the cute boy [REWRITING]

By sunshine_riptide

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Peterick The boy in pastel skirts, always under the tree, headphones in and his tongue slightly poking out b... More

Chapter 1- House of Wolves
Chapter 2- I have Friends in Holy Spaces
Chapter 3- Vampire Money
Chapter 4- Favorite Record
Chapter 5- First Date
Chapter 6- Move
Chapter 7- The World is Ugly
Chapter 8- Fake You Out
Chapter 9- Planetary(GO!)
Chapter 11- American Idiot
Chapter 12- She's A Handsome Woman
Chapter 13- Run and Go
Chapter 14- You're Crashing But You're No Wave
Chapter 15- Sunshine Riptide
Chapter 16- Mister Doctor Man
Chapter 17- QUEER
bitch boy

Chapter 10- 27

332 18 48
By sunshine_riptide

{Patrick POV}

Frozen, I awaited the first blow instead of doing the logical thing and calling for Pete. Once Oli hit me it was like my mind finally processed what was happening, "Pete!" I screamed waiting for him to show up as Oli punched my gut, I knew I couldn't take him. He was a freaking 6'1 and I was a fragile, short, 5'4 boy. "Patt- GET THE FUCK OFF HIM YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" Before I knew it Pete had pounced on Oli and was currently punching and kicking the living crap out of him.

"Pete! Stop! I think he's learned his lesson!" I said in a stern voice hugging Pete from behind and nuzzling my face in the crook of his neck so he could calm down.

"It's okay, Petey. He's not a threat anymore." I said trying to soothe him, "Thanks, Lunchbox." Pete said softly, letting me know that he had calmed down, "As for you, if you ever even walk close to my boyfriend, I'll break your legs. If you touch him I will break every bone in your body. So stay the fuck away." Pete spat venomously, but in a hoarse voice that only made it sound more menacing. Putting an arm around my waist Pete, held me protectively. "You want to go home, babe?" nodding solemnly I let him hold me tight as he pulls me into his chest for a hug, being careful not to hurt me. As if I was made of porcelain, "Okay, Love. Let's go to the nurses' office to get a pass." Guiding me through what right now seemed like a maze of hallways we get to the nurses' office and get a pass.

On the way home I rest my head gently on Pete's shoulder, I always felt like I was at home when we were like this. The position was a bit uncomfortable because I was craning my neck but comfortable at the same time because it was Pete. Taking in the warmth that he provided me I slowly closed my eyes...

{Pete POV}

I couldn't believe that asshole had the audacity of hurting Patrick. If Patrick hadn't been there with his "good morals" (who needs that right?) I would have beat the crap out of him.

Looking over at the beautiful angel I called my boyfriend, I noticed he was asleep. I had to admit he was worrying me because he was sleeping way too much but I guess that had a silver lining because I knew that when he was sad he just went to sleep as if that solves all his problems so I actually knew when he was sad. Smiling to myself as I saw how beautiful he looked when he was asleep he looked so relaxed, his beautiful strawberry blonde hair messy from adjusting his head, pink lips slightly parted, shirt ridden up because of the way he was leaning and to me, that was the picture of perfection. Personally, I thought that the way he looked and just Patrick, in general, deserved to be in a museum next to the Mona Lisa and the Madonna of the Rocks.

Putting my eyes back on the road and pulling up into my driveway, getting out the door so I could gently lift Patrick up and carry him bridal style to my bedroom. Setting him down very gently on my bedsheets and kind of tucking him into the covers like a burrito. Then laying down beside him and cuddling next to him, at that moment I knew that I could never love anyone more than I loved Patrick.

{Oli POV} (A/N: Whoa this wasn't planned but here we are.)

I slammed my fist against the vibrant orange lockers of the hallway, flinching when my knuckles touched the hard metal of the locker. That asshole was going to pay. I had looked at myself in the mirror and I had a busted lip, a black eye, and another bruise on my stomach. That fag was going to pay hell for what he did! Didn't he know better than to mess with the football team? I didn't care if his friends were all jocks too, I could take them all if I wanted to.

Walking home I passed Pete's house where I saw him through the window. Logically, I took one of the rocks on his front lawn and threw it as hard as I could towards his window and waiting for him to appear looking for who had thrown it. As I saw him appear I just smirked and flipped him off. Three cheers for sweet revenge am I right?

{Pete POV}

Shaking awake because of a loud crashing sound and looking at the rock that had seemingly been thrown at my window, I checked if the culprit was still there. Of course, I could have fucking guessed with my eyes closed! That mother fucker wanted war, I was going to give him a war. I basically could read what was going on in his pea sized brain, probably how he wanted revenge on me and Pat. Planning to use the football team against us, I chuckled as I thought of that. Oli didn't know that he was in for more than he bargained for, that idiot didn't know that half of the people in our school was bi including half of the football team.

Snapping me out of the schemes I had playing in my head of how to get back Oli, a small voice spoke from behind me, "Who was that, Petey?" Patrick said rubbing his fist over his eyes adorably, "It was Oli, 'Trick." As soon as I said that I saw a fleeting something in Patrick's eyes: fear and pure, raw, hatred. "What the fuck? Who does that asshole think he is? Doesn't he know that if the secret got out of him being homophobic the majority of the school would pulverize him? I mean I kind of feel sorry for him being so stupid," There he was the grumpy Patrick I always woke up to, that little man was furious until he had his cup of coffee.

{Patrick POV}

That asshole was going to get it all we needed was to spread some type of rumor about him and he would be gone in a second. Voicing my thoughts to Pete about how we could take him down, I stopped abruptly knowing who exactly we needed to call. The experts on dealing with assholes and homophobes: Ryan and Brendon. I hate to say it but seeing Oli be taken down was going to be fun.

(A/N: Hewwo! How was your day? (I genuinely hope you had a good day!) First of all, I would like to thank you for reading this shit book. Second of all, this book really is getting shittier with each chapter. Here's some stuff my friend said to me today, "If you don't give me the Japanese Jesus book, I'll kiss you (yes they threaten me with kissing me because I hate affection) and hit you over the head with Jesus!" "Open wide." He proceeded to shove an Oreo down my throat, I don't know why I'm friends with him. (I'll shut up now.)
- Satan Out

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