The Fiery Soul

By RyanJersey

47.6K 906 307

The Cinder X Reader is here, this takes place after Volume 1 and will go until I feel like it lol, anyway you... More

Salem's assignment
Meeting the Hired Help
Enlisting at Beacon
Setting up
The Dance
Back to the Basics
Y/N vs RWBY: Fight One
Tempers Flare
The DarkSwordsman vs The Warhammer
Months later
Phase 3 Has Begun
The Fall Maiden
Cinder's Recovery
The Hunt Begins
Info in the Bar
Tyrian and Y/N Vs. RNJR
Y/N vs Volt
Back with Cinder
Explaning to Salem
Meeting Raven
The Deal
To Haven
Small Issues
The Whole Gang
Y/N vs. Raven
One Last Struggle

Y/N's Skill in Battle

2K 53 29
By RyanJersey

Me: you smell that Cinder, that's the smell of child abuse
Cinder: just shut up, this is our class
Me: you would think a class where kids fight eachother to the near death wouldn't be at a school......I love this place
She then shoved me in and at the door waiting was Goodwitch
Me: hi lady
Glynda: you're fighting first
Me: what
Glynda: you'll be going against Veronica
I'm looking at this girl, she's about 5 foot nothing, has long hair and looks like an Asian Receptionist.
Me: her
Glynda: yeah.....why?
Me: I was curious, no need to get your panties in a knot
I went into the ring, I saw Cinder smirking in the stands. The bell rang and I heard some screaming. I then realize she jumped up, put her leg around my head and started punching me repeatedly.
I finally got her off and grew her to the ground.
Me: what the hell
She then sweeped me to the ground and jumped on me with a dagger.
Me: wait!!
She stopped for a second
Me: are you part Asian
Veronica: yeah....why?
Me: nothing, it just explains a lot
Veronica: riiiiight......let's continue
Me: sure
I then threw her off and she jumped at me again and kicked me in the chest
She then kicked me in the face
Cinder: what's the matter Y/N
I pulled out my warhammer and charged it with Fire. I then brought it up and slammed it on the ground making a volcanic plume.
She went off balance. When I charged her she regained her balance and kicked me in the face. I then grabbed her and threw her against the strings. I then lined it up and hit her like a baseball.
Veronica went in for another kick until I grabbed her ankle and slammed her into the ground
Veronica then charged me, I then grabbed her by the throat and punched her until finally I head butted her, her skull must be made of steel because that hurt like a bitch.
I then walked over to her
Me: you are one CRAZY ASS BITCH
I then got out of the ring
Cinder POV
So this must be why he's so deadly, he learns their technique and times it, I can see why Salem keeps him around, but how can someone so deadly cause so much stupidity.
Y/N: hey Smokey, you there
Me: what did you just call me
Y/N: I called you Smokey, listen I need some Cocaine ASAP so can you fill in for me
Me: NO
Me: NO
Y/N: I shall remember this day.....atleast I have booze
He pulled out a flask and started drinking
Me: where the hell did you get that
Y/N: would you believe Salem gave it to me for my birthday
Me: no
Y/N: guess I should tell the truth......nah.....I'm just going to get drunk
He then drank until he passed out.
Me: peace and Quiet
The bell rang and we all left. Mercury dragging Y/N
Mercury: he doesn't look like it but his guy weighs a ton
Me: yes probably the warhammer
We entered the class and of course we have an Asian teacher. Y/N then woke up
Y/N: who are you
Teacher: Yu
Y/N: just answer the damn question, who are you
Yu: I told you I am Yu
Y/N: are you deaf
Yu: no Yu is blind
Y/N: and I'm about to beat your old ass because I'm sick of playing games
Me: Y/N sit down
Y/N: not until I figure out who this fucker is
Mercury: I'm starting to think this is the reason Salem left him with us.
Me: I agree with you
Emerald: how do we shut him up
Me: I'll ask Salem later
Y/N: I can't stand this mother fucker
Yu: then why take class arrogant one
Y/N: BECAUSE I HAVE BALLS OF STEEL.....and they hurt.........damn that was a good nut last night
Me: Y/N!!!!!
Y/N: yes
Y/N: hey you know the saying, one mans nut is a woman's child
Me: no one has ever said that
Y/N: well I just said it, now bow
Me: fuck you
Y/N: I still have that burrito......Bend over

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