Moments of Impact H.S. A.U.

By MetteMA

9.1K 474 372

Warning: mature content 'When so many are lonely as seem to be lonely, it would be inexcusably selfish to be... More



308 22 7
By MetteMA

As I was looking through emails I could not help but think of Harry and how miserable he had looked all of a sudden at the party. It seemed strange, because I had never seen him like that. He always seemed in such a good mood, but the look he had given me two days ago kept taunting my mind.

After I had taken their family photo Kaia was glued to Harry for the rest of the day, and I did not get a chance to talk much to him. Instead, I did what I do best. I walked around in my bubble capturing moments of people without them looking. All the while my mind kept playing with me. I know I should just shrug it off and forget about it, I mean he has his life and I have mine and somehow the only time the two collide is here at work. That's all there is. I shouldn't be giving it more thought than what good is, but I can't help it.

I didn't see Harry this morning. He was in a meeting when I arrived, and he seems to have been busy ever since. Thus, I'm just trying to get my job of the day done, so that in case he needs help with anything I'm free.

Around three pm I'm finally done with answering emails and phone calls, booking flights for the staff members who are going to Melbourne next week and updating our website. Our phone hours close at 3pm on Mondays which means I have nothing more to do although I normally don't leave until five, because we're always quite busy with so many other things than helping people with their inquisitions.

I head to the kitchen to make coffee before heading to Harry's office with a cup in hand. Softly, I knock on his door, and I hear a ruffled 'come in' from the other side of the room. Harry huffs as I enter, and I see his eyes glued to the screen as I make my way over. I know I probably shouldn't interrupt him, but as he looks up and his eyes meet mine he smiles at me. "I got you this," I say handing him the cup and his whole face seems to lighten up. It's only coffee, but I like what it's doing to him.

"Thanks Leah. You're a life saviour you know that? A true life saviour. I don't know what I'd do without you," he says sounding sincere, and I gulp unsure of how to respond to that, but I don't fail to return the smile.

"I'm here at your service," I chuckle. "I'm all done with my tasks. And you seem rather busy, so I thought maybe I could be put to work in here."

"You have no idea how badly I want to kiss you right now, thank you," he says and takes a sip of his coffee before standing up. I'm not sure he's aware of what he just said. It was probably just a figure of speech, but his words definitely makes my heart beat a little faster.

"Take a seat," he says, and my eyes widen. I'm surprised that I'm in his chair. I mean I've been working here for less than a month and I'm already in his chair. That's gotta mean something right? Perhaps within a year I'll be taking his position, and he'll be moving on to something else. As if that would ever happen, but a girl can dream. Although, I must admit it would be quite sad if Harry was no longer here.

"I need you to call these customers and reschedule these dates. He says pointing to the names on the screen, if you open my calendar you can see when I'm free. It should be as soon as possible. We also need to think of new advertisement, and I need you to update our regular insurance on the website so that people are aware that it includes travel insurance to all of Asia."

"I already did that," I say looking up at him, and he narrows his eyes at me in confusion. "You wrote me an email Friday, telling me to do it this morning. Is this all?" I wonder, and he nods.

"Yeah. I just have a meeting in half an hour, and I really wanted this done beforehand. These bloody people aren't picking up," he sighs referring to the names on the screen.

"I'm on it," I say.

"Thank you, if you're finished before five feel free to leave, but hopefully it'll only take an hour, and I should be back. If you can't think of any advertising it's fine. Just thought I'd let you know in case you thought of something."

I give him a thumb up. "I'm good. Don't worry. Just go do what you do best. I'll take it from here," I say unsure of what his job actually consists of besides persuading people to buy our insurances.

"God. I owe you. Thanks again," he says in a smile and with those words he storms out the room with his coffee in hand. It feels good knowing I'm the one to change his mood for the better, but the peculiar things is that he too has brought a smile to my face.

"Leah," I hear a voice and feel a hand on my shoulder as I jump up realising I had fallen asleep. "Hi," Harry chuckles, and I look around in confusion realising it's dark outside.

"What time is it?" I ask blinking several times adjusting to the light of the room.

"Almost half 11."

I take a deep breath and place a hand to my face trying to remember what the last thing I did was. "I thought you had a short meeting?"

"It was rather short, but we decided to go out for a beer to seal the deal. We ended up having dinner too."

My stomach growls, and I look at Harry with a small laugh.

"I see you're hungry," he chuckles.

"Yeah. I guess. I can't believe I fell asleep. How did you even know I was here?"

"Gertrude called me half an hour ago said she was leaving the office."

"She stays late," I comment.

" She's been on a conference call with LA. Time difference you know," he says, and I nod. "She asked me if she should turn off the light in the office, and I told her I'd come do it myself thinking there was a chance you were still here."

"If you hadn't come, I'd probably have stayed 'til tomorrow, and the sight you would have found wouldn't have been pretty," I say running a hand through my hair hoping I don't look a right mess.

"Just curious. Why didn't you leave when you finished?" He asks.

"I had an idea for you, and I wanted to run it over with you before I left. I thought you'd be back early," I say.

"I'm sorry, had I known you'd stayed, I wouldn't  have gone out."

I shake my head. "Don't worry about it," I say turning off the computer as my stomach growls again.

"How 'bout I buy you some food and drive you home afterwards," he says. "We can talk about your idea in the morning. I'm not sure I can afford paying you for any more extra hours," he says winking at me, and I roll my eyes.

"You don't have to pay me. I'm not even sure at what time I fell asleep. It wouldn't be fair to be paying an employee for sleeping at work."

"Then it's a good thing I'm the boss, and I can do whatever I feel like."

"I don't want you to pay me for any extra hours. I was the one offering my help," I say standing up from the chair, and I notice Harry is awfully close to me.

"And you have no idea how much I appreciate it," he says running his tongue over his lips.

I walk past him and feel his hand run up my arm and for a moment I think he did it unintentionally, but as I turn around and my eyes meet his I'm in no doubt he did it on purpose. The things he is doing to me is not fair. He is with someone else, and he shouldn't be doing this. Yet as much as I hate to admit it, I like the attention. However, at the same time I want to address the topic telling him that this is only business, but I don't say anything. And when his touch leaves my skin my body is already craving his touch once more. The thing is though that I can't seem to understand why he is doing this. I hope he isn't doing this to all his employees. Just because I'm a woman, doesn't mean he can just touch me as he pleases.

"I should probably get going," I say trying to play it cool, but he grabs my wrist.

"Please let me buy you something to eat. It's the least I can do," he says, and I can almost sense the desperation in his voice. I smile at him and nod thinking that I'm going to hell. I shouldn't be finding him attractive. Hell I shouldn't be thinking what I'm thinking. But in all honesty, I don't want to go home. Because going home means going home to an empty and dark apartment, and there's nothing tempting about that.

Both of us are silent as the lift takes us to the parking garage underneath the building. But I like it that way. It's not awkward or uncomfortable. At a matter of fact, I like listening to the sound of Harry's breathing in an otherwise silent room. It reminds me of the fact that I'm not alone.

"What are you in the mood for?" He asks, and I shrug.

"Is anything open now?"

Harry sends me a stare. "Of course there is. You don't eat out much?"

I shake my head. "No. Don't order much take-out either."

"You're missing out," he says as he leads me to his car.

"Says the man who's watching out for his weight. Thought you weren't supposed to eat that stuff."

"How do you think I get dinner most days?" He asks opening the passenger door of his car for me. It's an Audi Q8.

"I thought Kaia was telling you it was bad for you or is it only sweets that go under the category of bad foods?" I laugh air quoting the last part. I don't believe in bad foods.

"What she doesn't know don't kill her," he says and get into the car as I put on my seatbelt. Somehow, I can't help but think he is not only talking about food. He is talking about us and what we're doing right now, and although we aren't doing anything wrong, I still feel bad, yet, I don't want tonight to end.

"So what food would you like?"

"Surprise me," I say as he reverses the car out of the parking spot and drives off.

We end up getting a kebab and although Harry had me believe he was living all healthy he joins me and buys one for himself too. It seems the whole playing healthy thing is just an act he puts on for Kaia. Or perhaps there's another reason, but I'm aware it's none of my business.

"This was great," I say. "Thank you."

"I told you it was good," he says and holds the door for me as we head outside into the night.
It's the middle of summer however, I must admit the nights get rather chilly especially due to the wind. My hands automatically cover my arms and starts rubbing them in an attempt of keeping them warm once we make it outside.

"You're cold," Harry states, but I shake my head as if answering a question. He takes off his blazer, and my heart starts beating faster at his gesture. He truly is a gentleman.

"Harry-" but before I can even object he places his blazer over my shoulders as we head back for the car. "You didn't have to do this," I say taking in the smell of his jacket. It smells of Harry, yet it is mixed with a bit of cologne. It smells of man. I'm sure I could get lost in this smell.

"I know," he gives me a small smile that doesn't show his teeth, yet I still find it cute. "I wanted to," he says so sincerely that I'm afraid of what he is doing to me, and I'm actually afraid of the things he is admitting to me. Somehow he doesn't seem happy with Kaia, and I start to wonder why the two of them are even together.

"Thank you," I say feeling less cold than before. I also feel butterflies erupt in my stomach, and I want to knock some sense into my head to remind me that he's taken and that this can't lead anywhere. Yet, you can't choose who you have a crush on. Although, I may like the idea of him more than I actually like him, because there's no chance nothing will ever happen. It can't. We stop in front of the car, and I hand him back his blazer. "I should probably find a bus," I say, and he stares at me in confusion.

"What are you on about? I'm taking you home."

"I live in the wrong direction," I say knowing very well that he doesn't live anywhere close to Maroubra even if I have absolutely no idea where he lives. For all I know, he lives on the north shore just like his parents.

He narrows his eyes at me. "H-how do you know?"

"I know that you don't live in Maroubra," I say. There's no chance. Although, the bad reputation the area has or used to have isn't justified.

He runs a hand through his hair and for a moment he doesn't reply. He knows I'm right. "I don't care if it's in the wrong direction. It's past midnight. Who knows if you can even get a bus at this time?"

"I can. 396 or 394 will take me to Maroubra."

"But who knows how long you have to wait for one to come? Besides I'm sure you don't live right by the bus stop. I don't want you to walk alone in the middle of the night in that area," he confesses, and although he's sweet for saying so it's not like I can't take care of myself.

"Harry, I live in that area. I constantly walk alone in the dark. It's no big deal. I can take care of myself," I say, but I guess it's okay to take the hand when it's right in front of you.

"Please," he practically begs, and I grab his door handle and climb into his car without further objection. I don't think I can win this and frankly I don't want to. I'd rather get a free ride and be taken right to my door, than having to pay for the bus and walk from the bus stop. Harry's car is also so damn comfortable. Harry smirks as he puts on his seatbelt. I guess he's pleased with himself for having won. But how can I refuse when he gives me that cute smile of his and looks at me with those beautiful eyes? I don't like seeing him upset, and it's just too easy to plant a smile on his face.

"You're unbelievable," I say resting my hand on the arm rest as I stare out into the night. The city is quite empty at this time of day. Probably because it's only Monday, or actually Tuesday considering it's past midnight.

Harry turns on the radio, and I hear him softly singing the lyrics to the song. It's an old song, one that I've heard before, but one which I don't know the lyrics to or the name of. But his voice is soothing. I wasn't aware that he could sing. I guess there's still a whole lot I don't know about this man, but part of me wants to find out more about him while the other is reminding me to stay away. Our relationship is professional, but part of me wish that we had met differently and that he was single.

"Which way are we going here?"

"You should take the cross city tunnel. No wait we shouldn't take that way, it's a toll road," I object.

"Do I look like I care?" He asks with a smug, and I guess I have to get used to the fact that money is no problem what so ever.

"Right," I say, and he makes a right turn and does as I told him to do. "Hold to the left," I say "And then you need to take the turn to the right so that you get out on William St," I say and I continue to guide him all the way home. The ride feels all too short for my liking though. Harry's car is warm and comfortable and I like his presence. Once I get inside, I'm all alone, and I don't want to be when the alternative is staying here with Harry.

"Thanks for tonight," I say as the car comes to a halt. In all honesty it feels like I'm part of a movie, and that I've just had my first date. But this isn't a date and my life surely isn't a movie.

"You're welcome," he says and licks his lips as if contemplating his words.

"And thanks for taking me home. I really appreciated it," I say as I unbuckle myself and moves my body towards him.

"No worries," he says as I lean over to give him a cuddle. I'm not sure why I do it, but somehow it seems odd to just get out of the car without a proper goodbye. It's like after tonight something about us have changed although I'm not sure what it is. He wraps one arm around me too, and I feel him squeezing me tightly. It is as if he doesn't want to let go, and frankly neither do I. But we can't stay here because this night needs to end and we need to get back to reality although I don't want to.

I pull back and send him a smile. "Thanks again," I say and open the door.


I turn around at the sound of my name and look at Harry. He looks as if he is unaware of what to say and the words that leave his lips aren't what I expected. "Sweet dreams."

"You too," I say and close the door behind me. As I head over to my door I can tell Harry is still parked, and he doesn't leave until I've unlocked the door and is safely inside.

I don't know what the hell is happening, but I know for sure that whatever it is, I don't want it to stop.

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