Moments of Impact H.S. A.U.

By MetteMA

9.1K 474 372

Warning: mature content 'When so many are lonely as seem to be lonely, it would be inexcusably selfish to be... More



304 18 4
By MetteMA

Everything regarding Harry seems to be messing with my mind. I don't know what happened between us tonight, and I can't help but wonder if he does this with all his employees or if he had done this with all previous secretaries and if that's why they got fired. I'm not someone he can just play with as he likes. And goose bumps arise on my skin as I think of all the other women whose minds he might have been playing with just for the fun of it. Because as much as I don't want to think of her there's Kaia, and it doesn't seem right that he's doing what he's doing when she's in the picture, yet I can't help but want to find out more. I want to find out what's going on inside that head of his, and for hours I stay awake thinking of him, and although I don't get much sleep I'm not tired in the morning. Because as much as I hate to admit it, I'm like a school girl with a crush.

I'm going in deep.

"Good morning, Leah," Harry says in a cheery voice the moment I enter his office.

"Good morning, Harry."

"I see you made it on time," he says as I hand him his coffee.

"Of course, I always make it on time don't I?"

He takes a sip of the coffee and nods his head. "Just surprised if I'm honest. I mean I did bring you home fairly late last night considering you had work this morning."

"I don't believe it's an excuse," I say.

"It's not, but I wouldn't have been surprised if you had slept in."

I take a seat and give him a smile. "I had a nap last night remember? Who knows how long I slept."


"So do you want to know about my idea?"

"Actually, I've made a reservation for us. We're going out for lunch at 12:30. I want to hear all about your idea then."

"Oh." Suddenly, my heartbeat increases, and I stare at him dumbfounded. Part of me feels that I should back out of the lunch date. Because that's what it is a date, isn't it? But this is strictly business, however it feels so wrong. But I'm just an employee, and Harry's the boss. I'm not supposed to tell him off or come up with excuses, but as much as I like the idea, I'm not sure it's a good one. "That sounds nice." I don't know what else to say. He is nice company, but being alone with him again like that is also playing with my mind. I don't know what to think of it all.

"Be ready at 12:15, and if you have anything else you'd like us to discuss you can tell me then," he flashes me a smile, and I nod and smile back. Where did my tongue go? I leave his office and head over to my desk. I see the phone is flashing which tells me that people are already calling. I answer, but although I help them with their inquiries my mind is completely elsewhere. Somehow, I can't seem to get a pair of green eyes out of my mind.

At 12:15 Harry is right next to my desk smiling at me. "You ready?"

I nod and grab my purse and head towards the lift in silence. Because although there's a ton of questions I want to ask Harry, I don't. I don't know him well enough for that. I notice Harry slightly opening his mouth as we stand inside the lift as if wanting to ask me something, but he stays quiet. "You like Italian?" He asks all of a sudden, and I get a feeling that wasn't the question he was about to ask.

"Yeah. I can eat pretty much everything."

"Everything?" His eyes widen.

"Yeah. I'm just not a fan of pickled food."


I shake my head. "I don't see the point in changing something that's already good the way it is," I confess.

"Kinda of like with your coffee?" He chuckles.

"Exactly," I smile. Surprised that he remembers our conversation.

As we make our way out of the building Harry holds the door for me like the gentleman he is. And I wonder why all guys can't be more like him, but then again he's in a relationship and flirting with me. That's not okay.

"Where we going?"

"To Circular Quay. Get in," he says holding a cab door for me, and I'm surprised by the fact that we aren't walking or that he isn't taking his car. But parking by Circular Quay isn't cheap. However, walking would be good. I have to admit I haven't done much exercise since I started working at the office.

"We could have walked," I say.

"We could as I see you're wearing your Birkenstocks," Harry winks. "But I couldn't ask you to do that."

"Right?" I say most likely resembling a question mark. Of course, he could ask of me to do that. Anyway, I don't complain. Harry is nice for taking me out to lunch.

When I realise that we're going to Aria I look at him with wide eyes. "You serious?"

"Very much so," he says.

"But this isn't Italian. And I'm not dressed nicely enough for this place," I complain as he leads me inside.

"Hello, good to see you Mr. Styles, a table for two right this way," the waiter says and leads us to our table. You can see the Opera house and Harbour bridge from here. The view is stunning, and I suddenly regret wearing sandals today. Why couldn't he have warned me?

The waiter pulls the chair out for me and I mumble a thank you, while staring at Harry in confusion but he pretends not to notice. "What can I get you to drink?"

Harry looks at me in anticipation. "Uhm. Can I just have a glass of water, please," I say gulping.

"Would you like ice in that and a slice of lemon?"

I nod completely taken aback. I'm not used to going out to fancy places for lunch or dinner for that matter.

"I would like a sparkling water with ice and lemon as well," Harry says.

"Perfect," the waiter says and disappears out of sight.

"What are we eating?" I wonder noticing we didn't get any menu cards.

"A five course meal," Harry smiles.

"Ar- y- what?" Is he being serious?

"Yes. You told me last night you didn't go out much. Thought it would be nice with some fantastic food and an amazing view."

"Couldn't you have warned me? I'm not dressed fancy enough for this."

"I loved to see the the look on your face when you realised we weren't having Italian. Besides you look nice," he says, and Im about to bite my lip when I realise I'm wearing lipstick and getting lipstick on my teeth will just make everything worse.

"Well as much as I like the surprise I wish you would have told me. I don't think it's appropriate for me to be eating here while at work. It doesn't feel right to be here when I'm supposed to be working."

"This is part of your job. You eating with me. Besides we're here to talk business aren't we? Who says you can't mix business with pleasure?" He asks, and I stay quiet for a moment.

"Just please warn me next time so I can at least wear something decent."

"You say you don't like the surprise?"

"No, I love it. I've never been here before."

"Well enjoy. The company's paying," he says giving me another wink. And I start wondering if he's trying to buy me off. Then again I shouldn't be putting all this thought into his actions. I'm sure he goes out for meetings all the time. I just can't help but think that this is just an excuse. My idea isn't the best one anyway, because I don't know a thing about business.

The waiter comes over with our drinks, and I give him a thank you and take a sip of the water.

Harry watches as he leaves and brings a notebook out of his briefcase.

"What's this?" I ask.

"I'm taking notes of your brilliant idea."

I chuckle. "I doubt there's anything brilliant about my idea. I studied photography remember?"

"I remember, but that doesn't mean you don't have some hidden talents I don't know about," he smiles, and I want to wipe that stupid smile off his face. But it's quite cute.

"Right, I'm sure this isn't one of them though. I don't know a thing about business. But I was thinking that perhaps you should start a campaign for students, like perhaps decrease the price with 50%."

Harry sends me a confused look. "We are supposed to earn money you know?"

"I know," I say playing with my hair. "But if you give them the basic insurance for less money than everyone else, there's a big chance people will change their insurance to ours. And you know students don't have a lot of valuables yet. Which means that in case an accident happens, we probably wouldn't have to cover much. They most likely don't have big houses with a lot of furniture," I say taking another sip of water. I'm not sure what Harry's thinking just yet.

"Go on," Harry encourages.

"Well, so I thought that all while they're in UNI they'd get the reduced price. And then once they're done with their education, they will pay the same as anyone else. And then there's a big chance that they are so happy with us they don't want to change. If we're lucky they'll keep us for the rest of their lives. We need to get them before everyone else does."

"You sure you studied photography?" He asks, and I chuckle.


"I think this sounds really good. But do you want to make a campaign that perhaps lasts till the end of the year or till the end of next month. Or do you want to change it for students permanently," he asks, and I gulp.

"I dunno. Is this a tricky question?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like if I answer wrongly I'm fired or something?"

Harry laughs. "Of course not, I just wanted to hear your input. I mean so far it seems that there's a lot inside that mind of yours that could be put into good use for the company."

I'm flattered. "Thanks. In that case, I think you should change it permanently. I believe students are the people with least money, it can only get better for them. I'm sure they'll be lining up to change their insurances. Perhaps even make a package for parents with students still living at home so that that they'll get a further discount if the whole family has our insurances."

Harry doesn't get time to reply as the first course is placed in front of us, and I grab my napkin and place it in my lap as he presents the dish. Although, I'm not really listening. I'm too caught up in the way Harry is looking at me, and I'm not sure what to think of it.

"Enjoy," the waiter says and disappears once again.

"You know, I think you might have applied for the wrong job."

"You saying you don't want me at the office anymore?" I ask and take a bite.

"No, not at all. Just beginning to think that you're over qualified."

"One great idea doesn't make me overqualified," I say as I continue to eat.

"Perhaps over time I'll find other things for you to do than answering phone calls though."

I gulp very much aware that he's looking at me in a certain way, and I keep thinking that hopefully I don't have lip stick on my teeth. I want to tell him that if I get a promotion I might not have the same amount of freetime. I'll be busy running around to meetings which means we won't get to see each other much. But I hold my tongue. Nothing good will come from my confession although I kind of want to tell him that I like his company.

"I don't mind answering phone calls. The customers are nice most of the time."

"That's only because you're a lovely person, and people can't get mad at you. The customers are rude most of the time, why do you think the others got fired? They would start picking a fight over the phone. Not the way to handle things if you want them to stay with us."

I flash him a smile, unsure of whether to thank him for his compliment, but as he smiles back at me, I know that a smile is enough. I like how at times it's as if he just know what I'm thinking, and I don't need to speak my mind.

"Now enough business talk. Tell me something about yourself," he says taking another bite, and I realise he's almost finished which means that there's nothing to keep him occupied from staring at me.

I swallow a piece of food and look at him in confusion. "What do you want to know?

For hours, we talk about everything and nothing until we have to get back to work. Or Harry does, he ends up sending me home early. He tells me about his sister and childhood, and I tell him about mine. When hearing him talk about Sam, I can't help but wish I had a sister too. However, he doesn't talk much about his parents and luckily he doesn't say a word about Kaia. In a matter of fact, she doesn't cross my mind much, and I can't help but grow even fonder of him. He just seems like the perfect guy, but he's taken. I have to remind myself that. There's no way anything can ever happen between us. It's not right.

But sometimes there is a blurred line between right and wrong, and we make the wrong choices for all the right reasons.

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