You Got Me //Shourtney// High...

By smosh_something

51.4K 942 254

Shayne,a horrible student Courtney,a great student They were friends but her being way smarter than him,just... More

Middle School
What Happened?
Present Day ok?
Not an update
Meeting Up
1st Day
Do I?
Not An Update
It's Over
I'm Sorry
I Love Y...
I Love You
First Kiss
Not An Update
Will You...?
A Date
The Dance
The Incident
The Incident pt2
Please...Wake Up!
Thank You
Afraid To Die

Happily Ever After

1.6K 38 22
By smosh_something

Shayne's POV
I wake up to a sleeping Courtney by my side. She looks so beautiful when she sleeps.
I get up from bed trying not to wake her up
I go to the kitchen and decide to make us some eggs and coffee
I see Courtney walk out from the room rubbing her eyes
Courtney-Mornin Shayne
Shayne-Morning Court
She sits down
Courtney-What have you made?
Shayne-I made eggs and coffee
I give her the plate and her coffee
We sit down and talk for 30 minutes while enjoying our food
We then hear footsteps coming from the hall
As soon as we see them emerge from the corner they start to giggle
I head towards my baby girl,Evangeline.
And Luke heads towards Courtney
We both carry them and smile.
Courtney starts to make them some breakfast while I'm here trying my best to get a laugh out the 2 kids
I told them jokes which they didn't understand but they still laughed
Courtney-Breakfast is ready
They both head towards the table and sit down already scarfing down their food.
Courtney laughs as she watched them eat.
They're pretty messy eaters so it's a challenge to clean up after them.

Sorry did I confuse you.
Okay well let's go back a bit

~Time skip to the day of senior graduation~

We had just thrown our caps in the air.
I was searching for Courtney
I then spot her. She looked pretty in her little getup thing
She sees me and heads towards me.
We both hug each other happy that we'll never have to go to school again.
See our plan back then wasn't to have little monsters getting our table messy with syrup
We thought of moving in together and working at an entertaining business for YouTube called Smosh
Owned by our friends Ian and Anthony
And that worked out fine until one night

~4 years later~

It was me and Courtney's 5th year anniversary.
We didn't have anything in plan especially since we didn't have enough money to go somewhere fancy
So me and Courtney just stayed home and baked a banana bread and watched movies
During one movie I had looked at Courtney and something just clicked
I moved her hair covering her neck and started to kiss it leaving her moaning at the touch of my lips
She turned my way and our lips made contact
Let's just say from there we had stripped each other and carried it to the bedroom
~3 weeks later~
We were 22 years old just enjoying a relaxing wake up
Courtney had gone to the bathroom and came out looking a bit weird
Shayne-What's wrong babe?
Courtney-Nothing. Hey do you mind if I have a day with the girls?
Shayne-Go ahead, and Then I'll just have a day with the boys.

I had missed my period.
I was wondering how did this happen
Me and Shayne used protection.
Oh hell no
I mean Shayne was thrusting really fast and hard but he couldn't have ripped the poor thing open
I text the girls telling them to meet me at Starbucks at 8:30.
It's 7:30 which give me 50 minutes to get ready and 10 minutes to drive there
I take a shower and wash my face
I dry my hair and put it into a nice bun
I do my makeup and put clothes on.
Shayne said the guys were gonna pick him up so I took our little car
I drive to Starbucks with only Olivia there so far
She turns around and comes towards me.
We both hug each other and then feel 2 other pair of arms around us
By now everyone was looking at us so we quickly order and sit down
Mari-Why have you gathered us?
Courtney-Well. I want to find something out and I was too scared to do it by myself
Olivia-What is it?
The girls all stare at me wanting me to say
I gulp
Courtney-I think I'm pregnant
At first they looked normal
Then their eyes widened
And their mouths open
Ericka-How did this happen?
Mari-We'll when a man and a women love each other...
Ericka-That is not what I meant!
Mari-Fine. But don't you guys use protection?
Courtney-We did but I think it ripped.
I said embarrassed
Olivia-How? I mean Shayne can't be that big? Right?
I started to blush a bit
Ericka-Holy sh*t cow! He big?!
Mari-So that's what happened.
Courtney-Yes,and you guys can't tell anyone.
Courtney-So will you guys come with me to get the pregnancy test.
Mari-Yeah of coarse
The rest of the girl nod
Ericka-So which has station are we getting this at?
Courtney-No. I want to get a real one. Like at a doctors
Olivia-I can get that. My moms best friend is a baby doctor so I'll call her and see what I can do.
I nod
Olivia stands up and heads outside
The rest keep asking me about how me and Shayne's sex are but I don't answer
Olivia come back with a smile
Olivia-She said she'll do it
Courtney-How much?
Olivia-For free
We all wow at Olivia for doing that
We head over there to get my results

After a few minutes of waiting Mrs.Tai had called us in
Tai-Good to see you again Olivia. So are you happy to be having a baby?
Olivia-It's not mine it my friend's Courtney
She laughs and asks me questions
She sits me down on some sort of table/chair thing
She rubs a cold gel on my stomach
Tai-It's a bit cold. Oh and by the way, since it's been 3 weeks we won't be able to see the baby we'll just know if there's a heart beat
She rubs it around my stomach giving me goosebumps
She looks at the monitors
Tai-Do you see that movement and hear that sound?
I nod
Tai-Those are your baby's heartbeat
She gets me cleaned up
We say thank you and leave.
Me and the girls try and figure out a way to tell Shayne
We decide to get a cake with a box inside the cake saying
"Hi daddy, can't wait to meet you"
We were gonna think f something clever but we were a bit lazy
I say goodbye to the girls and head to Shayne's and I place
I enter the door seeing Shayne making something to eat
Shayne-What's with the box?
Courtney-Oh,I thought I would get us something for dessert later.
Shayne-Mmm,I think I'll like it
I start to get nervous
I nervously laugh
We sit down and eat our chicken with noodles
Eating and talking with him will always make me feel less stressed
We finish our food
He puts he plates in the sink and gets new ones for the cake
I start to get really nervous now that the time has come

What if he doesn't want a baby?
Would he leave me?
That's crazy! You've been together for 5 years!
But what if he doesn't want a big responsibility right now?

I try my best to sound a look calm
It's a chocolate cake with white frosting on top
I give him the piece where the box is located
He dug his utensil into the middle and feels the box
Shayne-Whats this?
I laugh nervously once more
Courtney-I don't know
He moves the box out of the cake and wipes it
He opens the box and reads the note
By now I was shaking
I say nervously and shyly
Shayne-I'm gonna be a dad?
Courtney-I knew it
I mumbled
I leave the table and head upstairs running
I hear a Shayne running after me
I make it to the door and close it just in time and lock if
Courtney-I knew it!!
Shayne-What?! Cmon Courtney open the door.
Courtney-No! You don't want this child and you don't want me anymore because of it!
Shayne-What?! Open the door
I head the bed crying while Shayne knocks and tells me to do it
After 30 minutes I finally open the door
As soon as I open it he rushes to hug me
He starts to cry a bit
Shayne-I don't get where you got that idea! I would never leave you. I love you,and nothing in the world could change that.
I pull away
He nods and I hug him.
Courtney-I love you Shayne
Shayne-I love you Courtney

~9 months later~

I say pushing one last time.
I hear the cries of a baby.
I see him. He's beautiful.
Before I can hold him they give him to a nurse
Courtney-Hey! Let me hold him.
Doctor-You not ready
Shayne-What do you mean she's not ready
I hear Shayne say sitting next to me holding my hand.
Doctor-We found out that the reason why you baby boy's heartbeat was different is because there's another baby. Now you have to start pushing again
What the f*ck!
Me and Shayne were only ready for one baby. Not two!

I start to push once more squeezing Shayne's hand to the point where his hand looms purple
After what seemed like forever I hear another crying baby.
Doctor-It's a girl
They cleaned her up and handed me the babies
I start crying.
Shayne-What should we call her.
Courtney-Well the boy's name is Luke. I want to call her Evangeline
Shayne-It's perfect

~Present Day~

Shayne's POV
Courtney,the kids and I decided to stay home today and just hang out with each other
Luke and Evangeline go get their toys to play outside
me and Courtney watch them from a far.
Courtney-Our lives couldn't have been more perfect.
I hold her.
Shayne-Yeah babe?
Courtney-Will we always stay like this. Like us and the kids?
Shayne-Listen, You Got Me.and I'm never leaving you.
Courtney-I love You Shayne
Shayne-I love you Courtney


Hello guys! This is the end of the book. It's been an amazing journey writing and publishing this book with your guys support and comments. I hope you guys enjoyed the book as much i did writing it.
I love you guys!
See ya soon

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