Another World

By althy7

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An ordinary youth is transported to an alternate world..will he survive? What dangers will he have to face an... More

Chapter 1- Transportation
Chapter 2- Special ability
Chapter 3- Enter the crimson knights
Chapter 4- Crimsom rivers
Chapter 5- Facing the crimson captain
Chapter 6- Glimpse of death
Chapter 7- Broken
Chapter 8- Commence training!!
Chapter 9- Increase in skill
Chapter 10- Big bad wolf
Chapter 11- A visitor
Chapter 12- Purple eyes
Chapter 13- Ambush
Chapter 14- Devilgod
Chapter 15- Memories
Chapter 17- Ancestor
Chapter 18 - Rea tower 1
Chapter 19 - Rea tower 2
Rea Tower - Part 3
Chapter 21 - The one who will kill us all
Chapter 22 - The Miniature Tower
Chapter 23 - Soul Rebirth
Chapter 24 - Advancing in the miniature tower
Chapter 25 - Tournament
Chapter 26 - My Prize
Chapter 27 - Recovery
Chapter 28 - Exploring with a monk
Chapter 29 - Helios
Chapter 30 - Exploring Floating Cloud
Chapter 31 - Unfortunate Encounter
Not a chapter - Jay's acquired titles, abilities, skills and items
Chapter 32 - Shin

Chapter 16- Memories 2

58 3 2
By althy7

I sit and start to meditate, then like thunder a voice booms 'who dares disturb me from my slumber?!'. I stand unfazed, unnaturally calm and say 'I Mark   the master of Storm manor dares' I also add 'I want power, enough power to destroy this pathetic world, I have no love for my "fellow humans" when they fucking slaughtered my family (voice increases), I'll kill them all, all of those rogues who dared be born into this world, all those mundane retards that just looked as I dragged my parents corpses through mud, I'll kill them all, I'll hurt them all, I'll make sure they pay, I want power, everything be it mortal, immortal, heavenly and hellish I want it all!!'. The man says 'normally, I would have to eliminate the person closest to you-'. I don't know how I found him but I dart forward grabbing his neck before he completes his sentence. My eyes become bloodshot and I unleash the most powerful killing intent I can and say coldly 'if you hurt Sebas, I don't care if your God himself..I'll kill you'. The man shivers and nods and I release my grip as he says 'I was saying that it normally requires that but in your case I won't take that procedure'. The man says 'brace yourself then, you requested powers that the strongest gods and immortals will be envious of so prepare to endure that same pain'. When he finished I was enveloped in a purple aura and pain assaulted me every way possible, all of my orifices and pores burned like blackfyre, on the outside and inside, my core and very soul felt like they were forcefully impoding, crushing everything inside my body, all my organs felt affected. As I couldn't scream outwardly I did mentally, cursing every deity and swearing 18+ profanities throughout. After about 12 seconds of writhing in agony I feel no pain after the ordeal, in fact I feel cold and calm. The vault opens and I see Sebas sitting in the same position but he had a long rectangular box on his legs and he says 'welcome back young master, it wasn't too painful I hope' with a smile. I ask 'how long was I gone?'. He replies '24 hours'. I nod at the grey box and he stands passing it to me and says 'happy birthday young master'. I place the box on the ground and unravel the wrapping quickly. I find 2 ebony katanas, I feel the presence of both blades weighing down on me, but not actually slowing down my speed. I smile sadly as I grip the hilts and slightly draw out the blades which were also black. The blades even seemed to distort the air around it and soak in light..I wasn't sure about the second part though. The blades felt as if they were made for me, almost as if I was born to wield them. I grin psychotically thinking 'time to get back at the world!' Sebas sees the gleam in my eye and says 'I'll help you of course, as your servant'. Then he gets down on one knee and says 'I Sebas Aries pledge my full allegiance to my master Mark Storm. I swear upon the heavens, hell, my parents graves and my mine own soul that i will not betray him no matter the circumstance' I tell him 'you know that isn't necessary'. Sebas stands and says 'will you continue training now?'. I say 'of course i will, I'm gonna track them all down and slaughter everyone, I remember all their faces including the brats, ill go next week'. Sebas nods then says 'your training regimen will increase then so your at least at my level..we shall start now'. We are teleported to what appears to be the same training ground. I latch both sheaths to my sides and draw the blades halfway my right hand on the left hilt and my left hand on the right hilt. I bend my knees slightly and watch Sebas whose 20metres from me.
I slowly draw out the blades and keep them at my sides like they were in their sheathed position but higher. I dart forward creating a shockwave behind me which propels me with even more force. I reach him in am instant then swivel on my left foot and swing with both blades aiming to bisect him. He ducks avoiding the attack and mid swing I change the trajectory of the right blade causing it to swing downwards towards Sebas' head. He jumps back quickly and says 'hmm, you've improved vastly, I even have to get serious'. He unleashes his green aura again and it is stronger than the former one, I estimate that it's currently around 60% power because his muscles bulge and the air around him is distorted, all most like it can't contain his being..He disappears and I revert back to my stance and wait. I see a flicker of wind to my right and I slash outwards covering the whole area in a 360° circle of hungry red flames 3ft above the ground. The flames flicker and roar, just being in it's presence caused the grass to get scorched completely everywhere the flames went. After a 100ft radius the flames stopped and disappeared. I see another flicker to my left and point my left sword at it. A swirl of flame comes out of the tip and burns the ground even more. I begin to get irritated by his hiding and say 'show yourself'. From all around me he replies 'and get scorched?..I don't think so'. I think 'if you won't show yourself I'll just have to burn this whole dimension, every inch of it until you do'. I shove my left blade into the ground and point the right one to the sky and shout 'divine flames of heaven'. Red fire shoots from the sky, burning everything in sight. I'm not affected by the flames though. After 5 seconds the flames disappear and Sebas appears. I grin as I draw my left blade and charge him as he draws out a thin rapier from thin air holding it in his right hand and raising it, preparing to counter my attacks. I appear right in front of him 3ft above the air and shout 'HYAAAAARR!!' as my blades descend in a killing arc. He responds by drawing his rapier upwards stopping both my blades and then causing them to fly upwards, if I didn't tighten my grip I would've been disarmed. But with my arms straight up Sabas took the opportunity to strike aiming at the centre of my chest. In midair I turned by body to the left and plant my left foot on his right arm as his rapier comes closer then push away from him and regain my balance. His rapier meets empty air, he looks to me and charges his rapier flashing up, left, right, down, sideways, I manage to evade them all deciding not to counterattack yet. I was thinking of how to trap him in a spot and roast him since the beginning. Then an idea came to me: after his invisibility disappears I'll encircle him in a sphere of flames then condense the ball as I increase its heat. I parry his rapier with my left sword then jump back 10 metres and slash with both blades, shouting 'flaming fire dance!'. The result is 2 fire blades that multiply, creating dozens more covering the whole area and smashing into everything in sight. Sebas has a frown on his face, I sheathe both swords and make my hands form a ball, holding my hands out in his direction. Red hot flames form around Sebas in the shape of a sphere, I bring my hands back, making them separate then I clap them together saying 'credenda' the flames burn brighter and I hear a grunt of annoyance and the ball condenses, becoming smaller until it disappears. Unfortunately Sebas wasn't burnt to a crisp. He stands 20metres to my right, I see that his left arm is heavily burnt and a psychotic grin forms on my face as the darkness takes over me once again. I draw my blades again in the same position I stood before knees slightly bent. His frown deepens and he unleashes his aura. His veins bulge and the environment is distorted and a crater is formed where he stands, his rapier still in hand. I unleash my aura as well and advance, we clash again and keep sparring for 5 hours then take a break. I keep training and the seven days pass quickly.
Scenes flash again. I hear the words curing destruction fist. I see the rogue leader tied up on a chair, but isn't gagged. I see the rest of his crew burn in blackfyre, slow and painful their screams can be heard from miles away and they take 5 days to die. Villages burn and the young devilgod slaughters the rest, everyone: children, adults and the old without restraint. I see the young devilgod walk up to the rogue leader whose asleep and upon hearing footsteps he awakens. As his eyes widen he mumbles 'please..please I beg you, in the name of God'. The devilgod sneers, 'there are no divine gods, only those of hell like one you see right now before you' he extends his right hand as the rogue cringes fearing what's to come he tries to move away but can't. My palm touches his forehead and he moans audibly, one of pure agony and suffering. The curing destruction fist, in its destruction phase your very soul will burn, I keep burning his soul until about 0.001% frothing at the mouth and then heal it back to 100%, every 10 minutes for years straight.
I'm standing in a field, wearing something like shinobi shizoku without the headpiece and mask and see an army, all the warriors are clad in blur robes and some and weaponless I stand about 20 metres from the frontline. I take a step forward, then another and slowly walk towards them, my pace quickens and I'm jogging, then it increases to a full on run. I pass by one man and shove my left hand through his chest. I start slashing with my hands blackfyre and lightning included in my techniques to make them more deadly. The amounts of opponents decrease at a rapid pace, some even desert but I don't go after them. I only stop until every last soldier is a corpse. After a few minutes I meet some mages, alot of mages..they create a sealing barrier that causes me to use only less than 1% of my power. I start slashing again aiming to kill them all as they start the sealing process. One, fifty, five hundred, twenty thousand, fifty thousand, I reach three hundred thousand when I get sealed and everything turns black....
My upper body violently jerks up, I feel bandages around my face and body. I look down seeing that I'm in white flowing robes, I stopped seeing my ancestors visions after everything faded to black, that must have been when he was sealed. I scan my surrounding seeing that I'm in what looks suspiciously like a hospital room. Aradon was sitting close to my bed and stands then says 'hmmph, good, I was gonna spit on you about that time so count yourself lucky'. I snort, every part of my face except my eyes were covered and my sight had increased drastically, I could see every pore on Aradons face in exact detail, I think 'I wonder what other perks I got'. Then pull the sheet that covers me away and shift my legs to the side of the bed then stand. One step, then two. I raise my arms and shake them and shake out my legs as well. Aradon teleports us to a field, most likely for sparring. I notice some changes and then my mind flashes with images and words: curing destruction fist. Damage breaker. Negative burst. Hell flame. Ageless soul. And the last word I see is Devilgod. My body starts to emit a purple aura, it visibly expands for 2ft around me covering my whole body. I feel far more stronger, faster, intelligent, skilled, more calm. The surrounding area of 200 metres explodes, all the trees and grass in the vicinity get uprooted and flung away like children's toys. Then the aura recedes into me. I still feel the same level of godly strength and realisation comes to me- I regained my full 100% power and still have the complete devilgods power as well, but it seems they both condensed and became one. I grin psychotically and start laughing, Aradon slightly bends his knees and charges from 10 metres away.
9 metres, 8, 7, 6, 5, at 2 metres away I take a step forward and throw out my right fist as his comes forward with 50% of my strength. A shockwave gets created and Aradon is pushed back 20 metres away while I just skid back by 2ft. When he stands I see a line of blood trickling down the right side of his mouth, he claps and says 'impressive'. I say 'I want to go into secluded meditation for 4 months straight, starting from now'. He frowns at that then nods and we get transported to a light blue cube 10 metres large in all directions. He passes a small blue pill to me and says 'you wont need sleep, food and rest with that, I'll decrease the ratio so you'll actually spend 8 months here but half the time in the real world'. At that he nods and says 'good luck' and disappears. I sit in the centre of the cube and gulp down the pill then cross my legs and put my hands on my knees and breathe in. Then I start to meditate aiming to grasp how to use my body to its utmost ability with minimum strain and the limits of what I'm capable of.
2 months later:
Emerald and a tall man 6'2 ft tall are standing together, the mans handsome and appears young. They are in a large room 50 metres in all directions and have been studying Jay's actions the entire time. Emerald looks at him and says 'will you make your presence known Aram?'. He nods once with a smile and waves his hand causing a speaker to appear in front of his face and he says 'let's make the announcement shall we?'.
Still meditating I feel a tug at my entire being causing me to come back to reality. I slowly open my eyes and then I say 'break'. The entire blue cube shatters and I'm transported to Aradons kitchen as I ask 'what bastard disturbs my training?'. He shrugs and hands me a cup of tea, immediately the mugs in my hand a circle of lightning surrounds me and closes in. A millisecond later I'm 3ft away and the lightning becomes a small orb which fizzles and dissipates- if had been a millisecond slower I would have been seriously injured. I gulp down the tea in one swoop and set the mug down as I hear a notification: 'Mortals of earth, I am known as Aram and I will introduce you to the system known as the domination system. All of you are currently on a low ranking planet which can be challenged and subjugated by a mid rank and upper rank planet. As for your ranks the lowest is kings which are about 20 of you. The middle would be emperors which number at 7, the most promising is Megan Winters and the highest rank is overlord where there are three, one is black devilgod, male, 18 years old and is of black British nationality and his height is 5'8 inches. The second is Blood shadow blade Zai Ryder, there is no third. There can only be 3 overlords at a time so only the strongest of you can be take up the other spot. If you want to know the rankings check your menu and all the information needed will be there. That's all for now so farewell'. I frown at that looking at Aradon while he shrugs. We are teleported to another field and aradon says 'let's see how 4 months of meditation has improved you'. He unleashes his aura to 70% and purple lightning crackles around him as he starts levitating. I raise my left hand to the sky and an ear splitting howl is heard along with an eerie purple moon that bathed the whole area in a purple glow. Due to Aradons aura the sky changes to a deep grey and lightning flickers. I remain calm and move my hand back to my side, then my left eye causes an illusion: Aradon is surrounded by hundreds of my clones, they also levitate completely cutting of his escape routes. Then they advance cutting and slashing with their hands, after meditating my reflexes have improved vastly as well as my senses, skills and illusions. My illusions have the power to become real, if done right my clone could kill or gravelly injure others, I could also control each clone with no effort or drain on my mana and ki. Aradon gets slashed multiple times, but he also kills multiple clones. I sit and get into the meditating pose again and a picture of Byakko is shown, a large white tiger with black stripes, my thunder element, his roars can he heard from kilometers away. Then a picture of the midnight dragon is shown, the element of blackfyre, if a scale is touched by any human they'll burn to nothing. Lastly Seiryu the lightning element, inescapable for most beings, blue sparks flicker along it's form multiple times. I clear my mind thinking of nothing, then I attempt to summon Byakko in the flesh again. A bead of sweat drips down from the right side of my face.

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