Dance For You Exotic and Jacq...

By LadyK30

1.3M 48.2K 6.1K

Exotic Chambers has a love for dance and is a dance instructor from Miami FL, She loses her passion for dance... More

Dance For You Exotic and Jacquees (Coming Soon)
Kick Back Part 2
Unusual Situationships
Unusual Situationships Part 2
Dance Machine
Dance Machine Part 2
Let's Talk....
Let's Talk Part 2
Sunday Morning Sadness....Uninvited Guest
Sunday Dinner Diaster
Authors Note
Grand Opening
Grand Opening Part 2
Grand Opening Part 3
Love and Obessed Scheme
Who The Fuck Is That Nigga
Who The Fuck Is That Nigga Part 2
Girl Talk....What The Hell You Want
I'm Sorry.....What The Hell Just Happened
Dance 101...Meet and Greet...What Next
Turning You On....Pop-up Visitor
Shady Dealings
Phones And Evidence Don't Lie
Let Me Explain....Make It Up
Private Dancer
Author's Note
About Last Night
Sweet Revenge
Sweet Revenge Part 2
Promise Me...Emotional Tides
What's Really Going On
Author's Note
Under Arrest
Angry Author
Ain't Shit Gon' Hold Me Down
Couples Moment....Surprise Bitch
Happy Author
You Gon' Learn Today......What the Fuck....
It Ain't Over....I want you..
Triflin' Ho's.....Really Ja...
I'm Sorry....Ex-Factor
Court Is In Session....I'm Coming Fa' What's Mines...
This Is Not A Game.....Cater To You
Hurricane Exotic
What The Hell Did You Do....
Break Down...
Break Down Part 2
Hidden Secrets
Why...No Longer A Secret
Opening Up....
Grindin'.....What The Fuck.....
What The Fuck Part 2....Finally Over....
Finally Over Part 2....
Lies...Pain...Deceit Of The Heart
Karma....Time To Go Back
Painful Conversation....
Authors Note
I Missed This....Let Me Have A Taste.....
These Bitches Ain't.....Oh You Thought.....
Ain't No Joke....
More Complications...
What Are We Gonna Do....
Enjoying Us....
Heart to Heart...
Reminiscing Before Goodbye....

Kick Back

34.4K 1K 269
By LadyK30

Andie Atlanta GA

Tonight is the night that I am having the biggest spring kick back at my uncle's house. Hell really it is more like a mansion. Everybody is going to be here, but I can't wait to see my girl Exotic. It has really been rough for her because she watched her mom get gunned down. The sad part is the reason her mom was gunned down has caused Exotic to lose her passion for dancing. I really hate that because she is the baddest dancer that I know. Exotic is such a sweet girl and she is simply gorgeous. Its funny because when I first met her when I was living in Miami I was crushin' on her hard. I occasionally like to get my tongue wet if you know what I mean. People misjudge her because of her name and the way her body moves as being a ho' or freak, but believe it or not she is still a virgin at the age of 21. I just can't wait for tonight in hopes that Sharee and I can put some sunshine in Exotic's life.

Later that night

It was about 9 pm and cars were parked all around my uncles house. I mean there was barely anywhere to park, but somehow people were managing to find places to park. As I walked through, I saw my uncle Twan doing his thing. Did I mention my uncle was a big time DJ here in the Atl? He has been doing this since he was 18 and now he is 24. The girls love him but in all realness he is in love with my girl Sharee. Sharee is just playin' hard to get. I made my way to the kitchen where niggas are eating and drinking. I look over and see my nigga Jacquees in the far corner with the Giselle dumb ass. I really don't like that girl, but apparently Que does. Before I could make my way out of the kitchen after grabbin' a razz-berry-rita, I felt someone grab me from behind. I already knew who it was without even looking over my shoulder.

"Issa what do you want?"

"You but you be stuntin' on a nigga like me."

"Issa, you can't handle a bad bitch like me. I am too much of a woman compared to those thots  you are used to messin' with."

"If you give me a chance you will see that I can handle whateva' you dish out." He said while letting his money green eyes caress my body.

"We'll see baby boy." I said.

I walked off leaving Issa there staring of course at my round ass in my fitted leather high waist shorts. I saw Sharee across the room engaged in conversation with Exotic's stupid ass cousin. I hated Sharla's ass with a passion. She was always on that bullshit, her and her annoying clique. Me being who I am made my way right over to where they were.

"Sharee boo, wassup?"

I looked at Sharla and she looked like she wanted to choke the shit out of me, but she knew better.

"Hey boo!" She said hugging me.

"Do you know what time Exotic will be here?" Andie asked.

"Damn, Andie I don't know. All I know is she said she would be here before 11."

Andie looked down at her watch and noticed that it was 10:15.

"Why is she coming here?" Sharla said out of the blue.

"Sharla don't start no shit and it won't be no shit. Sharee said.

"You know that's our girl and that's your cousin."

"That bitch ain't no relation to me." Sharla said.

Andie swung around so fast not giving Sharla an opportunity to say anything else. All you heard was a loud pop. Andie smacked the dog shit out of her.

"I don't know who the fuck you think you are but next time you decide to speak stupid shit out of yo mouth, I will molly whap yo ass."

Apparently someone went and got Issa and Que because they came out there to get Andie to calm her ass down. Andie had the worst temper.

"Damn shawty, did you have to smack her ass." Que said

"Hell yeah. She shouldn't be speaking stupid shit about Exotic."

"I can't wait to meet this Exotic chick y'all keep screaming about." E said.

"Yeah me too." Came Que's reply.


I had just arrived and had the hardest time trying to find somewhere to park. After about 15 minutes I found a place to park. I shut the engine off and set there trying to think of reasons not to go inside. I really wasn't ready for this but I knew that I need a change of scenery and some excitement in my life. I took a deep breath pulling my visor down looking over my face and hair. My hair hung past my shoulders in loose waves. I had let Sharee put sunset red highlights in my hair when she came to Miami a few weeks ago. I was so proud of her because she and Andie had opened up a shop together here in Atlanta. Sharee was a hair stylist and Andie was a make-up artist. They were killing the game. I opened the door and stepped one heel clad foot on the ground followed by the other. I got out the car taking in my surroundings. I looked down at my outfit wondering if it was too much. I had on some cut off shorts and a fitted white tank that had fever written in black ink across the front. I had on a black push-up bra that had my breast sitting at attention. The top showed just a hint of my abs. I had a chunky silver necklace with some silver hoops and bangles. I had on some black high heel gladiator style sandals that came almost to the knee.

I walked up the long driveway and there were a few people outside looking at me like I was crazy. I ignored it and continued walking to the front entrance. I could hear the pounding of the music and I already knew that Twan was gone have this music shit on lock. Once I stepped completely inside I noticed that it was people every damn where. Madd Cobra's Flex was playin' and I swear it was calling my name. It had been so long since I let the music take control of my body. I kept walking until I saw Sharee's long weave that was styled to perfection. Andie was standing there as well with Issa and Jacquees. I knew who they were because I had been listening to their music and because Sharee and Andie was cool with them. Jacquees was in the middle of saying something to Sharee when he stopped mid sentence. Sharee was waving her hand in his face but it was like he was in a trance or some shit. Finally her and Andie turned around to see who had him so hypnotized. When they did all you could hear was screaming.

"Oh my God! Exotic!"

They embraced me and then stepped back to look me over. I noticed Issa and Que was looking me over too but I didn't pay that shit no mind.

"Damn bitch you look good!" Andie said while smacking me on my ass.

Sharee was laughing as usual because she knew that at one point Andie was feeling me. At first I felt weird around her because she is or was bisexual. Half the time I can't keep up with her ass.

"Exotic girl you killin' em'." Sharee said.

"Nah y'all frontin' like y'all ain't killin' em'."

Andie had cut her hair and was now sporting a layered chin length bob. She had blond and red highlights all through her jet black hair. Andie was mixed with black and Puerto Rican. She had honey colored eyes and a body that many would kill for. Sharee had long hair but she like wearing weave. She was a chocolate brown complexion full lips and high cheek bones. She was the true definition of thick in all the right places. Between her and Andie I didn't know whose style was the sickest. Apparently Que and Issa felt left out because you could hear them fake coughing and clearing their throats.

"Opps. I forgot y'all asses were standing here." Andie said trying to smile innocently."

"Girl you be on that bullshit." Issa said smacking her ass.

"E this Exotic and Exotic this is E."

I smiled and said, Wassup?"

"Then this nigga here is Jacquees."


He just kept staring at me and gave a stupid smirk like he knew something I didn't. I had to admit that he was fine as hell with all his tats and his nose stud was sexy as hell on him. While he was checking me some girl came and wrapped her arms all around him. I turned back to E and them engaging in conversation.

"Aye Sharee I need a lil somethin' somethin' to sip on."

She grabbed my arm and took me to the kitchen. As we were walking off I could hear that girl that walked up putting her arms around Jacquees yelling at him.


"Man Giselle, chill wit all that shit. I don't even know why you trippin' cause at the end of the night I am gone be dicking you down."

That must have satisfied her because I didn't hear anything else from her mouth. We finally made it to the kitchen and I saw my illiterate cousin Sharla. She has got to be the most simplest bitch eva'. When she saw me she looked me up and down and rolled her eyes. I smirked and Sharee and I made our way to one of the coolers. I grabbed a Corona and popped the top on it. I took a couple of sips when I felt eyes on me. I looked over and it was Jacquees.

"Aye Sharee what the hell is he lookin' at?"



"Oh I guess he checkin' for you. I mean can you blame him. Look at you."

"Man whateva'. I'm bout to ask this nigga what the fuck wrong wit his eyes."

"Exotic be nice."

"Oh I am." I said walking off. I smiled revealing my dimples and winked at her as I got right in front of him.

"Do you have a problem with yo eyes?"

He looked me up and down while rubbing his chin as if he was in thought about something. He smirked that silly ass smirk again. What came out of his mouth had me ready to choke the shit out of him.

"You must be trying to fuck, but I gotta pencil you in lil mama."

I narrowed my eyes to thin slits and got all up in his face. I got close enough so that he would be the only one who could hear what I was saying.

"Nigga please. You might have a lot of ho's on yo team, but me I am one of a kind. I am a different breed. So yo charm and swag. Even these dreads won't have me dropping my panties for you. So don't worry about penciling me in cause you already got a full schedule and besides I am too much of a lady fa' you anyway." I pulled one of his dreads, winked at him and sashayed back across the floor.

The whole time Sharla was watching the whole scene with a sour look on her face but I could have cared less. I didn't not want Jacquees ass. He was too full of himself and these dumb ho's was fallin' all over him. Andie came in the kitchen smiling hard as hell.

"Damn Exotic. What did you say to Que cause he talkin' about you out there."

I smirked. "Oh he will be alright. Just dropped some knowledge on his ass."

Being here made me realize how much I really missed dancing but no matter how many songs played I just couldn't bring myself to dance. I felt like I would be disrespecting my mother's memory since that's why she got killed anyway. Maybe being here will help motivate me to start back dancing because God knows I miss it so much. I finished my Corona left Sharee and Andie to do their own thing. I found a nice spot that had a sofa and sat there nodding my head to music. I looked up and saw Jacquees coming my way. I rolled my eyes to the ceiling. He finally got to me and sat down. I ignored him and just kept nodding my head to the music as if he wasn't there.

"So you gone ignore a nigga now?"

I looked at him a rolled my eyes.

"Look Exotic. I am sorry for coming off on you like that."


"Really that's how you gone be."

"Nah that's how you made me be. So go back and do whateva' you was doing before you came over here."

I rose from the sofa and walked through the crowd. I knew he was watching me be but I didn't care because me and him was neva' gone happen....

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