Percy Jackson, The Heir of Sl...

By darkarchangel2

763K 17.3K 29.4K

Perseus Jackson, or, Percy Jackson. The name most monsters and demigods have heard of. The two time savior of... More

Author's Note
Voldemort? Who?
I'm meeting my grandfather
He isn't bad after all!
Diagon Alley
Annabeth's pissed
Hogshorts here I come
Annabeth would love it
I'm a natural!
we screwed up
You cold hearted monster!
Terrible news
What the hell is going on?
Alaska is really cold
I did not expect that
I really couldn't care
we ain't staying here
I'm sorry
I did it, Annabeth
Facing an overjoyed and excited blonde
Ron, back off
This is new
It's just a joke!
Another war?
The enemy is who?
It's not your fault, Percy
Being a teacher is amazing
Kronos is scary
Traitor uncovered.
Give me answers, or die!
Now I'm scared....
This isn't good.
Step up your game, lazy pigs.
Don't underestimate us
The war (part 1)
The war (part 2)
Grief and burials

Lady Hecate

20.4K 517 330
By darkarchangel2


I waited impatiently in the Entrance Hall with a small bag slung over my shoulder. But I knew that this bag could fit a lot more then it seems it could.

Harry and Ron were talking in low tones, probably discussing about how they were going to die on this mission.

"Perseus must be extremely powerful and dangerous if someone would go to lengths to kidnap his family." Ron was saying. I rolled my eyes. We all knew that Perseus was powerful.

Just as I was about to suggest that we go look for Perseus ourselves, a small vortex of water suddenly opened up right beside me and out stepped Perseus Riddle. He ignored our surprised looks, turned his cold gaze on us and said "I think we should write a note informing Professor McGonagall where we are going."

"I'll do that." Harry pulled out his wand and whispered "Expecto Patronum!" Something silver flashed out his wand and disappeared from sight. I gave him an approving nod and turned back to Perseus. "So, Perseus, where are we headed first?"

Perseus clenched his teeth and said angrily "First of all, if we are to be working together, you will not call me Perseus. I hate being called that, call me Percy instead. Secondly, just don't get yourselves killed, I don't want to have explain about how you died. Lastly, don't do anything rash and impulsive or it could get us all killed."

I exchanged surprised looks with Ron and Harry. It seems like Perseus... sorry, Percy, actually cares about if we live or die.

"Alright, fine." I said. Percy visibly relaxed and turned to look out at the giant windows. The sun was coming up in the distance, casting rays of orange and pink across the sky. Finally, he turned to face us with a stoic expression.

"You all know what's happening, right?" Ron didn't look too sure, and Percy sighed loudly. "Fine, long story short, my mother and my grandfather has been kidnapped and taken to an unknown location that no one knows about."

"You're talking about your grandfather on your dad's side, right? Because that would be impossible if it was on your mother's side, Voldemort can't be alive." I said.

A small smirk appeared at the corners of Percy's mouth. He reached up and ran a hand through his messy raven black hair. "Well, no. Defiantly not my grandfather from my dad's side, because I killed him."

I gaped at him, along with Harry and Ron. Percy killed his own grandfather? "Why? Why did you do that?" Ron spluttered.

Percy lowered his hand and his face suddenly seemed shrouded in darkness. "I did it because he was going to kill everyone I loved. He was going to destroy the world. I had to stop him."

"Wait a fucking moment." Harry pointed his shaking wand at Percy, who eyed the stick with amusement. "So if it's not your grandfather from your dad's side.... VOLDEMORT IS ALIVE!?"

"Yeah. He's alive. I was living at his house for a few days before I came to Hogwarts." Percy pushed Harry's hand away and laughed at our horrified expressions. "When you all actually see him again, I swear he's changed from what you've remembered of him."

"VOLDEMORT CAN'T FUCKING CHANGE!" Harry yelled at Percy, who looked smug. "HE KILLED MY PARENTS, HIS FOLLOWERS KILLED SIRIUS, HE KILLED-HE KILLED-"Ron put a reassuring hand on Harry's shoulder while glaring at Percy. "I can't believe it."

"Don't believe it. See for yourself then. If you don't want to come anymore, by all means walk yourself out of my sight." The tall, raven haired boy turned and strode towards the giant wooden doors that led out of Hogwarts.

"I'm not going. I refuse." Harry turned to walk in the opposite direction when Ron seized his arm.

"What now!?" Harry asked irritably, facing Ron and I. "We can't leave Percy alone to face this unknown enemy. He's going to die if he goes by himself." I reasoned.

"Does it look like I care if he dies? I'm not going to rescue Voldemort. He can die, along with his grandson!" Harry tried to break free of Ron's grip, but he held on tightly.

Ron narrowed his eyes at his best friend and whispered "We're better than this. Everyone looks up to us as saviors of the Wizarding World. If someone needs help, we give them help."

Harry gritted his teeth and curled his fingers into a fist. He was silent for a few more moments before he sighed loudly. "Alright, alright. I'm coming. But if we do rescue Percy's family, don't blame me if I try to kill his grandfather."

Ron released his friend's arm with a look of relief, and we all turned to see Percy lingering near the doors. His face was unreadable, but I swore I saw a tear roll down his cheek.

Harry and Ron must've noticed it too, because their expressions became less hostile. "Percy, what's the matter?" Ron asked as we approached him.

He hastily ran a hand across his face and muttered "Nothing. So, you've all decided to come along?"

"We help anyone we get the chance to." I said. Harry rolled his eyes but didn't say anything.

Percy shrugged and he pushed open the doors. They scraped loudly against the marble floor of the Entrance Hall.

Percy strode outside, his green eyes narrowed as he tried to figure out which way to go first.

Just as I was about to suggest something, there was a brilliant flash of light. I blinked, and nearly fainted in shock as a woman wearing an elegant simple white dress appeared in front of Percy. Percy seemed startled as well, as the woman smiled serenely.

"Lady Hecate." He said, and then dropped into a low bow. I swallowed, looking at the woman who practically radiated power. Following Percy's lead, I dropped to a knee, Harry and Ron doing the same.

The woman, Hecate, laughed softly and whispered "Rise. You do not need to bow to me, you do not even know who I am."

"I'm pretty sure you've just exposed my secret to them." Percy grumbled as he rose to his feet.

"What secret?" I asked in confusion. Percy gave Hecate a pointed look.

She smiled and said "Well, Perseus, I do think it is time for them to know who you are."

"Damn, I was planning to keep it a secret for as long as I could." Percy shrugged and turned to face us.

"What really are you? I know you're more than a wizard." I said to him. Percy heastied and looked at the woman. Hecate gave a nod of encouragement and Percy sighed loudly.

"Alright, fine! I'm a demigod, half human, half god. Well..... more like half wizard, half god."

I was dumbstruck. Percy was half god? What in the world?

Percy noticed our stunned expressions and continued "My father is the Greek God Poseidon, God of the Sea. You do know about Greek Mythology, yes?"

I was about to speak but Harry beat me to it. "Yeah, I read about it in a muggle school. There's like.... what, 12 major gods?"

Percy smiled tightly and nodded. "Yes. But there's a bunch more minor Gods that would take a whole day to tell you guys all about it, and we don't have a day."

"If your father is Poseidon.... Do you have powers?" Ron asked. Percy's smile changed into a smirk as he stretched out a hand. I watched in astonishment as the water from the giant lake rose up and swirled around, making a mini water tornado.

"So when you made the water splash onto me, it wasn't a non-verbal spell, it was your powers!" I exclaimed. Percy clenched his hand and the water splashed back down into the lake.

"Yep. I was just going to let you guys assume that it was a non-verbal spell." Percy turned back to woman, who was now frowning. "Lady Hecate? I told them, so what are you here for?" 

Hecate was about to respond when Ron interjected "Sorry to interrupt, but are you a goddess?"

Hecate nodded, her frown turning into a radiant smile. "I'm the Goddess of Magic. Now.... Percy, I have found the location of your mother and grandfather."

"Where are they? Guide me in the right direction so I can rescue them, Lady Hecate!" Hecate bit her lip and shook her head.

"I am sorry young hero, but I cannot guide you there. You will have to find the correct location yourselves. The Gods cannot travel there, it is too dangerous even for us."

Percy scowled, but then his expression changed to one of horror. "Lady Hecate! Are you.... Are you talking about Alaska?"

Hecate nodded gravely. "Yes, Percy. The land beyond the gods. That is where your family is." "You have got to be kidding me." Percy growled. "I've already been there once before, and I hated it."

"I will bless you with the ability to manipulate the mist so strongly that everyone will believe you when you do it." Before Percy could protest, Hecate placed a hand on his forehead and whispered "And I will give you the directions to get to Alaska, but then after that, you will be on your own."

Hecate's hand glowed white, and Percy gasped before his eyes rolled back into his head and he collapsed to the ground. But Hecate caught him before he could land and laid him down gently on the grass.

The Goddess turned to the us with a sad smile. "Please do take care of Percy. He often makes the wrong choices when it comes to saving the people he cares about."

Harry, Ron, and I were simply too shocked to answer, so all we did was nod. Hecate bowed her head towards them before dissolving into a white flash of light before my very eyes.

Word count: 1656

The story is finally getting exciting. Thank the Gods.

Okay, Imma go now because I have like 12 pages of math homework to finish that I haven't even started on yet.

Procrastination at it's finest.

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