15 Days With The Possessive B...

By oneperson100feelings

462K 13.9K 1K

"You are mine now. Just remember one thing nobody gets the privilege of bringing that smile on your face and... More

You use my money to buy condoms?
OMG! He is a Greek God.
I do not want her in bed.
You got a job?
Shorts and no bra work.
I don't need your help.
I am glad she is in my bestfriends life.
Keep your big fat ego in your pocket
Reality check, I am not yours.
I likeeeeeeee youuuu
I am going to make it upto you.
That was your first time?
I am going to cut those balls and feed it to dogs
You believe in love?
Was I jealous?
Making you happy makes me happy.
I am not like other girls
I want you all to myself
Stay with me.
You haven't kissed him?
I am always going to be there
Something just like this
Tonight sex on the beach?
You're on your period?
You removed your T shirt?
You're my favourite human
Thats my girl.
You're the best thing that happened to me
I loved him
Where is Ayan?
I love you
He is going to kiss me
I got pregnant
He pressed his lips against mine
I am very possessive
We had sex
I was so wet (18+)
I had a boner (18+)
What are you doing in her bed?
She had to know he is mine
Two boners in few hours (18+++)
He took me against the wall (18+++)
I still love him
He can't meet his daughter
I wanted to pamper you
He threw me on his shoulders
He unhooked my bra (18++)

I want to be with you

5.9K 263 13
By oneperson100feelings


"Hello Mom." I said. I was very nervous to speak to her. It had been years since I spoke to my mother about anything regarding my father. Each time she tried to talk to me about him. I left the place. Now when I actually had to, I was nervous. Very nervous.

"Ayan, what's the matter? Are you alright?" She said and concern was clearly evident in her voice.

I didn't know that she could tell by  my voice that I was upset and I am sure that worried her more.

"I need to talk to you about something." I said and then there was silence on the other side for a few seconds.

"You're scaring me Ayan. Are you okay? Its 3am." She said and I knew if I probably didn't tell right now she would have a high blood pressure.

"I have to speak to you about Mr Brooke." I said. I heard a groan from the other side because I said Mr Brooke and she hated that. Since the day he left  I have stopped calling him Dad.

"What you want to know?" She said and yawned. I guess she was sleepy. Of course you idiot. You have called her up in the middle of the night.

"Is Mr Brooke a good man?" I asked and I saw Veronica's surprised look. She looked so adorable when she looked at me like that trying to digest all that was happening around.

"That is your question? He is the best man I have known. He is kind hearted, intelligent, caring and honestly the most good looking man I have ever met." She said and I knew by the way she was stating his qualities she still had a soft spot for him.

"If he is such a good man. Why did he leave you?" I said mockingly at her. She was wrong to still praise the man who did that to us. He ruined my childhood.

My sister Laura and I used to long for my father on sports days, parent teacher meetings and so much more.

Did he come? No. I cried to my bed everyday because I didn't have my father like the other kids did and somewhere I knew Laura did too. She has no right to praise him when he did all this to us.

"He didn't leave me. It was our mutual decision to go on different ways. He was a very good man and I cannot deny that. He loved me, I knew he did but it didn't work out Ayan. It happens. People are madly in love with each other but sometimes they aren't compatible enough. Rather than hurting ourselves we decided to live our lives separately." She said and I cant believe she was defending him. It boiled my blood.

"Why do you have to do this all the time mom? Why defend him all the time? If he was so good, why did we move away?"

"I cant believe you think so lowly of your father. When we decided to part ways, he was the one who was ready to keep both of you, but I insisted that I should get one of you. He didn't want to keep both of you separately. He gave both of you to me. He did all this so that both of you don't have to live separately."

I was shocked by the kind of information I was getting. Did I misunderstand him? Was it my fault?

"You shut him out of your life. You didn't let me explain  nor did you meet him. Did you know that he made sure that he was there for each of yours and Laura's school functions, no matter which part of the world he was in."

It was difficult for everything to settle in. I was stupid. I was so stupid. Suddenly all the times when he tried to contact me came flashing before me.

I snapped at him, sometimes I said harsh words, there were times when I didn't receive his calls. Still, he tried to speak to me politely each time he could.

"Why now? I have been trying to talk to you about him all these years. What happened suddenly?" She said suddenly after my long pause.

"I met an angel." I said and looked at her. She was sitting next to me, listening to everything intently. Each time she thought I heard something bad she patted my back in comfort.

"I have to talk to you later. Bye Mom." I said and hung up before she showered me with her hundred questions about my last statement.

I tried to process everything she told me. I am an idiot, I try to push those people away from me who love me the most.

"I was wrong Cookie. He was there. He was there all the time for me. I am such an asshole." I said. I felt numb at that time. It was too much information to take in and I wished I could turn back in time and correct all the times I was an asshole to him.

A hand linked to mine and I looked up to see the angel giving me a smile of assurance. She was patting my back to comfort me and her eyes were telling me that it is all going to be okay.

"You have to call him Ayan. He must have not gone too far. Meet him. Tell me how much you regret it. I am sure he will be delighted to clear things out with you."

"You think so?" I was quite unsure if he wanted to even see my face again. I was pathetic to him and if somebody ever did that to me I would never even seen his face.

"Yes you idiot. You know you're a complete idiot. He was dying to talk to you. Give him a call."

Even when she called me an idiot, I loved it. She can call me all the stupid names in the world and I would sit there and wait for it.

This effect that she has on me is unbelievable. I have never felt so content and happy. She was still holding my hands and scrunching her nose in irritation like I am so stupid.

Damn, I can prove myself the stupidest creature on this planet if I see this cute face again.

"I love the word idiot now." I said out loud and she gave a shocked reaction and blushed. She tried her best not to but she sucks at hiding it. God, I love that blush.

"Stop fooling around Ayan, call him up." She said trying to change the topic as she was clearly embarrassed about blushing.

I dialled his number and took a deep breath. This it it. I have to speak to my father and tell him I was sorry. I loved him and missed him so much, its time to recover.

One ring

Two ring

Three ring

Nobody picked up. Maybe this time he was really upset about my behaviour and didn't want to speak to me. Just when I was about to hangup he picked up the phone.

"Hello, Dad." It felt so good to say the word Dad. It had been years since I said it and I realised how much I had missed him.

"Hello. Whose this?" I heard from the other side. I looked at the caller id again to make sure I dialled the correct number. I was right, it was him then who was this man that was picking up his phone in the middle of the night. Was he in trouble?

"Who the hell are you? Where is my father?"

"You must be Mr Ayan. Sir, I am Jacob, your father's secretary. I am very sorry to say Sir but your father's car has met with an accident. We are at the hospital and it would be great if you could come here." He said and the phone fell from my hands.

I fell down on the ground. I was filled with regret, guilt  and pain. This cannot be happening. Every time I try to get close to somebody something bad has to happen.

"What happened Ayan? Is everything alright?" She said and came and sat down beside me. Her face had turns pale maybe because of the fact that I looked so broken.

"He.... accident.. sorry...I..." I was honestly struggling for words to come out. Thousands thoughts passed my head. What if it was something serious? What if this was the last time I spoke to him? I was such a dick.

"I am not getting a word you're saying Ayan. Stop crying and please tell me whats wrong." She said and started wiping my tears. I didn't even realise I was crying until I saw her wiping them. Her face was all concerned and worried.

"He met with an accident Cookie. I am scared. I want to meet him." I cried like a child and hugged her tightly. She responded in seconds to the hug and more tightly.

"Nothing is going to happen. We are going to drive to the hospital and it's all going to be okay. I need you to calm down. Okay?" She was talking to me like she was talking to a child.

"Yes let's go. I want to see him." I said and quickly got up to rush towards my car. She paid the shack owner for the burger and thanked him with a polite smile.

Damn, she always has to think about other people.

"Hurry Cookie." I said and she came running towards me handling her T shirt which was flying in the air. It was a hilarious sight to watch as she struggled with her little legs to run fast.

"Wait a minute. You aren't driving Ayan. Give me the keys." She said and snatched the keys from my hand.


"You're stressed. I don't want you driving like that." She said and sat on the driving seat like a boss. I liked when she got bossy. I wonder how bossy she could be in bed.

Snap out of it Ayan. Your dad's in the hospital.

"Are you sitting or not?" She said giving me a confused look about what I was thinking. Only if she knew.

I quickly sat down and hoped to reach the hospital as soon. Thousands thoughts were running in my head. I realised how much I love that man when I know that probably I would lose him today.

We never realise how important one is to us until we see them going.

Midst all this I saw that the car was almost meeting the air. The speed at which Cookie was driving scared me. She went at a speed of I think 100km/hour swiftly overtaking all the cars ahead.

I wasn't scared of speeds but it scary when girls drive fast. They can hardly drive at normal speed so when their speed goes above 60 its scary.

"Cookie, I don't want to die before I meet my father, you know." I said clutching onto the seat belt tightly. She didn't reduce her speed and I saw her give me a death glare before getting her attention back on the road.

"Ayan, stop being a jerk. I have won three street car racing tournaments in a row. Nothing is going to happen." She said with pride and swayed her hair behind.

I could see her perfectly shaped neck. It was in a perfect shape and I was so temped to leave my marks all over them. How good would my marks look on her.

I grinned in pride like I had already done it. Anything that kept guys away from her gave me so much pride and now when she was driving the car with this speed it made her look incredibly sexy. I didn't know seeing her girl drive would turn me on. Ever.

"Really?" I was a little shocked at her confession. It was the first time I had met someone so different. Each day I was tempted to know more and more about her.

"Yes Ayan. You don't have to be so shocked. Everybody thinks girls are horrible at driving but trust me its a myth. In fact we are efficient and safe drivers." She said and I nodded my head. I didn't want to say anything that would upset her, though I still believed what I said.

"You don't believe me? Do you?" She said and I tried to hide my sluggish smile. I had no idea that this girl knew me so well. She looked at me and shook her head in disapproval.

"We are here." She said and parked the air between two cars leaving sufficient distance between them. Maybe I can start believing that just a few girls can drive well.

We got down from the car and I looked around to see ambulances and people moving in and out. I never liked hospitals. Its a dreadful sight but I had to go in. For my father.

His entire life he has faced my harsh behaviour and still been there always. This was my time to do something for him.

I looked at Cookie and she had an unsettling look on her face. She looked so fragile and scared that I wanted to wrap her in a tight hug. Maybe she didn't like hospitals too or hospitals reminded her of her father.

"You can stay in the car or I can tell some of my father's employees to drop you back to the hotel." I said as we were about to enter. I didn't want her to go through anything that would make her sad. She had already done enough for me.

"I want to be with you." She smiled and held my hand. She squeezed it tightly assuring me that she was going to be okay.

We entered the hospital and I rushed towards the reception to know where my father was. As soon as she said the 4th floor, I took no time to run upstairs.

There were a group of suited men on the 4th floor. Some of them were those whom I had seen at the shack while some were new. My father was a big man. I always knew but I never knew there were so many people who worked for him.

All of them looked at me as soon as they spotted me. Some of them already knew me so they stood up from their seats. I walked past through them and then turned behind to assure that Cookie reached. She sat there patiently and when I looked at her our eyes met.

Her eyes gave me all the relief that even words could not.

The doctor came out and I rushed towards him to know how my father was doing.

"How is he doing doctor?" I asked and in a minute I found Cookie by my side. Her face looked as worried as mine.

"He is very critical. I can't tell you about his condition until the next few hours."

Hey guys. I am loving your votes and comments. I would really appreciate if you guys could leave you could leave your comments. I love them. Ill update sooner, I promise.

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