Somebody Worth Coming Back To

By CrazyWritingBug

10.4K 191 16

Demetria wasn't always happy with her lineage and she could never find a way to please her father. Yet after... More

New Friends
Battle Plans and a Chase
Moonlight Meeting
New Arrivals
Aslans How
A Little Bit of Fun
A Crazy Hope
Plan of Attack
Come Back
Return From Battle
A Bit of a Scare
Disagreement With Peter
No Greater Love
A Ridiculous Proposal
When You Call Me
Why Do You Like This Story?

At The River with Aslan

386 8 0
By CrazyWritingBug

Demetria waded across the river and raced to embrace the lion. He chuckled and nuzzled her lightly, joy filling her. It was a strange sight considering that all around them, Telemarines were tossing down their weapons in surrender.

"I thought you didn't know Aslan." Lucy asked and Demetria pulled away. Suddenly it was like her eyes were opened. The lion that had walked with her, gave her peace and strength was Aslan.

"You did not know because it was not time for you to know." Aslan said, reading her mind yet again and a blush spread across her cheeks. It was like suddenly she was unable to say anything. Especially when Peter, Susan, Caspian and Edmund crossed over the river to kneel before Aslan. There was a smile in his voice as he spoke,

"Rise, kings and queens of Narnia." The kings and queen of old stood but Caspian remained on his knees. "All of you." Aslan said and Caspian looked up,

"I do not think I am ready." He said, his voice shaking ever so slightly.

"It is for that very reason that I know you are." Aslan said and Caspian stood. Edmund finally crossed over to Demetria and hugged her. She didn't move to hug him back, just waited.

"You pay no attention to rules do you?" He asked softly, pulling back slightly to look her in the eye. There was hurt there, she knew he knew why she didn't respond.

"Not really." She said pulling away from Edmund. Turning to Aslan she asked, "I must know, you said I do more then you know for those who are preparing to fight. Can you tell me what that is?"

"I could tell you that." Peter said surprising her. "I only once saw you cry and only three times lash out, once in an attempt to keep a fight from breaking out and twice to keep me in my place. You radiate peace when the rest of us are worry warts."

"He's right." Edmund said, "You are so strong under all the pressure, you give us all something to lean on."

"Especially me." Caspian said. Demetria smiled then looked to Aslan who nodded to her. So that was her role? Support? Honestly, she had been hoping for something a little more.

"Thank you." She looked to each of them as they said it and smiled. Yet her smile turned to a confused frown at the sound of music. Several mice came up, carrying Reepicheep on a stretcher. Lucy moved quickly, placing a drop of the red liquid in his mouth. He coughed and sputtered as he sat up and Demetria let out a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding.

"Oh, thank you, Your Majesty..." Reepicheep thanked Lucy as he climbed off the stretcher then noticed Aslan. "Oh, hail Aslan! It is a great honor to be—" He attempted to bow, stumbled forwards bringing attention to the fact that his tail was gone. The mouse's eyes went wide and he placed his paws behind him like he was trying to hide the stump of his tail. Demetria smiled slightly as she watched.

"I am completely out of countenance. I must crave your indulgence for appearing in this unseemly fashion." He said in a rush before looking up at Lucy. "Perhaps a drop more?"

"I don't think it does that." She said sadly.

"You can have a go." Reepicheep said. Edmund chuckled as he hugged Demetria from behind resting his chin on her shoulder. Logic told her to pull away, and she did so by kneeling down in front of Reepicheep.

"I rather like it." She said softly when the mouse looked to her.

"All the same, great king, I regret that I must withdraw. For a tail is the honor and glory of a mouse." He said solemnly and Aslan smiled slightly.

"Perhaps you think too much of your honor, friend." Aslan said softly, and Reepicheep stammered as he looked for another reason.

"Well, it's not just the honor. It's also great for balance... and climbing... and grabbing things." He said finally. Behind him the other mice drew their words and held them to their own tails. Demetria smiled, the mice were as honorable as the Centaurs.

"May it please your high Majesty, we will not bear the shame of wearing an honor denied to our chief." One of them spoke to Aslan who smiled at them.

"Not for your honor, but for the love of your people..." He said and in a blink of an eye, Reepicheep had a new tail. He seemed confused for a moment until he noticed it waving around.

"Oh, look!" He exclaimed grabbing it then bowing, "Thank you, thank you, my liege! I will treasure it always! From this day forward, it will serve as a great reminder of my huge humility." Demetria rolled her eyes at the last part but stood. This time, while Edmund hovered near her side, he didn't touch her.

"Now, where is this dear little friend you've told me so much about?" Aslan asked and they all looked to where Trumpkin was making sure the Telemarine soldiers were tossing down their swords. It took a moment but he came over and kneeled before Aslan. Demetria clapped her hands over her ears as the Great Lion let out a roar.

"Do you see him now?" Lucy teased a breathlessTrumpkin a moment later and Aslan chuckled.    

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