Percy Jackson, The Heir of Sl...

By darkarchangel2

777K 17.5K 29.6K

Perseus Jackson, or, Percy Jackson. The name most monsters and demigods have heard of. The two time savior of... More

Author's Note
Voldemort? Who?
I'm meeting my grandfather
He isn't bad after all!
Diagon Alley
Annabeth's pissed
Hogshorts here I come
Annabeth would love it
I'm a natural!
we screwed up
You cold hearted monster!
Terrible news
What the hell is going on?
Lady Hecate
Alaska is really cold
I did not expect that
I really couldn't care
I'm sorry
I did it, Annabeth
Facing an overjoyed and excited blonde
Ron, back off
This is new
It's just a joke!
Another war?
The enemy is who?
It's not your fault, Percy
Being a teacher is amazing
Kronos is scary
Traitor uncovered.
Give me answers, or die!
Now I'm scared....
This isn't good.
Step up your game, lazy pigs.
Don't underestimate us
The war (part 1)
The war (part 2)
Grief and burials

we ain't staying here

14.8K 410 319
By darkarchangel2


We all turned when that voice said that and nearly fainted in shock. Alria was standing behind us, her face filled with murderous rage. Behind her stood dozens of the transparent people, all of them armed with weapons.

Percy said the word that was on everyone's minds at the moment: "Fuck."

Alria smiled, and pulled her wand out of her pocket. "You aren't going anywhere! Perseus, I haven't had my fun yet!"

"You ain't getting any!" Percy retorted, putting his hand into his pocket and bringing out his pen. He uncapped it to reveal his sword. It cast a soft, bronze glow throughout the dimly lit room.

"Like come on, go find some other boy you want to keep here for entirety! I actually have things to do!"

Alria raised an eyebrow, and then started to laugh. We exchanged anxious glances, and I tightened my hold on my wand. Once Alria stopped laughing, she breathed "What things do you have to do, Son of Poseidon?"

Percy's eyes narrowed, and his green eyes seemed to glow with power. When he spoke, his voice was deathly quiet.

"I want to return to Camp alive so that I don't get killed again by my girlfriend. I was put in two wars, and I watched so many of my friends die right before me. I only got a month to relax with my friends and loving girlfriend, until I pulled right out of that and sent to the wizarding world. And I swear that when I get back, I won't get much more rest and relaxation. Trouble follows me wherever I go."

I stared at the tall, black haired boy in disbelief. Two wars? Sure, Voldemort was bad but I haven't even been through that much......

Alria eyed the demigod before her with slight astonishment before she waved a dismissive hand. "I do not care. Also, having Olympus's hero with me would make things much more interesting." 

Percy growled and opened his mouth to respond when a familiar voice that sent chills down my spine rasped "You are not keeping my grandson here."

My eyes traveled over to the hallway and my heart nearly stopped in fear. There, standing beside Percy's mother, was my greatest enemy that I thought I had killed. Voldemort, the Dark Lord.

His slitted red eyes landed on me and they narrowed in disgust, but he didn't say anything. I glanced at Ron and Hermione and saw both of them staring in fear at Voldemort as well. Percy's mother, Sally Riddle (Or Jackson, however you want to call her), pulled a wand seemingly out of nowhere and pointed it at Alria, who looked slightly uncomfortable.

"Leave my son alone!"

Alria bared her teeth and snapped her fingers. The transparent people surged forwards, all of them running straight at us.

"Kill all of them, except for Perseus Jackson. We're going to have so much fun when everyone else is dead." Alria laughed as she launched herself into the fight as well. I shot as many spells as I could, but it seems that how many I kill, two more take it's place. Soon, I was surrounded. I backed up until I collided hard with the wall. The transparent people advanced on me, weapons out. I knew that I was dead, I had nowhere else to go.

Just as a weapon was about to pierce my chest, the people exploded into black powder all around me. I stared as Percy slashed and hacked, his sword a deadly killing machine.

"I OWE YOU ONE!" I yelled to him as I leapt back into the fight. The enemies numbers started to go down, until we all stood in a circle around Alria, who looked murderous. Percy had just stabbed his sword through the last enemy, and I watched it explode into dust.

"You lost. Just give up, we're bringing you to Azkaban." I said. Alria smiled, her dark eyes turning to me. "I don't think I'm going to that filthy wizard prison. I'm going to make sure at least one of you die today!"

Before anyone could react, she pointed her wand at me and yelled "AVADA KEDAVRA!" A green light shot out of her wand and headed straight towards me, but just as it reached me, someone pushed me aside, sending me falling to the ground in a heap.

I hit the ground hard and gasped as the wind was knocked out of me. I heard people screaming, and someone crying. I staggered to my feet and cried out in horror. Percy had pushed me out of the way, the killing curse had hit him instead.

The force of the curse sent him flying straight into the wall, where he collapsed to the ground. "NO!" Hermione screamed and numerous shouts of "AVADA KEDAVRA" filled the air, all of them hitting their intended target: Alria.

The witch was blasted backwards as well, and she lay on the floor in a crumpled heap, the light gone from her eyes. Hermione threw her wand to the side and ran over to where Percy lay, Ron, Voldemort, and Sally following. I was too stunned to process anything. 

Percy had saved my life. He sacrificed himself to save me. Why?

I swallowed as I looked at everyone crowded around Percy's motionless body, and I made a silent promise to myself. I would give what Percy wanted from me. I would give Voldemort a second chance.

I ran over to Percy as well, and Voldemort immediately moved aside. I took his spot and knelt down beside Percy, grabbing his hand. I was surprised to find that it was still warm, but I didn't say anything. I looked at Hermione who was openly sobbing with Percy's mother, tears flowing down both of their cheeks.

"Percy, why?" I muttered, looking at him. "Why did you save me?" I honestly wasn't expecting a response since I thought he was dead, but when he responded to me, I nearly had a heart attack.

Slowly, his eyes opened and he grimaced in pain. He managed a pained smile at our incredulous looks before noticing that I was still holding his hand.

"Surprise bitches." Percy said softly.

I released his hand in shock as he pulled himself up into a sitting position, wincing in pain the entire time. "Shit, that one hurt like hell."

"How are you alive?" Hermione asked in shock as Sally laughed, wiping away her tears. "I forgot, Percy. You're a demigod, you're immune to the three unforgivable curses."

(Yeah, I made that up so that the story could flow freely.)

"Well, you shed many tears on my part." Percy commented, looking at Hermione and his mother's tear-streaked faces.

Sally laughed again before stretching out a hand. Percy gratefully took it, and his mother helped to pull him to his feet. "Bloody hell, you are full of surprises." Ron said as Percy cracked his back with another wince.

"Of course I am. Thank you for noticing." Percy said with a wry smile.

I spoke up before anyone else could and said "Percy, why did you do it? Why did you sacrifice yourself to save me?"

"Well...... I honestly don't even know. It's as if my body reacted on it's own and boom, I get hit by the Killing Curse." Percy noticed my expression and he cracked one of his famous grins.

"Don't worry about it, I'm fine. If you got hit by that curse, you would've died."

"You too! You didn't even know you were immune to those curses!" I shouted. Percy touched my shoulder and said "Harry, it's okay. My fatal flaw is loyalty for a reason. I would do anything for the people that I care about, even if it means I'm dying to save them."

I heastied before nodding. "Thank you for doing that." "No problem bro! Now, let's get out of here!"

Word count: 1311

Sorry if this chapter seems a bit rushed, because I was rushing it ;-;

I literally finished this chapter in 20 minutes

I did that because I knew I wouldn't be able to update that often

Anyways on another note..... 4000 READS! THANK YOU

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