Percy Jackson, The Heir of Sl...

By darkarchangel2

777K 17.5K 29.6K

Perseus Jackson, or, Percy Jackson. The name most monsters and demigods have heard of. The two time savior of... More

Author's Note
Voldemort? Who?
I'm meeting my grandfather
He isn't bad after all!
Diagon Alley
Annabeth's pissed
Hogshorts here I come
Annabeth would love it
I'm a natural!
we screwed up
You cold hearted monster!
Terrible news
What the hell is going on?
Lady Hecate
Alaska is really cold
I did not expect that
I really couldn't care
we ain't staying here
I'm sorry
Facing an overjoyed and excited blonde
Ron, back off
This is new
It's just a joke!
Another war?
The enemy is who?
It's not your fault, Percy
Being a teacher is amazing
Kronos is scary
Traitor uncovered.
Give me answers, or die!
Now I'm scared....
This isn't good.
Step up your game, lazy pigs.
Don't underestimate us
The war (part 1)
The war (part 2)
Grief and burials

I did it, Annabeth

14.5K 345 168
By darkarchangel2


I sat by myself in the Athena cabin, thinking anxiously about Percy. The last time I had heard from him was when he said that he was going to rescue his family. And that was about two days ago.

Ever since Chiron had told the campers that Percy had left on a quest, they had all been looking up to me instead of Percy, who was obviously their leader, even though he had protested that he was not.

I was crumbling under stress and worry. Stress about how I was organizing the camp and the campers these past few weeks without Percy, and worry about how my seaweed brain was doing. If only Chiron had let me go with him.

I groaned loudly and buried my head in my hands. And to top it all off, the Goddess Artemis and her hunters were staying at camp for a few hours while Artemis talked to Chiron about something. I had to stop many fights from breaking out between the hunters and the boys in the camp.

"Percy, I miss you so much. Please be safe and come back." I whispered. The door to the Athena cabin slid open suddenly and I looked up as a girl with spiky black hair walked in, a bow slung over her shoulder. I stared at her in shock. Thalia, the lieutenant of Artemis and the daughter of Zeus smirked at my shocked expression. "Hey Annabeth."

"Holy Hera, what the hell are you doing here?" I asked, but then I sighed in exasperation at the words that had came out of my mouth. Of course Thalia would be in camp, she was with the Hunters after all.

Thalia looked at me before sitting down next to me, taking her bow off of her shoulder and putting it on the floor. "Annabeth, Percy would be fine. He's an amazing fighter, even better than me. But don't tell him I said that."

I chuckled softly and muttered "Yeah, I know, but how could I not be worried when he's leaving to fight an unknown opponent that managed to hide themselves from even the Gods?"

Thalia pursed her lips and said "Percy can take care of himself just fine. But I swear to gods if he dies...."

"Don't say that!" I cried. "Don't get me even more worried than I already am!"

Thalia held up her hands. "Alright, alright, sorry."

I took a deep breath and asked "Aren't you supposed to be with the other hunters until Lady Artemis gets back?" Thalia shrugged and picked up her bow, putting it in her lap. "Not really, some of the other hunters were touring the camp so I decided to visit you. I know you're worried about Percy, but he'll be fine. He wouldn't dare die on you."

I smiled a bit at her words and hugged her. "Thanks Thalia, that really means a lot."

She laughed and said "Percy's going to have Hades to pay when he comes back for making all of us worry about him." I nodded in agreement just as a hunting horn sounded across the camp. Thalia stood up and looked at me. "That's my cue to leave. I'll see you soon, Annabeth."

"Yeah, bye Thals." I watched as Thalia grinned before leaving the cabin and closing the door. I spent several minutes staring at the door long after Thalia had left, thinking about my impulsive seaweed brain once again. I sighed loudly and looked out at the window. It was nearly time for lunch. Just as I was about to leave the cabin, a soft voice whispered "Annabeth?"

I froze in my tracks, my heart pounding. That voice was what made me happy these past few years. I turned and came face to face with Percy Jackson through an Iris-message. "Percy!" I shouted in happiness. He grinned at me, his green eyes bright with amusement. "Missed me, huh?"

"Of course I missed you! And I'm so worried about you! You could've died!" I cried. Percy tilted his head and said "But I didn't die."

"That's not the point!" I yelled. Then I noticed that behind Percy were three other faces staring curiously at me. One of them was a girl, and the other two were guys.

"Percy. Who are they?" I asked, scared that Percy and the girl were having a thing going on. Percy must've known what I was thinking because he laughed and said "Don't worry Annabeth, nothing is going on. They're just friends. This is Harry, Ron, and Hermione."

"Is that your girlfriend, Percy?" Ron, the red head, asked. Percy rolled his eyes and said sarcastically "No, she is not."

Laughter came from the black-haired boy, Harry, and the brown haired girl, Hermione. Ron blushed red in embarrassment.

I cleared my throat and said "So, was your mission a success?" Percy's face lit up and he exclaimed "Yeah, it was! Though I was nearly kissed by an evil woman. Eurgh, she's nasty."

"Who is she? She will fucking pay!" I growled, putting my hand on my dagger. I knew I wouldn't be able to inflict any kind of harm since it was an Iris-message, but still.

Percy's eyes widened and he held up his hand quickly. "Whoa, calm down, she's dead. My family and Harry, Ron, and Hermione killed her."

"This woman is the unknown opponent that kidnapped your mother and grandfather, isn't she?" I scowled, releasing my hold on my dagger. "Yep, she is. Turns out she only kidnapped them to lure me there." I heard shouting in the background of Percy's Iris-message and he cursed under his breath. "Annabeth, I'm sorry, I have to go. But you know I'm alive and safe, so stop worrying about me, okay?"

"Fuck this, I'm going to Chiron and asking him to send me over to where you are right now. I can't stand being separated from you for so long." Percy smiled and said "I'll be waiting for you then, Wise Girl." He swiped a hand through the Iris-message and I said "You better be waiting for me, seaweed brain."


I smiled at my beautiful girlfriend before swiping my hand through the Iris-message. I turned and faced four Gryffindor boys who were all scowling at me.

Yeah, I was in the Gryffindor common room. What, Harry, Ron, and Hermione let me in. Plus, I was bored in my own common room.

"What is a filthy Slytherin doing here?" One of the boys spat at Harry. Harry narrowed his eyes and I saw rage and horror in them. "He is my friend, Seamus. I won't let you talk to him like that."

"Slytherin's are our enemies, Harry, and you should know that better than anyone!" Another of the boys yelled. Ron stepped up beside Harry and before any of them could retort, I sighed and cracked my knuckles loudly. The sound rang throughout the now silent common room and the four Gryffindor boys stared at me in surprise. "Excuse me, if you want to yell at Harry, don't do it in front of me. I hate when someone else insults my friend."

Seamus sneered at me. "Shut up, we weren't talking to you."

"But you were talking about me, so that technically counts." I said. The four boys looked confused while Harry, Ron, and Hermione stifled laughter. "It doesn't matter! Get out, before we make you." Seamus growled.

I glanced at my three friends and they shrugged. So they were letting me decide what to do. "Honestly, you shouldn't let me decide on anything." I said before lunging at the boys.

I delivered a swift, hard kick to a boy's chest, sending him flying across the room where he hit the wall and slumped to the ground. The other three boys pulled out wands, but Harry shouted "EXPELLIARMUS" and all the wands flew over to Harry's outstretched hand. "No wands, boys." I laughed before dodging a poorly aimed punch from Seamus. I ran at him, and dove into a baseball slide underneath his legs before kicking him right in the family jewels.

Seamus screamed in pain and collapsed to the floor, clutching the.... spot in agony. I then knocked him out with a hard punch to his temple, sending him to the ground. The two other boys looked at me uncertainly. "DEAN, LEO, DON'T YOU DARE DO IT!" Hermione cried. "You guys are already losing!"

(Leo is my own character that I randomly put in there. He is not in any way Leo Valdez😂)

The two boys ignored her and charged at me. I whirled to the side to avoid a punch from Dean, and dropped to the ground to avoid a kick from Leo. I leapt to my feet and grabbed both of their shirts before banging their heads together. I dropped them and they slumped to the ground, unconscious.

I looked up to see two little first years staring at me in utter shock and horror. I managed a smile at them but they turned and ran screaming out of the room.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione approached me with cautious looks. I sighed and said "I'm done, I'm not hurting anyone else, okay? These four just really pissed me off."

"Yeah, I know. But we're going to be in so much trouble for this." Ron said, looking at the four unconscious bodies across the common room. I waved a dismissive hand. "I'll take the blame and face the consequences later. Right now, I'm hungry. Let's grab something to eat."

Hermione rolled her eyes but smiled as we all quickly left the Gryffindor common room, leaving the four unconscious boys behind.

Word count: 1600

I just want to make something clear. I got inspiration from many other stories to write this one, but I don't have to follow everything that happened in the Percy Jackson series or the Heroes of Olympus series. I added in some of my own ideas and changed the plot to however i wanted it to be. People are pointing out that "Oh, Percy is immune to curses, and oh, Percy uses holy hera or hades, not jesus christ." Yes, I get it that this is all what happens in other fan-fictions or in the Percy Jackson books, but I changed some things to fit the storyline.

I just wanted to make sure everyone understands.

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