I Met My Best Friend On the I...

By MirrorRune33

43.5K 715 157

Hannah had never really trusted someone with her secrets. Until she met him. She knew it was unconventional h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 8

2K 37 3
By MirrorRune33

Asdjfklasdjgklsdjf the meeting chapter is done!


Chapter 8

The two days until I could meet Tay seemed like years, but they finally passed.

“Hey Michelle!” I yelled to my sister down the stairs going to the basement.
“What?” she called back.
“I’m headed to the airport to pick up my friend!”
“Okay! Be careful! And would you stop at Target on your way back and pick up milk?”
“Sure thing! Bye!”

I went to the bathroom to check my appearance one last time before leaving. I was wearing dark wash pencil skinny jeans with knee high leather flat boots. Under my black wool coat, I wore a deep maroon sweater that had a wide neck that showed off my collarbones nicely and a patterned knit scarf. My long hair was hanging down my back in its natural wavy curls. I nodded to myself, content that I looked presentable.

I drove the car I had rented for the month to the airport, thankful that I had learned how to drive in the snow on my last visit here. It wasn’t as cold as it usually was at the end of January. The sky was sunny, the temperature at a crisp nineteen degrees Fahrenheit. I tried to keep calm and not think about Tay as I drove, but I couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking about at that very moment.

*Tay’s POV*
We were about to land. I didn’t know how the hell I was going to keep my cool. I was almost a nervous wreck. I couldn’t wait to see her, and yet I was terrified of that very thing. I looked down to check my clothes. I was wearing a black deep v-necked tee under a black leather jacket with dark jeans and my black Vans. I probably look like a dork, I thought. Should have gone with the button up. Would have looked more sophisticated.

*Hannah’s POV*
I walked into the airport and was directed to the correct place to wait for the passengers of the flight from Los Angeles. I tried sitting down, but that didn’t work. So I stood up and began pacing.

*Tay’s POV*
I felt like my heart was about to beat out of my chest. I couldn’t believe I was about to meet my best friend in person. What if she didn’t like me? What if she freaked out? God I didn’t think I could handle it if she didn’t want to be friends anymore. She had told me what she was wearing so I would be able to find her easily. I walked off the airplane and directly ahead of me I saw her. She was standing with her back to the room full of people waiting for their loved ones to get off the plane, gazing out the tall windows. I swear my heart stopped. She was tiny. She had taken off her coat and had draped it on her arm so I could see her small curvy form without the added bulk of a wool jacket. I walked slowly towards her, my breath caught in my throat.
“I hope you haven’t been waiting long, Hans,” I said huskily when I reached her.

*Hannah’s POV*
I was standing looking out the huge windows, waiting for the people to start exiting the plane. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard his voice.
“I hope you haven’t been waiting long, Hans”
I stopped breathing. He was there. Right behind me. I felt him approach and put his arms around my waist from behind. I melted into him and turned around in his arms, wrapping my arms around his waist as well. My head fit perfectly onto his chest and collarbone, and I could feel his heart racing. I knew mine was beating just as fast. He was really young. I could tell by what I could see of his clothes and what I could feel of his very muscular torso. I closed my eyes, letting myself get lost in the peace that I felt in his arms.

*Tay’s POV*
I slipped my arms around her from behind and felt her melt into me before she turned around in my arm and nestled her head on my chest. My heart sped up and I ran my fingers through her hair as she gripped my shirt. I couldn’t explain the feelings that were swirling around in my heart. It scared me the way she made me feel. I hated how out of control I felt. For all I knew, this girl could break my heart in a minute. But somehow, I knew she wouldn’t. Something about this was different. 

We just stood there holding each other for a long time, not saying a word. I rubbed her ribs gently. My arms almost wrapped around her twice, she was so little.
“Hi, Tay,” she said softly into my chest.
“Hey, baby,” I whispered back, smiling to myself.
“I can finally hug you,” she murmured, tightening her grip on my shirt.
“Yes you can, little one,” I said, my breath almost catching in my throat as she pulled herself closer to me. God what she did to me.
“I’m glad,” I felt her smile into my shirt.
“So,” I said, trying to get control over my sudden urge to tell her I loved her, “do I get to see my best friend’s face or what?”
“Ye-e-ah...” she said slowly. “You aren’t going to like my face,” she said a little bitterly.
“Why, honey?” I asked, confused.
“It’s not attractive...” she whispered, hiding her face even deeper into my shirt.
“Hey,” I said sternly, but gently, “You’re gorgeous. I didn’t have to see you at all to know that.”
“Ha,” she said shortly.
“It’s true, baby. I mean it. You have no idea how special you are,” I assured her, rubbing the small of her back.
She sighed and pulled away a bit, looking down so I still couldn’t see her face because of her gorgeous black hair. Ugh how I wanted to run my fingers through it again. “Okay,” she said softly.
Then she looked up. I felt like I had been hit in the chest. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I knew she was going to be pretty, but I honestly had not been prepared for her to be so stunning. Her large, deep set dark brown eyes were lined with thick long lashes. Her perfectly arched eyebrows, her lean defined cheekbones, her structured nose and jaw line... Everything about her was strong, yet soft. I looked at her full lips and realized they were what gave her defined bone structure the softness it needed to make her face perfect in my eyes. She moved her mouth slightly and he saw the telltale hints of what must be deep dimples in her cheeks. When she looked at my face, her beautiful eyes widened and her hands flew to her mouth. She let out a gasp.

*Hannah’s POV*
I looked up from Tay’s chest and it was a couple of seconds before my brain registered that the boy standing in front of me was one of the most gorgeous men on the face of the earth, and also one of the most well known faces in Hollywood.

Oh. MY. GOD. My best friend was Taylor. Effing. Lautner.


AHHHH! :D Finally. Ugh I would so ship them. I'm going to try to update soon!!

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