Stay Alive {a Voltron Fanfic}

By silverbun

4.4K 190 44

Hey, Brother? Book Two as requested! Kiera hasn't lost anything else. Yet. I mean, sure she's lost a duel or... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 3

435 20 5
By silverbun

"A show? Really? That's where you're handing me over?" Kiera frowned and turned to Rolo "Are you serious?"

Rolo stretched his arms behind his head "Yeah I know, not the most elegant place but it's the best place to go unnoticed by authorities. Plus, fireworks." He pointed up at the sky where several bursts of light and colour had exploded into the sky. The crowd shrieked in response.

Kiera rolled her eyes "Whatever. Can we get on with it?"

A voice behind them said "Indeed we can."

The little group turned to see three tall people standing there. They were all wearing a dark purple suit with belts and switches and hoods over their heads and a mask over their faces. They held themselves like they were better than everybody else and they all had knives at their sides.

Kiera stood taller and spoke defiantly "A bunch of Blade members want me? Why the hell would I be someone you're looking for? I don't recall doing anything to piss you guys off."

The middle one who was a little taller than the others growled "We needed a new recruit. Plus, someone in our association mentioned you by name."

So the Blade members knew her name and she was going to spending time with them and there wasn't much she could do about it. This meant that more people would know where she was and would be able to find her and kill her or at least hurt her badly. And maybe kill some people on the way. Oh boy that was bad.

She sighed "You do realize that people will look for me, right?"

The main member said "We are aware and we are also willing to put your security and secrecy at the top of our priorities."

"Really? Wow I feel so damn accommodated." Kiera snorted "What else do you have written on that little paper of ways to convince me to go with you? Are you going to bribe me with food?"

The left Blade member deflated a little bit.

Kiera frowned "Thought so. But I don't really have the authority to make decisions right now regarding my own safety. I'm being turned in, right?" She turned and looked at Rolo expectantly "And take care of Ace and Simplicity. Please?"

He shook himself and said "Right. Yes." He held out his hand "The money."

The left Blade member grabbed Kiera's elbow, the right one slapped a small pouch into Rolo's outstretched palm. Then the little troupe left. Nyma gave Kiera a little wave before the three of them turned and left.

Kiera turned to the main Blade "Can I get out of these handcuffs now? Please?" She nearly threw up at using that word.

The main Blade turned and started walking away "No."

The two other members dragged Kiera along with them. The crowd watching the show screamed again as whoever was performing did something cool. Kiera winced and rubbed her ear on one of her shoulders in pain. The Blades cleared a path through the dense crowd quickly, people moving hastily out of their way. Kiera stumbled along behind them, muttering and cursing them under her breath as she went. The only thing that could make this better was if they got her something to eat. She was starving.

As if they had heard her thoughts, the shortest Blade member said "You need food."

Kiera stiffened "I what?"

"You need food. I could practically hear your stomach growling from here." They said.

The main Blade groaned and said "Fine. There's a stall there. Get her the cheapest thing on the menu. She eats and then we get out of here."

"Right." The other two Blades chorused.

The one who hadn't been holding her, darted over and grabbed a pastry from the cart, tossed some money onto the counter and returned. He (at least Kiera thought it was a guy) handed it to Kiera who took it warily in her handcuffed hands. The main Blade member lead them to a bench and basically pushed Kiera to sitting, making her yelp in protest. Then the Blades stood in a circle around her, facing outward.

Kiera sighed and muttered "Well, no one is saving me now." She took a bite of the pastry.

She practically moaned.

The pastry itself was fluffy and sweet and had an almost eggy taste to it. Inside was a creamy bright blue substance that seemed like jam and whipped cream had a love child and tasted like cherries and chocolate. The pastry was warm and the blue cream was cold and it tasted like absolute heaven. She took another bite and emitted another almost moan.

"Would you be quiet?" One of the Blades demanded quietly "People are looking at us weirdly."

"Maybe they'd look at you less weird if it didn't look like a hostage situation." Kiera took another almost greedy bite of the pastry and whined quietly before saying "You know, just a suggestion."

"You are eating like a starved child." The same Blade hissed harshly at her.

"I am a starved child. And you guys are my intimidating Blade of Marmora guardians." She said, completely deadpan until she took another bite and melted.

She took about seven more bites until the main Blade took the rest of it away and said "We are leaving."

Kiera whimpered when the not quite warm anymore pastry left her hands but didn't complain. She stood and brushed herself off, licking her lips before straightening her cloak around her body. Then she straightened her belt and checked to see if her guns were still at the holsters on her thighs and if her knives were still at her hips. They were and she felt a little better but she was still handcuffed so...

She shook herself a little and said "Alright let's go. Where are we going?"

"Back to base." The main Blade said and waved for her and the others to follow "Put up your hood. Let's go."

The two Blades darted after the leader. Kiera put on her hood and grumbled to herself for a moment before picking herself up and sprinting after them. She ran pretty much as hard as she could. These guys were fast.

After only a few minutes they were on the outskirts of the place where the show was being held. Kiera noticed a small pod thing that was a dark purple colour with pretty purple lights. The Blade members were running right for it and she picked up the pace to follow.

The leader got there first and pressed a button for the door to open. The Blade members leaped in, Kiera followed, landing mildly clumsily and followed them to a bench against the wall. She stubbornly stood, leaning against a wall.

"Sit." The leader said.

Kiera frowned and sat down on the floor, arms crossed.

The leader groaned "On the bench."

Kiera said "No I don't want to."

"Of all the idiotic-" The leader growled "You're acting so childish."

Kiera's eyes widened and she spoke sarcastically "Oh my goodness, am I? I had no idea! I am so sorry."

The leader's hands twitched, like he was about to strangle her "Why are you so annoying?"

"Well I'm always annoying but I've upped the level of annoyingness for this particular day and time because I have been turned in for a big sum of money to an organization called the Blade of Marmora. Maybe you've heard of them? They're jerks who take hungry girls food." She was still mourning her pastry.

"I will gag you." The leader threatened.

Kiera rolled her eyes "Oh please choke me-"

The leaders fist was slammed into her jaw and she cried out in surprise in pain. He shoved a ball of fabric into her mouth harshly and made her close her mouth. Then he wrapped what looked like a bandage around her head to make sure the gag would stay put. Then he stood up straight and dusted his hands off. Kiera was yelling obscenities at him through the gag but none of them came out as anything more than quiet hisses.

The leader sat down on the bench and said "Let's get out of here."

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