the cute boy [REWRITING]

By sunshine_riptide

7.4K 345 819

Peterick The boy in pastel skirts, always under the tree, headphones in and his tongue slightly poking out b... More

Chapter 1- House of Wolves
Chapter 2- I have Friends in Holy Spaces
Chapter 3- Vampire Money
Chapter 4- Favorite Record
Chapter 5- First Date
Chapter 6- Move
Chapter 8- Fake You Out
Chapter 9- Planetary(GO!)
Chapter 10- 27
Chapter 11- American Idiot
Chapter 12- She's A Handsome Woman
Chapter 13- Run and Go
Chapter 14- You're Crashing But You're No Wave
Chapter 15- Sunshine Riptide
Chapter 16- Mister Doctor Man
Chapter 17- QUEER
bitch boy

Chapter 7- The World is Ugly

498 16 30
By sunshine_riptide

{Patrick POV}

"So the real reason I called you over here Ryan was so you could do my make up for the date." I say shrugging the words off, "Nice to know you love me, Patrick." Ryan says putting his hand dramatically on his chest and the other on his forehead, "Shut up, you idiot. You know I do." I say smiling brightly, "Okay so how do you want me to do your makeup? Smokey eye? Something pastel? Or natural colors?" He says clapping his hands and retrieving my makeup from my bathroom and sitting cross-legged on my bed, "Well I think something natural is the way to go with this look. Maybe something on the peachy side?" Ryan says pensively and furrowing his eyebrows. Then, Andy comes in and sees we're doing makeup and pours some setting powder in his hands and throws it flamboyantly, "Can I join?" "Sure." The lanky boy says starting to blend in foundation into my pale skin, "Anything you want me to do, Andy? Eyeliner? Whole face? Eyeshadow?" "I think, I just want my eyes done. If that's alright with you?" The ginger man says, "Okay, let me just get Patty, all fixed up for his date." Ryan's says, about half an hour later we're done and I look at myself in the mirror, "I don't mean to be self-absorbed but I look beautiful." "Yes, one of my better masterpieces."

"You look awesome! Okay, my turn now!" Andy said clapping his hands together, craning his neck so the other tall boy could start on his eyes. After Ryan was done, Andy looked at himself in the mirror. "I look fucking hot. Okay, I'm gonna go call Joe so we can meet up while I look this good. Bye peasants." Andy said walking out of the door, "Go get some!" Ryan yelled as Andy exited, as soon as Andy left I heard a ring and looked over at Ryan, "My mom just texted need to get home. Bye, hope you get lucky tonight." He said, "Fuck you, I don't need luck." "Love you too sweetheart." He said leaving quickly, as soon as he left I was bored out of my mind, so I decided to re-watch Yuri! On Ice. Which was great anime fight me and proceeded to self-indulge in the anime's beautiful characters.

{Pete POV}

As we're buying some of the stuff we needed to set up the picnic Joe gets a text, his eyes widen as he looks at his phone screen, "Um, I-I got to g-go." He said rushing out of the store, chucking Brendon says "How much do you want to bet that was a dick pic?" I laugh and go back to picking out what type of food I wanted to get. "So what made you want to go out on this sudden date?" Brendon said breaking the comfortable silence that had engulfed us. "I don't know, we were making out and suddenly I felt like he deserved the world. So I thought the next best thing was to take him out on a beautiful date." "Petey's in love!" "Maybe." "You guys are the cutest thing. I mean your not cuter than Ryan and I but, close nevertheless." After a few minutes of talking about the beautiful art that is memes, we go and pay for the stuff and leave. Driving to the forest takes about 20 minutes and when we're there the forest looks so beautiful, as soon as we found a clearing we started laying down the blankets and tangling the fairy lights in the trees. Setting down the last of the cushions, "It looks so pretty! I hope Pat will love it." "Of course he will, he loves you, man. I'm sure of it." Brendon says reassuringly.

We drove home listening to Blink-182, which was amazing as soon as I dropped Brendon off I went straight to Trick's house, I took out the bouquet of flowers I had bought for him. Walking up to his house and hesitantly knocking on his door, letting out a nervous sigh. When Patty opened the door my mouth fell agape, he looked beautiful he had done his make up and was wearing the most beautiful dress, he looked breathtakingly fabulous. "You look amazing. Holy shit, how did I get so lucky?" "You don't look too shabby yourself." "So where are we going?" Patrick said a glint of excitement flashing in his facial features, "I can't tell you, my love." "Why?" He whined like a five-year-old about to throw a temper tantrum then, grabbed me by the neck and kissed me deeply, "How about now?" He said pouting and giving me puppy eyes, "Nope, sorry," "Stone-cold, bitch" he replied to me denying to tell him where we are going, laughing I opened the door for him to get into my car. "I would say gentleman but you are not telling me where we're going." He said pouting once again so I kissed his pout, "It will be good, I promise." He blushes, a sign that he had given in. When I get in I place my hand on his thigh, he immediately gets flustered. "What do you want to listen to?" "Do you have any Green Day?" Patty said looking up from where my hand was placed on his thigh, "Of course, their only like the best band ever." I started rubbing my thumb across his pale thigh and he immediately blushed again. When it got to American Idiot, Patrick started singing. He looked so happy while he was singing, his eyes were closed, his mouth singing lyrics that weren't important right now, and his voice, god, his voice was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard. "Holy shit! Patrick, you are so good at singing!" As soon as I said this it was as if he realized that he wasn't alone, "I am actually terrible at singing, true story." "You are amazing and don't you even dare say no," I said in a stern voice reprimanding him for being saying he was bad at anything because he was perfect at everything. When we got to the forest, we joined hands, the feeling of his hand in mine was something would never get tired of. Grabbing the basket with all the food in it, I lead the way to where we had set up. As soon as we got there I heard Pat gasp, "It's so beautiful, Panda!" "Panda?" "Shut up, take the compliment. Thank you so much, I don't deserve this." When he said that I felt a twinge if a pain in my heart, "Listen, you are perfect. To me, you deserve the world." His eyes started tearing up, his beautiful eyes glazed, he hugged me sniffling into my chest, "I love you, Panda." "I love you too, Lunchbox."

We sat down on the blankets and cushions that lay on the green grass, I opened the basket and handed him some chocolate covered strawberries, "I love chocolate covered strawberries! How did you know?" "Well, I went with the most romantic thing I could find and by that I mean I called Joe and Brendon over for help." Giggling he ate the strawberries as we watched the sunset when we were done Patrick had some chocolate on his upper lip. Leaning over, I kissed him deeply, "What was that for?" "You had some chocolate on your lip." Then, I pulled him onto the blankets with me and he immediately cuddled into my chest. "I love you." "You have said that so many times!" Pat said blushing and lightly slapping my chest, "Yeah well, I really love you." He leaned up and kissed me, taking me by the collar and pulling me on top of him. I bit his lip and he let out a gasp I took the chance to slip my tongue into his mouth. I started gripping his hips and rolling mine against his. Moving down, I kissed his jaw, moving to the spot behind his ear and sucking and nibbling. As soon as I heard him let out a moan I continued to nibble and suck at his neck combined with rolling my hips against his. "P-Pete, do something. Please." I went back to his ear and in a husky voice said, "Are you sure, baby boy." Nodding furiously he gave me his consent. I lifted my shirt up exposing my toned body and all my tattoos, he also removed his shirt. Trailing kisses down his beautiful blemish-free, pale chest, unbuckled his pants. You can guess what happened next.

{Patrick POV}

I walked hand in hand with Pete into school, smiling my widest grin. We went to Pete's locker first as it was next to the entrance, Pete kissed me sweet and short. Slapping my butt as I walked off, flipping him off since he knew it would hurt from our... previous activities. Walking to my locker I saw Ryan and Andy, "Hello, Tall dude and short dude." I say, "How did the date go?" Ryan said not bothering to say hello back, "Was it romantic?" Andy quickly followed, responding to each and every question until a particular one, "Did you guys fuck?" Andy asked and at that moment I'm pretty sure I was fire truck red, "Oh my fucking God! You did!" Now, I wasn't a virgin but I was still very private about it, "Holy shit!" Andy said immediately expecting me to give them all the details. As I walked to my first-period class, I told them everything. When we got there, there was this kid at the front of the class. He looked like your stereotypical mean jock and he looked at me in disgust as he looked at me up and down. "This is a new student, I expect all of you to be nice to him!"

A/N: Hey mate, thank you for reading this absolutely shit chapter. I have some things planned, for this book so we'll see. Also, I started a new book it's called "HOLD ME TIGHT OR DONT" because, why not. So please go read that. Please vote and comment it makes me really happy.
- Sincerely,
Promo whore

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