Little mermaids big bad wolf

By crazy_redneck-freak

55.5K 2.1K 226

Jordan Texas bay and her family move to California do to an incident involving her and her family's secret th... More

Part 1. New begginings
Part friend.
Part 3.mate.
Part 4.dont go past the border.
Part 5.he's cute.
Part 6.who is this?
Part 7.kissing a stranger.
Part 8.pool party.
Part 9.sleep over.
Part 10.panic rant.
Part 11.werewolf construction.
Part 12.till next time.
Chapter 13
Part 13.Are you trying to get killed!
Part 14.I'm one too.
Part imformation.
Part 16.channels mate.
part 17.kidnapping by accident.
Part 18.bad dreams.
Part 19.mad wolfie.
Part 20.why do you run?
Part 21.a good day.
Part 22.prom dress.
Part 23.possesive.
Part 24.the mark.
Part 25.goin for a run.
Part 26.I'm a mermaid.
Part dive.
Part 28.don't eat the deer!
Part 29.breakfast.
Part 31.Full moon.
Part 32. Wolfing out.
Part 33.morning after.
Part 34.lake trip.
Part 35. Leaving him.
Part 36.Two Legs Instead of Four.
Part 37.Hunting My Boyfriend.
Part 38.babysitting a werewolf.
Part 39. Going back to school for a week.
Part 39. Old Friends.
Part 40.meeting the friends.
Part 41.Abduction.
Part 42.She's got a Concussion.
Part 43. Home.
Part 44. On the Run.
Part 45. Room Mates
Part 46. Daddy Dearest
Part 47. A Dream

Part 30.big news.

736 37 7
By crazy_redneck-freak

I walked down stairs texting lilac if she wanted to hang out.
My phone started to buzz I answered"hello"
"Well what are we doing today"lilacs voice said on the other line.
"I don't know but I need some girl chat. crap went down!"I said seriously she laughed.
"Ok well I'm hungry want to meet up at the boardwalk dinner"she asked I thought about it I could eat.
"Sure I'll meet you there in let's say 20 minutes"I said
"Roger that see you then"lilac said I smiled at her dorky ness.
"Bye Ok love you"I said
" bye Love ya too"she says then I hung up.
I walked back up the stairs putting on bootcut jeans that were tight around my but and thighs then I put on a flower tank top and flip flops letting my curly hair down and raking my hands through it.^outfit up top.

I looked at my face in the mirror my skin was tanner than when I got here which was a shock must be a werewolf gene since I've officially been one for 4 months now.
Oh joy:|
Anyways I had gotten bigger since then also which was not good since I was already pretty chunky I mean I wasn't to the point were I was bad to look at but I went up a jean size since we got in California.
But it's whatever can't do much about that I done work out so...
Oh right back to what I was saying gosh I'm bad for doing that you know I really should stop talking to myself i sound like a crazy person if people ever heard it.
I left my face be think I looked good enough without make up which means I'm lazy and don't want to put it on.

I walked down stairs grabbing my keys before yelling out to my ma that I was going out and I'd be gone a while.
Then left out the door throwing my wallet and phone in the passenger seat.then started my baby up.

When I got there I walked down the boardwalk to the dinner when I got in there lilac was already sitting down with a menu.
I walked over and sat down she looked up and smiled at me.
"What up chickadee it feels like forever since we last hung out"she says putting her menu down.

"I know I've been busy here lately who knew mates were so time consuming"I said sighing but I loved him though so I didn't mind it as much as I did when we first met.
"I know don't get me wrong your brothers great but he's very attached and he's a wolf.
Mer men act nothing like that!"she said in a small tone so no one over heard what we said.

"I know!thankful I grew up with a bunch so I'm kinda used to it."I said as I looked at the menu.
The waiter came over he took our order then left.
"Yeah so you know how wolves mark each other and all?"I asked she looked up at me through her lashes.
"Does he want to do that cause if so tell him hell no honey.
Once you do that you can't go back on it."she said then took a sip of her coke.

"Oh well he didn't ask"I said she sighed then rubbed her temples.
"Oh good I was worried sick that you were thinking about doing something stupid"she said.

"Haha yeah he marked me without asking is what I meant"I said she stopped and looked at me.
"I'm gonna kill him!"she said calmly.

"I'm gonna kill him slowly ill hang him by his toes and feed him to the sharks"she said an evil smile on her face as she rubbed her hands together plotting.
"Yes.yes that'll do nicely"she mumbled off to herself.

"Ah watch it that's my mate we're talking about here you ain't touchin him yeah here!"I said sternly she looked up me with a small glare.

"What happened are y'all still together then?"she asked I sighed.

"Well ya see we were kinda getting hot and heavy and he lost control of his wolf and bam next thing I know I'm waking up freaking out then I ended up marking him and just stuff happened."I said she looked at me with her mouth hanging open.

"Oh my gosh!hey you don't think lance well try and mark me right cause I've herd it hurts."she said nervously I chuckled.

"Honey your lucky you made it this far I give you a week before y'all you know what!"I said wiggling my eyebrows at the you know what she paled.

"I have to break up with him!"she said as she panicked and fiddled around in her bag for something.

"A no your not you'll break him and doing that you'll break me!twin bond! not fun!!!"I said
She looked up at me with nervous eyes."Well shit what do I do then"she said.

"You ignore and hide best way to do it or except and cherish him for the rest of yalls life"I said she glared at me.

"Well your no help at all"she said sulking in her seat.


(Diesels POV)

I walked in the house only to see my mother rush in looking at me then sighing out in relief.
"Where have you been I was worried sick all night danget!"she huffed.
"mom calm down."I say she glares at me.

"I will not mr.where were you?"she said furious.
"With Jordan stayed night at her place"I said going in the kitchen and grabbing a water out the fridge.

As I got the bottle to my lips my mom started talking again.

"Oh well then... um should I be expecting grand babies anytime soon "she said I spit out some water as I chocked on it.

"Mom!NO"I said looking at her.
She sighed "oh thank goodness I want to be a grandmom but maybe in a year or two not right now though"she said.
"Trust me I don't want have any kids at the moment anyways.
Me and Jordan are finally in a good place I don't want to screw it up"I said she smiled.

"I remember when your father and I found one another 9 months later you popped out"she said I grimaced.
"I'm gonna leave now"I stated before walking out the room and up the stairs to my dads office I got in there and saw him looking at a paper.
"When is the alpha from stone bridge supposed to be here" I asked.
"it's about 3 hours from here they're left a while ago so soon"he said.

"Son shut the door there's something you should know"he said as he got out his chair.
I shut the door and I sat on the couch and he leaned against the desk.
"There have been seeings of extinct species around the packs there was one in North Carolina about 4 months ago,and another in Arizona and several here."he went on.

"What extinct creature?"I asked

"Sirens."he said
"So what like mermaids or is there another type of siren."I said he nodded
"Well I mean what harm could they cause"I thought my mate was one of them I highly doubt she'd hurt someone...well unprovoked that is.

"There a bigger threat then those bloodsuckers.there fast in water and on land there strong most are skilled on some type of weapon, the worst are the original sirens. royals ones with unique ability's like controlling water and singing to lure sailors to there deaths"
He explained my mate wouldn't ever do that and my wolf was angry at my dad acting as if she was a monster which made me think of what she said when she woke up after me marking her.
She had called herself one my wolf whimpered at the thought.

"One has attacked the Luna of the  stone bridge pack she's in the hospital and Eric has come to us for help on tracking them!"he finished.

Guess who yeah ish me so here's a chapter we're getting somewhere plot wise I'm excited to see where this goes hope you liked it just out of curiosity would any of you like reading this other story I'm writing.
Here's the description -
Guy River is a 18 year old boy who when his grandpa dies he his mother and father all move to a little town in the mountains of North Carolina to take over the pack his grandfather left him.
Guy being the only one who got the werewolf gene in his family other than his grandpa that is.
Little did he know that in this small town he would find a beautiful southern beauty who is sweet as sugar and happy as a lark.
Who happens to be his mate,and he can't stay away.

Tell me what you think ok bye love y'all.

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