Legacy of a Senju (Sequel)

By PrettyLilyAnime

1.1M 36.9K 27.4K

Haru Oshiro Senju returns to the leaf! Though she's not the same innocent genin that left, she comes back a... More

Prolouge πŸŒ™
Chapter 1 πŸŒ™
Chapter 2 πŸŒ™
Chapter 3 πŸŒ™
Chapter 4 πŸŒ™
Chapter 5 πŸŒ™
Chapter 6 πŸŒ™
Chapter 7 πŸŒ™
Chapter 8 πŸŒ™
Chapter 9 πŸŒ™
Chapter 10 πŸŒ™
Chapter 11 πŸŒ™
Chapter 12 πŸŒ™
Chapter 13 πŸŒ™
Chapter 15 πŸŒ™
Chapter 16 πŸŒ™
Chapter 17 πŸŒ™
Chapter 18 πŸŒ™
Chapter 19 πŸŒ™
Chapter 20 πŸŒ™
Chapter 21 πŸŒ™
Chapter 22 πŸŒ™
Chapter 23 πŸŒ™
Chapter 24 πŸŒ™
Chapter 25 πŸŒ™ part 1
Chapter 25 πŸŒ™ part 2
Chapter 26 πŸŒ™
Chapter 27 πŸŒ™
Chapter 28 πŸŒ™
Chapter 29 πŸŒ™
Chapter 30 πŸŒ™
Chapter 31 πŸŒ™
Chapter 32 πŸŒ™
Chapter 33 πŸŒ™
Chapter 34 πŸŒ™
Chapter 35 πŸŒ™
Chapter 36 πŸŒ™
Chapter 37 πŸŒ™
Chapter 38 πŸŒ™
Chapter 39 πŸŒ™
Chapter 40 πŸŒ™
Chapter 41 πŸŒ™
Chapter 42 πŸŒ™
Chapter 43 πŸŒ™
Chapter 44 πŸŒ™
Chapter 45 πŸŒ™
Chapter 46 πŸŒ™
Chapter 47 πŸŒ™
Chapter 48 πŸŒ™
Chapter 49 πŸŒ™
Chapter 50 πŸŒ™
Chapter 51 πŸŒ™
Chapter 52 πŸŒ™
Chapter 53 πŸŒ™Part 1
Chapter 53 πŸŒ™ part 2
Chapter 54 πŸŒ™
Chapter 55 πŸŒ™
Chapter 56 πŸŒ™
Chapter 57 πŸŒ™
Chapter 58 πŸŒ™
Chapter 59 πŸŒ™
Authors note
Chapter 60 πŸŒ™
Another Authors Note! πŸ’ž
Chapter 61 πŸŒ™
Chapter 62 πŸŒ™
Chapter 63 πŸŒ™
Chapter 64 πŸŒ™
Chapter 65 πŸŒ™ Part 1
πŸŽ‰πŸ’–Happy birthday Haru! πŸ’–πŸŽ‰
Chapter 65 Part 2 πŸŒ™
Chapter 66 πŸŒ™
Chapter 67 πŸŒ™
Official Character Art πŸŒ•
Chapter 68 πŸŒ™
Chapter 69 πŸŒ™
Chapter 70 πŸŒ™
Chapter 71 pt.1
Chapter 71 pt.2
Chapter 71 pt.3
Chapter 72 πŸŒ™
Chapter 73 πŸŒ™
Chapter 74 πŸŒ™
Chapter 75 πŸŒ™
New book!

Chapter 14 πŸŒ™

13.9K 513 291
By PrettyLilyAnime

Reacap: She hands me a scroll without saying anything. I carefully open it and feel my heart drop when I do. A multitude of pictures fall to the ground. I lean down and shakily pick up a photo of Sasuke and I, hugging each other, and smiling without a care in the world. I look up at my cousin slowly with wide eyes, feeling as if I could throw up whatever's in my stomach.

"I- I can explain!"

Tsunade arches a brow at me as a million thoughts run through my head. Maybe I could just run away? My eyes furtively glide over to an open window. Could I really outrun her though? I mean she's hokage for a reason. . .

"Don't even think about running." She says as she leans on the door frame carelessly. "So, are we going to talk?"


"I refused to believe the rumors at first." Tsunade calmly starts as she takes a sip of water. We're both sitting down in my living room, I'm huddled up on one end of my couch staring intensely at the coffee table. She knows.

"But then I took a quick glance at your medical report, thinking about scheduling you for a regular check up when I saw what Sakura filed in." She continues. I don't move at all and I could only shake my leg as a nervous habit. "When I found out that you were having sex and these rumors were going around I couldn't help but believe in them, but I wouldn't say anything until concrete evidence was provided." She says sternly. If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under.

"Then yesterday I received these photo's from an anonymous source and my predictions had been confirmed."

I could literally feel my heart thumping out of my chest because of how scared I am. She's not being the hothead that I know her as, she's being calm. Too calm. "So I want you to explain everything." She says, I look up to her quickly and she sees the pure terror in my eyes. "Right now I'm not talking to you as hokage, I'm talking to you as family."

I nod hesitantly and start with a wavy voice. "W-well it was a month after I left the village when I started talking to Sasuke again. Orochimaru had given him a mission to do in the land of snow and you know I was there." I start, feeling as if I was presenting in front of a crowd of millions of people.

"And at first I was mad at him because he went to Orochimaru but eventually I got over it." I add. "And I don't know we eventually started going out." I murmur looking down to the floor, not really knowing how to explain myself.

"Three years?" Tsunade asks, feeling surprised at the amount of time. I nod hesitantly before nervously gulping. She's going to hate me. "I-I️ don't know we never called ourselves official, I don't think we needed to. I just got so comfortable around him I don't know what to say." I defend, not even managing to take a look at Tsunade's face.

"Do you love him?" Tsunade bluntly asks, my hand shaking the slightest bit as I bring it up ruffle my own hair. "No! I hate him." I deny, my voice cracking due to nerves. "Are you still in a seeing him?" Tsunade asks as she watches my every move. I shake my head quickly with wide watery eyes. No because he had to go and rip my heart out.

She suddenly stands up and nears me, I cringe away when I think she's going to hit me but am surprised when she simply sits next to me and brings me into a hug. A warm, comforting one like the ones auntie Mikoto use to give me. "Just let it all out." She mutters.

That's when the real waterworks begin. "He's such a little shit I hate him!" I cry as I cling onto Tsunade's neck as if I were just a little kid. She says nothing as she runs her hand through my hair. "H-he played with my emotions too much and I was stupid enough to think he felt the same way about me!" I continue, Tsunade listening trying to get every detail from my words.

"He was so abrupt about it too! He was being a stoic little fucker and I hate him!" I cry, my voice getting weaker and weaker as I continue.

Tsunade pulls me back and takes a look at my flustered face. I could tell she's extremely surprised by all this. I don't think she knew how serious that relationship was. "H-he was the only person I talked to all that time, I-I was lonely in that tundra you know. The wolves are cool but they weren't home. A-and he reminded me of home." I say as I wipe the tears away with the back of my hand.

Well of course Shinji was someone else I talked to but still, he didn't know everything about my life since he couldn't relate to a lot of it. Sasuke could.

Tsunade stares at me with wide eyes. "So you really love him?" She asks, still surprised. I️ shake my head "N-no I hate him now I don't even want to look at his face." I say bitterly, watching Tsunade slowly nod in deep thought. "I didn't think you were this invested in the relationship." Tsunade says as she looks around my barren house.

"Well I guess I was the only one in the relationship who was emotionally invested." I icily say, my tone changing drastically. Tsunade arches a brow at me then sighs.

"Okay, now I'll talk to you as hokage." She mutters. I flinch a bit but nod nonetheless. I'm gosh why am I so stupid?

"You do realize that if Sasuke were to return right now, he would go straight to prison?" She asks watching my face carefully. I get rid of all the tears and nod quietly. "Y-Yeah."

"And you realize, that you are a half blooded Senju right?" My nose scrunches up at this but I️ nod nonetheless.

"And you do realize, that everyone else won't take this as lightly." She finally says to which I look down in shame. "Y-Yeah I thought you would shun me or something." I mumble as I play around with my gloves.

Tsunade's eyes soften "Haru you're my family first even though I'm hokage and shouldn't be taking this so lightly with you." She says making me nod slightly.

"Lord this is like consoling your mother all over again." She deadpans as she looks at my bundled up self in the corner. I don't hear her though. "So what now? I can't face my team now they'll hate me-"

"They don't know and I won't tell them." Tsunade interrupts, taking me by surprise. "W-what do you mean you won't tell them?" I ask looking at her with wide eyes. "Thats something for you to tell or for them to figure out. This is classified information, and a matter of how close you and your team are." I scoff at this "Sakura will attempt murder and Naruto would probably freak the hell out. And Kakashi sensei may kill both Sasuke and I." I say bitterly, only imagining their reactions compared to Tsunade's.

I know for a fact those reactions won't be as sweet.

"But, as hokage I do have to punish you." She says as she crosses her arms over her chest. I gulp nervously and look at her expectantly. "You can't go on missions with your team until further notice. Just stay here and train for the Jounin exams." I sigh and slump my shoulders at this, a sulky look on my face. "So I'm twelve all over again? Whatever its better than going to prison." I mutter under my breath.

"Also, you are banned from any missions involving Orochimaru and Sasuke." My eyes widen at this. "What? What do you mean I'm banned from those missions?!"

"You're emotionally charged, I could already tell you can't kill Sasuke even if you're stronger than him." She bluntly states. I scoff and stand up.

"I call bullshit! Naruto and Sakura are also emotional about the whole thing! Naruto is hell bent on bringing Sasuke back and Sakura is blindly in love with him! You can't just say that I wouldn't fight him because I dated him for a lousy three years!"

Tsunade stands up with eyes just as hard as mine "I speak from experience Haru, you aren't going on those missions. Odds are Orochimaru knows about your former relationship with Sasuke. You really don't think he'd use that to his advantage?"

"Use it to his advantage?! I'll kill that pasty fucker too!" I yell, going ballistic at the hypocrisy here. "If you don't let me go on those missions then why is Sakura allowed to go?!" I ask angrily, Sakura is probably more in love with him then me at this point!

"Sakura is one of the only ninja I trust most." Tsunade says. I scoff and let my hands fall to my sides. "What? And you don't trust me!?" I sarcastically ask, not really prepared for the answer I got.

"I know this will hurt you, but I lost my trust for you when I found out you were dating a missing ninja from the leaf village."


After that event with Tsunade I ran out of the house with Tsunade trying to follow me but I proved to be much faster. Hm, seems like I could've outrun her after all. She had told me about going to meet a new teammate, but at that point I was too enraged to give a shit.

I glare at the floor as I grumpily sit in front of my mothers grave. "She trusts that little pink haired wanna be bubble gum idiot more than me." I seethe, trying my hardest not to punch the nearest object. "All because I was stupid enough to get into a relationship with him." I whisper, clutching my cloak so it would wrap tighter around my body.

"It's not like I did anything against the village! It's all him! I just. . liked him." I quietly say as I begin to create roses that begin to line up on the ground.

Then I do something I hadn't done in years, I slump down on the floor and wrap my arms around my knees, tucking my head in between as huge purple lines begin to line up all around me. "If only you could help me mom." I sulk as the wind slightly blows ruffling my hair around the slightest bit.

Suddenly a medium sized brown hawk lands right in front of me with a scroll in its mouth. My eyes narrow because I know exactly who the hell this hawk belongs to. I take the scroll from its mouth and watch as if flies away back to its summoner whose in a place far far way.

I look down at the scroll and hesitantly open it. Then, written in extremely neat hand writing, I read the words.

'We need to talk'

I look at the words with disdain, I crystallize the paper then punch it, watching as the crystal pieces fall to the ground alongside the scroll which was trapped inside. I stretch out my legs and glare at the sky. That shit head wants to talk? Well I'll give him one hell of a talk. Wether Tsunade likes it or not.


Helloo my lovely readers! So Tsunade now knows about Haru's past!

Well, somewhat.

Who do you think sent the scroll to Haru? (its obvious lolol)

And what does this person want to talk about?

Was Tsunade's reaction one you expected? And what do you think Haru will do about her punishment?!

Let me know in the comments!

I'll see you all next chapter!

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