The change up (Sequel to the...

By xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

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If packing up and going off to college isn't hard enough, Kat has lot to deal with when she arrives at colleg... More

New beginnings
Moving on
What happened tonight?
Case closed
Beach Day
I can't be that girl
You'll regret it
Hooking up with Byrce?
It's all good
Chocolate frosted donut
You're my everything
Feeling the same way
Toy Story and Dates with siblings
We aren't dating
I'm sorry
Breaking it off
Copy Kat
Perfect or Psyco?
Seeing other guys?
Meeting his family
The view
Triple date
Mood change
I'm sorry
Let's go
I trust you
Did you enjoy the game?
Goodbye for now
The girl known as....
What if?
Smiling through the sadness
I'm in love with you 2x
But it's my dream
Mutual breakup
I just want to talk
Happy for you
Spaghetti and Meatballs
The day my life turned upside down


68 3 0
By xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

"You were in there for awhile. Are you ok?", Cameron asked as I threw myself on my bed.

After a minute of debating on telling him I was pregnant I decided that it would be best if I wait.

"Yeah, I just got my period so it hurts.", I lied.

"I could make the pain go away.", he smirked.

I nodded as he leaned in. As he leaned in I turned my cheek over to him.

"Playing hard to get I see.", he laughed looking me up and down.

"Yeah well.", I said awkwardly as I could tell he was trying to read me.

"I can't wait to marry you."

"I can't wait to marry you either.", I smiled as I placed my lips on his.

As we pulled away I could tell that he was still trying to figure me out. I gave him a small fake smile. All I can think about is how he's gonna react. Everything we've gone through and now this just tops it off.

I felt more scared then happy and it was making me kind of sad. I had all of these plans I wanted to accomplish before having children but I guess those are out the door.

"So what do you want to do tomorrow?", Cameron asked.

"Maybe we could just chill here for the day. I know it sounds stupid but I just want to spend my last day relaxing before our flight tomorrow night."

"Yeah we could go swimming and stuff and we could go see my grandparents again."

"You sure love them, don't you?".

"Yeah. I also really love my cousins. They make me feel like a kid again."

"That's how I feel when I'm with you.", I laughed.

"You too, but a little spicier if you know what I mean.", he winked.

"Hey do my parents know that you proposed?".

"Yeah. So you know that weekend like 3 months ago where I said I had a baseball tournament that lasted a day?".


"So I drove up to your house and asked for your dads blessing. Well actually I asked for everyone's."

"Even Dakotas?"

"Yup. He was surprisingly happy about it.", he laughed.

As he talked all these bad scenarios went through my head. What if he doesn't want to marry me after this? What if he doesn't want kids yet? What if he leaves me?

"Kat?", he asked snapping in my face.

"Wait, what?",

"I asked you if you were hungry".

"No. I'm not, I'm just tired.", I yawned.

"You should probably get to bed then."

I nodded as I tucked myself under the covers.

"I love you my beautiful fiancé.", he whispered.

"I love you to.", I said as I kissed his cheek.
4:30 am
I woke up with really bad in my stomach. It felt like someone was continuously kicking me over and over again. I sat up slowly as I continued to feel even more pain. I held on to my stomach tight to ease the pain.

"Are you ok?", Cameron mumbled half asleep.

"Mhm. I'm just gonna go use the bathroom."

He fell asleep again before I could respond so I just tiptoed out of bed.

I walked myself to the bathroom but as soon as I walked in I felt everything in my throat close. Suddenly I started feeling a symptom of morning sickness and that was nausea.

5 hours later
"Good morning beautiful.", Cameron said as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Morning.", I responded as I sat up feeling less pain.

"You woke up way too early this morning."

"Well what can I say? The early bird catches the worm.", I shrugged.

"Too early.", he yawned.

"How about I call room service to make it up to you?", I asked.

"Why call room service when I have you right here?", he seductively whispered in my ear.

"Because its time for breakfast. Dessert can wait."

"How about a sneak peak?".

"I think that can be arranged.", I smiled as I placed my lips on his.

As we kissed there was a knock on the door.

As I was about to get up to get up, he pulled me back in for one last kiss.

"Room service.", the worker said as I opened the door.

As I opened the door the man came in with 2 carts filled with food.

"Cam!", I mouthed as he handed the waiter a tip.

"What?", he asked as the guy walked out.

"You got 2 carts of food for two people."

"Yup we can share.", he said pulling a piece of bacon out and handing it to me.

"You are truly one of a kind Cameron Dallas."

"I'm not hungry anymore.", he said.

"Well I am.", I said grabbing another price of bacon.

Suddenly he connected his lips to my neck making me feel weak. I lost my breath as he left kisses up and down my neck.

"C-Cameron I can't right now."

"Yeah I know but I thought I'd give you a taste of what you should be expecting when you get off of your period."

"My period?".

"Yeah isn't that why you spent a lot of last night in the bathroom?", he asked.

I suddenly realized that I used that stupid excuse to get out of my problem.

"Yeah. Sorry you just made me forget about the for a second.", I lied.

"Mhm", he said with a small smile.

2 days later (back home)

For the last 2 days I've felt nothing but stomach pain. I haven't even coped with it all but it was all starting to become real to me. I didn't tell Cameron yet because I can't come up with the words to say it.

"Ellie?", I asked as she was looking down at her phone as we sat in my room.


"I scheduled an appointment.", I shrugged.

"For what?", she asked still paying no attention to me.

"I'm pregnant."

"Shut up Kat.", she laughed.

"Ellie I'm serous. I've been feeling sick for days and I even took a test."

"Wait, What?", she asked looking up from her phone.

"I didn't feel good the other night so when I went to find pills for my cramps I found a pregnancy test. Malia left a note attached to it telling me to take it so I did."


"Ellie I don't know what to do. I just scheduled an appointment because I have no idea what to do.", I said as my eyes started to water.

"Oh Kat. You're gonna be just fine, of course I'll go with you.", she said giving me a hug.

As we pulled away she grabbed my hand and looked down.

"Why doesn't this look like the promise ring that Cameron gave you?", she asked.

"It's because it's not. It's my engagement ring.", I laughed.

"Woah why didn't I hear about this? I'm offended.", she said excitedly looking at my ring.

"Because I forgot to tell you. I was so focused on telling you about my pregnancy that I forgot."

"You forgot that you got engaged?"

"No but I forgot to tell you."

"I'm so happy for you guys. Oh and one more question."

"Ok go ahead."

"Does Cameron know that you're pregnant?"

"No and I'd like to keep it that way until I find the right time to tell him."

"Why did Malia give you a pregnancy test? She hates you."

"It was a threat if I didn't take it. She said if I didn't "obey" her that she's gonna tell Cameron herself that I'm pregnant."

"That bitch."

"Tell me about it. I'm just worried that she might tell Cameron just because."

"Don't worry about that. Just focus on what you have in front of you."

"Yeah. I'm just getting super stressed super fast".

"When's that appointment?".

"In a half an hour."

"Ok so we should start heading there now so that you can fill out all that paperwork."

"Ugh that's gonna be annoying."

"You should've used safe sex.", Ellie laughed.

I stared her down until she finally said something.

"Too soon?", she asked.

"Just a tad."

When we got to the office I checked in and filled out piles of paperwork. After about 20 minutes the doctor finally called me in.

"Hi I'm Dr. Graham.", a man said sticking out his hand.

"I'm Kat and this is my best friend Ellie."

"So Kat what brings you in today?".

"I think I may be pregnant. I took a test the other night and it came out positive but I wanted to come here to confirm if I'm actually pregnant or not."

"Okay so I'm reading your history stuff in here. It says you are 18 correct?".

"Correct.", I nodded.

"Are you in college yet and if so which one ?".

"Yes, I attended UCLA."

"So I want to ask you a few questions before I test you. Do you think you are responsible enough to raise a baby?".


"Where is your source of income coming from?".

"Well for now it's from my bank account but in the next month it should be my fiancé check."

"How much does your fiancé get paid?".

"He told me he is expected to make at least 13 million a year."

"Whoa? Where does your fiancé work?", he asked widening his eyes.

"He got drafted to the L.A. Dodgers. He's in the MLB."

"Wow so you're gonna be pretty stable."

"Yeah I guess."

"How old is your fiancé if you don't mind me asking?".

"He is also 18."

"So you two are pretty young."

"Yeah but it's young love. I know it sounds cliche but it's really how I feel about him."

"Ok that answers all of my questions. Are you ready to get tested?".

"Yes.", I nodded.

After 25 minutes of testing I was finally done.

"The test won't be done for a couple of hours. We'll call you when we have the results.", the doctor said.

"Okay thank you.", I said shaking his hand as I left.

"So whatcha doin' tonight?", Ellie asked.

"Well Cameron's supposed to come over for dinner. What about you?".

"I have a date tonight.", Ellie smiled.

"Ooo who with?".

"Christian.", she smiled.

"Christian as in Christian Dallas, Cameron's cousin?".


"Wow I didn't know you were into him."

"Well he's nice and really hot so why not. I'm over Taylor and he's over me."

"Exactly. It's good that you're moving on to bigger and better things."

"Yeah I'm really happy about it all. Yeah Taylor was a good boyfriend but I don't think he was the guy for me."

"Yeah that's exactly why happened to Nate and I."

"I remember that clearly. So if you get your results back tonight, are you gonna tell Cameron?".

"I don't know. I just feel like I need a second to process it all, even if I'm pregnant or not."

"Do you want to be?", Ellie asked with a serious look on her face.

I thought hard and long about her question until I finally cane up with an answer.

"If I am then yes. But if I'm not then it's fine too."

"You are probably the strongest girl I've ever met in my life."

I shrugged as she complimented me. I'm not strong, at least that's not what everyone else will think when I break the news.

An hour later
I opened the door to see Cameron standing at the door with a bouquet of flowers.

"I missed you.", I said giving him a hug.

"It's only been like a day.", he chuckled.

"I know but I've missed you like crazy."

"You too. These are for your mom.", he said handing me the flowers.

"Ok. Dinner is just about done so you can wait at the table while I get everyone else."

He nodded as I went off to find Dakota and my parents. After a short time I found them and they followed me to the table.

"Cameron.", my dad said as he shook Cameron's hand.

"Dean, Allison.", he said nodding at my parents.

"Dude what's up.", Dakota said slapping Cameron's hand.

"Nothin much, you?".

"Just getting ready for college."

"I still can't believe you convinced the NCAA to let you skip your senior year for baseball."

"Me neither.", he laughed.

"Kat let me see that ring.", my mom said excitedly.

My mom had been freaking out about the ring for days. It was great and all but man did t get annoying after awhile.

"Where did you get the kind of money to buy her this ring?", Dakota asked.

"Dakota!", my dad yelled.

"It's fine. I got the money when I signed my contract for the dodgers."

"Wow it's fantastic how good of an athlete you are.", my mother applauded him.

"Well I just continued to practice. You guys produced great athletes to. A UCLA baseball and softball player."

I suddenly realized everything I would have to give up if I am pregnant. Softball, college, and a lot of other things I like to do.

"Kat you're too quiet for my liking.", my dad said looking me up and down.

"I'm just tired."

"Yeah I noticed you and Ellie were gone for awhile. Where did you two go?".

"Ugh- we went to the mall, I just wanted to get a couple of things.", I lied.

"Liar", Dakota said with a fake cough.

Suddenly my phone started to vibrate and I looked down to see the doctor calling me.

"Excuse me.", I said getting up.

"Kat we're having dinner.", my mother protested.

"I have to take this.", I said rushing out.

I ran up to my room and locked my door before I picked up the phone.

"Hello.", I said as I felt my heart beating out of my chest.

"Hello this is Dr. Graham, I have your test results. Kat it appears that you are about 4 and a half months pregnant."

"Okay. Well thank you.", I said hanging up the phone out of panic.

I slid my back down my wall and sat down. I felt my eyes fill with tears. It feels like everything just came crashing down on me.

"Kat mom-", Dakota was saying until he busted my door open to see me crying.

"Go away Dakota.", I yelled pushing him out the door.

"Kat. Tell me what's going on or I'm telling mom.", he threatened.

"Y-you wouldn't understand.", I stuttered.

"Let me in. Let's talk."

"Not right now. I just need time."

"Well when you're ready, I'm right here."

I crouched down to my knees and let my tears come out. All my emotions came loose in a second and it felt horrible.

"Kat.", Cameron's voice said softly into the door.

"I'm coming just give me a second.", I said crying as I started getting up.

As I opened the door to leave , he walked right in.

"I said I was coming."

"Yeah I know but what's up with you?".

"Nothing. I just need space, that's all."

"We just got engaged Kat, how much space could you possibly want? One minute you love me and the next you say or do something that isn't like you."

"I just want my fucking space Cameron, why don't you get that? I just spent about a week with you in Italy, I just need some closure."

"For how long? You can't do this when and if we get married."

"If? Why are you even questioning it?".

"I'm not but clearly you are. I get that you want your space but if we're gonna make this work we need to stick together. We're only 18 and engaged, so you know how many people already think it isn't gonna work out?".

"I don't care what people think, I care about what you think. Cameron all you do is complain about how I feel when you don't even know."

"Then please do explain how you feel, I can't understand if you don't tell me."

"I feel like I'm about to explode any minute. My life is great and I love you so much and there's a lot on my plate."

"There's a lot on my plate too. I just got drafters into the MLB for crying out loud, everyone is expecting me to do these great things when my career hasn't even started yet."

"Can you please stop talking about that. We get it woo hoo you're a pro baseball player but what am I? Oh yeah just that hot guy's fiancé who's probably gonna be hated on for the rest of her life because her fiancé is so "hot".

"I can't do this with you right now. You can't be happy for me, I was so happy for you when you decided to play college ball, when you made the all freshmen team but you can't be happy for me. You're really selfish Kat."

"Not as selfish as you. I know you're hot and stuff but you don't have to post it everywhere. Do you know how much hate I get because I'm not "pretty" enough for you."

"Talk to me when you aren't in this state of mind. I don't like this side of you at all.", Cameron said walking out of my room.

I felt myself get angrier and angrier and the next thing I know, I'm screaming.

"Kat, what the hell?", Dakota yells from downstairs.

"I can't be here right now.", I said pushing past Dakota as I ran down the stairs.

"Where are you going?".

"Away. I just need time to be with myself. Not near you, not near mom and dad, and especially away from Cameron.", I yelled slamming the front door closed.

I put my keys into the ignition and drove off to Ellie's house. Ellie was the only person who is fully helping me.

As soon as I knocked on the door Ellie came rushing down the stairs.


"I don't wanna ruin your date but I just need to talk before you go."

"Sure, What's up?", she asked letting me in.

"Cameron and I just had a huge fight."

"So you told him?".

"No. He's just an idiot."

"What happened?".

"He just loves to talk about my jealousy issues. Of course I get jealous, you always have these freakin girls around you all the time who call me ugly.", I sighed.

"I'm sure he didn't mean what he said. Cameron and you just need time away."

"That's what I told him. I just need him to back off for a few."

"Kat you're my best friend but if I'm telling you the truth, you're in the wrong here. You just got engaged to the guy and now you're telling him to back off."

"Shit.", it all started to sound stupid to me.

"Here's what I think you should do, I think you should tell him your pregnant tonight."


"Yes. You can't keep hiding this, you checked this a couple of days ago. Did the doctor call?".

"Yeah I'm 4 and a half months pregnant."

"Yeah you need to tell him tonight before Malia does. Malia just put a picture of Cameron on her Snapchat story."

"That bitch, she called my fiancé and asked to come over. He's not better though, he let her."

"Go, go on and tell him."

"Ok, I will.", I said running out of her house.

I drove off to Cameron's house which wasn't far from Ellie's. The 5 minute ride felt like 5 hours.

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