Right Into Place

By DarkPurple22

25.9K 1.6K 2K

All my life I'd been out of place, to my family, to the place I'm living in, to the relationships I've been i... More

Author's noteeeeessss
how many parts do I have now?


409 26 12
By DarkPurple22

"Tell me you did not do what I thought you did," Cara said after I told her I just got home from spending the night at Taylor's apartment. She has work but luckily, it's her free time when I called her up.

"No." I know she's only teasing me so there's no point in making a fuss. The door opens and I'm pretty sure that businessman is not interested in toys. "Cafe is two doors to the left."

"Oh, thanks." Then he's gone, making me realise I haven't heard the rest of Cara's talk.

"Repeat that." I had to say it, otherwise I wouldn't understand a thing she is saying.

She took a deep breath, "No need to dwell on your love life, we all know you're good at it. But I am interested in his ex. You did say she talked about him."

"Yes," I replied calmly. "She said he was sweet and then left her because of another girl."

"You could say she's moved on, babe?" Cara asks.

"S'ppose, she was unclear for that matter," I said. "Anyways how are you?"

"So-so. Franco got my number. Did you tell him?" She asked accusingly as if she knows I'm already guilty.

"No," I answered. "I wouldn't do that."

"Well, somebody did and you're the only one in America who knows that!" Once she starts raising her voice, it is never a good thing but at the very least, it was not my fault.

"Unless Taylor told him," I said, only realising what I said afterwards. It could be true.

She gasped so audibly. "You're not joking! She could do that!" She yelled. "I am so going to kill your girlfriend!"

"One, she isn't my girlfriend. Two you can't kill a sunshine."

"Yeah of course, if she has your six-foot arse behind her," she grumbled as if it's a bad thing. Anyways, Cara has made great effort to hide her number from my brother so should someone just tell him, well, she would probably not be forgiving because it's either she has to go on a hassle of changing her number again or blocking Franco's attempts because he's great at annoying you. Franco may not seem that much but he is one of my brothers that I idolize at times.

"You're not entirely sure if it's her, you know." I don't know who did it but it certainly was not me. For her sake, I hope it isn't Taylor.

"Who else? It's either you or her!"

"Oh, you know I would not do that. I'm betting on Taylor," I said and laughed. "Only joking."

"You're a harsh fella, you know?" Then, she sighed. "Oh, and I gotta remind you, there's a nearby factory shutting off right in New Jersey."

"It should interest me because. . .?" Unless it's a toy factory, then I am not interested

"Typewriters," she said. "I know you're also into anything vintage. They should still have a few broken or unsold ones. Push your luck. Plus, parts?"

She makes a great case. "Alright, open anytime?" I asked.

"No, your best chance is tomorrow from eight to any hour before lunch," she answered. "Bye, babe."

"Bye, Cars."

And so, during Saturday, I visited the old factory Cara told me about. She gave me all the details via text and of course, she was speaking of the truth. I took two typewriters home, one broken beyond repair and the other, new and untouched. It was rather expensive and heavy to carry at once but it seemed worth it to me.

I stored them downstairs to the basement where I spent the rest of my Saturday in. I rearranged my father's books in a nicer order, took the whole set of Harry Potter upstairs -- for boredom purposes-- and later on decided to rearrange the shelves in a nicer manner wherein the unopened toys are still on display. I had half a mind on whether or not I wanted to open the walking Baby Alive that looked remarkably like the ones Taylor always buys but I told myself not to because if it does end up walking around my shop, I would not know what to do. I'd rather it was Taylor who gets to open it anyways.

I looked at my dad's shelf, knowing that every bit of it had his name written all over it. We were never close, he only comes every few times a year but he was a good father. I never met him that much too and when I read these books, seeing his notes at the pages and underlined statements, I just think I got to know him.

Before leaving the basement, I took one look at the books and the old toys. "See you, dad," I whispered and made my way upstairs after turning the lights off.

I spent an hour or two in a gym and took my usual trip to the cafe two doors to the left.

And so right after, I get on with reading through the Harry Potter books, mostly just looking at my dad's notes. It goes on until the next day.

The toy shop has its first customer in ages, that is, apart from Taylor.  A man wearing nice and casual clothes with who I assume is his daughter, her long brown hair in two ponytails either side on her head. Unlike others, when her bright blue eyes scanned the room, she immediately gave a toothy smile, though she was missing about two up front. I assume she is seven or somewhere else around that. I greeted them politely as they hung their coats on the coat rack. It's a bit cold outside too.

The little girl shook off the snow from her while her father gave me an apologetic smile. "Daddy, look! These toys look funny!" She screamed and ran around while I simply hoped that she would not break anything. She seemed excited as though she is in heaven and that was easy enough to give a smile on my face.

"My apologies, it's her birthday," the father said to me. I told him it's no problem as the place could use a bit of sound every once in a while. "Tough business, though, this one."

I simply nodded. "What's her name?" I asked, looking at his daughter who was eyeing the dolls Taylor loved. Taylor would probably freak out if she found out that I sold one of those. I would love to see the look on her face though, it's got to be very amusing.

"Tiffany," the father answered and then I was back to earth. "It's her eighth birthday. We've scanned every toy store around yet sadly couldn't afford anything."

"Hmm." I highly doubt this toy shop could actually be cheaper but of course, this doesn't follow a usual price range so I can cheapen things. I did not mention the fact that it is full of old toys, the ones with the best materials are expensive but the common ones are fairly cheap.

Tiffany later on ran to the other room and I could hear her footsteps running around. Then suddenly she fell silent. I have an awful guess as to what happened.

"Uh, daddy?"

The father went inside immediately while I followed behind. I almost laughed because she actually stepped on the sticky cushion, two feet.

"It won't fall off!" She whined a bit but she was still smiling, in fact, she giggled right after her. That is unfortunate, her whole weight is on her feet so the sticky cushion practically swallowed her ankles.

"I'll get it," I said, volunteering. She's a cute kid anyways and her smile is not one bit annoying.

I remembered when it was Taylor who got stuck in the cushion. At least, her case was harder than Tiffany's because she actually fell on it while Tiffany just stepped on it.

"Don't try to remove your shoes, kay? You won't be able to get it." I knelt down with a simple instruction. She nodded. "What's your name, by the way?"

I already know but it is easier for a kid to trust you when you converse in a friendly manner. To adults, I am not the best talker. With kids, it's a different manner. They're much better humans for me.

"You can call me, Tiff," said Tiffany with a bright smile on her face. "What's yours?"

"Hello Tiff, I'm Harry," I said. "It's great to meet you. But we gotta get you out of that, you'll do as I say, yeah?"

She giggled with a nod. "You talk funny." American kids tend to comment on my accent a lot so I was in no way offended. In fact, it simply reminds me of how innocent and truthful kids are.

"Tiff," her father said but I told him it's alright.

"Do you know the game rocket launch?" I asked.


"It's simple, you know. You're a rocket, and we're going to shoot you to the sky." Mostly, boys like that but I guess Tiff is too cheery to care.

"Are we going to play now?" She asked, obviously excited.

"Yes. Now, just put your arms like this." I stood up and let her imitate the way I stand, arms at the sides and hands on the waist. She eagerly followed, smiling.

I looked at her father first, "Is it -- alright if I -- it's the only way I--"

The father nodded.

Good. I turned around to face Tiff, put my hands just on her upper arm in the most careful way. "Ready?" I asked and she nodded. "Takeoff in three, two, one. . ." I lifted her up while stepping on the cushion partly so that I won't get stuck and I'll get her out.

I placed Tiff on the floor once she was out of the cushion.

"That was fun!" She said. "What is that pillow?" She asked.

"Sticky cushion, Tiff. Many people had been stuck," I said.

"Really? Ha! I can't have that, my baby brother might get stuck." With that, she ran to the other room so her father and I followed.

I got back behind my counter while her father, with the same dark brown hair as hers smiled at me. "You handled it good. You have any?" He asked.

"Kids?" I asked and shook my head. "No."

"Well, you seem like a good guy, where's the problem?" He asked.

"Haven't a relationship," I replied though when my mind brought the image of Taylor, I actually wanted to take it back.

"Oh well, you're not getting any younger, boy."

I know.

It was already a while when Tiffany chose a toy. Fortunately, she chose another type of doll that is made up purely of soft material, hand-stitched. I lowered the original price without their knowledge and I asked Tiff if she wants me to write her name down. She told me it would be nice so after I got to work, on it, she started chatting me up about how lucky I am with having a toy shop.

"You get to play all you want, and you can play all day everyday," she continued with her storytelling while I listened intently while writing her name down in a fancy font style.

"Do you have kids?" She asked cheerily. "Can I play with them?"

"I don't," I replied. "But do you like music boxes?" I asked her, changing the subject. I've got loads of music boxes because when I go to toy shops and other countries, I rarely go home without one. The desk on my room is stacked and so is this counter. I suppose I could give one to this sweet girl.

"Yeah! I love those! I have two at home, one is a princess dancing and the other one is a blue piano that starts playing when you open it," she said.

I was done with her name so I stood up straight. "See these toys on the counter?"

She nodded gingerly.

"They're mostly music boxes and sadly, my counter is getting cluttered. Tell you what, I'll give you one for free. Choose whatever you like."

Her eyes widened with excitement. "Really? Oh my gosh!"

For a moment, she sounded like Taylor. . . in a childlike way.

I gotta say, the child has a great eye for choosing. She chose the elegant one, looking like a tiny blue box of ice with etchings and swirly designs with what looked like frozen roses at the top. Once it is opened, it plays Frosty the Snowman and out comes a tiny snowman.

"Thank you so much, Harry!" She squealed as she and her father started walking out.

"Thanks, man," her father said.

"Merry Christmas, Harry!" She said, reminding me that it is already December and it's getting near Christmas.

"Merry Christmas, Tiff," I replied.

It's almost Christmas and I cannot believe I really don't get reminded often.

When they were gone, it was quiet again but at the very least, the start of the day was pleasing. Hours later, I sort of had a funny feeling as I was reading through dad's book.

A tiny calendar is on my desk and as I looked at it, I figured it's a Sunday. I push up my glasses every once in a while as I look back and forth between the Harry Potter book and the calendar.

I know what this icky feeling is. I should be somewhere. And since I've finished my factory exploration yesterday, I've only got two people to go to. It's not Cara so it has to be Taylor.

I swore once I realised I promised her that I'd come back to her apartment today.

As much as I'd love to go, I do, but here is the thing, there is a brief moment of debating whether or not I should go. And since I have nothing to do. . .

"Can't believe this. . ." I grumbled a bit as I took my favourite black jacket out and made my way to the alleyway where I always park my car.

William called me while I was driving and I told him I'm quite busy. It's a lie and he did not believe it but I ended the call either way. Luckily, traffic isn't much of a hassle but actually finding a parking spot is, and I've had one stop to go to before Taylor's apartment. My head is already fogging up with irritation when I got to her apartment but I found myself thinking of other things right after especially now that the Christmas spirit is up in the air, snow, Christmas lights, songs and all the other thing involved in the package of the holiday.

Before I went here, I had one stop to the flower shop and as much as I never do this anymore, I am pretty sure this will still bring a smile to sunshine's red lips. Flowers are a bit expensive this time of the year too.g

I knocked on the door and patiently waited for her to come outside.

But really, will she like these flowers?

I groaned quietly and cleared my head. She will.

It seemed like ages when she finally opened the door.

Well, it was the sight I did not expect to see but I guess I should have.


Author's 🎵

Happy weekend!!!!
Still have plans on changing the title but nothing's coming up. Nothing, nada and zip!

Stay awesome guys!!!! 😂😁😄😭


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