Percy Jackson, The Heir of Sl...

By darkarchangel2

777K 17.5K 29.6K

Perseus Jackson, or, Percy Jackson. The name most monsters and demigods have heard of. The two time savior of... More

Author's Note
Voldemort? Who?
I'm meeting my grandfather
He isn't bad after all!
Diagon Alley
Annabeth's pissed
Hogshorts here I come
Annabeth would love it
I'm a natural!
we screwed up
You cold hearted monster!
Terrible news
What the hell is going on?
Lady Hecate
Alaska is really cold
I did not expect that
we ain't staying here
I'm sorry
I did it, Annabeth
Facing an overjoyed and excited blonde
Ron, back off
This is new
It's just a joke!
Another war?
The enemy is who?
It's not your fault, Percy
Being a teacher is amazing
Kronos is scary
Traitor uncovered.
Give me answers, or die!
Now I'm scared....
This isn't good.
Step up your game, lazy pigs.
Don't underestimate us
The war (part 1)
The war (part 2)
Grief and burials

I really couldn't care

16.1K 418 339
By darkarchangel2

I want to give a special thanks to: @Percy_Potter101 @BlueCiffee and @DaughteroftheDead2 for being so supportive :)


As soon as Hermione, Harry, and Ron disappeared from sight, I locked eyes with the woman who had my face in a tight grip. Her eyes glittered with malice as she laughed. "Finally, we can have some peace and quiet."

"Who the actual fuck are you?" I demanded. I wanted so badly to slash her in half with Riptide, but I couldn't reach my pocket with my hands chained. The woman tilted my face up and mused "Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell you. I am Alria!"

"Who?" I asked, confused. I had never heard of her in my life. Honestly.

The woman bared her teeth at me and dug her fingernails into my skin. I winced in pain as she hissed "That's the problem! No one knows who I am, I was discarded and useless! Only by being down here and lording over them gives me satisfaction!" Alria lifted one of her hands off of my face and snapped her fingers. A stone wall slid open and out poured dozens of the transparent guards. They lined up behind Alria, waiting patiently for her orders.

"They're not even human." I said, but then cried out in pain as Alria slapped me across the face. "They are my children, I created them!" She growled. She released my face, and I relaxed back against the bars of the cage, my cheek still stinging from her slap. I narrowed my eyes as Alria turned and spread her arms in front of all the transparent people. "I call them δικος μου!"

(Yeah, it's Greek for "mine" but I'm not even sure if it's correct because I literally used google translate and it's really unreliable. But hey, google translate got me a 100% in french so I'm not complaining.)

I easily translated the Greek, and I scowled when I understood what she had called them. Mine.

"Crazy. Defiantly crazy." I muttered as I looked down at the chains clasped securely over my wrists. Another chain was attached to the cell bars, preventing me from moving.

"How am I going to get out of here?" I thought. I glanced up when I heard Alria shout "You two! You're on guard duty for my special prisoner." I glared at her as she turned and smiled smugly at me. "You aren't getting out of here, Perseus."

I opened my mouth to respond, but Alria suddenly whipped out her wand and pointed it at me, muttering something. I tried to speak, but nothing came out. Alria laughed at my look of anger and horror and put her wand away. "That's better. Peace and quiet at last."

I glowered furiously at her, and then watched as she ushered her other "Children" back into the wall and the wall slid shut. Alria turned back to me and smiled. "I'll be gone for a bit, Perseus. Please do try to behave." I scowled as she left through a door that I had never seen before.

I looked at the two guards standing silently around my cage and exhaled. It's up to Harry, Hermione, and Ron to get us out of here. Or else we're all dead.


We were all huddled around the motionless forms of Percy's mother.... and Voldemort. Harry had threatened that as soon as Voldemort woke up, he'll kill him.

"I can't. He has to die, so I will know that Sirius and Dumbledore and.... and my parents didn't die in vain!" Harry shouted.

Hermione grabbed his arm and forced him to look at her. "Harry. Percy won't appreciate it if we kill his grandfather. Let Voldemort at least explain some things!"

"He doesn't get the chance to! Not after all he had did!" Harry yelled, pulling away from Hermione and pulling out his wand. He approached Voldemort, ready to kill him, when a cry of pain echoed down the hallway and to our cell.

Harry stopped, his wand inches away from Voldemort's non existent nose. I recognized that voice. It was Percy.

We all heard the woman's angry voice, and Percy's retort, before everything went eerily quiet. I exchanged panicked glances with Harry and Hermione. Something must've happened to him.

"She's hurting him! That bitch, once I get my hands on her I'll tear her apart!" Hermione growled. Harry joined me at my side and grabbed the cell bars. His expression was determined. "We're going to get out of here and rescue Percy."

"How are we going to get out?" I asked in confusion. Hermione rolled her eyes and pulled her wand out as well. "Harry, blast the cell door down. I don't care if the ceiling falls. We have to risk it." Harry gave Hermione an incredulous look before nodding and aiming his wand at the cell bars.

"Stand back." He said in a calm voice, though the hand on his wand was shaking. I patted Harry on the back before moving to stand with Hermione a flew steps back.

"REDUCTO!" (I think that's the right spell....)

A jet of light flew out of Harry's wand and blasted a hole straight through the cell bars. The ceiling shook, sending dust and small bits of rock falling, but the ceiling thankfully didn't collapse.

Harry stared at the damage he had made with a shocked expression, but Hermione shouted "We'll free Percy and then come back for his family! Come on!"

She stormed down the hallway, her cloak whipping out behind her with her wand drawn. I followed, Harry bringing up the rear. We reappeared in the giant room and stopped dead. Two of the transparent guards were guarding Percy's cell, and we could see his figure sitting silently inside.

Before the guards could notice us, Harry yelled "Avada Kedavra!" The killing curse hit one of the guards, and they exploded into black powder with a surprised expression. The other guard yanked his weapon out, but I barrelled forwards, tackling the ghostly person down. I dug my wand out of my pocket and plunged it straight through it's chest. It dissolved with a screech.

I got to my feet, and joined Harry and Hermione at Percy's cell. "Percy, we're here to get you out!" Harry shouted at him. Percy raised his head and pointed at his throat. His expression was filled with anger and surprise.

"What's the matter?" Hermione asked in concern. Percy gritted his teeth and tried to say something, but nothing came out. Our eyes widened in horror and shock.

"Percy, what happened?" I shouted at him. He narrowed his eyes and traced letters in the floor with his fingers. We waited until he had spelled out "Alria."

I looked at him in confusion. "Who is that?" Percy gave me an annoyed look and was about to write more letters when Hermione said "Wait, that's the name of the woman, right?"

Percy nodded and withdrew his chained wrists away from the dusty floor. "She took away your voice?" I asked in horror. Percy dipped his head in a yes gesture.

"I know how to give it back to you." Hermione said in relief. "It's a fairly complicated spell but I can do it."

"Get him out of this cage first, and then you can do that." Harry said. Hermione shrugged and Harry preformed the Reductor Curse again, blasting a hole through the cage. Hermione freed Percy's wrists, and soon we were all standing in the middle of the giant room.

Percy gestured at Hermione and then pointed at his throat. She frowned. "I have to remember what the counter-curse is first."

"Hermione, you better hurry up. The woman is going to come back and we're all screwed if she does." I said nervously.

Hermione bit her lip before her expression brightened. "I got it!" She pointed her wand at Percy's throat, muttered something extremely complex, and lowered her wand. We all looked at Percy and sighed with relief as he said "Thank the Gods."

"Now that we've got that sorted out, we need to go back for your family and then get the hell out of here." Harry said. We were about to head back down the hallway before a chilling voice drawled "I do not think so."

Word Count: 1385

Two updates in one day!

Jeez, I'm getting so many reads and votes and comments! Thank you!

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