Dragon Binder: Book One of th...

By RussellKephart

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Dragon Bound, where one binds themselves to a dragon egg hatching it, gaining powerful magic and strength. T... More

End of a Emperor (Bonus Scene)
World Map
Chapter 1: Yina Athara
Chapter 2: Training
Chapter 3: The Spar
Chapter 4: Family
Chapter 5: Defiance
Chapter 6: Dragon Egg
Chapter 7: The Binding
Chapter Eight: Sad Farewell
Chapter Nine: Belsenth
Chapter 10: Healer
Chapter 11: Criminal
Chapter 12: Memories
Chapter 13: Unexpected Ally
Chapter 14: Escape
Chapter 15: The Plan
Chapter 16: Flight
Chapter 18: Uncontrollable
Chapter 19: Smuggled
Chapter 20: Separate Paths
Chapter 21: Journey
Chapter 22: Growth
Chapter 23: The Storm
Chapter 24: Revelations
Chapter 25: Final Stretch
Chapter 26: The Raptors
Chapter 27: Stranger
Chapter 28: Finale
Chapter 29: Cost of Battle
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31: Bredan
Chapter 32: Unexpected Reunion
Chapter 33: Momentary Relaxation
Chapter 34: Docks
Chapter 35: Departure
Chapter 36: Open Seas
Chapter 37: Broken Calm
Chapter 38: Unexpected Victory
Chapter 39: Voyages End
Chapter 40: Alary
Chapter 41: Hydra
Chapter 42: The Roost
Chapter 43: Rebel Lily

Chapter 17: Ardasha

50 7 9
By RussellKephart

It was a strange sensation being wrapped in a illusion.  Liat had changed them on the walk up to make sure they were hidden from the very start.  Tyn had been shifted into a middle aged man with long blonde hair.  It had taken a while for Yina to recognize him in the new form, she herself had been shifted into a old hunched over woman.  

A tingling sensation was covering her skin thanks to the illusion, it was strange to look down and not see her usual body.  Liat and Clous looked similar to what they normally did but much older adding roughly ten years to their overall look.  A few changes such as eye color and hair color gave it enough change to make them hidden.  If Yina had not known who they were she would not have been able to tell.  

The walk to Ardasha had been quite a trek, from above it had looked so close.  It was a few hours into daylight when the group finally came upon the clearing in front of the city.  Ardasha rose up each of the tiers to the pyramids several stories high at least.  One large elevator cut through the tiers going from the bottom all the way to the top.  It would become flush with each tier of the pyramid stopping before moving upwards.  A second one was right next to it going the opposite direction.  

"Wow, are we going to ride that."  Yina asked excited at the prospect to ride the elaborate elevator.  

"No, that is for merchants and nobles.  Both of which we do not want to be perceived as, since they are noticed more."  Claus muttered.  

"Well that is stupid."  Yina exclaimed making motions a older woman probably would not make.  

Laughter erupted from the other four as they approached the giant gates to the city.  At this hour the two stone doors were open allowing people to mingle in and out.  Upon closer inspection Yina could tell that they door had metal reinforcing it, each door had to weigh more then a dragon.  

Passing through them the air became stale, smoke filled the air from incense burning at regular intervals.  Large shapes of sunlight were made on the ground from shafts carved into the ceiling.  Torches were lining the wall to help provide most of the light, but the sunlight helped make it feel less closed in.  Walking under one Yina glanced up to notice several bars to prevent people from falling, some even went up in a angle.  

The entry area was large, with stalls that lined the side full of various types of merchandise.  People came and went buying what they needed and vanishing down the various hallways that led to either side.  Glancing down one of them they were wide enough to probably fit a normal sized cart with even more paths branching down them.  

Windows could be seen above the stalls with candle light spilling out of them.  Remembering her school lessons each tier of the city had several floors.  Many of the merchants owned the entire section of the inner wall.  Living on the third or forth level while storing their wears in the others.  

Smaller Elevators were seen further in, probably at the start of where the higher tiers were.  For a price people could use them instead of following the maze of halls and stairwells to climb to the next tier.  Sadly for them Claus ignored them and instead pushed onward deeper into the heart of the city.  

The group was quite winded before the stopped at a door several stories up.  She had lost count of how many turns and sets of stairs they had gone up.  Claus would ignore any of there questions on where they were going or how long it would take.  Last time she had been here, Yina for sure did not remember any of this.  They had used the elevators but the memory was vague and she hoped to experience them again.  

With a sly smile Claus pushed open the door and sunlight spilled out in a blinding wave.  Collective groans came from Yina and Tyn who were not expecting it.  Laughter from the other two followed as they stepped out into fresh air.  

The view took Yina's breath away as trees lined the streets with extravagant gardens and other plant life growing and thriving.  Houses just like the ones she was used to in Sastan lined the area.  From where she was they had to be near the top of the pyramid, but without getting closer to the edge she was not sure.  

"Welcome to where the rich live."  Clous stated opening his arms widely.  "This is where the best shops and the rich are, nobles and higher live on the final tier."  He pointed behind them and up.  Several dragons circled the area letting out roars occasionally as they patrolled the skies.  

"We are going to hit up a few of the shops here and get some extra supplies.  As long as we stay within a few buildings from myself we should be fine."  Liat stated sounding a little more winded then the rest of them did.  Yina could not imagine how he could hold the illusions so long, using her lightning that one time in the dungeons had zapped most of her magic.  

Nodding Clous led them to the first stop, and that was a weapon store.  "We need to get you armed, well more Tyn."  He amended the statement pushing through the door a bell letting the store owner and workers know that someone was there.  Liat branched away and headed to another store.  

To both Yina and Tyn it was like walking into a sweets store, both of their eyes lit up at all the armor and weapons hanging on the walls and in stands.  They both took off in opposite directions, they had very differing choices in weapons.  Clous just laughed and sauntered after them trying to coral them.  

After half a hour they met back up, Tyn was excitedly chattering about some special sword.  "They have obsidian swords, and various types of them.  They are probably the most expensive swords in the world."  He was way to excited in Yina's opinion.  

"What is so special about a sword made out of rock."  Yina muttered knowing very well what obsidian was.  

"You fool, don't call it just some rock.  When made into a sword they use various types of magic to forge it.  This makes it stronger then metal and is resistant to magic, they say a person can cut through magic with it."

If all of that was true, then Yina had to admit it was a very powerful material.  "Well that is cool and all but it is probably outside of our budget."  As the words came out of her mouth they felt strange, she was not used to worrying about prices.  Cut off from her parents that meant she was just as poor as Tyn had been his entire life.  

"Pick the one you want."  Clous stated patting his chest the sound of coins resulting.  "I was given quite a lot to prepare you guys."  Getting closer and whispering so quiet that Yina doubted that Tyn could hear it with his normal ears.  "Your father wanted to make sure you had whatever advantages you could get."  

"Really."  Tyn stated in awe as he nearly sprinted to the rack of the blades and waved over one of the workers.  "Can I please try out that one."  He pointed to a slightly curved blade, only one side of it was sharp the other was flat.  Seeing them for the first time, Yina had to admit that the pure black blades were a stunning sight.  

The worker glared at the lot of them and snapped, "You want to try out one of them are you crazy.  They are the most expensive things here."  She turned to leave, probably to get a guard to kick them out.  

Clous was ahead of them though as he pulled out the coin purse and opened it revealing enough money to probably buy a few of them.  She almost tripped at the sight from stopping so fast and quickly bowed her head.  "I am so sorry, please forgive me."  Quickly she rushed over and pulled the sword down handing it gently to Tyn.  

Tyn just stared at it for a few moments before tentatively grabbing the hilt and picked it up.  The weight was strange, it weighed less then a typical sword.  Taking a relaxed stance he made a few quick moves testing out the balance.  "Wow, this is amazing, it is perfectly balanced.  This one will work just fine."  

Minutes later the group was leaving the store with the newly purchased sword.  Tyn held it close to his chest with both arms wrapped around it.  Yina had no doubt the young man would probably sleep with the sword just like that.  

Meeting back up with Liat he carried a pack full of other supplies, upon seeing the sword he quickly made it vanish.  "You let him buy that."  He almost yelled.  "We are not to draw attention and not everyday does someone buy a Obsidian blade."  

"It will be fine, our scheduled meet up is soon anyways.  They should be gone before the word gets to far."  Clous defended as they headed away from the door they had came through, instead they seemed to be heading towards one of the elevators.  

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