[B1] Venerated Venomous Conso...

By NurAzizah_07

1.8M 178K 3K

[1-200] Author : 穆丹枫 (Mu Danfeng) Diterjemahkan by google translate Di dunia modern, pembunuh profesional dib... More

1. Being Carried
2. Aren't You Afraid of Me?
3. The Tragic Life of The Body's Master!
4. Underestimation
5. Naked, She Escaped!
6. Naked, She Escaped Once More!
7. Left With His Dignity
8. Stealing From The Thives
9. Against the Norms
10. The Bad Kid
11. Kill The Child
12. Was It A Real Kid?
13. Call It A Day
14. Drama Started
15. It Was Ridiculous
16. Finally Personally Experienced It
17. Any Other Issue?
18. The Women With Strong Character
19. The Words Of A Daughter AreLess Trustworthy Than A Stranger's?
20. Acting Innocent?
21. He Has Fallen for the Girl, It Seems!
22. I'd Like A Tight One
23. What's There To Be Worried About?
24. Zero Sense of Justice
25. Reborn
26. That Must be Fake!
27. Pitiness of Ms. Gu
28. Waiting for the Chance
29. There's No Way!
30. Freedom
31. ince When Has the Little Lord Caused Trouble?
32. What's Happening?!
33. Just to Wander Around
34. Temptation
35. He Actually Got Rejected!
36. The Eight Prince Misremembered?
37. She Would Not Want To Be A Scapegoat!
38. You Are Finally Out Here
39. One Of The King's Arms
40. Feeling Like A Poor Person
41. A Rival Show With The Fourth Prince
42. It is Totally A Counter!
43. Are You Certain Of Not Having It Today No Matter What?
44. Name A Price
45. You Must Sell It Off
46. Trouble Maker
47. It Was Bad to Be Pretentious
48. It Was a Strange Day
49. The Young Man Who Had SeenThis Item Before
50. It Was Too Expensive!
51. See You at Your Study Room
52. Sudden Disappearance?
53. Catching Her in His Next Life!
54. We Are Here To Visit You...
55. Please Expel Anyone Who Breaks Into My Space
56. Unless You Want To Be A Mistress
57. One More Time
58. You Were Not The Murderer
59. Are You Hesitating To Dump Her?
60. Blinded But Ahead Without Being Aware That Danger Lurks From Behind
61. Look Forward To Finding Your Son's Murderer
62. Who Was That Man?
63. Who Was That!?
64. Fancy Kung Fu
65. Did You Arrange This?
66. This Is Really Too Much!
67. Don't Punish Our Master, Please?
68. Killing With Excuses!
69. Well Done!
70. More Than One Woman
71. Luckily, She Had A Son!
72. You Can Never See Her Again...
73. Right There...
74. It Got Irritated
75. Is She Going To Cook Him?
76. The Crown Prince Was Being Ridiculed (I)!
77. The Crown Prince Was Being Ridiculed (II)!
78. The Crown Prince Was Still Half-Naked!
79. I Don't Accept Any Other Typesof Thanksgiving
80. He Did Not Even Know His Name!
81. Facing Each Other Through the Steam...
82. Just Passing By...
83. You Saw Me Naked...
84. I'm Ready to Die to Preserve My Chastity
85. You Are Fierce!
86. Aren't You Afraid That I Would Kill You?
87. I Will Forget Everything After I Awaken
88. This Gets More Interesting...
89. Woman, Are You Trying To Get Away From Me Again!?
90. Let's Talk Nicely About Life!
91. My Space Can Still Grow Bigger
92. Why Are You Here? Are You Practicing?
93. Its Owner Was Simply Amazing!
94. A Gay Couple
95. The Fastest Way To Make Money
96. As If Welcoming The Person Closest To Her
97. Ugly People Like Acting
98. You Have To Be Careful
99. I Did Not Mean It...
100. This Is The Present That You Prepared For Xijiu?
101. Treated Like A Beggar
102. No One Else Deserves It
103. Does The Crown Prince Wish To Find A Wife?
104. What Was Going On?
105. He Was Looking At You Again...
106. The Gentle Crown Prince
107. Infighting
108. Are You Really Giving The Jade To Me?
109. How Could I? You Have Overthought!
110. Getting Cheekier!
111. Arrival of the Enemy
112. I'll Teach You a Lesson!
113. Is She Challenging Him?!
114. Do You Intend to Give Up?
115. Who Do You Have In Mind Then?
116. That Girl Before Them Was Nowhere As Meek?!
118. Beautiful to the Extent Of Being Forlorn
119. It's Alright to Not Bet on It...
120. I Would Receive Punishment on Behalf of My Daughter
121. Would be Hopeless Forever!
122. A Tit for a Tat
123. Doubts that You Could be a Phony
124. Should Have it Since Birth
125. This Ugly and Useless Girl Possesses Medical Skills?
126. People Enjoy Watching a Useless Person Starting Over with a High Chance!
127. Will Simply Keep a High-Profile to the End
128. I Can Only Save One
129. You Can Just Go and Hug Him
130. He Didn't Ask Anything At All!
131. Creating a Miracle
132. An Unalloyed Victory for Miss Gu!
133. Fortunately, She Won!
134. Marriage as a Wife, Eloping as a Concubine
135. Secret Affair Revealed
136. It Was Possible...
137. They Were Trying to Mask Their Guilt
138. A Desperate Rabbit Would Kill People
139. Something Was Wrong With Gu Xijiu!
140. He Was Going to Test the Ugly Girl!
141. I Never Know The Feeling Of Fear
142. How Could It Be?
143. Her World Had Collapsed Completely!
144. What A Tragic Ending!
145. Long Siye Was The One Who Came
146. Unpredictable
147. Are You a Stone With Hair?
148. Who Would Be Silly Enough To Do That?
149. The Man Was Still There
150. It Was The Aura Of Long Siye!
151. Chasing The Bird
152. Someone Is Following You
153. She Is Not The Murderer!
154. Trying To Trick You
155. I Can.
156. She Is A Smart Person!
157. How Could A Child Be So Daring?
158. Have A Look At Custodian Huo
159. Custodian Huo Hasn't Bathed For Half A Month?
160. Part Of The Royal Family!?
161. What An Exaggerated Lie!
162. We Will See How She Responds
163. Arrival Of Long Siye
164. I'm Not Here For Her
165. I'll Check Her Pulse
166. Are You Unwilling To Have Me As Your Master?
167. Calestial Master Zuo Finally Arrived!
168. At Least A Pair Of Twins!
169. What An Ugly Little Girl!
170. Why Must You Kill All
171. Otherwise, She Would Have Escaped!
172. Gu Xijiu Had Frequently Been Upstaged Recently
173. Started Facing Her Gloomy Life
174. This Man Is a Pervert
175. Was This Celestial Master Uncivilized?
176. They Did Not Look The Same At All!
177. The Little Girl Was Indeed Cunning!
178. Are All Of You Not Eating Well Today?
179. I've Hugged You As A Pillar
180. Little Xijiu, You Better Help Yourself
181. Did He Just Run Away?
182. The Mean Emperor
183. Master, Where Do We Go Next?
184. He Actually Found Her!
185. She Was As Cunning As A Fox
186. I'll Photograph It
187. Baby, You Are Such A Good Learner
188. Baby, You Have Scared My Fish Away
189. You Are Quite Good At Acting Too
190. He Deliberately Wanted To Get Her Into Trouble?
191. Do You Think It Is So Dumb?
192. It Was Silly At That Time
193. This Little Girl Does Not Know What Is Good For Her
194. You're So Smart!
195. Sweetheart, You've Got Guts
196. Celestial Master Zuo Was Poisoned!
197. The Girl Was Just Bluffing
198. They Wished to Watch the Show Again!
199. She Did Not Always Play The Zither
200. The Man Behind

117. Was He Worried About His Fiancé?

8.1K 790 6
By NurAzizah_07

Dia menatap adik-adiknya di sisinya. Di bawah kesempatan yang begitu serius, mereka semua sungguh-sungguh.

Meski mereka berusaha sangat keras untuk menenangkan diri, mereka tetap tampak cemas dan gelisah, kecuali Gu Tianqing, yang berperilaku baik. Sisanya menarik tapi mudah marah.

Kaisar sudah terbiasa dengan semua jenis keindahan, dan secara alami mengembangkan kekebalan terhadap mereka. Apapun cantiknya gadis itu.

Tapi sekarang saat melihat Gu Xijiu, hatinya sedikit gemetar. Gadis ini istimewa!

Dia memancarkan aura di mana ancaman mengintai di dalam!

Dia menarik, bahkan saat dia hanya duduk sendirian. Yang mirip dengan ibunya Luo Xinglan...

Kaisar dan Luo Xinglan bertemu satu sama lain sebelumnya. Tahun itu ketika kaisar sedang melakukan penyelidikan rahasia, dia hampir terbunuh. Itu semua berkat pahlawan wanita Luo Xinglan yang dia jalani. Dia jatuh cinta padanya tapi dia langsung pergi setelah penyelamatan. Dia bahkan tidak tahu namanya.

Dia akhirnya diberitahu tentang namanya. Ketika dia hendak mengajukan pernikahan kepadanya, dia mengetahui bahwa dia sedang jatuh cinta dengan seorang gelandangan yang malang dan melarikan diri darinya meskipun tidak setuju dengan keluarganya!

Dia depresi, tapi tidak ada yang bisa dia lakukan.

Dia adalah seorang kaisar berbakat dan cerdas. Demi Luo Xinglan, dia rela melepaskan dendam masa lalu, merekrut gelandangan malang itu dan mempromosikannya dalam karirnya sampai dia menjadi Jenderal agung...

Jauh di dalam hati kaisar, dia memiliki titik lemah terhadap Luo Xinglan. Dia mengagumi karakternya.

Dia bahkan khawatir dengan putrinya. Ketika Gu Xijiu lahir, kaisar tiba-tiba mengatur sebuah pernikahan antara dia dan anaknya...

Apapun yang terjadi setelah itu diluar dugaannya. Luo Xinglan bunuh diri dengan melompat dari tebing saat Gu Xijiu berusia satu tahun. Dan saat berusia tiga tahun, dia didiagnosis dengan tipe tubuh lemah, dan bahkan mengalami ruam. Dia akhirnya menjadi lelucon seluruh Kerajaan Feixing dan telah membuat pernikahan itu memalukan...

Kaisar menatap anaknya Rong Yan. Dia duduk sendirian, memegang cangkir dengan ujung jari pucat; dia gugup tentang sesuatu. Dia mengintip Gu Xijiu, dan sesekali mencuri meliriknya diam-diam...

Sang kaisar mendengus tanpa bersuara. Sejak pernikahan itu ditempa, anak nakal itu suka membuat suara di depannya tentang keputusasaan menerima sampah dan membuatnya menyesali dengan seksama.

Sekarang nampaknya dia tidak sepenuhnya dingin terhadap Gu Xijiu.

Apakah dia khawatir dengan tunangannya?

Dia punya banyak alasan untuk khawatir. Jika Gu Xijiu kehilangan taruhannya, dia tidak hanya bisa menikah dengan Rong Yan, dia harus memotong lidahnya...

Taruhan seperti itu terlalu kejam bagi seorang wanita muda!

Kaisar melirik Gu Xixi dengan jengkel. Orang Suci Tianwen itu cantik; Dia mengenakan jubah putih seperti peri-peri dari Sembilan Langit, yang ilahi dan anggun.

Sang kaisar terkesan saat pertama kali bertemu dengannya. Tapi wajah cantiknya itu tanpa emosi sepanjang waktu, seperti patung es tak bernyawa yang tidak memiliki semangat. Orang akan merasa lelah setelah melihatnya lama.

Benarkah dokter merawat pasien mereka seperti anak mereka sendiri?

Orang Suci Tianwen sangat marah karena telah memperlakukan anak muda seperti dia. Dia luar biasa enggan...

Taruhan ini tidak menguntungkan bagi Gu Xijiu. Sang kaisar khawatir dengan wanita muda itu. Mungkin jika dia kalah, dia akan memohon untuknya dengan kekuatannya?

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