as usual. Like ten minutes too early. Break wasn't exactly finished yet.
"Hey there babygirl." Niall greeted me with a hug and a kiss.
"Use my name in school please." He rolled his eyes at me.
"Sorry Kenzington." He's supoosed to adress me properly in school.


"Get on with your projects then ladies. Miss Kenzington, it's your turn to be helped today. Miss Madeliene I'm coming to you tomorrow." I get the privileges of having him help me today.
"Mr Horan, could you help me spell this word plese?" He's got to adress me as miss Kenzington and I have to call him mr Horan. Very posh and very formal.

"Of course I can miss Kenzington." I don't understand how he remembers to do it. I make so many slip ups all the time. He came over and helped me with the word. Instead of telling me how to spell it he wrote it down for me.

"Now miss Kenzington, the song. Is it nearly complete?" I nodded. "Speak miss or I am obliged to punish you." He's never said that to any other student who nod or shake their heads.
"Yes sir. I understand. Yes it's nearly finished mr Horan." I handed him the paper with the lyrics on.

I watched the smirk form on his face as he started to read the lyrics that have been written. His eyes widened at a few parts of the song.
"I don't think this us entirely appropriate. Why don't we swap sme things out and make it more appropriate?" There's references to sex and swearwords in it.
"It's not inappropriate though sir because I'm 18. I'm allowed to say things like that." He's going to give me one heck of a punishment tonight.

"Miss Kenzington you are a sophisticated young lady. You're not to be writing these things, do you hear me?" I shook my head, remembering what he said earlier. What's the worst he could do?

"Miss Kenzington speak please or you'll be punished." Now I can see the other side of him coming out.
"Yes da- mr Horan." Like I've said, I slip up all the time. Because of that little slip up I can see the slight tent forming in his trousers.

"Mr Horan can you help me please? I can't get the right note." Some girl across the room asked.
"Miss Louise I cannot help you today. You recieved help yesterday. Please ask someone else." His system's weird. He goes round the classroom in and order and will only help one student each lesson. Once you've been helped you have to wait for everyone else to recieve help before you get another full lesson of help. It's a weird system.


"Thank you for helping me today mr Horan." We've improved the song. We also went through a few notes to see what it would sound like. Then he changed a few things and I heard what he thought it would sound like. We basically finished the song. Now he's going to pair me up with someone to play the guitar in the background.

"Well done miss Kenzington. You've made a lot of progress today. A lot more than all of the girls in this class do over the period of 2 lesons." He eyed all the other girls with a look of disappointment. They kept their heads down.

"Right ladies, you may leave. Miss Kenzington, may I speak to you for a moment?" Malika gave me a smirk. She knows about me and Niall. I trust her because she's my best friend.

Everyone left the room and I went over to Niall.
"What was all the cheek about?" He half shouted half whispered.
"Sorry, just felt like being a little cheeky today. I just can't help myself." He was about to say something but the alarm went off for next lesson.

"Oh that's my queue to leave." But I couldn't.
"Oh no you don't. You're getting your punishment right now. You've been a naughty little girl all lesson. I don't think I can wait for tonight." I smirked.
"Wipe that smirk off your face young lady. It's not something you should be looking forward to." I just can't help myself.

I have a pain kink and he knows it. He gets satisfied with being called daddy and I get satisfied with being slapped... or bitten, or having my hair pulled. The list is endless. If it's pain, I'll like it. Unless it's excruciating broken a bone pain.

Niall walked over to the door and shut it. Then he put the blinds down. Now all the teachers know not to even bother knocking. No one could get in either since no one has access on their teacher card to get in here but Niall and me. I have access to all my classrooms because I'm headgirl.

"I don't have a class this period. We're going to have some fun." He slowly started making his way over to me.
"But Niall I have a lesson on." He's making me miss maths.
"I know you do babygirl. All the more reason to keep you here." He knows my timetable. I'm going to kill him! The real punishment is making me miss maths!

"Now call me by my proper name babygirl or this punushment will get even worse." His punisments are mediocre. Not too bad but still not so good.
"Sorry daddy. I love you." He placed a soft kiss to my cheek.
"Love you too babygirl."

It sure as heck didn't seem like it when he bent me over the table and started slapping my ass. This isn't torture right now. He's just pleasurimg me.

Until he pulled my skirt and panties down. I heard him unbuckle his jeans and pull things down. At least I assume that's what he was doing.
"Babygirl you're so wet. Who made you like this?"
"You." I'm teasing.
"I didn't hear you babygirl. Who made you like this?" He raised his voice a little.
"You did daddy! It was you!"
"My good little princess."

Then the real punishment came. He slid in completely dry and unprepared.
"Fuck fuck fuck! Shit daddy! Fuck it hurts. Daddy you didn't-"
"I know babygirl. All part of your punishment." He is an evil cow.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that just for your sake. We don't want this punishment any worse than it has to be." I said it out loud. Shit. I'm an ididot. It's hard to think straight when you've got the hottest Irish guy in the world thrusting his dick inside of you.
"Well that one I agree with." I need to shut up.

We both came nearly at the same time. I came, spurting him on so he did right after. He pulled out and started slapping my ass again. But only a couple times. Then he pulled my skirt and panties back on for me.

Niall started to kiss my neck softly.
"Now what do you say babygirl? Tell daddy what you need to say."
"I'm sorry for being naughty daddy. I won't be cheeky with you again. I can't promise anything though." Cheeky is my middle name.

"Good girl princess. Now get to your lesson. You're half an hour late already." I crossed my arms and started at him.
"And who's fault is that?" He put his arms up in surrender mode.
"Sorry, sorry. I'll let you go now. Shoo. Before I change my mind." I gave him one last kiss before swiftly leaving the classroom.


"Ah miss Kenzington. It's unlike you to show up late." The teacher called out to me as I walked in.
"I'm very sorry madam. It will not happen again. I was discussing important business with my previous teacher." I hate talking in proper. It's annoying.

"Thankyou for your apology. Take your seat. Miss Daisy can show you what we've been doing this lesson." I walked, or should I say limped, over to my seat and sat next to Daisy and Willow.

All the classes are mixed in this school. Daisy and Willow are a couple years younger than I am. Willow is my younger sister. Daisy is Louis' sister. Her and Phoebe are good friends with Willow. Our families get on quite well.

From the front of the classroom Lottie turned round and gave me 'the eyes' whilst the teacher wasn't looking. Then she made people pass a note to me whilst she wasn't looking again. Although this is a posh boarding school we still all muck about so much!

I looked at the note. 'Did you get some?' Lottie is so nosy. She's also a year younger than me so I have more experience since she's never done it yet. I looked over to her and nodded.

Willow then stole the note from me.
"Kenzington, what does this mean?" I snatched the note off her and didn't reply. She doesn't need to know what her half sister gets up to when she's not in lessons. Instead I started writing down the work.

Daisy didn't need to explain anything. I understood it all. It's not hard to understand really. But then again maths is my favourite subject which means that I'm good at it. If I like it I'll work harder and that makes me better at it.


Lunch went fast and so did 5th and 6th period. Before I knew it I was out of my final class and walking back to my dorm room. I'm in a dorm with a bunch of people I know and like. They tend to keep siblings together as well.

Everyone has to share a room with someone else. Usually a sibling anyway. Since I'm headgirl, obviously, I get a room to myself. That comes
With the privileges. There's also the disadvantage that I have no one to talk to at times and no one else is allowed in my room.


After dinner I went back to my room and led down on the bed. My ass is stinging like crazy. I should be doing homework but with the pain it's hard. I wouldn't be able to concentrate if I started my homework now. I'd get it all wrong.

There was a knock on my door but Niall just let himself in. He doesn't wait for me to tell him anymore. He can't risk getting caught by someone. Not just a teacher. Lots of students like to try and snitch on me in this school. Especially the snobby rich girls who most certainly aren't as rich as me.

He came and led right next to me on the bed.
"How are you gorgeous?" I made a meh noise. He understood. Instead of speaking he wrapped himself around me and pulled me closer to his chest. His protective side kicked in again.

As soon as one of the boys came through the open window he wrapped himself around me even tighter. It was only Harry.
"Where's Lou?" They're usually together.
"He waited for Liam since he wants to talk with him about soemthing." He shrugged.

"Nialler let go please. We need to actually interact when the boys are here." He stayed where he was and wouldn't speak.
"Come on Niall. I want to sit by Harry."
"But you're mine." He whimpered.

"Yeah and harry belongs to Louis. We're all good. He won't steal me from you." He let go slightly just so I could sit up. His arms are still wrapped around my hips. Then he finally let go.

I limped over to Harry. He didn't notice it becase he was too busy on his phone. Niall didn't even move. He just stayed lying where he was and staring at us. Although I noticed the small smirk on his face when he caught me limping.

"How have you been today Haz?" He looked up from his phone and acknowledged my presence.
"Good thanks. Did a little just the two of us band practice since the other two were busy working their asses off." I enjoy listening to their music.


Louis and Liam finally came crawling in. Louis went straight to Harry and sat on his lap. He leaned over to give me a hug. Liam then came and sat next to me. I hugged him but Niall didn't like it. He seems even more protective of me today than usual. I'm pretending I haven't noticed.

Although it's hard to 'not notice' when your boyfriend runs over, picks you up and carries you back to the bed. He wrapped his arms around me again and stayed silent.

"Hello to you too..." The boys are all just as shocked as I am at his recent behaviour. I can't understand why he's being like this. I'm looking at the boys for any sign of them knowing what he's doing. They don't know a thing.

"Niall baby I need the toilet. You've got to let go now." Unless he wants me to pee on this bed, he should let go of me.
"Come back." I have an en suite. It's not like I could escape. There's no window to the outside through there.

I got up and limped through to the toilet. It wasn't until I came out again thay the boys questioned it.
"Why are you limping Kenz? Niall what the fuck have you done?" I tried to make him less of a suspicion.

"Actually I fell over in PE earlier. Tripped amd twisted my ankle. That's why." They all look amused.
"And you're supposed to be head girl? Wow. Aren't you just so deserving of it?" Do they not believe me?

"Kenzie you didn't have PE today did you? I specifically remember you telling us you had Sience, English, music, social and drama. No PE. So confess. Why are you limping?" They're really interrogating me. I feel panicked.

Niall grabbed me again and covered my mouth. Probaly so I won't be able to tell them. When he thought he could trust that I wouldn't say it he removed his hand.
"We fucked in class." I got the evils from my boyfriend.

"Wait, when was this? Why did you fuck? Was there protection? As long as there was protection we don't need to worry." I nodded. It was a lie of course. Neither of us had anything but I'm on the pill so it's good enough for me.

"My princess got what she deserved for giving me cheek. She needed it all. She won't misbehave again. And yes we used protection." That's a decent enough answer for all their questions.


We thought Niall had fallen asleep. He's wrapped himself around me very tight. Not tight enough to suffocate me though. The boys had to leave so I just about managed to give them all hugs.

They left and I got away from Niall to shut the window. I also closed the curtains and got out of my uniform. Then I carefully climbed back in with Niall. His whole body instantly wrapped itself around me again.

He must've thought I was asleep at one point. I didn't even realise he was awake. Or maybe he could've been dreaming. Either way he whispered something to me that was very cute. I got goosebumps.
"You're all mine. No one elses. I don't ever want to lose you Kenzie. I love you. My gorgeous princess. Mine."

A/n aaahhhh I've finally got a fanfiction that isn't linked to the Buttercream boys! I'm completely obsessed with Niall though which is why I decided to write about him. This whole story is also already written and it's just going to be one story with no sequels or anything... I hope you all enjoy!! Xx

P.s I went to see Niall in concert last night and it was fucking amazing!!


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