STRANDED ( Niall Horan )

By niall_horan_smiles

214K 6.2K 2.1K

Stranded on an island with the famous Niall Horan was every girl's dream right? Not for Taarika Hayden. After... More

Why Me?
You Don't Say.
I'll Do You.
First Kiss.
Up The Hill.
You Jump, I Jump.
You And I.
What Is He Scared Of?
No Regrets.
Fish Matters.
Shaving Scenes.
Till Death Do Us Apart.
Through The Dark.
Another Regular Day.
Date One-o-One
Date One-o-Two
Date One-o-Three.
After Effects.
Last Night.
Summer Love.


8.1K 215 74
By niall_horan_smiles

"What?", Niall asked confused completely taken back by my reaction.

"Um.....uh....I mean you're alive?", I tried covering up, but I failed.

"Yeah", he said letting go off me and walking towards the fuselage. I was left embarrassed in the gut. I couldn't shut my mouth now could I?

"Are you hurt?", I turned around and saw Niall a distance away. He was waiting for an answer but I just stood there like a ghost.

"No no I'm fine", I managed to get those words somehow. Niall turned back and did a little jog towards the plane.

"Stay here don't go anywhere", I heard him yell out at me before entering the plane and disappearing into the darkness.

Where was I supposed to go you twit? We were stuck here for our lifetime. Didn't that sink into his head? Okay maybe I needed to cut him some slack. Now wasn't the time to show hate.

I sat down a bit further away from the water below the shade of a tree. Sand particles immediately began to seep into my pants. "Great", I muttered to myself, dusting my thighs.


Ten minutes later I saw Niall come out from the plane. He faced the ground as he walked slowly towards me. My eyes hungrily searched for someone who would follow Niall, but again I was let down.

Niall sat down next to me. "The pilots didn't survive", and with just that statement I lost it. I didn't even realize I was holding in my tears until I felt my cheeks getting wet and then the top of my tank top. I rubbed my eyes trying to stop. I couldn't let Niall see me like this.

What Niall did next really shocked me. He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his chest. I held onto his shirt and buried my face into his chest. I started hiccuping, one of the stupid things my body did when I cried. Niall drew small circles on my back trying to calm me down. The place where my eyes touched his shirt became wet. I was waiting for the time when Niall would pull away, disgusted at me and my crying, but thankfully it never came to that.

"It's alright. We have to stay strong", he whispered against my hair, his hand soothing me. I don't know why but I liked it this way. He didn't pull away even after I was acting so snobbish. He treated me the complete opposite to the way I was treating him.

After an hour or so we both got up and walked towards the plane.

"We need to give them a recent burial atleast", Niall spoke referring to the dead bodies. After his comforting sentence before, we hadn't spoken much until now.

"Okay", I nodded in agreement. Those eight people deserved a burial atleast.

Niall and I walked into the plane, the smoke almost disappearing. We decided on me catching the legs and Niall catching the hands of each person.

Slowly we got out all five passengers, two pilots and the airhostess and lay them down on the beach a farther away from where the plane had crashed. That familiar feeling of vomit crept up my throat. No I couldn't be weak now. We had to do this.

Niall got those blankets that they provided us during the flight and covered each body. That brought a sort of relief over me. He fished out a huge rod for digging up the graves.

I was forbidden from doing any work even after I begged for helping him dig eight graves. I cut out a small portion of my pants and occasionally kept wiping the sweat that was forming on Niall's forehead.

Eight nearly perfect graves were dug. I helped Niall in laying each body in it's respective grave. Niall covered up the graves with the sand that he dug out.

The sun was going to set pretty soon. Niall stood up and stood next to me as we overlooked the graves. He put his arm around my shoulders, I placed one of my palms on his chest.

"May all of them rest in peace and God support their family", I whispered giving the graves one last look and then looking away. I could feel Niall nod and then we walked back to where we sat first.

"We need to start a fire", Niall said before we sat down. I collected a few branches and twigs lying nearby and Niall got out a lighter from his pocket. I wanted to question him as to where he got it from since all these things were forbidden to be carried on a plane, but I just didn't have the energy. Today was a long day and I didn't want to end it by fighting over something silly.

The fire was lit. It felt like the darkness around us just disappeared with that little flame. Niall sat down and got his palms close to the fire, generating some warmth in his body.

I didn't know where to sit so I found my space opposite to him. He looked tired but was trying hard not to show it.

"So Taarika Hayden I guess we'll have to know about each other since you know, now that we both are stranded here", he spoke in his thick Irish accent. I snorted at his little remark about wanting to know about me just because we were forcefully stuck here.

"Okay so I'm nineteen. I stay in London, I was in Australia just to meet my friends and yeah that's all you need to know for now", I gave out as little as possible.

"For now? Why keep anything for later?", he had this cheesy grin plastered on his slightly tanned face.

"Are you going to tell me about yourself?", I questioned. If it was possible, Niall was already stepping on my last nerve that was untouched by him.

"Yeah", his eyes glowed against the fire. "I'm twenty years old. I'm from Ireland but am staying in London for the moment. I was in Australia for a mini get away. I love food get that! And the best thing that ever happened to me was when I got selected along with Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn to become One Direction", he finished.

"But for some reason I know you hate us so I won't talk about that", he quickly added. I could feel my cheeks heat up and go red.

"I don't hate you'll", I lied looking away. This was getting really awkward.

"Then what is it? I've never met anyone who treated me the way you did when you first met me", I knew Niall was hurt by my behavior but I had a pretty good reason for it.

"It's just that you'll are everywhere and there are such times when I want to pull all my hair out because of it", my confession somewhat shocked Niall. I could see his expression change.

"Let's not talk about it. You won't understand", Niall completly ignored me and lay down on his back looking up at the sky.

Perfect. I presumed this was the end of our lovely conversation. I looked around and my part of the beach was looking scarier than before.

"Can I come over there please? I'm really scared of the dark", I asked hoping he would say yes.

He patted the space next to him like he was calling out to a puppy. I took that as a yes and lay down next to him. I joined him in staring at the sky decorated with a million sparkling stars.


Please tell me how is it? I am willingly ready to take criticism.

And the dedication for this chapter goes to @Purple_June ! Why? Cause she's been such a lovely person and supported me throughout my stupid rant! Go check out her stories, they are one of a kind!

I may or may not do dedications! We'll see! Ciao - Ta

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