Beauty and the Beast - A Laby...

By SinnerOwl

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This story was inspired by art made by Monarobot on Tumblr. ~~~ After Sarah had defeated Jareth, unbeknownst... More

1) Just The Start
2) Fright
3) Escape
4) Ocean Blues
5) Party Time
6) Spotting
7) Cold Hard Truth
8) Conflicted
9) Speak
10) Apologies
11) Much Needed Affection
12) That Awful Sound
13) Consolation
14) Sick
15) Time
16) Melancholy
17) Without Love, Pain
18) Deranged Evolution

19) The Return

940 31 8
By SinnerOwl

Jareth was awoken to himself being held against some source of warmth. The source was softly moving; breathing. He snapped his head up and was met with Sarah, who was seemingly asleep.

"So this is why you've been avoiding me." She spoke.

"I did not want you to see me like this..."

"I heard thunder earlier... that was you, wasn't it." Sarah frowned.

Jareth turned his face away and sighed, sitting up and struggling to stay balanced.

"No one could ever love someone who looks as horrid as I do. Being what I am, I find it hard that even my subjects still "admire" me."

"Don't say that, Jareth." Sarah groaned. "They love you because...well, that's a complicated explanation. But the point is, they love you. I love you."

"Yes, well, not enough..." Jareth stood.

"I'm sorry? I'm not the one who stole my brother-"

"You asked me to do it." His rough voice became angry. "More importantly, you wished for it. Your own words. I simply granted your wish."

"Ugh!" Sarah grunted. "That's the fact that makes me angry, because I know!" She stood and paced around the room. Sarah knew she couldn't be angry with the Goblin King, he was only doing his job. She was now angry with herself, getting into this situation. But she felt, deep down, that this was all supposed to play out this way. Her life, taking a sharp turn to become a ruler over a kingdom. It all seemed so surreal, but it was truly happening.

Jareth stood tall with his head and horns up, closing his eyes and crossing his arms as he tried desperately to keep himself from falling over. He was weak and exhausted. He didn't know how much longer he could hold on.

"I was only abiding to the rules, back then. But now...the times are different. I don't think they even matter anymore." He muttered.

"What are you talking about?"

"I feel as if a link exists between your heart and mine..." Jareth whispered and faced Sarah. "It may not be my place to ask you of this, especially in my condition and the way I've acted, but... Would you be mine?"

Sarah turned and froze in shock with her mouth dropped open. Never, in her whole life, would she think the Goblin King would ask for her hand in marriage. He didn't seem the type, but in a way it also made a lot of sense. If she even thought that pledging himself to her was going to gain her love, he was right on the bullseye with that.

"Y-You..." Sarah stammered. "You're asking me to..."

"I am." Jareth dipped his head.

"I... Oh..."

Jareth couldn't help but to grin at how flustered she became. He knew he touched a soft spot.

"Well?" He cocked his head, losing his grin and trading it for a look of worry.

"I... Yes...!" Sarah burst into a big ball of excitement; tears, giggles and all. She attached herself to the Goblin King and with one swift movement, she kissed him. This was no quick peck, but a full-on deep, passionate kiss with real true emotion.

With his body tensing up, Jareth could feel himself slowly change. His horns became dust, his bones regained the lost meat and his face returned to normal. He was no longer skin and bones with scales, no. With his image returned, his whole being felt as if it had just had the most sensual massage, relieving the stiffness and regulating normal blood flow.

Sarah couldn't break her eye contact with him, trying to believe what she had just witnessed was true. She finally healed him.

Jareth held his head up and ran his fingers through his hair, smirking and humming to himself.

The Goblin King was back.


Guys. I made a new book.

Please go check it out!! Don't let it flop!! I worked really hard on just the first chapter and for once I actually know what I'm doing with a story...

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