Finding My Heart(Under Editin...

By thatrandomgeekgirl

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Have you ever had a crush on your best friend? Well Ada did. Well, she does. This could lead to issues. Espe... More

Chapter 1 | The Park Incident
Chapter 2 | My First Heartbreak
Chapter 3 | The Morning After
Chapter 4 | Once In A Lifetime
Chapter 5 | The Note
Chapter 6 | Going Home
Chapter 7 | Back To School Bleh
Chapter 8 | The Afternoon
Chapter 9 | Day 2
Chapter 10 | Cross Country Meet
Chapter 11 | It's Felt Like Years
Chapter 12 | Spoopy Time
Chapter 14 | Thanksgiving
Chapter 15 | Movies and Exams
Chapter 16 | He didn't mean to. Did he?
Chapter 17 | Don't Let Me Fall
Chapter 18 | Hey Nosey
Chapter 19 | Slow Down
Chapter 20 | Christmas
Chapter 21 | The Human Pilllow
Chapter 22 | A Big Fight
Chapter 23 | And He Fights
Chapter 24 | Tears Have Been Shed
Chapter 25 | Saddening News
Chapter 26 | Ruined
Chapter 27 | Tragedy
Chapter 28 | What Now?
Chapter 29 | Awoken
Chapter 30 | Rough Road
Chapter 31 | Snow
Chapter 32 | Oopsie
Chapter 33 | School
Chapter 34 | Punished
Chapter 35 | Broken
Chapter 36 | Great News!
Author's Note

Chapter 13 | My First Kiss

51 2 0
By thatrandomgeekgirl

I was lying in bed, looking up at the white ceiling. I was thinking about the kiss from five days ago. How his lips fit with mine, but it just didn't feel quite right. I remember my first kiss, I was eight, and my victim just turned nine. The afternoon was particularly chilly for early November. I believe the date was November third, that's right, because Jeremiah's birthday is on the second. This day was the day that I realized I really liked Jeremiah.

I was feeling extra cute today, so I decided to put on my favorite whitewash jeans, along with a black top, some light brown ugg boots(I know, basic), and a white fluffy scarf. My mom had braided my hair to the side, but I liked showcasing my hair, especially since my mom had just dyed the tips blue.

The weather was very cloudy and there was a chance of light showers for the afternoon and thunderstorms later tonight. I hated thunderstorms. It was quite windy, I could feel a few drops of the icy cold water leaking out of the clouds that were ready to burst. The high for today was 46°, lower than usual. Jeremiah and I were going for a walk in the woods behind our houses.

We were close together, not even a foot apart. The leaves were crunching under us. A low rumble erupted and I latched onto Jeremiah, one of my hands holding his shirt, the other on his shoulder.

"Can we go home?" I said in my squeaky voice.

"I'll only take you home if you give me a kiss. It can be an extra birthday present. He pointed to where his dimple was on his cheek and smiled like he had just accomplished something great.

"And if I don't?" I looked at him and noticed that I was still latched on to him.

"We will go to the tree house and you will have to deal with the thunder." I chose to deal with the thunder. Jeremiah frowned when I told him my choice. We ran through the woods to the beat down tree house and both of us almost tripped when we were attempting to avoid the roots. It began to drizzle cold rain so we sped up. It was just about pouring down rain by time we got in there.

The tree house was old, there were pieces of wood missing and rotted. There was a paint job once of red and blue but it was fadded. My parents played in here as kids and they had their first kiss here. The relationship didn't last so I count it as bad luck to do any actions that are considered cooties.

"Let's go Adi. We are just about soaked, it is drier on the inside even though there is hole in the roof." Jeremiah climbed on up and then let out his hand for me to grab.

"I can't grab your hand if I'm going up a ladder silly." I said tapping my finger on his head. "I guess it's true that boys don't have brains and are from Jupiter." I giggled and finally got into the tree house. We sat in one of the chairs and talked. The thunder rumbled again.

"Can we go back, the thunder is getting worse. It is scary." I looked at Jeremiah and was begging with my eyes.

"But I'll protect you Ada. You are safe with me. I can give you hugs and I will make sure you are fine." He looked at me and made a silly face with his tongue sticking out. There was a loud clap of thunder and the sky was lit up with thunder. I really wanted to go home but I wanted to be with my bff. After the thunder I realized that we were inches apart. When the thunder crashed again, I dove into his arms. Our lips connected for five seconds, five seconds too long. I pulled away as soon as I realized we were kissing and hurried out. I ran home as quickly as my little legs could. I hit the branch of a tree, the little water droplets on it landing on my face. There was a small scratch on my cheek and a few blood droplets were forming. Tears were running down my face too because of the scratch and I was alone in the thunderstorm, other than Jeremiah who was a decent bit away from me.

I was finally home and as soon as I walked into the house my mom rushed over to me.

"Sweetie, where were you? Whenever it looks like a storm, you know to come home. Jeremiah's mom Sydney and I have been worried sick. Let's warm you up before you freeze to death." My mom gave me a compassionate smile and brought me into the kitchen where it was warm. There was water boiling on the stove in the kettle.

"Where is Jeremiah?" Sydney asked in a worrying tone.

"I ran off from him, he wasn't too far behind me." I sighed and shivered.

"Change your clothes to something warmer before you catch a cold." My mom said as she rushed me upstairs and hurried back down to Sydney.

After I had changed and settled on the couch inside, the front door opened to reveal Sydney and Jeremiah. His nose was red and he was even more soaked than me, he was literally shaking. Sydney was also soaked to the bone. I sprung off of the couch and gave him a hug.

"I'm so sorry, I'll never leave you again, I'll stay by your side." I squeezed him harder and apologized a thousand more times.

I'll never forget that moment, even if I end up with another person like Braxton or Braylen, or some random guy. I should probably video call Braylen to see how he is doing. I opened Skype and called him. He answered quickly.

"Hey Braylen, wats up? How's life?" I smiled and rolled around onto my stomach. The last time I chatted with him was mid October.

"Nothing much, schools been stressing the crap out of me." He sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"How late were you up last night, you look tired." I said, raising my eyebrow.

"Pretty late, my dad had a busy night at the restaurant." Braylen looked at me and smiled, I could see the sleepiness in his eyes. He yawned.

"I'm going to talk to you later, it looks like you need some rest. Anyway, I have to get ready for a friends birthday. I'll call you later." I said, with a little smile.

"Yeah your right, Imma go take a nap." We both nodded in agreement and I hung up.

Now what to wear for Jeremiah's birthday dinner.


It was around five and Braxton had picked me up to go to some random steakplace for Jeremiah's birthday even though it was a couple of days ago, but who wants to go out on a Thursday? That's why we are celebrating it today instead. We shortly arrived and I saw Jeremiah and Samantha, along with his family. My mom would have come but she has work.

When I popped out of the car with Braxton, Jeremiah had an unpleasant look on his face. We walked into the restaraunt and were seated at a booth. Braxton was sitting across from me and Jeremiah was next to me with Samantha across from him so we could talk to our dates easier. His siblings and parents were seated at a table nearby. We ordered.

While waiting for the server, we talked to each other Braxton and Jeremiah kept on giving each other weird looks while I was talking to Braxton. The whole restaraunt smelled delicious, my mouth was watering at the delightful scent. We eventually ordered and were served our mouth watering food. Half way through the meal I got up to use the bathroom, kissing Braxton on the cheek before leaving, Samantha came with me.

After washing my hands, I tapped on Samantha's shoulder giving her the look to stay a second.

"Can we talk for a minute Samantha?" I said while giving Samantha a long glance. She crossed her arms and replied. "Why, don't you have your boyfriend to talk to?" She said with a snappy attitude.

"Why have you been treating me differently? It's been like this ever since you've been dating Jeremiah, especially since October when Braxton was in the picture." I talk-yell to Samantha as I place my hands on my hips.

"Well, um well." Samantha didn't know what to say. She opened her mouth again but closed it without words coming out.

"What is it Samantha, what do have to say?" At this point Samantha was in tears.

"I- I think Jeremiah still likes you," she said with tears bubbling in her eyes, she began crying.

"What do you mean, he obviously likes you. For Pete's sake, he's dating you. You." I grabbed her shoulders as I was saying this. After I said that statement, I gave her a tight hug, she put her head on my chest since she is shorter and I squeezed harder.

"But he is always trying to protect you from dating that dude, if looks could kill, Braxton would be long gone." Samantha replied while sighing.

"Don't you worry Samantha, he's even said so himself, I'm like a sister to him. Nothing more." I gave her a weak smile, it felt like someone just put a stake through my heart. He only sees me as a friend and sister, just let it go. I took a second to recollect my thoughts and added to my statement.

"Let's get you cleaned up Samantha, before we go back out. "

"Yeah Ada, I'd like that." We then went into another hug before cleaning up and going back to the table.

As we were walking out, Braxton had his hands in fists and Jeremiah's hands were placed on table while he stood. Both of us froze and looked at them. We then walked over slowly, Samantha calming Jeremiah down and hugging him. Jeremiah walked out of the booth and stood a few feet away from it. I started to walk towards Braxton.

"STAY out of this please Ada." Braxton said while yelling but then fixed his tone. As he said that got closer to him and started to raise his hand to me, I flinched and went into Samantha and Jeremiah's embrace. Jeremiah walked up to Braxton, all the anger inside of him about to explode.

"Why would you dare raise a hand to her, one of my best friends. I think you need to leave. Now." Jeremiah said as he was attempting to keep his calm. Braxton tried to say something but wasn't able to, he left. Jeremiah gave me another hug. We all finished our dinners and Jeremiah's parents decided to pay the bill for us, unaware of anything that happened. We all left.

Jeremiah's family and Jeremiah, along with Samantha, entered their car. I was waiting for them to leave so I could walk. After all, my ride was Braxton, but I have to walk since he left. Their car wouldn't leave. I just sighed. One of them hopped out of the car and walked towards me. It was dark so I couldn't tell who the figure belonged to until they were close, it was Jeremiah.

"Hey Ada, you need a ride?"

"I'm fine, erm, my ride is almost here." I lied.

"You're a terrible liar, you know that?" He chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Come on, let's go Ada." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the car. I was squished in the back of the car, Samantha right next to me. The engine revved and we pulled out of the parking lot. We finally arrived at my house and my friends got out too. I gave my two best friends a big ol' hug. As I was about to walk to my door. Jeremiah said one more thing.

"I can't believe you almost walked home Ada." He smiled and laughed a little. After that, the couple walked back into the car and I went inside. They drove off.

Ok guys, I have finally finished this part, I kinda got writers block after writing about the flashback but I finished and I really liked what I did in this part. I hope you enjoyed it and please comment with feedback and ideas and vote for my story! I am almost at 500 reads and I just want to thank you guys for this. So thank you!! I'll see you guys soon!!

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