You and Me

By samanthaswishes

47.7K 1.1K 312

SEQUEL TO FAMILY AND PROTECTION Set 2 years after Brelyn, Elaina, Jacey, and Cayla come to Auradon Prep and... More

Chapter 1: 2 Years Later
Chapter 2: The Meeting
Chapter 3: New Outfits?
Chapter 5: One Mad Party
Chapter 6: What's My Name
Chapter 7: You Didn't Raise Me
Chapter 8: Running Away
Chapter 9: What Are We Gonna Do
Chapter 10: Who to Trust
Chapter 11: Fish and Chips
Chapter 12: The Past is Past
Chapter 13: Don't Have to Be Like Her
Chapter 14: Change of Heart
Chapter 15: Forgive and Forget
Chapter 16: Make the Trade
Chapter 17: Space Between
Chapter 18: Am I Strong?
Chapter 19: Am I Important?
Chapter 20: Back to Beautiful
Chapter 21: Family Plan
Chapter 22: Chillin' Like a Villain
Chapter 23: Rescue Mission
Chapter 24: Return to Auradon
Chapter 25: Safe and Sound
Chapter 26: Elaina's Report
Chapter 27: The Night Before
Chapter 28: Brelyn's Coronation
Chapter 28: You and Me

Chapter 4: Gathering Information

1.7K 39 7
By samanthaswishes

Only a few days have passed since the meeting about the Isle of the Lost. Brelyn has been more stressed than ever. The subject of being queen just terrified her. When she first found out she was Ben and Mal's daughter, she thought being a princess of the land would be easy-peasy. Now, she was starting to second guess everything. Her being the first queen born into the royal family added a ton of more stress as well. On top of it all, she had to balance all her duties with school. Brelyn sometimes questioned why sixteen was the coronation age for a king or queen. She was still growing as a person.

Brelyn rushed to her locker to grab something. Suddenly, Ben approached the young princess. She was shocked to see her father by her locker. "Woah, dad," she said with a little bit of fright. "You scared me."

"Sorry about that sweetie," Ben replied.

"It's fine."

"Everything alright?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm good," Brelyn replied. "I've just been a little stressed about the whole queen thing lately."

"Well, I've got something to help with that," he said as he dragged Brelyn away from her locker.

"Wha-um, dad, I've got class to get to."

"Not until I surprise you with this!" he said as he brought her to a lavender scooter.

Brelyn gasped in surprise. She had always wanted one ever since Ben and Mal took her on a ride when they told her that she was their daughter. "Dad," Brelyn said. "This is amazing. I love it!" Brelyn then jumped into her father's arms. "Thank you."

"You are very welcome," Ben responded as he put his daughter back onto the ground. "Just thought you would like something to make you stress less. Remember, just relax. You'll be fine. You just need to show Auradon that you are ready to be queen."

"Better said than done," Brelyn replied.

"We'll see," Ben replied. He looked at his watch. "I've got to go. See you after school's done?" 

Brelyn nodded in response. "Okay, see ya."

"Bye," Brelyn said as she watched her father run off to do whatever kingly thing he does.

"Nice ride," Jacey said as her, Elaina, and Cayla approached Brelyn.

"You like? My dad got it for me."

"This is amazing!" Cayla said.

"By the way," Elaina began. "Are you going to Alyssa's party?"

"Alyssa?" Brelyn asked. "The daughter of Alli? Alice in Wonderland's granddaughter?"

"That's the one."

"I don't think I have anything planned for today," Brelyn said as she mentally went over her schedule. "I think I can make it."

"Great," Jacey said. "Alyssa said she really wanted you to come. She thinks you'll make the party better with your magic."

"W-Wait," Brelyn said in confusion. "My magic?" The three girls nodded. "My mom says I shouldn't be using my magic very often. Especially in situations like this. Mom said I should only use my magic in dire circumstances."

"But aren't you learning how to use your magic?" Cayla asked.

"Yes," Brelyn replied. "But my mom is holding off for a while so that I can focus on all of my queen stuff. She won't even teach me to turn into a dragon yet."

"Why would you even need to turn into a dragon?" asked Elaina.

"To be cool of course," Brelyn replied. "Wait, doesn't your mom have any kind of magic?"

"She does," Elaina replied.

"Then shouldn't you have some form of magic in your body?"

"I don't know," Elaina replied. "My mom doesn't use her magic at all, so I find no reason why I would need to."

"Wait, Cayla," Brelyn continued. "You're the granddaughter of the freakin Fairy Godmother. Don't you have magic too?"

"I have magic in my blood," Cayla replied. "But I take after more of my dad."

"Can't you just get your mother's spellbook?" asked Jacey.

"Now, you know I can't do that!" Brelyn retorted. "That book is in the museum. Same goes for Elaina's mom's magic mirror. All of the artifacts of villains kept are in that museum. My parents would kill me if I ever got a hold of that book."

"Fine," Jacey gave in. "Party starts at 3. Alyssa says to come on time or else you'll be drinking cold tea."

"Eh, I don't even really like tea."

"Really?" Cayla asked. "Isn't it like a thing for royals to enjoy tea or something?"

"Yeah, but it's just too bitter for me. Dad says I get it from my mom. She's not a big fan of it either."

The bell rang, and the students began shuffling to their next class. "We don't wanna be late for class," Elaina stated. "See you guys later." The girls then separated as they went to their next class.

Brelyn entered her next class. She sat down and immediately started daydreaming. "Should I use my magic?" Brelyn thought to herself. She knew her parents would be very mad if she used it without their consent, but she also wanted to get better at using and controlling her magic.

"Brelyn," the teacher said snapping her out of her daze. "Can you tell me how you find the acceleration of an object with a mass of 5 kilograms sliding down an incline at 35 degrees?"

Brelyn sighed. "I hate physics," she said under her breathe.

Elaina was in her dad's classroom; she has a free period, so she often spent it with her dad or mom. Elaina was working on her pre-calc homework while she began daydreaming while looking out the window. Like in her dorm room, she had a perfect view of the Isle.

"Okay class," Doug said. "I will give you some independent time to work on whatever work needs to get done." Doug then walked over to his desk where Elaina was sitting. He noticed that Elaina wasn't focused on her homework. "Elaina."

"Hm?" she said, snapping out of whatever trance she was under.

"You were staring off into space for a while," Doug said. "Is everything alright?"

"Oh, yeah," Elaina said with a chuckle. "I-I was just thinking."

"About what?"

Elaina wasn't sure if she should tell her dad about what was on her mind. It was a topic that should probably be talked to with her mom, but her mom always avoided it. "What is it like over there on the Isle?" she said motioning to the Isle out the window.

Doug turned towards the window and laid eyes on the Isle. He had remembered being a teenager and wondering the same thing his daughter has. At the age of sixteen, he had been daydreaming about a pretty, smart girl with gorgeous, royal blue hair, and adorable, dark brown eyes. Little did he know that the girl he dreamed about would turn out to be real. Now, he is married to that girl and has a daughter with her.

Doug turned back around to face his daughter; she looked just like her mother from the blue hair to the dark brown eyes. The only difference was the glasses that made her eyes pop out even more; that's what she has gotten from him. "Why do you ask?"

"It's just been something that has been on my mind lately."

Doug chuckled. "You know," he began. "This is probably a topic you should talk about with your mother."

"But she always avoids it when I bring it up," Elaina retorted. "I mean, she was born and raised on the Isle of the Lost. I just don't understand why she can't tell me what life was like over there."

"It's probably just hard for her to talk about," Doug added.

"But why?"

Doug looked into his daughter's eyes. She was a curious one; Doug knew whatever excuse he came up with, she would have something to retort it. "You aren't going to give up, are you?"

Elaina shook her head. "Plus, I have a paper I need to write, and I last minute chose the Isle of the Lost as my topic."

"That's just an excuse to get information out of me."

"No, seriously, I have a paper that I need to write. It's about different locations around Auradon. I chose the Isle of the Lost because 1. Nobody else chose to do it, and 2. It's part of who I am as mom lived there when she was my age."

"When's this paper due?"

"In two days."

Doug was shocked at his daughter's response. "Did you really procrastinate until the last minute? That's so unlike you."

"You mean," Elaina began. "Like how you and mom procrastinated to tell me I was your daughter weeks after I first came to Auradon Prep?"

Doug chuckled. "Hey, you know that was a different situation. Ben and Mal specifically told us not to tell you until we knew you were safe."

"I know," Elaina laughed.

Doug sat next to her. "Your mom will come around. You'll see."

"Will it be before I graduate high school?"

"Honestly, I have no idea."

Jacey headed to the amphitheater for R.O.A.R practice. She was excited to start. After all, her mother was the coach. Jacey and Mallory, the granddaughter of Merida, were the only girls on the team this year.

"Okay, team! Line it up!" Lonnie called out. "Today we will be focusing on balance. Balance is a key part of facing an opponent. Without balance, your opponent has the advantage. Okay, let's get started!"

"Have I ever told you how much I love sword fighting?" Mallory asked.

"Yes, you have," Jacey replied. "You've mentioned it about a million times ever since we joined the team freshman year."

"I sometimes feel like a pirate."

"You know," Jacey began. "There are pirates on the Isle of the Lost. I mean, you have the entirety of Captain Hook's crew."

"That's so cool!"

"What are girls talking about?" Lonnie asked as she approached.

"Pirates," Mallory bluntly said.

"Pirates?" Lonnie questioned.

"Yeah," Mallory replied. "I told Jacey that I sometimes feel like a pirate when I'm with my sword. Then, she said that there are pirates on the Isle of the Lost."

"You've come across pirates on the Isle before, right mom?" Jacey asked.

"Oh-um, yeah, I have."

"What were they like?"

"Well," Lonnie began as she began to think. "I don't have a very good memory of them. I was only like sixteen or seventeen at the time, but they were pretty mean. Some of them weren't that smart. I was able to fight one without a sword myself. But other than that, I don't remember much."

"Really?" Jacey asked. Lonnie nodded in reply. "Do you have any other memories from the Isle?"

Lonnie looked at her daughter; she could tell she was curious. "I know what you're trying to do, and it's not going to work. Plus, I wasn't even on the Isle that long. I was really only there to fight the pirates. You know I've told you to ask your dad if you had any questions about the Isle."

"But he won't tell me," Jacey whined. "I've tried asking him before, but he just won't tell me. Brelyn, Elaina, and Cayla have even said their parents won't tell them about the Isle either. We've all been trying to get information, but none of them are coming around."

"Jacey, look at me," Lonnie told her daughter. "All I know is that life on the Isle is terrible. Even from my short trip, I could see that. Why are you so interested in the Isle?"

"Well, it's a part of who I am," Jacey said. "For fourteen years, I didn't even know Auradon was a part of who I am. I'm sixteen years old, and I still don't know what the other half of me is like."

"I understand," Lonnie said. "But your father will tell you when he's ready."

"Fine," Jacey grumbled.

"That's my girl," Lonnie said. "Okay, practice is over!" she called out.

"Well, that was a bust," Jacey mumbled.

Cayla walked through the halls to her mom's office. "Hey mom," she said with an overly happy voice.

"I'm not telling you anything about the Isle," Jane replied.

"Wha-mom! Dad won't tell me anything though!"

"I told him to talk about it with you. I don't know why he hasn't."

"Why can't you tell me?" Cayla asked.

"Because it's your father's job to tell you," Jane replied. "Plus, I know very little about it myself."

Cayla sighed in defeat as she took a seat in one of the chairs.

Brelyn walked through the halls of the castle. "Hey Lumiere," Brelyn said to one of the castle servants. "Have you seen my mother?"

"Ah yes," Lumiere replied. "I believe she is in the library. That is where I saw her last."

"Thank you," Brelyn said as she made her way to the library. "Hey, mom."

"Brelyn?" Mal replied. "What are you doing here?"

"I was actually looking for you."

"For me?" Mal questioned. "Why have you been looking for me? Is everything alright?"

"Everything's fine," Brelyn assured. "I was just thinking. After the meeting about the whole Isle situation, it got me thinking about how little I actually know about the Isle."

"Brelyn," Mal began. "Don't listen to them. It's not your fault that you know next to nothing about the Isle of the Lost."

"I-I know that," Brelyn answered. "I was just wondering if you could tell me about the Isle." Mal remained silent. "Mom?"


"Because I feel I have a right to know," Brelyn said. "I am going to be queen pretty soon. I should at least have a basic knowledge of the island."

"I really don't think so," Mal replied.

"Why not?" Brelyn asked. Mal was silent once more. "Mom, please."

"I'm sorry," Mal replied. "I just can't tell you right now," Mal said before exiting the library.

"What's going on?" Brelyn asked herself.

Hey guys! Sorry I have long breaks in between updating. I've just been having MAJOR writer's block with this, but I am determined to continue writing this story because this story means so much to me given that it's a sequel of my most successful story, and I've just fallen in love with the four girls I created for this story. I'm also glad you all love them as much. And also life is a thing. Anyway, I hope you guys liked this chapter!!! <3

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