Casual Affair//Brallon&Ryden...

Da phanallama

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Ryan is still in love with Brendon, and Brendon may still be in love with him. Brendon accidentally hooks up... Altro

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Final part
I finished


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Da phanallama

Ryan started to feel Brendon up under the covers, but then stopped immediately. “Wait,  you hear that?” Ryan asked. “Dude we're both high as shit you’re probably just hearing stuff.” Brendon stated while he tried to get Ryan to go back to what he was doing. “No, I heard it too. I think someone was knocking on the door.” Sarah got up to go check but was stopped by Brendon. “Dude no like what if it’s a murderer or something?” his blood pumped with paranoia. “Dude it’s fine . I’ll be back.’ Sarah walked out to the living room to get the door. Ryan and Brendon anxiously waited for her to hopefully return back safe.

“Well look who dropped in to visit.” Sarah came back into the bedroom with a tall figure next to her. That tall figure was Dallon.

“Mr. Weekes? What are you doing here?” Brendon and Ryan tried to act as normal as possible, afraid they were both going to get in trouble. “Dude I told you to just call me Dallon. And your mother called me and told me to come check on you to make sure you were okay because you weren’t answering any of her texts or calls and I was the only person available so she told me to come.” Dallon explained. “ Why do you two look so weird?”

“W-what do you mean weird? We look fine, we’re completely normal right now. Nothing out of the ordinary at all. Totally normal.” Ryan said quickly. Brendon trusts Dallon enough to know that he won’t tell his parents anything, but he was still scared because he didn’t want him to be upset or disappointed.

“Okay now there’s really something wrong. Come on what’s up. It’s either you tell me or I ask Sarah because I know she won’t lie to me so I’m going to find out the truth either way.” He stood in the doorway, both arms crossed. A stern look plastered on his face. Brendon sighed and Ryan hid his face. “Dude, we’re both tripping balls on acid right now.”

“Well, as long as you’re not killing each other, I suppose that’s fine.”

“Wait, really?” Ryan and Brendon stare at their teacher, shocked but also calmed. “Yeah, I mean I’m not really surprised guys. Almost every teenager is going to try something like that at least once. I know I did. Just be careful because sometimes curiosity kills. So like I said, as long as no one’s dying I’m not worried. And I won’t tell your parents, Brendon. I may seem like an asshole but I’m no narc. Your secret is safe with me.” Dallon told them while winking at Brendon. His mind was still slightly fuzzy and his eyesight and hearing were still distorted, but he understood everything Dallon had told him. “Dude, sweet.” Ryan said. “So you gonna like, leave now or you gonna stay or what ya gonna  do man?” he asked.

“I kind of feel like there should be a responsible adult here to watch over you guys but I don’t know. My parental instincts tell me to stay just incase but some other part of me is telling me to leave you be because it’d be weird to just have your teacher chill out with you.’ 

“Parental instincts?” Brendon started to wonder if Dallon had a kid that he didn’t know about.

What if he DOES have a kid? I’d be doing a terrible thing what if his girlfriend is pregnant or what if I’d be completely ruining his relationship with her? What if I cause a family to split up? Thoughts raced through his mind, he started to worry until Dallon spoke again. “Well I mean I’ve been around children my entire life like from little cousins or nieces and nephews. I’m used taking care and watching after them so.”

Okay that makes more sense.

“Ah, I get ya. Well, do what you want man I ain’t one to stop you.” Brendon slouched down and smiled at the teacher, “Maybe I’ll stay. It would be safer with an adult here and I know CPR just incase one of you starts to like have a heart attack or something. “ he joked.

The other 2 boys chuckled at Dallon’s joke then proceeded to space out and continue to experience their acid frenzy. “So like, are you guy’s seeing shit or how does this work?” Dallon asked. “Well, I’m not anymore but I dunno about Ryan. Hallucinating is only a small part of the trip. The rest of it is just feeling good and happy and laughing.” Brendon explained to his teacher.

“Mm. Interesting.”

“I guess. Want some?” Brendon offered. “Ah, you know what I think I’ll pass. Ya know, kind of have a reputation to keep up. I mean I am a teacher afterall. Thanks though.” Dallon replied.

“Random question, but Dallon, don’t you think it’s weird how we’re like, kind of friends now?” Brendon asked. “Yeah honestly I never thought I’d chill with my teacher all night. It’s kinda cool.” Ryan chimed in from the corner of the bed.

“I suppose it is pretty odd, but then again it could be weirder. I’ve seen some pretty strange friendships before.” Dallon laughed. “I guess. I dunno I just think it’s weird man. But, I suppose it’s appropriate since we’re 18. Right?” 

“I guess so. It would be slightly weirder if all of you weren’t adults. But since I’m 23 and you’re 18, it’s perfectly fine.” Dallon acknowledged. “All 3 of us should hang out more. Me, you and Brendon.” Ryan suggested. Sarah  put on a fake offended expression and gasped in a very exaggerated fashion. “I can’t believe you didn’t consider me!” she playfully yelled. “Oops, I guess I was thinking about having a bro day. You can be included Sarah.” Ryan laughed. She mumbled “Whatever.” and jokingly pouted.

“Anyway, but yeah we all gotta hang out more. Despite being a math nerd, you’re pretty cool Dallon.’ Ryan joked.

“Wow, math nerd, I already have a nickname. I feel loved. But I don’t think it would hurt to hang out with you guys every now and then.”

“What do you think Brendon?” Ryan asked.

“What? Sorry I stopped listening once  Ryan started talking.” he chuckled. Ryan proceeded to punch him in the arm. Brendon laughed even harder. “The funny thing about that, s that, it barely even hurt.  I don’t know if you’re just weak or it’s the drugs.”  Ryan playfully pushed him, calling him a jerk.

“All of the drugs he takes at night, keeps him awake, gives me a fright, I don’t know what goes through his mind when he takes drugs” Dallon quietly sang an unknown tune along with unique lyrics, Brendon assumed they were about him considering they were about a guy taking drugs. (A/N deadass if you understand that reference then I love you so much)

“Yo, Dallon that was a neat song.” Brendon wondered. “Ah, you heard that? Well...thanks. I kind of just came up with it right now haha…” Dallon blushed. “Really? That’s pretty cool man. Let’s make a band I sing too.” Brendon joked.

“Haha  sorry to disappoint you man but my band days are over. I did have a band in before though,l like any typical highschooler trying to make it big. But alas, that never worked out so I stuck with math.” he explained. Brendon perked up, his eyes full of excitement. “You were really in a band? Dude that’s awesome. What was the band called?”
Brendon wondered. “We didn’t really have much of a name. We just covered songs mostly but we never really went through with it and kind of disbanded after we graduated. It was a fun experience though. Got to practice singing more so that was a good thing I got out of it. You said you sing though, do you ever want to do that professionally”

Brendon thought about it for a second. He did think that he had a fairly decent singing voice, but it’s more of a hobby for him. h e didn’t think he would be able to do it professionally. With his anxiety and doubt, he didn't think he would ever make it. “Nah. I don’t think I could do it. It’s  rare that some random kid with makes it big, let alone if I were to form a band. I wouldn’t be able to just walk into a random studio and be immediately signed by like some big production company. But it’s’s not really my passion so I’m not that torn up about it.’ Brendon explained. Dallon nodded, understanding how he felt.

“You know for being on drugs, you’re hodding up a conversation pretty well.” Sarah teased. “You know for being a pussy,  you talk a pretty big game.” Ryan shot back. “What’s that supposed to mean?”she crossed her arms, glaring at Ryan. “Remember when we were on the phone earlier and I asked you if you wanted to trip out with us and you started whining about how you’d be too scared to do it or it might ruin your life if you become addicted, mind you that you actually can’t get addicted to lsd.”

“Whatever I just didn’t-”

“Sarah shut up I wasn’t talking to you anyway.” Brendon joked and cut her off. “Why is everyone picking on me?” she pouted.

“Cause you’re an easy target.” Ryan told her. “Whatever.” she mumbled.

The three boys began laughing, triggering Sarah to laugh as well. The room filled with laughter, Ryan and Brendon couldn’t stop. “Man yall are assholes.” Sarah laughed. For a good 2 minutes, the gang laughed hysterically.

“Man, I haven’t laughed that hard in a real long time. Feels good.” Dallon said after the laughter died out. “How come? I laugh like that a lot.” Brendon said.

“I don’t know, I’m just not around a lot of funny people I guess. The funniest friend I had passed away and I guess I haven’t laughed too hard since.  I don’t really have many other friends and to be honest as hard as it is to say, my girlfriend just isn’t funny.” Dallon chuckled. “It’s okay though. You guys are a riot, I really needed that, so thanks.” the happy atmosphere turned grim, but regardless, Brendon felt glad that he and the other two were the ones to make Dallon laugh. (A/N disclaimer none of dals friends died or at least none that we know of have)

The three didn’t know what to say to Dallon. So instead they sat in silence, avoiding eye contact. As rude as it may have seemed, neither of the three were good at dealing with situations such as that one. “Guys don’t just sit and say nothing, you’re making this awkward. Look, you don’t have to comfort me or anything it’s not like it’s gonna bring him back. Sorry for depressing everyone though.” Dallon softly laughed.

“Sorry man, I’m just not good with stuff like that, ya know?” Brendon spoke up. “Don’t be sorry Bren. It’s not your fault.”

“Yo can we talk about something else because this is really bumming me out.” Ryan said. “Yeah he’s right haha.” Dallon agreed.

“Why don’t we play spin the bottle?”

The 3 men turned their attention to Sarah, who suggested playing the game.

“Uhm, what are we, like 5? Besides I don’t think Dallon would want to play it anyway.”  Ryan stated. “I mean, if everyone wants to play, I’d be fine with it. We’re just having fun, right?” Dallon said. “Yeahhh but he has a girlfriend hahah..he can’t play let’s find a different game to do.” Brendon pointed out.

“No, it’s okay. Besides I have a get out of jail free card because she made out with one of her best friends in front of me. So she said I could do the same if it was with a guy. I did find it absurd at first, but hey. We’re just having fun and besides, life is short so honestly, who cares?”

“I guess...b-but really we don’t have to play wouldn’t it be kind of weird since you’re our teacher…” Brendon stuttered.

“We’re all adults here Brendon, I don’t see the problem.” Ryan said. “Yeah it’s just a game dude calm down.” Sarah added.

“Fine. Whatever.” Brendon sighed. “Great I’ll go find a bottle.” Sarah said. “Dude why are you so opposed to playing a party game?” Ryan asked. “I just… I don’t know. It doesn’t matter.” he lied. In reality, it did matter to him. Only because he didn’t want to end up having Ryan and Dallon kiss. He’d be jealous. He wanted both of them all to himself only.

Only I can kiss Dallon and Ryan.

“Guys I found a bottle.” Sarah walked into the room with an empty wine bottle. “Where’d that come from?” Brendon asked. “It was sitting in the wine rack and there was only about a cup left so I downed it and rinsed out the bottle.” she laughed.

“Well, I mean at least it didn’t go to waste.” Dallon said. “I don’t condone underaged drinking.”

“Oh, but it’s totally okay that we’re tripping on acid right now?” Brendon asked. “Right, fine do what you want but don’t tell anyone that it’s my fault if you get in trouble.” Dallon joked.

“Ok let’s get on with the game.” Ryan said. “Who wants to go first?” 
HELLO OKAY IM SORRY FOR NOT UPLOADING IN A MONTH BUT HERES THIs. this chapter honestly sucks so bad and I’m sorry I’m really sorry. I already know how I want chapter 14 to play out so I can start writing that as soon as possible. I just want to take a quick moment to say how much  appreciate brendon urie im just so soft rn and i was watching a bunch of appreciation videos about him and i just love him so much, honestly.

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