Dance Attraction

By pinkandpurple11

109K 1.6K 163

Cameron Parks is a teenage girl with a passion for dance. When she is offered the opportunity to audition for... More

Dance Attraction (A Harry Styles Fanfiction)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
I'm Back with News For You!

Chapter 45

804 25 3
By pinkandpurple11

Chapter 45

*A few months Later*

Harry and the boys are traveling around Europe as part of their tour. I am so proud of all of them. Today was December 1st! December is my favorite month and it’s when Harry comes back for Christmas. Today I had dance so I climbed out of bed and I jumped in the shower. After I was finished I put on my black bodysuit and my hot pink shorts. I tied my hair up and I packed my dance bag. I slipped sweatpants over my legs and a jacket over my arms. I put on my black Uggs and I headed out of the dorm. The dance center was a few blocks away from the dorm. The cold early December air blew across my exposed cheeks. It was freezing. I finally made it to the dance studio. I walked in and I put on my pointe shoes.

“CAMMIE!!” all the girls yelled. I could tell the missed me. I laughed as they all ran over to hug me.

“Hi guys!!”

“Are you feeling better?” one of the girls Rebecca asked. I was out sick for a while with the flu. It was awful.

“Much. Thank you.” She smiled. We walked into the room and we all started stretching. I put my feet together and I bend down and put my hands flat on the floor stretching my hamstrings. Then I over extended my splits to get and even better stretch. I even stretched my ankles by rolling them out or having someone else push them down. Ms. Alicia came in.

“Okay girls, find a spot on the bar.” We all did as we were instructed.

“First position, 2  Piqués into 2 jete’s on the floor, into a devolope side hold for 8 counts.” She said. We all did as we were told on both sides along with the appropriate music. We did a few more exercises and we did across the floor.

“Balancé, Balancé, Cabriole, prep into 3 a la seconds into a triple pirouette, Sissonne on both sides run run grande jete.” Alicia said. We all got in a line and did it one by one until it was perfect. We probably did this about 100 times. Not even kidding. After that we ran through our showcase routine about a thousand times. I was exhausted.

“Okay girls, great job! I will see you all tomorrow!” Ms. Alicia dismissed us. I went to my bag and grabbed everything I needed. I put my jacket on and my sweatpants.

“Hey Cammie! We are going out to lunch. Want to join us?” Lily asked. She was one of the girls I danced with. I smiled.

“Sure! I would love too.” Lily, Amber, Rita, Jen, and I all walked to the nearest café.  The smell of coffee beans and pastry’s filled the air. We all ordered coffees and sandwiches.  We sat at a small round table.

“So girls are you excited for the show case?” Lily asked as she took a sip of her coffee.

“Yes!” all of us chorused along with a bunch of head nods. I continued eating my sandwich.

“So Cammie how is Harry?” Rita asked. I swallowed.

“Um, I haven’t heard from him much lately. He has been very busy with the tour and such.” I said.

“Is it hard?” Amber asked. I looked at her confused.

“Is what hard?”

“Dating one of the most popular guys in the world?” She continued.

“I mean I don’t get to see him a lot on tour but other than that it’s not that bad.” I said.

“Well I would be so worried about all the fans and the traveling.” Jen added. Everyone doesn’t particularly like her.

“Why?” I asked confused.

“Well you know, Harry is away from you for a couple of months. Don’t you think he gets….well…bored.” she said. My heart started to pound. A worried expression fell on my face.

“Jen, stop it! Harry loves Cammie. He would never do anything to hurt her.” Amber said giving me a sympathetic look.

“Well it is Harry Styles. I mean he hasn’t changed that much.” Jen added sipping her coffee. I felt my throat start to close up. I looked back and forth between each girl.

“Cam, don’t worry Harry would never cheat on you.” Lily said giving me a smile. All of a sudden my phone started to ring. A smile stretched across my face.

“It’s Harry.” I said with relief. I answered the phone. I put it on speaker for the girls. We were the only ones in the coffee shop.

“Hey babe!” I said setting the phone on the table.

“Hey! I miss you so much! What have you been up too?” He said.

“Nothing, out for lunch with the girls. You’re on speaker.” I said smiling. I miss hearing his voice.

“Hello loves!” Harry said. The girls giggled.

“Hi Harry!” They all said simultaneously.

“Babe, take me off speaker. I have to talk to you about something.” He said. The smile on my face dropped. Oh god. I looked at the girls worried. I picked up the phone and placed it to my ear. ‘It will be okay’ Amber mouthed. I nodded and I tucked my hair behind my ear. I walked out of the coffee shop and I leaned against the wall.

“Yes?” I said nervously.

“Babe, our tour got extended another month. I won’t be able to spend Christmas with you.” Harry said.

“W-what? Are you sure?” I was speechless. Harry and I were supposed to spend Christmas together and he was going to meet the rest of my family. Then for New Year’s he was going to take me back to England to visit his family again. I was so excited.

“I am REALLY sorry babe. I was really looking forward to it too!” Harry said. He didn’t sound too upset.

“Oh-okay well uh…I have to go. I will talk to you later.” I said really bummed.  

“Okay babe, I love you.” He said.

“I love you too.” I tried to smile. I hung up the phone and walked back into the coffee shop. All the girls looked at me and notice the sad look on my face.

“Oh no. What happened?” Lily asked.

“He....The tour got extended. He won’t be able to make it back for Christmas.” I said furring my eyebrows. I was almost confused.

“Oh no. Girl, I am so sorry!” Amber said.

“It’s okay. It’s just weird. They never have to extend tours.” I said crossing my arms and leaning on the table. I was deep in thought.

“I told you” Jen mumbled with her mouthful of food and I glared at her. A few moments later Bridget walked through the door of the coffee shop. She looks almost stressed.

“Hey Bridget.” I said. She gave me a small smile and walked over to me.

“Hey, you guys haven’t seen Tyler have you?” she asked. She looks like she hasn’t slept in days.

“No, he wasn’t in class today. But here sit down. You look a mess.” I said in the nicest way possible. Bridget had a seat and Amber went to go get her a coffee.

“Tyler is really sick. I have been trying to keep him under control and help him but there’s nothing I can do.” She said in a worried tone.

“Well has he gotten worse?” Rita asked and Bridget nodded.

“One minute he is himself, next he is this impulsive jerk, then he is like this creepy sketchy guy. I don’t even know. It’s like his moods are changing. Then when he seems normal he doesn’t remember anything. It’s like something is taking over his brain.” She said as she ran her fingers through her hair due to stress.

“Where do you think he is?” Jen asked. Amber came back and handed Bridget her coffee. She thanked her and took a sip. She then shrugged at Jen’s question.

“I have no idea. We were sleeping together last night, I was so exhausted from dealing with him that day. He was yelling at me and trying to hurt me and was throwing and breaking things and then next minute he was trying to have sex with me, and then he was himself and was confused like he never remembered saying anything to me or doing anything. Anyways, I woke up this morning and he was nowhere to be found. He left his phone too. I have no clue where he is and if he ends up not being himself who knows what could happen.” She said.

“Damn, he is losing it.” Jen said.

“Tell me about it, he keeps saying things like “shut up, stop talking to me, be quiet.”. I have no idea who he is talking too. We have to find him before he does something stupid.” She said.

“Okay, well he couldn’t have gotten that far in the past what, 8 hours? So how about we split up and if we find him then we give each other a call.” I suggested. Everyone nodded.

“If Tyler isn’t himself or is too out of control call for help. This is serious.” Bridget said. We all nodded and got up and split up. Bridget and I went together. We started to walk around the city. I was trying to think of places he could be but if he isn’t himself he isn’t thinking like himself. Tyler has always been there for me and now it is my time to be there for him.

Bridget and I searched all over New York City. We were asking person after person if they have seen him. It was almost 4’o clock. My feet were killing me and I was exhausted.

“Bridget, can we take a break.” I suggested out of breath. She nodded. We sat down on a bench. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and I texted the other girls. No one has seen him. Most of them have given up or had to get back to their dorms for class or work. So it was just Bridget and I.

“I have no idea where he could be.” Bridget said.

“There has to be a reason for what is happening to him. When people go psycho it isn’t just randomly.” I said trying to think.

“Tyler was abused by his dad. Do you think that could have triggered it?” Bridget asked.

“I don’t know. Him and his mom moved out when he was 15 though.” I said. I thought long and hard. Tyler’s dad hasn’t been around in a long time. He moved to New York when Tyler was 16. I froze.

“I know where Tyler is.” I said. Bridget looked at me confused. When Tyler and I were younger, he wanted to know if his dad was living a better life down here. He wanted to know if his apartment was better, if it was in a better area, if his life was better without him. I never knew why? Tyler’s dad abused him and his mom. I never understood how Tyler could still care what he was doing. But he is his dad. Tyler and I used to search his house up on google earth. If I remember correctly I think I know where he used to live. I typed it into my phone and the address came up. It was a few blocks from here Bridget and I were. There was no time to waste. Bridget and I ran as fast as we could. Only stopping occasionally to catch our breaths. We finally made it to his apartment. I looked up at the building. It was red brick with a black door and the number 116 in huge white numbers.

“Where are we?” Bridget asked.

“Tyler’s dad lived here.” I said. I walked up the stairs and I knocked on the door. No one answered. I knocked again.

“Hello?” I called. I heard whimpering. Bridget ran up the steps and listened.

“It’s Tyler!” She said.

“Tyler?!” I called.

“TYLER!” Bridget yelled. I finally check to see if the door was opened and it was. I heard crying and faint talking. Bridget and I followed the sound. The apartment was neat and clean. Some things were knocked over. There was some kind of struggle. We ran up the stairs and into a bed room. I saw Tyler and his dad’s body laying lifelessly on the ground covered in cold blood. Tyler had blood all over himself. He was holding a huge knife in his hand covered in blood. My eyes widened and I covered my mouth with my hands. Bridget shrieked.

“Tyler what did you do?!” She yelled and screamed as she was crying. She dropped to her knees. Her husband just murdered his father. I tried to comfort her.

“Go downstairs, call for help! I got this.” I said. She looked up at me and I nodded signaling for her to go. It was just Tyler and I. He was crying as he was on his knees next to his dad’s body.

“I didn’t do it. It was them!” He cried.

“Who Tyler?” I said walking closer to him slowly.

“Them! The voices!” He said waving the knife around forgetting it was in his hand. I moved back.

“Voices?” I asked. Tyler’s eyes changed and he stared at me. I suddenly grew nervous.

“You think I’m crazy don’t you!” He said getting up and walking over toward me. I backed up against the wall. I was glancing at the knife he had in his hand. I shook my head and closed my eyes.

“Do you think I’m crazy?!” He yelled at me. I was so scared. I started crying.

“ANSWER ME!” I flinched.

“No.” I answered. I tried to stay calm and stay relaxed. He wasn’t himself.

“He deserved it. That bastard deserved EVERYTHING.” Tyler said and he plunged the knife into his dad’s corpse over and over. I was closing my eyes, shrieking, and crying. He dropped the knife and he fell to his knees and cried. I slowly opened my eyes.

“Tyler?” I asked. His head was in his hands. I walked over to him slowly.

“Tyler?” I put my hand on his shoulder and he looked up. I jumped back.

“Cam?” he looked at me confused.

“Where am I? What…” He asked looking around and he noticed the dead corpse.

“Oh my god!” he freaked out and he slide back in fear. He had no idea. I was so confused

“Cam! What is going on?! My dad! Who did this?! Why are we here?! Where is Bridget?!” Tyler had so many questions. I started to tear up and I was shaking my head. Tyler started to cry himself.

“Did…did I do this?” His voice croaked. I nodded slowly.

“Oh my god” he said grabbing his head.

“What is going on with me? Inside my head there are voices.” He said. I crouched down next to him.

“I have no idea Tyler.”

“There are voices in my head. Telling me things. Thing that I don’t normally think. Things I don’t want to hear. I try to ignore it but it drives me insane. I just want them to go away! They talk louder and louder and louder and then I don’t remember anything.” He said. I pierced my lips together.

“Fix me Cam, I can’t be like this.” He said starting to cry. I pulled him into a hug and he started crying heavily.

“I know, I know”

“I just murdered my dad! I don’t know what is going on!” He sobbed. I placed my hand on the back of his head and I hugged him tighter and I cried.

“Everything is going to be okay.” Even though I knew it wasn’t. A few minutes later a rescue team and police showed up and ran through the door. I knew they were going to take Tyler away. Tyler knew it too. He stood up as they signaled for him to come with them. They turned him around and handcuffed him. They took my best friend away. I was stuck in the room watching them load his father’s corpse onto a stretcher, knowing there was no hope for him or his son. 


DUN DUN DUN!! i decided you guys should be treated with a crazy Tyler chapter!! What do you think is wrong with him? What do you think is going to happen to him?! Why is Harry acting so weird?! What is he up to? SO MUCH MYSTERY! THATS FOR ME TO KNOW AND YOU TO EVENTUALLY FIND OUT! enjoy your week! Comment, Vote, and WATCH MY TRAILER LIKE 57 TIMES EACH THANK YOU! btw, this story is totally going with the flow and stuff is just being written as it pops into my head soooo it shall be interesting! 

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