Arranged love

By toxicxhands

115K 2.1K 98

He set the world on fire but never let a flame touch her cause to the world he was a monster but for her he w... More

I like him ?
First date
The warehouse
The football game
Wedding bells
Character descriptions
This is really gettin' old to me
I dont know anymore
You dont care about me ?
You hate me ?
Fight club
A rat
Birthday *bonus chapter* kinda of
Alone with you
New friend
No happiness
Take a bullet for me
Authors note (important)
Save me
Flash Back
Merry chrysler ๐ŸŽ„
Christmas special
Happy flippin' new year's ๐ŸŽ‰
Rock bottom
It's my birthday ๐Ÿ˜‹
Not again
It's a new dawn it's a new day it's a new story?
I have a new story out
Read this
ok wait what

"Try me"

1K 35 1
By toxicxhands

Adriana pov
I don't know what to do anymore I said to Albina as we sat down. "What do you mean?" Did you seriously just ask me that what I mean what if Alex dies! "He's not going to die." How do you know that? "Adriana everything will find just try to think positive." I'm so confused about my feeling and him being on the edge of life doesn't help I don't know what to feel anymore one minute he treats me like a princess and the next he treats me like I'm one of his old whores. "Give the guy a break he's in a coma for god's sake says, Misha, as he walks in. Hey Misha. "Hey, I heard about Alex but I don't exactly know what happened."
Well, Eric escaped and before he ran out with some of his soldiers he tried to shoot me but Alex took the bullet for me. " For real? I never thought Alex would be the type of person to do that." Me neither. I don't know what to do anymore I already had mixed feelings about Alex and the fact that he's now in a coma doesn't help. What if he doesn't make it, I said it as more of a statement then a question. I wasn't used to this after me and Jack broke up I just became so numb I didn't really care as much as I should've and the next thing I know Alex crashes into my life and I don't know what to do. Albina speaks up interrupting my thoughts. "Everything will be fine we just need to get your mind off of it for now." ***** We decided on going to the mall even though I objected several times I mean I don't get the point of going to the store if you can just order it from online and besides I didn't even like going to the mall mostly because I didn't like all the shit my Albina liked unlike me Albina was obsessed with designer brands we always spent almost six dreadfuls ours at the mall and she leaves with  20 bags normally all from different stores I didn't see the point of buying all this designer stuff if half of the time you would only be wearing it twice I would rather just go to the gym at least there I could punch things. After five hours of shopping, I finally convinced Albina and Misha to go to the food court, After we ate we went home and I was almost amused at what we saw when we got there it was none other than Mandie, Why are you here Mandie? "My baby was in trouble I heard he got shot." I don't think she realizes how cringe-worthy everything she says is. Can you just leave I'm not in the mood. "No, I heard that Alex took the bullet for you I swear if I find out that you had something to do with this you'll regret it." I laughed I found it funny how she thinks she can prance into my home without any heads up and then accuse me of getting my husband shot.Mandie just leaves before I do something that I sure as hell won't regret."Try me", she says as she swings at me. I duck and quickly get back up and lunge at her I started punching her and it honestly felt good she was trying to fight back but that lead to me pulling out extensions Misha soon pulled me back and one of the guards pulled her back I took one last look at her bloody face and then walked off.

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